PAGE TWO USED CARS This is our revised list. Watch our adv. every week for good values. NOTEâ€"Our used cars are all recon- ditioned and every car is good value and will carry 1928 license. Free storage till wanted. TERMS IF DESIRED Guaranteed Limited Richmond Hill LATE 1926 CHEVROLET COACH, NEW IN OCTOBER 1926 1927 CHEVROLET COACH A 1 CONDITION BALDOCK K. 45 McLAUGHLIN ROADSTER, VERY GOOD CONDITION 1924 FORD TRUCK WITH DUMP BODY AND NEW REAR TIRES AND STARTER 1923 DODGE COUPE, A1 SHAPE, BARGAIN 1920 DODGE TOURING, A GOOD BUY AT COMMERCIAL BODY LIGHT DELIVERY 1925 FORD TRUCK 1922 FORD COUPE $295 $150 $110 $495 $125 $575 $125 $195 $195 1923 FORD Ont. Records for February show that this has been fairly close to the snowless winter. December and January had very light snowfalls, and the past month has even eclipsed them with the low mark of only 3.3 inches, which is 13.2 inches below the aver- age for February. , I; d H At a spirited meeting of ratepayers in the township hall at Willowdale last week, it was voted to bar rate- payers’ and political associations from using the Willowdale school for meet- ings. Dissection of 20 crows sent to the Royal Ontario Museum by Jack Miner does not confirm his theory there is a contagious eye-sore plague among the birds which might spread to poultry according to a report given out by the museum's department of zoology. “Since 1883 the names Dunlops and flowers have been synonymous. The policy of supplying only the choicest of blooms has placed this firm among the leaders on the continent.†Says an advertisement of the Toronto Re- tail Florists club referring- to Frank M. Dunlop, vice-president of Dunlop’s Limited. One on Doc Dr. Corbett, “What you need, my dear young lady, is a little sun and air.†Mrs. James Miller“, the oldest re- sident of Whitevale village, and possi- bly the oldest of Ontario County died at her home in Whitevale, Friday last in her ninety-ninth year. Patientâ€"“Why, the very idea, I am not even married.†The Hydro Electric Power Com- mission have leased a store Premises in Markham village and will open an office there with a superintendent in charge for the Markham powar dis- trict. Uxbridge Journal ~â€"-“Mr. Ewart Blight has a Horned Dorset which last week gave birth to four lambs, one of the lambs died soon after, the other three being perfectly formed and of good size. The mother of this ewe gave birth to five lambs in 13 months. Can anyone beat this? Mr. Chas. E. Willoughby, reeve of North Gwillimbury was tendered a banquet by a number of his gentle- men friends at Fomleigh Farm last week in honor of his 60th birthday. Mr. Cecil Grant presented him with $60 in gold and a large bouquet of American Beauty Roses. 'Extensive improvements are to be made to the Wideman church on the 8th concession of Markham Towusihp this coming spring and summer. At present there is a huge pile of gravel on the premises, indicating that the repairs are to be of cement, and conse- quently of a permanent nature. This is one of the early landmarks of Markham. Never before in the history of the world has it been pos- sible for a merchant in good credit to do so much business with so little capital locked up in stock. One important reason for the present prosperity is. that in- stead of having to buy a big stock at the beginning of each season, he is now able to buy small stocks and re- plenish them promptly by Long Distance. Keep your customers for miles around coming to you for Whatever they need. In- vent ways of inducing them to Visit your store, or to or- der from you by Long Dis- tance and â€" they tel‘. us â€"â€"you will not be seriously bothered by competition. Long Distance is making happy merchants in some towns. Don’t overlook its great possibilities. The happy merchant GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS Kleinburg and Nashville Women’s Institute will hold their March meet- ing on Saturday, the 10th. Mrs. Horâ€" ton will deliver an address on “Health.†He'll Get Onâ€"The Bossâ€"“Robert I hope you try to save half of what you earn.†511‘ . H The auction sale of John Forsyth, Glasgow, held last week totalled $4,2- 70. Sheep sold as high as $20 each, a used wagon brought, $120 and oats sold _at 76c per bushel. The United States naval department estimates the cost of the navy for the next nine years at $4,200,000,000, or $4,66,666,666 a year, which is much more expensive than arbitration. The crime wave has almost ended in Scotland. They charged for room and board in the jails. Quadruplets born to Fred Shepherd and wife of J asperton, Iowa, were named John, Jane, Jeane and June. Somebody says that modern hus- bands don’t see enough of their Wives. That is strange, for everybody else sees too much of them. There appears to be more than a possibility of the T. Eaton Co. open- ing an extensive chain of groceterias in Toronto. It is understood that the popularity of existing groceteria ‘stores has made serious inroads into ‘the revenue of the store’s “cash and \carry†grocery business. Annie Culver, an 18 year old girl of St. Louis, promised to go to church every Sunday for a year to escape be- ing put in jail. Even As You and I When Noah sailed the well-known blue He had his troubles as well as you, For days and days he drove the ark Before he found a place‘to park. When Mrs. Harriet Owen of Chica- go was asked her age in a court where she appeared as a witness, she replied, “01d enough to tell the truth.†Mr. and Mrs. John Demerals of Chicago have been separated only two weeks during 75 years of married life. Deciding that it was wasteful to let leap year go by withmft taking advan- tage of i t, Mrs. Vest Doan, 74, of Centerville, 1a., proposed to Joseph Curl, 62, an old sweetheart. Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Williams of Davenport, 12., danced for 52 hours, 53 minutes, 15 seconds to claim the world record for continuous marathon dancing. Mme. Henriette d’AppelIier, wealthy widow of >Amiens, France ,married a chauffeur who had worked for her two months. Taking a deep yawn, J.W. McFar- land, 82 years old, of Horse Cave, Ky., dislocated both jawbones which caus- ed hia death. We understand the price of official Mexican documents has dropped to 3 cents a dozen. A meeting of the J.W.I. was held at the home of Miss Ethel Mortson oh Saturday, March 3rd, the programme commenced with the singing of the opening ode. Business then followed consisting of an invitation from Butt- onville Institute to attend their cook- ing: course, the reading of the News Bulletin, and the distribution of cards to send for the Material Mortality re- ‘port. The address of the afternoon ‘Was on the A.B.C’s. of life and was {given by Mrs. H. Collard. Material for the first aid boxes was prepared under the direction of Mrs. Haig and the boxes were packed with medicines and bandaging. Lunch was then ser- ved by the hostess and a pleasant soc- ial period brought the meeting to a close. Office Boyâ€"“I don’t get that much Over 100 persons attended the euchre and dance staged Friday even- ing last in the municipal hall under the auspices of the Centre North York Township Conservative Association. There were about twenty-two tables in play and at the close refreshments were served and prizes distributed. Leopold McCaulay, M.P.P., was pre- sent and spoke a few words. The following were the prize winners:â€" Ladiesâ€"Mrs. F. Wright, Mrs. Malty, ers. L. Durie, Mrs. G. Webb. Conâ€" solationâ€"Miss Darwin. Menâ€"~G . W . Wright, S. Evans‘ B. Holder, J. Well- wood. Consolationâ€"H. Henwood. Victoria Square THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Willowdale The funeral of the late Thos. J. Wilson, who passed away on Monday of last week, took place on Saturday to Hope cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. P.W. Roberts, a ‘large number of relatives and friends being present. The deceased was the eldest son of the late Geo. Wilson, who was Postmaster at Teston for many years. He is survived by two sisters Mrs. Jos. Lund and Mrs. Arthur Lund of Ontario, Cal. The annual supper and entertain- ment of the Sabbath School of the United Church was held on Saturday, and was much enjoyed by the children. Miss Helen Jackson and Miss Marg- uerite ‘Bailey, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H .C. Bailey. Mr. J. Foster and family of Toronto spent the weekâ€"end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas. Mrs. Howard Manning of Guelph was visiting friends in the village last week. Mr. Ross Anderson and family will be leaving here shortly to take up farming on the farm which he has re- cently purchased from Mr. W. Doner- ‘al. The farm is situated south of Ed- fgeley. We expect that Mr. Ernest Stong and family of Elia will soon be moving into the village as it is reported that he has exchanged his farm for Mrs. Ross Anderson’s residence. Mr. W. Pollock, of Brandon, and who has been on a trip to England is visiting his brother Mr. J.T. Pollock. Mr. Earl Cox has given up his posi- tion as ledger-keeper in the Standard Bank to take up the Insurance Busi- ness in Toronto and is succeeded here by Mr. Murray McDonald. A companionate marriage doesn’t prove anything except that a pup ‘doesn’t struggle to get loose if he isn’t tied. Our Eye Examinatlons are Accurate TOO LATE TO start a Shaw School Course as the safest path to a good salary. We invite you to write for particulars as to courses and re~ salts. Shaw Business Schools, Bay, Charles, Toronto . SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES repaired promptly and correctly. ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. Martin’s Barber Shop W. E. LUKE, R. O. Right at The Cit} Limits North Toronto. he audiometer for determining the degree of hearing retained by deaf persons is one of the recent inventions of Bell Telephone Research Engineers. It has been found that 'to test the hearing of children in grou s, rather than individually enables them to concentrate better on the hearing test. After the telephone receivers ave been adjusted on the right ears of the children they are told to write down as many numbers as they can hear as the phonograph utters them. They hear numbers coming from the telephone receiver, the intensity of each successive number group being three sensation units less than that of the preceding group. The receivers are then changed to the left ears and the test repeated. Children’s hearing can be much beneï¬tted when defects are ascertained before it is too lat OPTOMETRISTS MAPLE â€"â€"-ANDâ€"â€" Testing Children for Defective Hearing Will Your Brakes Pass Police Inspection? Telephone Thomhill Nights, Richmond Hill 80 51-r-1 Prompt Delivery TRY [IS FOR SERVICE Langstaff Suppy Co., Ltd- Chrysler Dealers, Tires, Accessories, Marconi and U.S.L. Radio, Livery, Battery Charging, General repairs on all makes of cars. Bad Brakes are Dangerous. Drive in and have them inspected and adjusted. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS IF YOU FAVOR US WITH YOUR PATRON- AGE, YOU WILL RECEIVE THE HIGHEST GRADE OF ANTHRACITE THAT MONEY CAN BUY KNOWN AS THE COAL THAT SATISFIES. WE SELL THE CLEANEST, SAFEST AND MOST ECONOMICAL FUEL AND ALWAYS AT A FAIR PRICE . A TELEPHONE CALL WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. YOU CAN FEEL ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT EVERY SHOVEL 0F COAL WILL BE OF THE SAME UNIFORMITY OF QUALITY. Mr. J. R. Hen-ington wishes to an- nounce that he has completed arrange- ments whereby he has taken oVer the Insurance Agencies, Business etc of the late Mr. H. A. Nicholle and that enquiries pertaining to the above will be promptly attended to. We appreciate the fact that the late Mr. Nicholls enjoyed the confidence. respect and esteem of a large clientel- le and it will be our aim to give to them that same measure of service as was characteristic of their previous business connection. ANNOUNCEMENT J. E. WIGMORE, Prop. FREE SERVICE. v. H. Duncan. THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1928