PAGE EIGHT T H E CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME IS BEFORE YOU Come take advant- age of it now! All“. uvuu qu F eece Shirts and Drawers, A Sizes, Regular 5 Value 79c SALn PRICE SAL“ I’RICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE Men’s Silk Ties Fleece Shirts Drawers Regular $1.00 Nicely Boxed. For Christmas Wonderful Value Flannel Shirts New Patterns Men These are Real Good Strong Cosy Shirts, Regular $150 They will not Last Long at This Price Fleece Shirts and Drawers, . Sizes, Regular Quality Pyjamas 98c. t’ure W001 Made of an Extra Good Quality, English Flannelette Heavy All Wool Ribbed Combi- nations. Extra Good Quality A Real Service-able Eklxtra Good Quality F eece Shirts 2.69 Garment Reg. $3.50 All ' $1.00 a suitable gift for Xmas. and there are hundreds of other wonderful Money Saving 'BargainsuDon’t delay--Come see for yourself. Do your Buying Don’t Miss Here Now Y This Event FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Fine Quality 12-4 Size Some Recfl Hot Bargains for Friday and Saturday The best value ever offered in this Vicinity. Well Tailored of Extra Quality Silk Rayon. All sizes, all colors. The Supply is Limited, so Hurry! This lot contains some real Values in Quality, Silk and Wool. Also a Heavy Ribbed Pure Wool Range. Don’t Miss Them! You may shop with the utmost confidence at this sale ! Every article in the store is of high grade quality--No odd lots, everything spic and span, the prices speak for them- selves, but remember no sacrifice of quality-Just Genuine Savings Newest Patterns And Colors of Fine Quality A lll‘; quill-u; Georgette vï¬ï¬ï¬‚ Ladies Silk Scarves Silk Rayon Bloomers Regular $2.00 The best value‘ ever offered this Vicinity. Well Tailored Extra Quality Silk Rayon. C lll sizes, all colors. The The ensire stock goes at prices that will thrill and amaze every customer that attends this sale-Noth- ing like it ever before--Remember every! item here is Mrs. Norman Batty Silk W00! Hose Regular $1.50 QUALET‘Y SHOPPE Knitted E Special Bloomers Value Bloeme Fer Th Women’s Good Weight Kniited rm; LIBERAL, RICHMOND 7121;, ONT. LINEN TOWE LING Pure Linen Tea Toweling Per Yard Men’s Extra Heavy Pure Wool Hose, Reg. 75c Special Value New Cut Work Designs, Beauti- ful Hand Em- broidered, Genuine Italian Linen Guest Towels 79C. Italian Lmen ners, Hurry VCG 59c. ese 69C Women’s Fine Quality Knitted ‘ Vests Real Value S90. SPECIAL VALUE All Linen Hand Toweling Yard 29c Ladies Felt Hats, Good Styles to Clear Ladies ,Silk Knitted Sweaters Regular $6.00 3 Only Real Quality, Service Weight, This is a real Special Folks, Don’t Miss Them, They Have Silk High up too! Famous Welldrest Hose Regular $2.75 One of the Finest Full Fash- ioned Hose You Have Seen in Many a Day, Hurry they "7:" an} Inn} lnnn» n4 {his nr:nn . One of the Finest Full Fash- ioned Hose You Have Seen in Many a Day, Hurry they will not last long at this price. Look tiere 250. E Women’s Silk Hose Regular $1.75 1 Quality, Service Weight, [is is a real Special Folks, l’t Miss Them, They Have q Gt". U:~L “n hmv Fine Quality, Plain or Striped 36 inches Wide, yd. FLANNELETTE Richmond Hill 19c. Fancy Pure Linen Hander- chiefs, 3 in Christmas Box 500. Bargain Large Size of Very Absorbent Cloths, They Would Be Good Value at Double this Price, Each ». 39c. Corset SpeL‘ial All Well Known Makes, Sizes 21 to 26, Values to $4.00 980. Bath Towles NIGHT DRESSES Good Flannelette at Women’s Extra English Broad ‘cloth Shirts ‘White, Tan and Blue. Reg 32.50 Look Men 1395 $1.98 FOLKS. This out- standing e V e n t comes right when you expect to pay high prices. COMESAVE ‘ D'Aplh {nu/n THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1927 53c. "K Fleece ii :_ Bloomers Vests, Selling Them out at Th‘ -r3,- . Bargain Price 01 SALL A NICE SALE PRICE THINK OF IT _EXTR A SPECIAL Childs Bloomers Childs Combin- ations A Good Quality Fleece Lined Bloomer, in Misses Sizes, Regular 75c. Value Serviceable Knitted Bloomers, Selling Regular at 65c, to Clear at A Line of Children’s Knitted Vests, Selling Them out at The Bargain Price of Childrens Knitted Combinations " Good Serviceable Weight, Going Fast Boys and ‘ Girls Hose A Real Hard Wear- ing Stocking For Boys or Girls All Sizes, in Black and Sand For