Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1927, p. 1

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COVERING CANADA'S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT t. I‘m.» “In 555571112215, Unity: In A’onâ€"rsyntin/r. Liberty: In AH Things. Charity.” VOL. L. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. DECEMBER ' ‘ u Two Entries To Date ln Reeveship Race I i As nomination day draws near it looks like a straight two man fight for the recveship in Richmond Hill. J. Lunau and J.A. Greene are the only official entries at the time of going to press and barring an accident it is _ -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" lcertain that neither will be “scratch- SHOWS AT 7 and 9 P. M. SATURDAY MATINEE 2.30 .ed” before test time- Thvre is a . ‘ possibility that some dark horses may appear at the last minute before the bugle sounds as the entries do not close until after the official nomin- ations on Monday, December 26. There will be a keen interest in this race as lzotli candidates ran over the same course a year ago with J. Lunau winning by a nose. Both are busy getting into condition and it is promis- ed that the track will be fast which will mean that mud horses will have little chance. The official handicappâ€" er has not announced the weights whi- ch the candidates will be asked to carry but it is expected J. Lunau will carry the top weight as he must shoulâ€" der the responsibility for the year in THEATRE 2492 YONGE STREET, AT CASTLEFIELD Thursday, Friday Saturday, Dec. 22, 23, 24 .. office. - Both starters have a lar 9 number a I g I" of followers. Some wrsc ones who laid their iron men on the Reeve last year are calling him to win again. They claim that he is in better shape than last year and that he is none the worse for the hard season he has had. Other railbirds who have watched J. A. Greene work-out declare that he has developed much speed during the year and moreover that the extra two furlongs on the race this year will be a distinct advantage to him. The polls close this year at 7 p.m. instead of at 5 p.m. as in former years. In such races the last week of train- THE COLLEGIANS Topics and Fables Saturday Matinee 2.30 Candy f>r all the Children Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 27,28 ing‘ is always the acid test and the - preliminary canter next Monday even- ,U& I “:1.” c3/797'w0 Laugh ing may have a direct bearing on the , If -"’ ’ ‘ Birds in their result. t.Very oftten in thfse so-called . , - - nomina ion can ers e1 ier one or Latestfll/anous sometimes both of candidates are bad- l_v used. Backers of the present Reeve say that when the public look over their entry they will be so im- A NONâ€"570p pressed with his fine fettle and his LhUGH/Iyg‘ recnrd that the race will be as good as 5‘..'c:5;;~/ over. Stable boys from the Greene camp say that when their favorite gets through putting Lunau over the ljumps the race will develop into a steeplechase and that the present rec- ve would slip sure at the “Water” Jump. The pari-mutuels will not start busâ€" iness until nomination day but private tipsters are so far only offering even monev. Keen interest is everywhere manifest in this Municipal Handicap which is an annual eyent for the Rec. veship cup. In addition to the Cup there work and responsibility with which al- .so go the honor and privilege of preâ€" siding for the year 1928 as the chief magistrate of Richmond Hill. The race will be held on Monday, January 2, post time 8 a.m. standard time. Elgin Mills On Tuesday evening there was held at Elgin Mills one of the most interes- ting entertainments of the season. when the pupils of the Sunday School held their first Christmas Tree. The pavilion was beautifully decorated with Christmas greens for the occasi- on and the loaded tree beside the plat- ' COMEDYâ€"“ KID TRICKS Monday Matinee 2.30 Children 15c. Adults 25c. Special Show New Years Eve Vaudeville, Favors Noise Makers. Watch For It. form twinkled with tiny coloured lights. The program was well ar- ranged and well carried out and a great deal of credit is due both to the performers and to those who took the time and trouble to train them. The lorcliestra added greatly to the enioy- , merit of the evening and Santa Claus " .was ii: his merriest mood with a jolly word for each child. Rev. Mr. SOZIIIE‘S of Aurora, said in his address that special thanks were due to Mr. and Mrs. “'hitton the kindness they have i. shown in letting the community have i the use cf the pavilion for so many different activities. to Rev. Mr. Burnâ€" yeat for his help in the preparation of the entertainment and to the seven workers wl.o prepared the presents for the tree. In also said that Elgin Mills is r: flung history in that this year has seen thw first church services the first Sunday school and the first Christmas Near the close of another successful year we wish to thank all our Patrons and Friends who have contributed to our success and wish one and all Christmas tree. The Sunday school A VERY IVIERRY CHRISTRIAS attendance is now above sixty and he hopes it i “.\' r ~i seventyA'ive be- fore the ‘-‘-’.:i‘. r over. Mr. Snell as chairman was largely responsible for a most :uceessful evening. The regular monthly ratepayers meeting was held on Monday evening, a lively discussion of a new schOol was very interesting. Don't forget the regular Friday cvening dance in the pavilion on l-‘ri- day. December 23rd. and HAPPY. PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR RICHMORS TAILORS J. {1- There will be 3 special C‘lié'istil‘ias ' - - s‘ "- f tl -l il iron on . un 'iy. Telephone 0r RESIdence 49‘V Cliiiilsktinasor Daye :it1 p.m. and hlso church service at T p.m. The Rev. Mr. Burnyeat. will conduct both serv- ices. RICHMOND HILL , Monday is Nomination Day l The nominations for the Village of .. . Richmond Hill will be held in the Ma- .‘OIIIL‘ Hall on Monday evening. Decem.. 0! her :26. Show your interest in affairs municipal by your attendance at this important meeting. 9" 1927 _.4~ King and Vaughan Plowmen’s Meeting Will Hold 1928 Match in King Town- ship. Organization in Healthy Condition The annual meeting of the King- and Vaughan Plowmen's Association was held at the Hotel, King City on Friday evening last, when reports were re- ceived of the year's work and officers elected for 1028. Previous to the busi- ness meeting a sumptuous dinner was served which did credit to “Ye IIosts" Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, and which was thoroughly enjoyed by the gather- ing. Short addresses were given by several of the members and musical numbers were given by the Eaton Hall Orchestra. Miss Mary Lawson, deâ€" lighted the audience with two vocal isolos and graciously responded to en- cores. Mrs. W. Rolling was accom- panist at. the piano. The treasurers report showed the organization to be in splendid financi- al standing and it was unanimously a- greed that the annual match should be continued. A suggestion from other organizations that the York County branches unite in one central match was not entertained by the members as it was felt that better work could be accomplished by continuing as in the past. The King and Vaughan or- ganization has been active for a great ‘ number of years and is outstanding as one of the pioneer plowing matches of the province. It is worthy of note that the fathers of several of the pre- sent members were prime movers in the organization in the early stages of the history of plowing matches. A hearty vote of thanks to president H. E. Ross and Secretary, E.M. Legge for their efficient and capable work during the year was tendered by the meeting. The 1928 match will be held in King Township and probably at the farm of Mr. Cameron Walking‘ton who stated that he would have a field suitable for the work if such was the wish of the members. The matter will be decid- ed by the field committee which was appointed. Delegates were appointed to attend the meeting of the Provinci- al Association which will be held in Toronto on January 31. President H.E. Ross very ably pre- sided at the banquet and the principal speaker was A.J.H. Eckhardt honorary president of the organization and gen- erous patron of numberless agricultu- ral organizations throughout the prov- ince who gave an interesting story of his own life. Mr. Eckhardt who is a son of York County told of his early struggle in the commercial world in his usual inimitable manner which is an added stake of a lot of was very interesting to the gathering. . Others who spoke were R.J. Rogers, James McLean. Thos. McMurchy, J. A. Greene and J.E. Smith. It was unanimously agreed that the officers and directors of 1927 be re- elected for another year with one or two changes at the request of the diâ€" rectors concerned. The officers and directors are as follows:â€" Hon. President, A.J.H. Eckhardt, Toronto; President, H.E. Ross, R.R. 2 King: 1st Vice President, Sam Mc- Lure, Woodbridge; 2nd Vice-President W. Woods, Aurora; Treasurer, A .3. Wells, R.R. 3, King; Secretary. E.M. lLegge. King. Honorary Directors, Sir H.M. Pellatt, E.T. Stephens. H. iF‘ee. Geo. Lawson, J.T. Saigeon. ‘Directors, John Lawson. Robt. Wat- ison Jr., W.O. McDonald. Jas. A. Morning. Jas. McLean, J.A. Greene, J.VV. McCallum, J.R. \Vilson, Stan Tyndall. Chalmers Black T. MacMurâ€" chy. Berwick VVeldrick. Cameron 'vValkinqton. Alf Bangs. Geo. Brownâ€" lee, P.L. 'Whyteci-z, C. Merchant, Alex Camerwn. I'lcrvev Usher. Wm. Ca- horin, S'mi. Davis. J. Haustrawser. Among those in attendanc’n at the meeting were, A .J.H. I’ckhardt, Jas. Nit-Lean. W. Woods. W. Hestrauser, \V. Calioon. IR. Wilson. E. M. Lee. A._I?~. Vv'clls. Sam McClure. IS. Lawson. .LW. McCallum. Alex. Cam- nron, Alf Bum“. Pobt. “lotson. Geo. Brownlee. H.E. Ross. R.J. Rogers, Thos. McMurchy, J..â€"\. Greene and ‘Otl‘lel‘:. , I mu; .\ v BUTTONVILLE Mr. v.7. \Yaiker has r ‘illl'llt’tl fruit a vi“ hi» sun t" l who li'! ; b mn .. ‘ .' ill with inilu v...“7i and immiâ€" mo ' VD. :J"-'_i"l::(l to l/l'."‘-.’i' that he is itiiprn‘xizijr : :2 well a»; can be expcct- ed. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. -\‘y'o<'.d hail litiâ€" v:‘ H'l .C‘ h A chomp at Air. \Vin. _( n. , , .liist ask Charley bo‘ut oulti‘v toitie. lle will no doubt recommtnd l‘ratts very highly. ' ‘ A number from this .vicii;ii_v attend- lpd the Veterrns~ Euchre and Dance ‘llcltl at lhiionvill: las‘} week. i The Ilydio coiziplete with all necesâ€" itifll‘y fixtures: has been instal‘led in Brown‘s Coi‘ners' Church. l Mr. Stephenson. Mr. G. Kelly. '.\Ir. W. Leathers, Mr. J. Thompsw'un. Mr. I". Tennyson and Mr. H. Hopper are among those having the Hydro in- stalled in this vicinity. I The scripter wishes a Merry Christâ€" ‘mas and a Happy New Year to all freade’rs of this column. uu Thurs, Friday. Saturday, Dec. 22, 23. 24 ' THE IIOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY MATINEE 2 I’. M SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE THEATR EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. Mon., Tues., Wed’y, Dec. 26, 27, 28 ‘ The False Alarm MARY CARR. RALPH LEWIS, DOROTHY RlinER Al Wilson UNDISPUTED AVIATION STUNT CHAMPION OI“ THE UNIVERSE SKY HIGH SAUNDERS Vaudeville Thursday, Friday, Sat’y FINAL EPISODE WHISPER- ING SMITH, FIRST CHAPTER. COLLEGIANS SPECIAL MATINEE DECEMBER 24th Special Matinee Monday, Dec. 2 6 A Merry Christmas At Christmas Play, and make good cheer. , For Christmas comes. but once a year These lines were written four hun- dred years ago, by an almost forgotten poet, Thomas Tusser. And can’t you picture the Christmas celebration of his dayâ€"the enormous Yule-log brought into the great hall from the forest to add warmth and light, the wreaths of holly and mistle- toe, Christmas candles alight, minstrel singers, merry feasting at the rough banquet table! And withalâ€"the glor- ious spirit of good fellowship and the sacred interpretation put upon the words, “Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men!" That spirit is no less in evidence to- day â€" and the Christmas star is still one of joy and love! Once a year comes the opportunity to each person to be born anew. No 'th sman and .big goose for Christmas. folly, gluttonyâ€"but a holy and beauti- ful thing! That Christmas 1927 will indeed in e truest sense of the term be a Very Merry Christmas for our thousands of readers is the sincere wish of THE LIBERAL. HEADFORD The Christmas entertainment was held in the church last Monday night and was a great success. . Nearly everyone in the community besides. some from Toronto, Aurora and other places, made the attendance unusually large. Santa Claus assisted by Mrs. Santa Claus, did his part well and the well loaded tree made everyone happy. iThe pastor Rev. J .W. Fox was chair- was presented with a fine Christmas service in the church next matter how weary, how self-centered, Sunday at 11 am. Everyone is invit- how narrow. how shrivcled or how en- ed to attend. grossed We have become in the twelve lmonths pursuit of money, glory or success, the chance comes at Christ- mas for all of us to become new men and women. Selfish gain may dominate our lives for eleven months and two weeks, but for the Christmas season at least unâ€" selfish love should be the triumphant note. The king of the Christmas season is the child. How much happier we all would be if we could grasp his carefree spirit and give of our love as unstintingly! The child puts his heart into Christ- mas and therefdre he takes a heart full of love with him when the day is done. Christmas is the time to remember lall the big and little kindness which have been bestowed upon us through- out the entire year. and however you remember it--â€"wliethcr with an expen- sive Christmas present or with a ‘Q'recting card remember it with love. With this in mind your gift: will not be coarsened by any desire for display or to receive something in return, and it will be far better to send the simple Christmas rrreetine' than a showy gift that lacks the Christmas spirit. For no matter how much money you Hittlltl. you can give no mere than your 3 or love with each gift. happy beyt nd their dc- not it this day pass “Luna. The c ‘i. l‘i should lime: Yil.‘l(lni: happier some of tliOse ii i‘ ‘.\‘ho‘~i life has been lnss easy. You 1W,“ . 'iieed not go far today to find a child ‘with sorrowful. longingr eyes, and perâ€" lbaps an outstretched hand. Don't leave that hand empty. You will find easily some man or ‘veinfn. eld. cold and poor. Don’t pass wizhout l’LliiiI‘iL" at least a moment‘s briqhtncs; into the tired faces and faded eyes. The kindness of the in- dividual makes life possible in a world that is hard for so many. Do your share â€"big or littleâ€"give happiness to many if you canâ€"to one or two at least. And do not forgetâ€"all you who will eat, drink and make merry, that leristmas is, after all, Christ's mass, land it does not mean squandering. New Teacher Appointed At a special meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Board of Education on Wednesday night Mr. J. Sinclair for- mer head master in mathematics at Jarvis Street Collegiate, Toronto, was appointed to the local High School staff to take the place of Mr. Hume whose resignation was accepted. THIS CREST APPEARS ON THE SOLE OF EVERY GENUINE HURLBUT SHOE Hurlbut Shoes are bench- l>uilt by men who have studied child loot comfort for over a quarter of a century. There is increased grace in 1 inc wail; of :1 child shod with Zluz'llaiits. There is a sure- iootcd .‘tea‘iness that gives roundencc. Let our train: salespeople {it yozn'clLILl. ,5 Sheppard’s Shoe Store 2597 YONGE STREET NORTH TORONTO HUDSON 1485 McLaughlin-Buick Automobiles .â€" â€"-â€"â€"â€""' W-G- A Iâ€" B o LIMITED 24 Hour Service ATWATER KENT RADIOS and KARI? SU (K â€"â€" lCa PPLIES .â€" â€"â€".r’\â€" Chevrolet rs and Trucks

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