Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jan 1928, p. 5

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Rt. HON. W. L. MacKENZIE KING Prime Minister and Government leader whose program of legislat- ion for the session of parliament which opened today holds much of a constructive‘ natureand will proâ€" bably foretell further tax reducti- ons for the people of Canada. THURSDAY, JANUARY FOR GOOD SHOES 2423 YONGE STREET â€" We are offering the following sets to the public at sensatlon- ally reduced prices. 1 Six tube King Console Set, solid walnut and fully shielded. Reg. $365.00 l Fada Table Model reg. $215 for 1 Six tub° Console set, regular $210 for . 1 Five tube King Table Set Model, slightly used with new equipment, reg. $150 for ' North Yonge St. Phone 153 Richmond Hill â€"- _ _ ___ 1 Baldwin loud speaker, reg. $20 for . $12 1 First-class horn regular $l5 for Gordon Ironside HALL’S Service Station Style Arch Two Radio tables at less than one half price. All above prices include complete equipment and installed. Shoes for Women Width A to Dâ€"â€"size 3 to 8 Guaranteed to give comfort $7.50 26. 1928 RADIOS Ex-Warden W.H. Phgsley attended the opening session of the York Coun- ty Council this week. Reeve J. Lunau is attending County Council sessions this Week. Prices” Special Governor General of Canada who will read the speech from the Throne at the opening ceremonies to-day. VISCOUNT WILLINGDON AT HUDSON 3338 $210 Ontario $185 $85 Master Bruce Robertson of Sher. wood received a letter this week from the U.S.A. which was transported part; way via air mail. Mr. N.J. Glass was given a pleas- ant birthday surprise party at his home on Monday evening. Mrs. Reg. F. Duncan and Betty of Toronto, and Mrs. Rutledge of Port Hope, visited during the week with Mrs. Wilfred Jones, Church street. Miss Reva Watson of Toronto, spent the week-end Wi‘th Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham, Arnold Street. The engagement is announced of Jessie Ellen, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Comisky, Rich- mond Hill, to J. Russell Peacock, son of the late J.H. and Mrs. Peacock, Milton . Several ladies from Elgin Mills at- tended the annual meeting of the Oak Ridges branch of the Auxiliary on Thursday last. The treasurers reports were read and showed a very satis- factory year. Last years officers were returned by acclamation. A pleasing incident was the presentation to the treasurer Mrs. Sambrook of a hand- some wrist watch. The bale of cloth- ing the branch provides each year for ‘an Indian girl is to be packed at the February meeting. Five of the Elgin Mills ladies became members. Sunday school was held in the pavil- ion last Sunday as usual with 49 pre-' sent. Rev. Mr. Pinkerton was in charge. Next Sunday the hour of the Sunday School will be changed to 2 .30 and church services at 3.30. The boys club held an interesting meeting on Tuesday evening when Mr. Bumyeat showed them lantern slides on the Yukon. The regular dance at the pavilion last Friday was well attended consider- ing the inclement weather. The next dance will be held a week from Friday February 3rd. Y. P. S. Meeting A very enjoyable time was spent Monday evening at the meeting of the Young People’s Society of the United Church. The program was in charge of the Literary and social Department. Everyone took part in the singâ€"song which consisted of old familiar songs. An item taken from a Liberal of 1905 was read by Howard Atkinson. It was in the form of an old boys and girls reâ€"union of the Young People’s Society, which proved to be interest- ing as well as humorous. This was followed by a contest on the Books of the Bible. A piano solo was ably ren- dered by Irene Routley. After the program. lunch was served and a soci- a1 half-hour spent. The meeting next Monday evening will be in the charge of the Executive. A good program is being prepared including an oldâ€"fash- ioned spellingâ€"match. We are look- ing forward for large attendance. Everybody welcome. Sure and a little thing like eight foot snow drifts and filled roads didn’t stop the old crowd from taking in the weekly dance at the Summit on Wed- nesday night. Somehow Billy Macâ€" Donald with his celebrated three have a sort of hypmotism and seem to be -able to drag the crowd in from every ;nook and cranny in the country. seems as if the boys are out to give their [girls a good time this winter, for a large number of them start off the evening with a skate, and no' matter whether in the Hill, Aurora or New- market always show up at The Sum- ‘ mit to cap off the evening with a jolly wild time of square and round dances. New faces show up in the old gang every week, but they are new for only the first time, for after that they aut- omatically become a permanent week- ly fixture and What better combination do the boys want than a keen dance, lots of pretty girls and a general grand timeâ€"they’re all found at the Summit. Oak Ridges Women’s Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Oak Ridges Branch of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Legge, Wednesday, Febru- ary 1st at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. James Stewart will give a paper on “Moth- ers’ Ideals,” Mrs. John Brown a. valen- tine reading and musical selections by Miss Alexina Mortson, and Master Davie Vanek, Roll Call, “Valentine Gems of Thought.” All are cordially invited. SOCIAL and PERSONAL Very encouraging reports of all branches of church work were read at the annual Vestry meetings held Mon- day, January 23rd at St. J ohn’s church Oak Ridges and Trinity Church, Auro- ra. Progress and development is seen in all parts of the extensive parish ex- tending from Newmarket to Elgin Mills. In both churches all treasurers re,ported all accounts paid and credit. Balances. St. John’s Church Wardens receipts $1292.28. Expenditure $12- 62.19; balance $30.09. Trinity chur-, ch, receipts, $3164.73, expenses $3152- .92, balance $11.81. from her daughter’s res1dence to VIC- toria Square Cemetery. The pall- 1 bearers were six grandsons, Cecil Sanderson, Herbert Sanderson, Russ- ell Boynton, Nelson Boynton, Ralph Boynton and Elmer Boynton. Besides her daughter Mrs. Sander- son, Mrs. Boynton leaves two sons, Thomas, third concession of Markham and Charles, second concession of Vaughan township. One brother also survives, William Monkman of Union- ville. Rev. A.A. Wall. pastor of the Richmondfiill United Church, assist- ;ed by Rev. N. Wellwood. Elgin Mills Oak Ridges A very successful bridge and euchre was held at the Masonic Hall on Wed- nesday evening under the auspices of the Ladies' Bowling Club. Twenty- ’five tables were playing and a most enjoyable evening was spent by the large gathering which included many from out of town. The prize winners were ladies’ bridge, first prize do- nated by Mrs. P.C. Hill, president of the club, silver tray won by Mrs. Thompson, Aurora; second prize silvâ€" er cream and sugar set won by Mrs. Turp, Aurora;, third cup and saucer Mrs. G.H. Glenn; fourth, silver bon- bon tray Miss Evelyn Kerswill, consol- ation prize, Mrs. Beynon; men’s bridge, first prize donated by the di- rectors of the men’s bowling club handsome knitted tie won by Harry Endean; second, bridge set, G. H. Sloan; third book ends, Dr. Butler, Aurora; fourth pack of cards, Lloyd :Hill; consolation, Walter G. Baldock. Euchre prizes, ladies, Mrs. L.H. Cleâ€" ment silver cream and sugar set; men’s Mr. Sprague, electric reading lamp; consolation prizes Mrs. Harry Thompson, L.H. Clement. At the conclusion of play dainty refreshments were served. Successful Bridge and Euchre Party Annual Vestry Meeting ‘ TThe annual Vestry meeting of St. ‘Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill was held on Monday, January 23rd at 8 p. m. A large attendance of members Were present. The Rector took the ‘chair and reports were read and adop- ted from the church wardens W.A., G.A., J.A., Sunday School Little Helpers and the Young People’s Rec-- reation Club. Receipts from all sour- hes amounted to a. little over $3,000. The church wardens for the ensuing year are Rectors Warden H.G. Mec- redy; People’s Warden, G. Allison; Lay delegates to the Synod, C. Kers- Well, Dr. MacDonald and F.W. Hall. Mr. Mecredy actedias Vestry Clerk. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Will Present Play Here “The Trials of Betty” a comedy in three acts Will be presented by the members of the Young People’s Soci- ety of the Maple United Church in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill on Fri- day, January 27 at 8 p.m. under the auspices of the Y.W.A. of the Rich- mond Hill United Church. There will be special music between acts. Ad- m'ission adults 35c; children 20 cents. The annual meeting of the Richâ€" inond Hill Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday evening of this week. There was a large attendance of mem- bers and the reports of all the societ- ies and organizations Were very grati- fying. The treasurers report showed a substantial surplus in the treasury. In addition to meeting all the current expenditures of the year, the manse "has been re-decorated and hardwood floors laid throughout. Presbyterian Church Annual Meeting Women’s Institute Meeting in High School The February meeting of the W0- men’s Institute will be held in the High School Gymnasium on Thursday, February 9th, at 8 p.m. The Liter- ary Society of the High School will have full charge of the program and will consist of a debate, sketch and other interesting numbers, an invitâ€" 'ation to the community is extended. Silver collection to defray expenses. . Home Baking Sale Do not forget the Homeâ€"Made cook- ing sale in St. Mary’s Church rooms on Saturday afternoon, (one door south of the Liberal Office). After- noon tea will also be served. Will church members kindly send their con- tribution early. Late Mrs. Thos. Boynton The death occurred on Monday, Jan- uary 23 of a pioneer resident of this district, Mrs. Thomas F. Boynton. She was born in Markham township 87 years ago, and had lived there all life with the exception of the last four years when she resided in Richmond Hill with her daughter, Mrs. Alice Sanderson. The late Mrs. Boy'nton was a mem- ber of the Victoria Square United Church. She was married over sixty years ago to Thomas Boynton, who {predeceased her 18 years ago. After their marriage they began farming on the third concession of Markham where one son, Thomas Boynton, now resides. The funeral was held Wednesday from her daughter’s residence to Vic- toria Square Cemetery. The pall- bearers were six grandsons, Cecil Sanderson, Herbert Sanderson, Russ- ell Boynton, Nelson Boynton, Ralph Boynton and Elmer Boynton. Besides her daughter Mrs. Sander- son, Mrs. Boynton leaves two sons, Thomas, third concession of Markham and Charles, second concession of Vaughan township. One brother also survives, William Monk-man of Union- OBITUARY Successful Euchre The Ladies Softball Club held their first euchre party af the season in the Victoria Hall here last Friday evening which proved very successful and a good time was enjoyed by all present. The prize winners were:â€"-â€"Ladies first China dish, won by Mrs. Taylor, Rich. mond Hill; Ladies second, bridge score card, won by Miss Elizabeth Francis, Thornhill; Gents first, pen knife Won by Mr, Ground, Thornhill and gents second, deck of cards won by Mr. Tay- lor, Richmond Hill. After the euchre refreshments were served which brought the enjoyable evening to a iclose. Debate in Junior Mission Band A very interesting meeting was held in the United Church Junior Mission Band last Monday evening, when a de- bate was put on by several members, the subject being “resolved that the horse is of more use to man than the tractor.” The affirmative side was upheld by Jack Henderson, Nelson Findlay and Donald Smellie, negative side, Kenneth Brillinger, Hugh Mc- Donald and Elwood McLean. Mrs. S. Elson and Mrs. E. Dean acted as ‘judges and declared the negative side ‘as the Winners by three points. Tuscan Lodge A. F. & A. M., New- market, Visits Patterson Lodge A. F. & A. M., Thornhill At the regular meeting of the Patt- erson Lodge held on Thursday even- ing, January 19th, 1928, the officers and members of the lodge were honor- ed with a visit from the officers and .members of the Tuscan Lodge, New- market. After the regular business was transacted, W. Bro. Dr. Otten, the ruling Master of the Tuscan Lodâ€" ge, officers and members were receiv- ed and welcomed by W. Bro. J.R. Smith, the ruling master of Patterson Lodge. W. Bro. William Patterson, Past Master, the presiding officer of the evening and a aspirant for the office of D.D.G.M., Toronto District “C.” occupied the chair and with his officers conferred the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason upon two candi- dates. At the conclusion of the De- gree a hearty vote of thanks was ten- dered to W. Bro. Patterson and his officers for the excellent manner in which they conferred the degree. Ad- journment was made to the banquet hall when the fourth degree was thoroughly enjoyed. After drinking the toast to the King and Grand Lod- ge, W. Bro. J.A. Thompson proposed the toast to the visiting Brethren Whi- ch was responded to by W. Bro’s. Ot- ten, W. Patterson and Little. W. Bro’s. Marshall and Steele of King Hiram Lodge, Toronto and W. Bro. H.H. Lang, of Richmond Hill, Lodge. W. Bro. Smith thanked the visiting brethren for assistance rendered, the guests expressed their appreciation of the splendid hospitality, and all sepaâ€" rated after a pleasant fraternal even- mg. Women’s Institute Meeting The Thornhill Branch of the W0- men’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. J .A4 Thompson on Thursday, January 19th. The meeting was op- ened in the usual manner and after the business was transacted, Mrs. Hopkins of Toronto favored the mem- bers with an instrumental solo, and Miss Bird, of Thornhill, with a cello solo, both of these numbers Were en- ioyed by all. Miss Moyle, of Rich- mond Hill, then gave a synopsis of Mrs. Moody’s book entitled “The Back Woods of Canada" which was very in- teresting. Owing to the stormy after- noon the attendance was small, only thirteen being present. The meeting next month will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Fee, Langstaff, and it is hoped that a large attendance will be present. The postponed annual meeting of (the Horticultural society here was held in the Public School last Monday eve- ning. The following officers were e1- ected for the ensuing yearzâ€"Hon. ‘President, R. Simpson; President, iN.J. Smellie; lst Vice-President, Mrs. A. Thompson; 2nd Vice.-President, J. Teeson; Secretary-Treasurer , May Campbell; Auditors, J. Francis and S. Elson. Horticultural Society Annual Meeting The young people’s Society met as usual last Monday evening with a fair attendance. The program consisted of a Bible contest, piano solo by Nora Johns and readings by Nelson Find- lay. A good program is being pre- pared for next Monday evening and we trust that there will be a larger at- tendance of the young people. Baseball Club Social Evening The executive of the Ladies Base. ball Club are holding a business and social evening for the members of the club at the home of Mrs. F. Farr, Thursday evening, January 26th (To- night) at 7.45 o’clock. Very import. ant business will be discussed it is the Young People’s Meeting THORNHILL DISTRICT NEWS desire of the executive that all memb- ‘ers be present at this meeting. To Erect New Parish Hall It was reported at the annual meet- ing of Thornhill Trinity Anglican Church that a new parish hall will be erected at an early date. G.H; Spink, chairman of the parish hall committee, in submitting his report, stated that $1,500 had already been raised, and an additional $1,500 had been promised by Robt Fee, of Lang- staff. Rev. Archdeacon Warren, of Toronto, presided, owing to the illness of the Rector, the Rev. N.H. Noble. Major G.H. McLaren was elected ‘vicar’s warden. and W.C.L. Ball ap- pointed people’s warden. 'With the Curlers Thornhill men defeated Richmond 'Hill here last Saturday evening in a. friendly game the rinks. and score were as follows: Thornhill Richmond Hill W. Francis J. Dewsbury E. Hooper J. Atkinson S. Findlay A. Savage W. Riddell sk. 19 E. Stephens sk. 9 H. Walker W. Scott jr. ‘G. Fuller W. Scott sr ‘M. Pegg W. Trench IF. Echlin sk. 15 J. McLean sk. 4 34 13 Thornhill ,were downed by High Park by a score of 25 shots at the Granite Club Tuesday. Public Library Me‘eting The annual meeting of the Public Library was held last Wednesday eve- ning in the Victoria Hall. The foll- owing officers were elected for the year 1928tâ€"President, Rev. B.R. \Strangways; Secretary, J .E. Francis; Treasurer, N. J. Smellie; Purchasing Committee, Mrs. J.E. Francis, Mr. N.L. Morton, Mr. Strangways and J. E. Francis; Directors, Miss A. Boyle. A.C. Henderson, May Campbell, Mrs. Teasdale, Neil McDonald, Wm. Ridd- ell, P. Robinson, N.J. Smellie, N.L. Morton, O.C. James, J.E. Francis, Mrs. E. Dean, Mrs. J. Davidson, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Simpson. Miss E. Barker is spending a couple of months in Toronto, taking up the new spring styles in millinery. Mrs. Walter Luesby is visiting this week with relatives in Collingwood. Miss M. Graham of Tottenham, Ont., visited with Mrs. William Mar- tin this week. Unionville rinks were successful in winning their games in Groupe 13 of the Tankard the results of the games being as follows:â€" Ontario Tankard â€" Group 13 First Draw Markham Unionville J. Malcolm 19_ G.A.M. Davison 20 F.H. Reesor 11 Frank Frisby 17 Agincourt Stouffville R. Green 15 H. Saunders 16 D. C. Thompson 13 S. Armstrong 17 28 33 Locust Hill ‘ Scarboro F.E. Reesor 15 G.B. Little 18 Wm. Cowie 12 D. Crawford 13 27 31 Second Draw Stouffville got the bye. Scarboro and Unionville play the semi-final. Scarboro Unionville D. Crawford 18 Frank Frisby 15 G.B. Little 9 G.A.M. Davison 13 Unionville Stouffville lMilt. Findley M. Watt ‘W.C. Gohn F.L. Button Wm. Caldwell Wm. Armstrong [Frank Frisby 11 Sam Armstrong 17 Ernest Dukes F. Rowbotham Harvey Latimer H. Brillinger Wilbur Latimer C. Armstrong G.A.M. Davison 25 H. Saunders 10 > 36 Majority for Unionville 9 shots Skating Party The Young People’s Recreation club 'of St. Mary’s Church helgl a skating party on Wednesday night following which refreshments were served at the Rectory. Yonge Street Skates Sharpened OIL FINISHED PROMPT SERVICE PRICES REASONABLE WORK GUARANTEED Social and Personal Unionville 27 Final Game Phone 58-W . Metcalfe Richmond Hill PAGE FIVE

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