PAGE TWO . I pray Almighty God that the words I write in this house may be pure and honestâ€"that they be dictated by no personal spite, un- worthy motive or unjust greed for gain; that they may tell the truth as far as I know itâ€" and tend to promote love and peaceâ€" amongst men. IT’S A TOUCH LOOKING SPOT The Agricultural Park in Richmond Hill is in such a condition that those who attend sporting events held there and citizens of the town and surrounding district are often heard to pass very uncomplimen- tary remarks on the appearance of this, Richmond Hill’s only park. While Richmond Hill may be justly proud of many of its civic under- takings, of the fine main street, finehomes and well-kept lawns there are still many improvements neï¬ssary and none needing it worse than the park. An attractive park is an asset to any tOWn or community. Many a. hamlet boasting of only four corners, a general store and a pump has a. more attractive and better kept park than Richmond Hill. Civic pride demands that the Park be improved and the improvement should not be indefinitely put off. We understand that the park is held joint. 1y by the Town and the Agricultural Society. Would it not be well to call a joint meeting of the Town Council, the Agricultural Society and the citizens in an endeavour to find some means of making the much needed improvements. CHARACTER After the recent floods in Vermont which caused much commerci- al disaster as well as considerable loss qf life and great distress, a number of Massachusettes bankers agreed to lend money to business men, farmers and others without security, except as to character. This is helping a‘ lot of good men. It recalls what John Pierpont Morgan used to say, that character was the first collateral he wanted. He loaned millions on that, and is said never to have lost any of it. Forty minutes is the time limit for speeches in the Canadian Par. liament now. This is a splendid plan. Longâ€"winded speakers have choked more good enterprises, killed more enthusiasm and wasted more valuable time than any other group of individuals. This thing of liking to hear yourself talk is awfully monotonous to listeners. A good speaker can say what he wants to in short order, and a man isn’t a. good speaker till he can speak concisely. We venture to say that the speeches in Parliament have never been easier to' listen to than they are this session. Moral for the boy entering business lifeâ€"be straight. Straight with money straight in decency and thoughtfulness and kindness with family and friends, straight in doing an honest day’s work straight in every duty a man should recognize. Despite all the changes in street conditions, the personal attitude of many persons has been little altered. People still stroll unconcern- edly across the streets, in the middle of blocks and at intersections without looking right or left. In other words, they cross the thorou- ghfare in just the same manner they used 20 years ago when a farm- er’s team or the butcher’s cart constituted the greatest street menace. It is hard for adults to change their ways and to adopt themselves to changing conditions. Children, however, learn easily. They are young and, therefore, pliable. It is to them that the lesson of trafï¬c safety should be directed. They will, of course, pass a good deal on to theirparents. Parents and teachersmust be untiring in their efforts to impress on the children the danger of travelling on Yonge Street. \ WHAT OF OLD AGE? While not a pleasant subject to dwell upon, an occasional look a. head to the condition which may surround old age would be advisable, even for those whose circumstances in early life are satisfactory and whose future seems secure. We may well be reminded that nearly 80 per cent. of all old peop- 1e are dependent upon others for support. Yet many of those in early and middle life were prosperous; sqne even wealthy. Who can not look about him an}! see acquaintances who were once the envy of their neighbors, but who through business reverses, acci- dents. illness or extravagance are now brought to feel the sting of poverty? Usually such disasters might have been averted by a reasonable exercise of prudence and thrift. Keeping up with one’s neighbors in a. false display of prosperity is one fruitful source of old age ,poverty, and there are many others. Much of the misery which usually accom- panies old age might be avoided by looking ahead before it is too late. During the past four or ï¬ve weeks the Town of Oakville has inter- viewed four manufacturing concerns with the View of having them 10. cate in Oakville. They were successful in at least two cases. The town has agreed to spend $500 this year in publicity and are out to get industries and apparently are meeting with success. Other towns are getting industries. What is Richmond Hill doing to induce factories to locate here? Ask the members of the Council next time you meet them. ' Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"T0 the United States $2.00. ' Covering Canada’s Best Suburban Distric‘. Advertising Rates on Application. Prices H- G R. R. Richmond Hill, Ont. Baby Chicks MARCH HATCHES, ROCKS . . . . . . . 3 30.00 per 100 ‘ APRIL HATCHES, LEGHORNS ..... 25.00 per 100 MAY HATCHES, LEGHORNS ....... 22.00 per 100 JUNE HATCHES, LEGHORNS ...... 20.00 per 100 Subject to 10% reduction in lots of 200 or more TERMS:-â€"20% deposit with orderâ€"Balance before delivery $5.00 PER 100 EGGS SPECIAL RATES ON LARGE ORDERS CUSTOM HATCHING Yonge Street Poultry Farm WALTER ROSE STOCK MARCH HATCHES, ROCKS ....... : APRIL HATCHES, LEGHORNS ..... MAY HATCHES, LEGHORNS ....... JUNE HATCHES, LEGHORNS ...... THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1928 TRAFFIC EDUCATION SHORT SPEECHES Opposite Orange Orphanage THE LIBERAL TELEPHONE 9. MECREDY S. C. White Leghorn: Barred Rocks. Phone, King 16-r-26 100 100 100 100 ,' g r | Best Lady’s representative costume, ilst Miss G. Cooper, Spring; 2nd Miss ’Mortson, night; Best comic costume, lst C. Lyons, 2nd B. Stoutenburgh. ,‘Open race, lst W. Clifford; 2nd Thos. jTrench; Boys race, lst J. Brown; 2nd IA. Glass; 3rd Morris. The judges were Messrs Ptitchard and Horswell. DO YOU REMEMBER 1 DO YOU REMEMBER ' This Week of 1896 When a fancy dress carnival was ;held in Gallanough’s skating rink, {ThornhilL there was about 400 present and about 50 in costumes. The fol]- lowing were the prize winners: Lady’s representative costume, Miss Ada ILindsay, Thornhill; Gypsy Queen. Gent’s representative Costume, Mr. jBert Carruthers, Downsview, Indian iChief. Open race, Mr. J. Graham, Markham village; Boys race, Master !A. Devins, Emery Comic zcharacter, ‘ A. Shierk, Richmond Hill. This Week of 1890 When at Newtonbrook Richard Lub- bock passed away at the age of 26 years. When the anniversary tea held at Newtonbrook was well attended con- sidering the State of the roads. In ad- dition to the scholars of the school the following ladies and gentlemen made important additions to the programme vizzâ€"Miss Lottie, St. Toronto; Miss E. Wilson, Thornhill; Mr. E. J. Jack- son and Miss I. Husband of Newton- brook also added to the pleasure of the occasion. When the closing carnival of the season was held in the Richmond Hill rink. The following is a list of those in costume and character represented, as handed in at the doorzâ€"F. BrOWn, flower girl; Maple Smith, Jockey; S. Byers, Shantyman; Florence Moodie, Spring; Geo. Sims, school boy; Annie Glass, flower girl; Harry Mackie, dude Fred Harrison, Josiah Allans wife; C. Hall, sailor; Mrs. T. Hicks, mother hubbard; Ernest Bishop, bush whacker Ida Glass, Little Red Riding Hood; Geo. Hopper, chinese boy; I. Lyons, soldier boy; Geo. Hords, lacrosse play. er; Garnet Duncan, Irish Gallant; Laura Brown, a lily; Minnie Dilworth, a gypsy. I When the closing carnival of the lseason was held in the Richmond Hill lrink. A pleasant feature of the even- ing was the grand march of masquer- aders just before the other skaters ,took the ice. The parade was led by }J.H. Sanderson. The following won ithe prizes:â€"â€"Best gents representative [costume, lst, Garnet Duncan, Prime lMinister of Russia; 2nl W. Tinkler, lKing of Spades. When the curling rink of Scarboro, came to Thornhill and played a friend- 1y game with the curlers there. The following Were the playerszâ€"Scarboro Wm. Young, J. C. Clark, R. Crawford, Simpson Rennie, Skip 17; Thornhillâ€" J. Wilson, Dr. Gallanough, Dr. Nelles, J. Morgan skip. After the match all pa'rtook of supper at Hughes Hotel. When the following stood first in their classes at the Richmond Hill Public Schoolzâ€"Sr. IV, Violet Storey; Sr. III, May Lillie, Jr. III, Mable Smith; Sr. II, Pearl Barker; Jr. II, Chas. Glover; Sr. Part II, Bertie Slin- ey; Jr. Part II, Willie Lindsay; Part I, Frank McDonald. When at Dollar 3rd Concession, Markham. Laura Irene, daughter of Edward Barker passed away in her fifth'year. This Week of 1902 When Rev. W. J upp ,a retired Angâ€" lican Clergyman, was found dead in his home at Thomhill. The funeral took place from Trinity Church, Thornhill, and was conducted by the Rev. John Gibson. When at Victoria Square, Walter H. Brumwell, aged 31 years passed away When at Can-ville, Michael Brilling- er passed away in his 36 year. When Mr. Armand Savage left to take a position in the cloak establish- ment of Mr. Charles Storey, Brecton, Mass. When the last match in the Smith medal contest was played. The match was between Mr. Pugsley’s rink and Mr. Storey’s. The play was very even throughout, but Mr. Pugsley won in the end by one shot. The players on the successful rink warezâ€"R. A. Farquharson, P. G. Savage, J .P. Glass and W.H. Pugsley, skip. Our Eye Examinations are Accurate a ( i OPTOMETRISTS 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES repaired promptly and correctly. ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. DO YOU REMEMBER? â€" AND â€" W. E. LUKE. R. O “ Way Back in Liberal Files †THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIQ A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. Charles Malloy on Thursday last, when about 50 of their neighbors and friends gathered there to present them with a beautiful floor lamp and club bag before leaving the farm for their new home in Aurora. Charles responded to the address and thanked the people in behalf of him- Self and sisters for the beautiful pres- ents. The Upper Ten euchre club held an oyster supper at the home of Mr. Lorne Malloy on Friday evening last. After full justice was done at the tab- Ie the remainder of the evening was spent in playing euchre, the first pr'iz- es were given to Mr. Neil Malloy and Miss Ida Malloy the consolation prizes to Mrs. J. Murray and Mr. C. Black. Mr. Wm. Kyle had the misfortune to fall on the ice last Wednesday and fractured one of his ribs and he is pro- gressing very favorably and his friends hope to see him again soon. The funeral of the late Rev. S.R. Robinson who passed away at his home in Markham on Wednesday of last week took place to St. Paul’s cemeâ€" tery on Saturday and was attended by a large number of friends and relat- ives. Prior to the interment a service was held in St. Paul’s church, conduct- ed by Rev. C.H. Bowman. Others taking- part 'n the services at the house and at t e church and the grave- side were Rev. Mr. Fuller of Markham YRev. Major Burch, of Scarboro; Rev. ‘Mr. Mustard and Rev. W. Matheson, 'of Toronto. Rev. Mr. Robinson was a faithful pastor of the congregations of St. Andrew’s and St. Paul’s for a number of years, and was loved and respected by all with whom he came in contact. About three years ago he had to resign owing to illâ€"health, and since that time he resided in Markham until the time of his death. The in- terment took place with Masonic rites, ‘a large number of brethren being present. Their many friends sympa- "thize deeply with Mrs. Robinson, and \her daughter Ruth, in the loss of a loving husband and father. There were many beautiful floral tributes 'one wreath being from the Vaughan lLodge of A.F. & A.M. The pallâ€" bearers were Mr. J.B. McLean and Mr. M. Watson from St. Andrew’s Mr. A.L. McNeil, Mr. J. McNeil, Mr. D. McKinnon and Mr. J. McGillivray 'from St. Paul’s Mr. J. McNeil of Map; le was an Honorary Bearer. Rev. Mr. Robinson, prior to his death chose these old friends as Bearers. l A large number of the friends of ‘Mr. Chas. Malloy and his sisters visit- |ed them at their home last Wednesday 'evening, previous to their moving to Aurora this week. A linen table cov- er with six linen serviettes was pre- sented to Miss C. Malloy, a breakfast lset of dishes to Miss Mossie and an electric reading lamp to Mr. Malloy. The family is highly esteemed by a large circle of friends who wish them [happiness in their new home. The regular monthly meeting of St. Andrew’s W.M.S. was held on March 7th at the home of Mrs. Arthur Rumble. The program was in charge of Mrs. Chas. Snider, Miss M. John- son and Mrs. Geo. Matheson. Very interesting readings were given by these ladies. Miss A. Walkington and Mrs. J .B. McLean were appointed as delegates to attend the W.M.S. Provincial annual meeting to be held at Guelph in April. After the meet. ing Mrs. Rumble served refreshments. A good time is expected at the Box Social in the Community Hall on _Sat_ urday evening, March 17, under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. An interesting programme will be given. A number from Hope and Maple at- tended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ella at Weston on Saturday evening. The monthly meeting of the W.A. of St. Stephen’s Church was held at the home of Mrs. E. Mathewson on Thursday of last week. After the meeting a splendid supper was served by the hostess. Miss Mary McKinney of Erin spent Sunday with Miss Mary Manning. Mr. J.A. Rose, Miss Donalda Rose and Mr. Bruce Rose spent Sunday with friends in Hamilton, Mr. J.A. Rose remaining a few days. On Saturday Mr. T.O. Nixon had he rib fractured and another cracked when he was thrown against a stake, TESTON Maple Will Your Brakes Pass Police Inspection? ' When Building Enquire About WILCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LIMITED W. H. LEGGE, Manager OFFICE: RESIDENCE NIGHTS & HOLIDAYS RICHMOND HILL, TEL. 92. TELEPHONE 2 r 12. Marbelite Brick DOMINQN ‘E'IRE DEPOT TR)? ITS 1*‘Uli Sbï¬V 1pm Langstaff Sgppy Co., Ltd. I / ’ Those wheels are (out of alignment/I, ; W. G. Baldock Ltd, Richmond Hill Summit Garage, Oak Ridges IW Telephone Thornhill 51-r-1 J. E. WIGMORE, Prop. Chrysler Dealers, Tires, Accessories, Marconi and U.S.L. Radio, Livery, Battery Charging, General repairs on all makes of cars. Bad Brakes are Dangerous. Drive in and have them inspected and adjusted. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS VEN if the tread doesn’t show it to your eye â€"â€"our experienced tire men will usually notice the ï¬rst signs of trouble. Give us the chance to save you the price of a new tire. Wheels do get out of alignment. Catch it before it gets really bad and you will lower your tire bills and get greater tire mileage. Let our service man check up your tires every week. Let him test tire pressure and look for hidden trouble. A little care may save you a half-hour on the roadsideâ€"and knock dollars off your running costs. A WObbleâ€"a wom bearingâ€"a badly linedmp wheelâ€"â€" anythmg that keeps Ewes from tracking true will rob you of mileage and make your motoring Costly. WE SELL THE CLEANEST, SAFEST AND MOST ECONOMICAL FUEL AND ALWAYS AT A FAIR PRICE. IF YOU FAVOR US WITH YOUR PATRON- AGE, YOU WILL, RECEIVE THE HIGHEST GRADE OF ANTHRACITE THAT MONEY CAN BUY KNOWN AS THE COAL THAT SATISFIES. "ECU CAN FEEL ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT EVERY SHOVEL OF COAL WILL BE OF THE SAME UNIFORMITY OF QUALITY. A TELEPHONE CALL WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. IS FOR SERV’ICE FREE SERVICE. MANUFACTURED BY . H. Duncan. THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 1928 Nights, Richmond Hill 80 Prompt Delivery