Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Feb 1928, p. 7

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Our Eye Examinatlons are Accurate 'John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. We solicit orders for cut flowers for all oc- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully filled. SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES repaired promptly and correctly. ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. Why Throw Away Your Austin’s F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. Richmond Hill CARTAGF & T I ' ING, Albert Ch pman Safety Razor Blades Sharpened Satisfaction Guaranteed Single edge 3c gach or 25c doz. Double edge 4c each Gillette Blades 35¢ per doz. Local and L’JngyDistance All calls prom‘mtw attended to j Richmond Hill Martin’s Barber Shop W. E. LUKE, R. O. Agent for FIRE, LIFE. AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE GUARANTEE BONDS Office in the Post‘ Office Block TEL. 119 Phoneâ€"Willowdale 96W POYN’I‘Z AVENUE LANSING, ONT. Razor Blades? Right at The City Limits North Toronto. W. N. Mabbett Electrical Contractor THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7176, 1928 A. G. SAVAGE OPTOMETRISTS :n’e DRUG â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"- Richmond Hill Phone 33 STORE Ont. Ont { Fresh air is a necessity the year round. In the warm weather We liVe [outside by preference and, because we A__,_1-_L-L'|_ LLâ€"L ......... .u.‘ In really cold weather, during the “daytime, there is usually sufficient opening of doors, and movement in the house, to keep the air cool and in motion. This is not so at night. Then the house is still and the air beâ€" l comes overheated and stagnant. Bed- room windows should always be open,’ ed sufficiently to keep the air ofi’the room cool and in circulatifgl/ How far the window needs to be pened to accomplish this dependi's upon how cold it is, and ms; the direction of the MIL-mesh\air costs nothing; ’t'liere is no reason why all should not have their share of it. are more comfortable that way, we keep the bedroom windows open. As a result, we secure an abundance of fresh air. During the cold weather, most of our time is spent indoors and we may forget that in order to main- tain our health, it is necessary that 'we have plenty of fresh air. One reason for the increase in the knumber of cases of communicable dis- eases, particularly of pneumonia, dur- ing the Winter months, is because the body is starved of fresh air. Fresh ’air is air that is cool, in motion and not too dry or too moist. The best air is the air outside. Night air is just as good as day air. In the daytime, the advantage in being outdoors is because of the sunshine that is there. Indoors, we obtain the best air by opening the windows. This allows the cooler air in and caus- es it to circulate. ‘ Frightened by rats when she Went .to the cellar to kill herself, Miss Elea- lnor Cogley of Buffalo screamed and ‘fled, also gave up her suicide plans. Canada may have a national direct- or of electricity if a proposal made in the Dominion parliament be adopted. Ontario’s manufactured products now reach a total of more than a billi- ‘on and a half dollars annually, indust- rial development having been greatly assisted by the use of water-power. The railroad journey between Vien- na and Venice takes 18 hours, but can be made by airplance over the moun- tains in three hours. In 1902 the record non-stop flight was 825 feet, now it is 3,905 miles. A German aviator named Fisler re- cently flew upside down for 10 minut- es and 58 seconds, establishing a new world’s record. ‘ Comparatively few farmers in Jap- "well indeed an own as much as 10 acres of land. | E Miss Edith Royon was released on 11 theft charge in a Chicago court when a young man offered to marry her and she agreed. u; axunuuu, ulna. l __ 4. Announce yourself as an author Heinrich ’Vittoren of Munich was itY on every topic that comes uP- sentenced to 8 years in prison for sell- The nearer right You are. the SUTBI’ ing his daughter for $10. you are to be disliked. “I know bet- ter,” can get you in wrong, if used Mrs. Barger Wallach of New York constantly. 'has a watch so thin that it is encased 5. Analyze your friend’s mistakes in a $20 gold piece. ‘when they are trying to forget them. I’ll tell you Where you failed” is Fearing that he would forget his good stuff. Mrs. Alexander Ummer of Detroit secured a divorce recently and the cast off husband then married her daughter, who Was his step-daughter. A gosling with 4 feet has hatched out in the incubator of G.W. Borley of Kirkton, Eng. When a Chicago doctor answered a call to see a sick boy he found the “boy” to be ‘76 years old. The father 95, had telephoned. Fearing that he would forget his wife’s birthday, Otto Kuehne of Mont- real mailed himself a letter timed to reach him on the anniversary. It was delivered four years later and re- minded him of another of her birth- days. ,Mrs. Catherine F'enton of James- town, N.Y., who came from her nat- i‘ve Scotland in a sailing ship in 1844, celebrated her 104th birthday by hav- ing her hair bobbed. Among Canadian banks the Royal Bank of Canada ranks highest in capi- tal, assets and profits, the latter item amounting to $5,370,145 during its last fiscal year. . .‘rfl‘u-' J: chll\alL vvuvu ......... b, are is no reason why all should not ve their share of it. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation. 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered. Questions as to THE OPEN-FACED SNEEZER .diagnosis and) treatment will not be We read almost daily in the press answered. General News and Views CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION FRESH AIR IN WINTER A BO YT “'OMEN HEALTH SERVICE OF THE the sad results of carelessness of ped- ‘estrians and motorists, but we seldom, if ever, read of the sad results of the carelessness of “open-faced” sneezers. i Disease gern‘lls pass out in the secre- tions of the nose and mouth. A sneeze casts a {germ-laden spray for rten feet. If the sneezer cover his nose and mouth with a handkerchief, the danger is practically ended. If the desire to n'eeze is too sudden to hllow of usih :the handkerchief, the head can at least be lowered and the spray direteted to the floor, not into {othernleople’s faces. I Im’ addition to those actually ill, phany persons carry disease germs in their nose and throat. People with colds continue to go about their busi- ness. For these reasons, the sneeze \may be the means of spreading dis- ease, and, for these reasons also, an ‘end should be put to the “open-faced” .sneezer. Nevertheless, the “open-faced” sneezer is more dangerous than the careless motorist. A person is guilty of criminal negligence who is careless and lacks consideration for others; who, wfihout any thought, sneezes, showering particles of material from his nose and throat all around him. A man ho strikes another is guilty of assault. Public opinion, as ex- pressed in the law, does not allow of such assault , and requires that the person who cqmmits one be punished. A far more dc ngerous assault is com~ mitted by the careless sneezer. Pubâ€" lie opinion 5 lould recognize this and stop it. 3 I 2. Offer critical comments about a .man's friends or some member of his family â€"his wife or child will do. “I don’t like your friend” is an effective start. l I attended school at Richmond Hill in the years ’96 ’97, ’98 and ’99 or a- bout that time and of course I know a great many of the people there. I lformerly knew Mr. McMahon very The following letter has been re- ceived at our office this week from an old Richmond Hill boy and is only one of the many we get weekly from read- ers - near and far who appreciate the value of the Liberal as a Home Week- 1YIâ€" The Editor The Liberal, Richmond Hill, Ontario Dear Sir:â€" Enclosed I forward yOu my cheque for $1.50 to cover the enclosed ac- count. ‘ I have a great deal of amusement out of the paper and particularly out of the columns from the old Liberal files. The following ten ways are most effective for making yourself unpopu- lar. Try them, if you want to lose your friends. Dissatisfaction guaran- teed. Don’t try them if you want to keep friends: 1. Don’t let any remarks pass un- challenged. Always start an argu- ment. Say “I don’t agree with you at all.” 3. Minimize other peopel’s efforts “Anybody could do that.” 6. Remind people of promises which you know they made impulsive- ly and cannot keep “I thought you were going toâ€"” 7. “As I was sayingâ€"” Always insist on dragging in your favorite to- pic, especially if you know people are interested in something else. 9. “I used to think so a while back” is a satisfactory wet-blanket, or other people’s enthusiasms. It makes them feel antiquated and you, quite superior. 8. “Let me show you how.” Insist on showing people a better way. 10. Pick on people’s religion or patriotic sentiment with the assertion “That is nothing but prejudice.” All these recipes for unpopularity work-try all or ‘one. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONT. HOW TO BE DISLIKED Appreciates The Liberal Barrister, Solicitor etc MacLeod, Alberta J.W. MCDONALD, K.C Yours very truly Mrs. William D. Ross, Wife of the lieutenant-governor of Ontario, the first lady of the province, at the offici- al opening of the legislative assembly. Her arrival under the escort of the premier, the Right Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, caused a stir in the House. The photograph is a recent one taken in her presentation costume at Ottawa NEVER Miss Bramley recently arrived in Hollywood to visit relatives and was persuaded by Harry Brand, general manager of the Keaton studios, to ac- cept a part in Buster’s second United Artists picture dealing with the funny side of higher education. The little comedienne has been featured on the musical stage in London. A new screen “find” has her first role in Buster Keaton’s United Artists bomedy, “College” which comes to the Bedford theatre next week. She is Flora Bramley, well known young English comedienne. The Keaton company filmed many scenes on college campuses and athle- tic fields in and near Los Angeles. l{Buster took the entire cast and tech- nical staff to Balboa, California, for the boat racing scenes, which were “shot” in the presence of thousands of spectators. Among the players in the comedy are Ann Cornawll, who has the femin- ine lead: Grant Withers, Harold Good- win, Snitz Edwards, Florence Turner, veteran Vitag'raph star; James Mack, Buddy Mason and others. James W. Horne directed the comedy and Carl Harbaugh and Bryan Foy headed Keaton’s “gag” staff. The college feature was produced by Joseph M. Schenck. Mill Ml Shaw School as lthe safest path to a good salary. We invite you to write for particulars as to courses and re- sults. Shaw Business Schools, Bay, Charles, Toronto. BEDFORD THEATRE IWINTER WONDERS OF NIAGARA [ The wonders of Niagara Falls which have for years attracted sightseers from all parts of the world, are even more striking when the frosts of winter have played their part in beautifying this mag- nificent spectacle. The Falls are coated with ice in peculiar forma- tions and are, perhaps, even more attractive than during the summer months when the water runs freely over their brink. So great has been the interest in the winter appearance of Niagara TOO LATE TO start a Save Yourself at our expense Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very; purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of five differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate» ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. N o marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. If you will have laundry ready when driver-calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure p1;th attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at LiberaR. Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Lakeside 5280 TRY ITS FOR SERV’ICE Langstaff Suppy Co., Ltd. A. B. Chown, General Passenger Agent of the System at Chicago, Telephone Thornhill 51-r-1 IF YOU FAVOR US WITH YOUR PATRON- AGE, YOU WILL RECEIVE THE HIGHEST GRADE OF ANTHRACITE THAT MONEY CAN BUY KNOWN AS THE COAL THAT SATISFIES. A TELEPHONE CALL WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. WE SELL THE CLEANEST, SAFEST AND MOST ECONOMICAL FUEL AND ALWAYS AT A FAIR PRICE. YOU CAN FEEL ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT EVERY SHOVEL OF COAL WILL BE OF THE SAME UNIFORMITY OF QUALITY. We Call In Richmond Hill District WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY '. H. Duncan. 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto, Nights, Richmond Hill 80 Prompt Delivery states that enquiries from prospec- tive visitors are pouring in from all directions. PAGE SEVEN

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