We solicit orders for cut flowers for all oc- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. “John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. OPTOMETRISTS EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS {borough Eye Examinations end Glasses That Fit Perfectly. Special Attgntion_to Children‘s Eyes. Open Evenings. Plume Hudson 0461 for Appointment. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winter’con’s 01d Stand Yonge St. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1g Local and Long Distance All calls promptly attended to Richmond Hill Ont. THE BIND OPTICAL C0. 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) FIRE, LIFE, AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE GUARANTEE BONDS Office in the Post Offic’e Block TEL. 118 CARTAGE & TRUCKING, ALBERT CHAPMAN Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. Phoneâ€"Willowdale 96W W. N. Mabbett Electrical Contractor Martin’s Barber Shop Boot and Shoe Repairer. Right at The City Limits North Toronto. POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. A. G. SAVAGE Richmond Hill GEO. KIDD Agent for When the annual dinner and concert was held in Victoria Square Methodist Church. This Week of 1890 When a farewell supper was given to ‘Mr. H.M. McCuaig by a few‘ of his intimate friends, previous to his departure to his home in Welland, where he takes the position of Head Master of the High School of that town. When a choir of the Methodist church gave a, musical and Literary entertainment with church on Christ- mas night. Rev. J.T. Morris acted as chairman. The following took part besides the choir, Miss Ida Simp- The above council niet for their thirteenth regular meeting at Smith’s Hotel Schomberg on Thursday the fif- teenth day of December. 1927. All the members present with Reeve Mac- Murchy in the ‘chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and con- ï¬rmed and the several communications presented after which the Treasurer was authorized to pay the following bills and accountszâ€"Marsh Routledge, Tubeing $17.50; D.M. Mabee, plank $5.80; William Marchant, Road main. $6.15; W.W. Finch, Maintenance, 1/6 to Vaughan, $4.25; W.H. Gillham, maintenance, $512.00; Alfred Baylis, maintenance, $69.00; Irwin Hulse. maintenance. $14.45; Lorne Mitchell, construction, $20.00; Wm. Davis, con- struction, $114.00; John Howard, maintenance $1.25; William Davis, maintenance, $27.00; John Morning, dragging, $6.60; Jerome Campbell, maintenance $85.35; Andrew Cadden, maintenance % to Vaughan. $284.36; T.A. Dick, trucking $6.00; R.H. Thornton, culvert $66.80; Arnold Thompson, maintenance, $2.00; W.H. Murray, construction $1.05. When an entertainment was given under the auspices of Court Maple City, the chair Was ably filled by Mr. J.T. Saigeon. The leading attract- ion of the evening was Miss Sara. Lord Bailey, one of the mOSt popular elocutionists of the day. When the following pupils stood first in their classes at Concord pub- lic School, Fourth classzâ€"Annie En- right; third class, Daniel Reaman, Sr. Second, Selena Badka, Jun. Second, Alice Keffer, Clare Teasdale attended the most days during the year. When a meeting of the Vaughan Lodge. Maple, was held the following officers were’ installedzâ€"Bro. T. Cousins, W.M. Bro. R. Rumble, S.W. Bro. M. HadWen, J.W., L. Richard- son, Treasurer, Bro. J.T. Saigeon, Secretary, Bro. J. Kaiser, Chaplain, Bro. Dr. Norman, I.G., Bro. D. Kinnee, Tyler. When the closing exercises of the High School took the form of a debate â€"The subject was, “Resolved that the Poets of England have done their Country greater services than her generals have." The speakers were, W. Glass, R. Storey, F. Rutherford, E. Hitchcock, J. Tran, W. Savage. W. Trench, and J. Drury. Resolutions T. MacMurchyâ€"Eg‘an, That the treasurer be authorized to pay to DB. Davis the~sum of $10.00 for coal sup- plied the Thos. Hazelton, and the Farmers Co~0perative Co. to be paid the sum of $24.00 for coal supplied Mrs. J. Ash and Thos. Hazelton. When Will D. Atkinson, of the ï¬rm of Atkinson and Switzer, passed a- way at the age of 31 years. T. MacMurchyâ€"Duggan: That Gordon Brown be paid the sum of $3.- 30 for milk supplied _to William Roll- ing;. Dugganâ€"Armstrong: That this Council pay to A.B. Haines the sum of $9.72 for services as school atten. dance ofï¬cer. On motion council adjourned to meet at the Community Hall, Noble- ton, on Monday the 26th day of Dec- ember, to confirm the minutes. This Week of 1895 When Annual meeting of the Meth« ’odist Sabbath School was held with ‘the following officers being elected:â€" jSuperintendent, Wm. Harrison; Sec- retary, Fred Harrison; Treasurer, Wm. Atkinson; Librarian, Wm. San- derson; Organist, Miss H. Wiley; Artists, Messrs W.A. Wright. and A. J. Hume. Dugganâ€"T. MacMurchy: That the Council pay to W.H. Murray, the sum of $26.69, for goods supplied to Mrs. McGill. T. MacMurchyâ€"Egan: That the collectors Charles H. Rose and Lloyd H. Hollingshead be paid each the sum of One Hundred Dollars on account, as salary. Eganâ€"T. MacMurchy: That the Treasurer be authorized to pay to H. C. Webb for roadway around‘ gravel pit_, lot 25, Com. 4, King. . . . . . . . ‘. Telephone 1535 All trucks Insured for Public Liabil- ity and Property Damage. Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour 01' Contract WILSON ’S CARTAGE £6 DO YOU REMEMBER? DO YOU REMEMBER King Council Way Back in Liberal Files †MAPLE I When Master George Bailey of lMaple, celebrated the anniversary of ,his birthday by a party. Quitea ‘number of his little boy friends were !present. I When the members of the Headford ‘football club and other friends met at the residence of Mr. S. Ritter for the purpose of bidding farewell to Mr. J. lFerguson, teacher of Headford Public ISchool and captain of the aforesaid. When Mr. W. Harper was a candiâ€" date for re-election to the Markham Township Council and Francis was mentioned as a possible candidate among the néw men for the Township honors. ' When about fifty members of the Thornhill Epworth League gathered at the home of Mr. D. James, who has occupied the position of President since organization and as a mark of their appreciation presented Mr. Jamâ€" es with an address and a life size por- trait of himself. When the following pupils stood ï¬rst in their classes at the Richmond Hill High School, Form I, H. Francis; form II, Starr McMahon; form 111, E. Lloyd When the closing exercises were ‘held in the Maple Public School, the pupils gave choruses, recitations and Rev. S.W. Dean addressed the school. This Week of 1902 When the fourth son of Mrs. T. Matheson of Maple passed away. son, A.J. Hume, Will D. Atkinson. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. DO YOU REMEMBER Sr. Iâ€"Rhea McQuay, 62%, William Hood 85% . Jr. Iâ€"Lloyd Allen, Wilfred Parry. Primerâ€"James Hood, Hazel Cox. Sr. IVâ€"Wallace Finder, 67%. Jr. IVâ€"Dorothy Clark 79%, 'Eliza- beth Clark 74%, Della Burr 74%, Jes- sie Burr 70%, Sadie McGimpsey 55%. Jr. IIâ€"Willie Allen 69%, Frank French 67%, Aleatha Thompson 59%, Mae Tennyson 52%. Sr IIIâ€"Audrey Gohn, 63% Addie Allen 55%, James Clan-153970, Helen )Fierheller, absent. Sr. IIâ€"Doris Walton 81%, Irwin Gohn 65%, Harry McGimpsey 63%. Class Câ€"Bruce Price, Evelyn Brill- inger, Margaret Bales, Beatrice Wade Bobbie Rickwood, Ronald Burman, Ruth Healey, Bertie Dale, Jack Eve- lyn, Mary Leonard. Class Bâ€"Billie Hall, Violet Rice, Billie Glenn, Elgin Barron, Joseph Rastall, Marian Buchanan, Tommy Bales. Class Aâ€"Audrey Stephens, Jack Shields, Stewart Stephens, Eric Wil- son, Laura Frisby, Eric Srigley, Ilene McMillan, Harry Preston, George Bell Donald Barralough. The Primary Room is divided into three classes! A.B.C., A being the highest class.‘ ‘ Report of Primary Room, Richmond Hill Public School Buttonville Public School Report for November, December School Reports ALLEN MEYER, Teacher R.A. WEBB, Teacher The Northern Life Assurance Co. Send us your name and address NOW for full particulars of this exceptionally attractive plan. Our agent will gladly show you how it will work out to your life-long advantage. . Established 1897 J. H. CONN, District Agent 615 Yonge Street, Toronto R. C. MICHAEL, Richmond Hill, Local Representative on your money. The yearly dividends are in the form of coupons which can be cashed annâ€" uallyâ€"each coupon having a greater cash value than the one preceding. If you prefer not to cash the coupons the policy will be paid- up in 15 instead of 20 yearsâ€"your depend- ents protected without a went further cost. Every 12 months the holder of a Northern 20- Pay Life Coupon Savings Policy receives guar- anteed cash dividendsâ€"dividends that in- crease each year for 20 years. This unusually attractive plan provides the protection your falnily needsâ€"plus interest COUPON SAVINGS 20-PAY LIFE LIFE PAGE SEVEN