EuRic‘hmond Hill â€" â€" -â€" â€"â€" Ontario" m=o=xo==o=o=o=o=o=o EFORQ °=0=O=O RAGE EIGHT OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH MANUFACTURED BY WILLCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LTD. OFFICE: RICHMOND HILL. TEL. 92. 6 tube Kolster Radio including power tube and best equipment When Building Enquire About Owing to the illness of Mr. T. H. Pearse, the undersigned, who have been carrying on the busi- ness of Plurrbing, Heating and Tinsmithingfin the Village ofuRichmond Hill under the name of Pearse and Mills, are, from February lst, 1928, disolving the partnership, and the business will be carried on as usual under the name of A. Mills, successor to Pearse & Mills. All accounts due the said Pearse and Mills willl be payable at the Standard Bank of Canada Rich- mond Hill, and any bills against said Pearse and Mills should be mailed to the Standard Bank as soon as possible. 3 Heavy duly layer built B Batteries 45 voils. One year old used very little, with new high compression head. lMPEREAL BANK To save money may require that you make some sacriï¬ce, but if a stated sum is placed in a Savings Bank account at reguiar intervals, your money, with the interest it earns soon grows and you experience the joy of accom- plishment. There is 21 Savings Bank Depart- ment at every branch of this Bank. a Little Bros. T. H. Pearse A. Mills with N0. 8 Oliver Plow Marbelite Brick One Baldwin Concert Gyand Horn The Joy of Accomplishment Authorized Ford Dealers. NOTICE W. H. LEGGE, Manager RESIDENCE NIGHTS & HOLIDAYS L. TEL. 92. TELEPHONE 2 r 12. flTractm Branches at Newmarket and Aurora A. T. MINNIS, Manager. $135 o=o=o=19 We are very pleased to report that Mr. Frank Button of this village cele- brated his 94th birthday last Wednesâ€" day, February 15th and is enjoying the best of health. Mrs. A.M. Rice of Auburn. Ont, visited a couple of days this week with Misses Boyle. Mrs. Andrew B. Mundie and three children of Innisfail, Alberta are visâ€" iting with Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson. Rev. M.C. Campbell, former past- or of the Presbyterian church here has been called to Embro church. Mr. Campbell will be inducted at Embro in the Paris Presbytery, next Frid.ay 17th. The stipend is $2,500 with free manse, with exceptionally promising prospects. Horticultural Executive Meeting A meeting of the executive of the Horticultural Society will be held in the Public School next Monday even- ing, February 20th at 8 p.m. Mr. Sydney Teare of St. Andrew’s College, spent the weekâ€"end with his Grandmother, Mrs. Teasdale. Mr. W.T.B. Mundey and daughter Theckla of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson on Sun- day. Mrs. A. Thompson and Mr. N. Smellie, delegates from Thornhill Horticultural Society attended the 23- rd Annual Convention of the Ont. Horticultural Association held at the King Edward Hotel, last week. The gathering broke up after a pleasant social period during which luncheon was served by the hostess. A well attended meeting of the Junior Women’s Institute was held in the home of Miss Vera Nicholls on Saturday, February 11th, at 2.30 p. ' m. The meeting commenced with the singing of the opening ode followed by the calling of the roll which now contains the names of fifty two mem- bers. Miss Margaret McCague gave the address of the afternoon on the subject of “Home Economies.†Miss- es Annie and Viola Avison favoured the gathering with a duet which was followed by a piano solo by Miss L. Gee. The meeting was then opened for any discussion and it was moved that we supply ï¬rst aid necessities for the four public schools in the com- munity. A committee was appointed to obtain the supplies. It was decid- ed to carry on a demonstration at the March meeting of some of the practi- cal instruction received during the Home Nursing Course. Miss Meek then dismissed the meeting. Capitol Theatre “Eloise,†the Renault taxicab which is one of the important bits of proper- ty in the picture version of "7th Heav- en,†has been insured by Fox Films for $10,000. This cab, which was purchased by Vice-President Winfield R. Sheehan in Paris, over two years ago, to be us- ed in this picture, is one of the origin- al army of French cabs used by Gen- eral Gallienne in his spectacular and effective taxicab drive which saved Paris in 1914 when the German army, under Von Kluck, was but twenty-five miles from the city. It was brought to America under guard, received in New York by a committee of French veterans, and brought across the country in a sealed car. Upon arrival in Los Angeles it was escorted to Fox Studios by local French veterans and housed in a speci- On Friday evening, February 24th, the Mission Band is giving an enter- tainment in the church. Mr. Paisley of Richmond Hill, who has spent sevâ€" eral years in Africa will give a. des- cription of his experiences with curios There will be other interesting numb- ers on the programme. Everybody is cordially invited to come. Formed Club A meeting for the Young Ladies of the Trinity church was held at the home of Mrs. R. Fee last week for the purpose of forming a YOung Lad- ies club. The following officers were electedzâ€"President, Miss Wilson; Vice-President, Muriel Simpson; Sec- retary, MiSs Amie Ball; Treasurer, Miss Effie Richards; Management Committee. Mrs. Fee, Mrs. W. Ball and Miss Amie Ball. Mrs. McCla‘hs of St. Thomas is visi- ting with her sister Mrs. Nesbit. Social and Personal Mrsi Nesbit and Miss Barr have re- turned after spending several "weeks with their sister. Mrs. McClaus of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. John Francis spent Tuesday with their son Mr. Harry Francis it being Mr. Francis birthday. Softball Executive Meeting An executive meeting of the Ladies Softball club here will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Luesby, Thurs- day evening, February 16th (to-night) at 8 p.m. We trust that all Will be present as several very important matters of business will be discussed. Young People’s Meeting The Young People’s Society of the United Church held their regular meeting as usual last Monday evening with a fair attendance. Interesting readings were given by Willard Simp- son and Isobel Farr, and a delightful solo by Edna Wiltshire made up the programme. A good programme has been prepared by the committee for next weeks meeting, and we trust a large number will be present. I'HE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Victcrin Square CARRVILLE Thornhill : Miss Alice Wilkinson and her com- ‘mittee gave the Missionary program Sunday evening. Topic for next Sun- day evening “Choosing a life Part- ner.†: Mr. W. Craig and Miss Florence & .Miss Kate visited at; John Johnson’s in York. Buttonville is scheduled to play Milliken on Friday evening, February 17. This is forecasted to be one of the best games of the tournament Come and cheer the locals. On Mon- day evening Buttonville plays Markâ€" ham. The locals must win both games to be illegible for the semi-final game. A shooting match was held at Boyn- ton’s garage on Saturday afternoon.. The prize fowl were fairly distributed. This cab, which was purchased by Vice-President Winfield R. Sheehan in Paris, over two years ago, to be us- ed in this picture, is one of the origin- al army of French cabs used by Gen- eral Gallienne in his spectacular and effective taxicab drive which saved Paris in 1914 when the German army, under Von Kluck, was but twentyâ€"five miles from the city. It was brought to America under guard, received in New York by a committee of French veterans, and brought across the country in a. sealed car. Upon arrival in Los Angeles it was escorted to Fox Studios by local French veterans and housed in a speci- ally constructed garage on the lot. When Frank Borzage started work on the production, “7th Heaven,†the cab was overhauled and put into runn- ing condition and has worked faith- fully every day in the picture. Mrs. Rev. S. Woods, of Markham. gave a very interesting address on “The Woman-hood of to-day,†which was very much appreciated by all pre- sent. After the programme a pleasant time was spent in quilting, when the quilt was completed the members put away their needles and had lunch. The hostesses were, Miss- es Mary Rodick, Rhea Scott, Laura Brown and Rosezema Hord. In the evening the members all went over to the new rink at Union- ville where they had a jolly time. “7th Heaven" is based on the play by Austin Strong in which the famous taxicab drive forms one of the most thrilling sequences. Charles Farrell and Janet Gaynor have the stellar roles. Albert Gran plays the part of the dissolute but lovable old driver of the gallant "Eloise." Locust Hill and Unionville were the lucky teams in the games played at Unionville Monday night in the Mark- ham Township Hockey League. W.M.S. was held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. R.L. Stiver. ‘ The Junior Institute held their reg- ular monthly meeting, Saturday, Feb- ruary 11th, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Miss Mary Rodick. The meeting was well attended by the members and their friends, it opened by the singing of the ode, followed by the Lord’s prayer. Miss A. Wilkinson read the Bible lesson. Business matters per- taining to taking certain courses, of home training were discussed‘. e Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ness and daughter Helen visited at Mrs. E. Pratt’s on Sunday. Miss Hazel Pratt and Floyd Pratt spent the week-end at AurOra. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Meyer spent Sunday in Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham spent Sunday at R.L. Stiver’s on the fifth line. The Misses Dorothy and Laura Brown visited their sister Mrs. J. Ash at Sharon on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brillinger spent Sunday under thexparental roof. “7th Heaven†is to have a 3 days’ showing at the Capitol Theatre, North Toronto, commencing next Monday. ;. In the death on Monday, February I13, of Daniel Hoover, in his 96th year, brought about by a slight stroke, ‘York County, and if not Markham ltownship, lost one of its oldest resi- j‘dents. His death took place on the " old Hoover homestead, on the sixth ‘concession, that his parents took up ‘when they came to Markham from \‘Pennsylvania about 100 years ago. 1 Mr. Hoover was a well-known fig- ‘ure, and for many years could be seen ‘attending the flowers and garden aâ€" ‘round his home, for which he had a passionate devotion. He was prede- ceased by his Wife, who before her marriage was Susanna Sherrick, also a native of Markham. Mr. Hoover was a faithful adherent of the Menno- nite Church. One son, Henry, at home survives. Aged Markham Resident ls Called By Death BUTTONV ILLE Tried - Tested - Accepted Phone 18 DE FOREST CROSLEY RADE O F. Y. W. Brathwaite Prices and Models to suit all Come in and see. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1928 Whether you buy or sell, at home or abroad, you can benefit by the service which the Standard Bank of Canada has perfected during over Fifty Years of constrï¬ctive banking practice. WHEREVER goods are bought and sold, Banking simplifies the trans- action: THE STANDARD BANK \ OF CANADA , Richmond Hill Manager, Thomhi†Branch Branches also at Aurora. Lansing. Maple Manager, Rfchwppnd Hill Branch LSTABLISHED 18757 F. HOOVER S. B. ELSON We Deliver.