Markham Township Council Receives the Auditors Report Markham township council met in 1 regular session at the Township Hall, ( Unionville on Monday afternoon with : Reeve Gohn in the chair and present: : First-Deputy Reeve R.L. Stiver. sec- ond-Deputy Reeve George B. Padget ' and councillors Robert J. Beatty and ' R.A. Smith. The session was featur- ed by the presentation of the auditor’s report for the year 1927, which show- ed a surplus for the year of $1100.91. This figure was reduced to $240.91 when members of the council insisted that an item of $860. for a bridge which was built last year but paid for 1 this 'year, be included as a liability at the end of 1927. When this was included the report on motion of depu- ty-reeves Stiver and Padget was a- dopted. The report as adopted shows the as- sets of the township to be outstanding taxes $22,594.21, taxes returned to County $6166.12, road machinery $59- 60., office furnishings $130.63, fire equipment $800., township hall and furnishings $3158.95, Elmwood Park waterworks $2637.57, total $41,447.48. Liabilities are shown to be, Stand- ard Bank $35,462.63, accounts payable $125., amount due to school sections $350.90, Unionville Police Village $1575.21, Hydro Electric Power Com- mission $195.26, Holdcroft Construct- ion Co., bridge $860, debentures Elm- wood Park $2637.57, surplus $240.91, making a corresponding total of $41,- 447.48. The revenue of the township is shown as’ from township rates $36,- 722.32, dog taxes $1222, court fines $255.90, tOWnship roads provincial government subsidy $11,601.90, rail- way tax $175.59, Municipal Farm tax $523.61. Total $50,501.32. PAGE FOUR The expenses are shown as; roads and bridges $49.065.72, interest $1436- .93, sheep claims, $1848.51, grants and donations $315., printing and stationery $1052.91, salaries and al- lowances $6536.59, Board of Health $265.55, Charity $411.21, general municipal expense $629.05, insurance $302.62, law costs $243.08, tax re- funds $7.65, making a total of $62,- 114.84. Deficit for year $11,613.50 which is off set by a surplus at Janu- Shows Surplus for 1927 0f7$2il0.91â€"-Clerk G. I AM OFFERING SIX YOUNG BULLS 0F CHOICE BREEDING and GOOD TYPE AND COLOR OF BREED. A NUMBER OF HEIFERS RISING ONE AND TWO YEARS, OFF THE MOST UP-TO-DATE FAMILIES. COWS WITH CALF AND COWS WITH HEIFER CALVES AT FOOT. YOUR CHOICE FROM FORTY HEAD AT REASONABLE PRICE TO MAKE ROOM FOR OTHERS ON THE WAY. TractorandPlow Authorized Ford Dealers. Richmond Hill â€" â€" __ _ Real Bargains LITTLE BROS. Davison Wishes speed Warford transmission, 30 x 5 tires allround. E lmbank Good as new, completely overhauled, high compression head. No 8 Oliver plow. Low PricesuEasy Terms. THOS. THOMSON Late model, like new. Ton Truck Wishes To Be Relieved of Doing Business With Township. R. R. 2 GORMLEY Lot 19, Con. 3, Markham, (HEADFORD.) PHONE RICHMOND HILL 47-24 Tudor ary 1, 1927 of $9,938.31 and an amount of $1916.10 transferred from suspense account making a total of $11,854.41 and a surplus of $240.91. There was considerable discussiOn regarding the collection of municipal farm taxes. Deputy-Reeve Padget claimed‘ that the county educational tax should have been collected 'as it was the agreement that the City of :Toronto should pay all educational itaxation. Clerk G.A.M. Davison and Reeve Gohn argued that 'it was their gunderstanding of the agreement that the City was exempt from all County tax. Clerk Davison explained that the matter of the jail farm taxes was bas- ed on a gentleman’s agreement made by Mr. Padget when he was reeve of the township and the levy had been continued on the plan then agreed to as he understood it. He did not doubt that the agreement was a good as he understood it. He did not doubt that the agreement was a geod one at that time but if Mr. Padget had it in writing and on file there could be no misunderstanding of it. Mr. Padgetâ€"Then I think the best thing- we can do is appoint the clerk to have a new agreement drawn up with the city of Toronto. Then we’ll be ‘sure that it’s done right. I'nMr. Davisonâ€"I’ll be glad to do that if I am appointed. ‘ Reeve Eiohnâ€"Speaking to Mr. Pad- getâ€"Before I became Reeve did the City of Toronto get a bill for any County Tax. Mr. Padgetâ€"No, but there was no County Education tax then. How could we render a bill for a tax that was not in existence at that time. The special tax came on two years ago for County Education and should have been collected. The members of the council wanted to know why the bill for a bridge built last year and paid for in January was not included as a liability in the audi- tor’s report for the year 1927. Reeve Gohn explained that the reason was that the bill had not been presented although he was very anxious that it should have been paid last year. He was not sure that since the bill was not presented Whether it should be considered a liability or not. He re- ‘membered the case of a grader pur- Shortho rns BULLS 0F CHOICE BREEDING and Ontario chased some years ago which was pur- chased in one year and not paid for until the next and it was not listed as a liability . Mr. Padget contended that this‘was an entirely different case. That grader was bought by the council at the exhibition for the next years Work and on the next years terms. “You will remember that Mr. Reeve, you were there and agreed to it" said Mr. Padget. Reeve Gohnâ€"I didn’t agree to it and I wasn’t there. Councillor Smithâ€"It was agreed to by the council of the year. The auditor was appealed to and a- greed that the bill for the bridge should be listed as a liability since the work was done in 1927. He also ruled that the work now being completed at Doncaster Park could not be taken as a liability against last year when the ‘work was done this year. There was considerable discussion as to what was a surplus and as to what was not a surplus. Deputy- Reeve Padget wanted to know wheth- er the surplus reported by the auditor was a liquid surplus. Clerk Davisonâ€"Not unleSS you want to sell the township hall, road machin- ery etc. Mr. Padgebâ€"What is the road machinery valued at and what is al- lowed for depreciation. Clerkâ€"at $5960 and no depreciation was taken off. Reeve Gohnâ€"The road machinery I think is valued the same as last year and we added one tractor to it. Mr. Padgetâ€"I think you could cut the valuation in half and be nearer right. Clerk Davisonâ€"In regards to the last equipment you bought, the tractor and road maintainer, I’ll give you twice what you paid for it if you’ll pay the $340 rental which was due at that time. Mr. Padgetrâ€"Was there any replace- ments and repairs as a result of this rental. Mr. Davisonâ€"There might have been a little but there were many trips out about it for which the township did not pay. And I would like to state here that I would be glad to be relieved of doing any work for the township or selling any goods or equipment. That is frankly speaking 1my own feelings on the matter. ’ The township renewed its insurance with the Globe Indemnity Company for an annual premium of $372. This is an increase of $105. due as the rep- resentative explained to the increased 1hazard due to the increased traffic, the increased speed limit and the in- troduction of the Liquor Control Act. On motion of Dep. Reeve Stiver and Dep.-Reeve Padget a record of all farm sales during the past year will be obtained from the registry office. On motion of Messrs Padget and Beatty Deputy-Reeve Stiver and coun- cillor Smith were appointed a commit- tee to consider the repairing or renew- ing of the sheds at Township Hall and the building of a lavatory, also to con- sidte the advisability of constructing a vault in the basement of the hall. Fred Shedlock of Locust Hill appli- ed for the position of road foreman on Division Number 4. He complained his letter that last year one man got all the work which he does not think is a square deal for the ratepayers. Clark Young appeared before the council asking that stone be placed on the Scarboro townline west of the' Kennedy road. He intimated that Scarboro was willing to do some work if Markham would do its share. The council assured him that the request would have their consideration when they were laying out the work for the year. The tax collectors presented their rolls which were received and they were relieved of the collection of cer- tain‘ amounts which were sent on to the county for collection. Globe Indemnity Company premium 372., for revised statutes 15, Allan Hoover 3 hous shovelling snow, 75, W. The following accounts were order- ed to be paid:â€" J. McCoy, balance of audit; 125., chari- ty 12.00, W.J. Clayton. fees and mile- age 12.60, P.E. Betch fees and mile- age 21.80, Charity 24.35, Bond 130. and a half yards of stone at 50 cents 65.25, R. Campbell hauling Water, use of tractor and wood 10.00, J. Curt- is team for ten hours 6.00, L. Middle- ton salary for February 90.00, mile- age 2.80, Jno. Sunan shovelling snow 90c. Council Notes A representative of the 'Adams Grader Co. appeared before the coun- cil in an endeavour to interest the township in the purchase of an Adams leaning wheel grader. He pointed out that similar machines were in use in North York and in Vaughan Town- ships with good results. The cost of an eight foot grader was quoted as $1225. It would take a 20â€"30 H.P. tractor to supply the power and Depu- ty-Reeve Stiver pointed out that it was this power unit which would pre- sent the most serious difficulty in the purchase of the equipment. The rep- resentative pointed out that many municipalities hired their power and that if THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO the township was willing to talk business he was Willing to take one of his machines into the township and grade 9. mile of road at one of what it was costing the township now or he would take theg’rader back. Mr. Padget said he did not think the townâ€" ship’s finance warranted any such ex- penditure this year. The auditors report Shows that the council members for last year drew for their services the following a- mounts; Reeve Gohn selecting jurors $13.45, Reeve Gohn mileage and fee $372, J.R. Campbell $275, J.S. Hon- ey $250, R.L. Stiver $250, F. Coak- well $250. L. Middleton, road superintendent in nine months last year drew $1260.25 in salary and mileage. One half of this is paid by the provincial govern- ment. Council adjourned about six-thirty o’clock and will meet again in special session next Monday, March 13 at 1.30 p.m. Among the matters which will probalily be considered will be the road program for the year 1928 and possibly the contract with the road superintendent for the coming year. Figures given at the meeting show- ed that during the past three years the Globe Indemnity Company had paid out more money in claims than the a- mount of the premiums. ‘ Ratepayers will welcome the move made by the council to have the sheds at the township hall repaired and proper accommodation provided. The sheds are now in a very dilapidated condition. It is probable that there will be some changes in the personnel of the road foremen in the different divisions this year. There is also a sentiment evident in the council favoring the hir- ing of a road superintendent for only certain months of the year and also ‘for paying a straight salary rather than a salary and mileage. Successful Euchre. One of the most successful progres- 1 sive euchre parties of the season was held in the Victoria Hall last Monday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies Curling Club. Twenty tables , were in play. The prize winners were as followszâ€"Ladies, pair of linen tow- els won by Gladys Hooper, China pitc- her won by Mrs. Morley Hamilton, ‘ Consolation, bulb bowl won by Mrs. B. Weldrick, Gents, tie won by Mr. James Fisher, Concord, cuff-links won by Mr. Jim Fisher, Thornhill; consolation , ash tray won by Floyd Davies. Dainty refreshments were served which wound up an enjoyable evening. The proceeds amounted to $45.00. Women’s Institute Meeting The regular meeting of the Thorn- hill branch of the Women’s Institute will be held' at the home of Mrs. R. Thompson next Thursday afternoon, March 15th at 3 o’clock. The pro- gramme for the afternoon will be fur- nished by the Aurora Women’s Insti- tute. All ladies of the community are cordially invited to be present. Ladies Aid Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Aid of the United Church will be held at the home of Mrs. J.E. Francis next Wednesday afternoon. March 14th, at 3.30 o’clock. All lad- ies of the congregation are cordially invited to attend. Enjoyed Skating Party A very enjoyable evening was spent ' by Mrs. W. Luesby’s United Church , Sunday School class of young ladies and their friends when they journeyed » to the Unionville rink, last Saturday evening. After skating a couple of , hours on the new spacious rink, they returned to the Unionville Hotel where refreshments were awaiting ~them. Much of the success of the v evening . Mr. W. Dean, is due to Mrs. R,W. Scott, Fred Wesley and J. Robinson who conveyed the party in their motors to the rink. \ Social and Personal Mr. Fred S. Haines, A.R.C.A. is succeeding E.R. Creig as curator of Toronto art Gallery. a Missés McGaw and Libra of the Memorial Hospital, Niagara Falls spent Sunday with Miss Almeda Clu- bine. Mrs. Nableau, of Buffalo also visited with the Misses Clubine, Mon- day. Notice Re-Pupils Absent From School? Apparently some misunderstanding has arisen regarding the regulation which makes it compulsory for a child to bring a note from their parents af- ter every absence. She Board wishes it to be clearly un- derstood that this regulation will be strictly enforced. R. S. Cooper, Thornhill Secretary G. H. Duncan, Friday, March 30thâ€"Important cre- dit sale of a herd of 30 head of high grade fresh milch cows, calves by side, springers, near due, lot 2, con. 7, Markham, the property of J. S. Honey Sale at 1 o’clock sharp. 8 months credit, this is a select lot, be sure to "mean, attend this sale. Prentice & Prentice Chairman Auctioneers. arents af- learly un- on will be FOR SALEâ€"House and about one half acre of land on lot is poultry house to accommodate about 400 hens; also brooder houses, large enough for 500 chickens, coal burn-, ing brooder and other poultry sup- plies; also a quantity of furniture, rugs etc. Apply J. Hickson, Church Street. FOR SALEâ€"One 6 volt radio storage battery in good shape. Price $7.00. Apply B.H. Lasher, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Pine log barn, 35 x 35. The property of Jacob Snider, Lot 18, Con. 5, Vaughan. Apply on the premises. HAIRDRESSING--Marcelling and etc done at your home. Mrs. Russell, Centre St, west, Phone 178. CASH PAIDâ€"For Poultry market Prices. Also for sale Flexo Glass cloth, 55c per yard or 10 yards for $5.00. Apply A. Robison, box 174 \ Richmond Hill, phone 190. FOR SALEâ€"One Daniels 250 egg capacity incubator, in good conditi- on. Apply O.L. Heise, Victoria Square, phone Stouffville 6120. FOR SALEâ€"Seed oats, O.A.C. N0. 144, Government Standard No. 1, $1.00 per bushel, sack free. Apply R. Page, Thornhill, phone Maple 1863. FOR SALEâ€"Log barn, 50 x 60 feet, in good repair, logs all in first class condition. Apply to W.J. Buchan- an, Downsview, Ontario, Tel. Maple 1161 or at Liberal Office. ' FOR SALEâ€"Black percheron, mare rising 7 years, perfectly sound. Ap- ply Cline Burr, Buttonville. LOSTâ€"One dog “husky,†smoke color anyone detaining him after this date will be prosecuted, A.A. Eden, Richmond Hill. ' WANTEDâ€"Girl to keep house tidy and look after sick person. Mrs. Mathews, Centre St, west Rich- mond Hill. ‘1FOR SALEâ€"Setting eggs, Rhode Is- land reds and White Leghorns. $1 for 15. Albert Harrison, Rumbl'e Ave., Richmond Hill. F012 SALEâ€"Oats, No. 72 O.A.C. Apply lot 14, con 3, Vaughan, phone Maple 463. Tuesday, March 13â€"Credit Auction sale of fresh milk cows, 3 horses and 60 pigs. The property of Samuel Plunkett, half of lot 6, con. 8, Vaugh- an, 1A mile from Woodbridge. Terms 10 months credit. J.T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Wednesday, March 14â€"Extensive credit sale of farm stock, implements, ‘tfurniture etc., on lot 19, con. 7, Mark- ham, wthe property of Jno. H. Gowland. Sale at 12 o’clock. No Reserve Farm sold. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice. Auctioneers. Thursday, March 15thâ€"Credit sale ;of high class Jerseys, ,iarm stock, implements, grain etc., lot 10, con. 2, North York, 1% miles east of York Mills, the property of S. Teedon. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 months credit. Pren- tice and Prentice, Auctioneers. Friday, March 16â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc, lot 11, con. 9, Markham, the property of D. Wualtz. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auction- eers Tuesday, March 20â€"Cre'dit auction 1sale of milk cows, springers, horses, implements and grain. The property of Robt. Topper, west half lot 8, con. 4 Vaughan lzé mile north of Edgeley. No reserve as proprietor has rented farm. Terms 9 months credit. Wednesday, March 21â€"Auction sale of farm stock and implements and 'hlgh grade holstein cattle. The pro- perty of Charles Boynton, rear of lot 60, con. 1, Vaughan (Town line.) Terms. 8 months credit. J.T. Saig- eon, Auctioneer. Saturday, March 17â€"Auction sale of house and lot in Agincourt, splendid location, the property of the late Mrs. Forbar. Sale at 2 o’clock. On the premises subject to a. reserve bid. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Thursday ,March 22â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements and pure bred high grade holstein cattle. The property of Ernest Stong, rear of lot 3, con. 4, Vaughan, half mile south of Edgeley. No reserve as farm has been sold. Terms 8 months credit. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. SALE REGISTER Classifieci Advertising THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1928 FOR SALEâ€"â€"Hatching eggs, O.A.C. Barred rock strain, 75c per dozen or $6 per hundred. Telephone Maple NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that MAR- THA LEHTONEN RAJOLA of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario. Married Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next Session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, JOHN RAJOLA, of the said City of Toronto, on the grounds of adultery. " DATED at Toronto, this 6th day of January, A.D. 1928. JééEPiI' MONTGOMERY, 611 Federal Building, Toronto Solicitor for the said Martha Lehton- en Rajola. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE Notice is hereby given that Francis Marmaduke Steele of the City of To- ronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Pensioner, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the present or the next session there- of for a bill of divorce from his wife, Annie Elsie Bennett Steele, of the City of Kitchener, in the said Province of Ontario, on the grounds of adulter and desertion. ex. 1849, D. T. Rumble, Box 68 Rich- mond Hill. ‘ DATED at Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, the 13th day of February, 1928. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that LIL< LIAS AGNES CRESSMAN, of the City of Toronto in the County of York in the Province of Ontario, married woman, and at present residing at No. 92 Princess Street, in the City of St. John, in the Province of New Bruns- wick. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the present session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her hus- band, HAROLD ALLAN CRESSMAN of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Clerk, on the ground of adultery and desertion. DATED at the City of Toronto in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, this 30th day of January, A. D ., 1928. HEYD, HEYD & SHOREY, 514 Confederation Life Building, To'- ronto, Ontario. Solicitors for Lillias Agnes Cressman The above named Applicant NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Florence Louise Parsons of the City of Toronto, in the County of York in the Province of Ontario, Sales Clerk: lwill apply to the Parliament of Cana- da, at the present session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, Harold Walter Parson, of the City Of Toronto, but presently of the City Of Pontiac in the State of Michigan, one of the United States of America, Sale- sman, on the ground of adultery and desertion. Large Farm Frame Barn, Standing. in good condition, to he wrccked immediately. Also silo filled with excellent ensi- lage. For Particulars Apply. DATED at the City of Toronto the Province of Ontario, this first day‘ of February A.D., 1928. Unionville of 614 Confederation Life Building, ii the City of Toronto, in the County 01 York, and Province of Ontario, Solici‘ tor for Applicant. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE Notice is hereby given that Arthm Joel Cox, of the City of Toronto, it the County of York, in the Provinc.‘ of Ontario, clerk, will apply to th‘ parliament of Canada, at the presenl session thereof for a Bill of Divora from his Wife, Emily Cox, of the saï¬ City of Toronto, on the ground 0. adultery and desertion. DATED at Toronto this 16th day 03 {February A.D., 1928. RICHARDSON & PICKERING 213 Confederation Life Building, TORONTO, Ontario Solicitors for the Applicant FOR SALE MACBETH & MACBETH 412 Temple Building, Toronto, Solicitors for the Applicant . H. Towers ALEXANDER MACGREGOR Ont.