Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1928, p. 2

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will GRASP IT. The reports from the committee of the Ratepayers Association received so far are very encouraging. Many citzens have responded to the appeal willingly and generously. Many more must help if the goal is to be reached. It is an ambitious undertaking and success will crown the efforts of the association only when every citizen is willing to do his or her share. ALL CAN HELP. Opportunity is knocking at the door. Let it not be said that Richmond Hill citzens failed to hear the knock or were not equal to the call. We are con- fident that the objective will be reached in the course of the next few days, because we have faith in the people of Richmond Hill and be- lieve that they recognize an opportunity when it presents itself and If you want to live in the kind of a town Like the kind of a town you like. You needn't slip your clothes- in a grip And start on a long, long hike. You’ll only find what you left behind, For there’s nothing- that’s really new, It’s a knock at yourself when you knock your town, It isn’t your townâ€"it’s YOU! Real towns are not made by men afraid Lest somebody else gets ahead; When everyone works and nobody shirks, You can raise a town from the dead. And if, while you make your personal stake, ' Your neighbor can make one, too, Your town will be what you want to see, It isn’t your townâ€"it’s YOU! How thoroughly do you believe in your town? How real is your enthusiasm for the work that must solve her problems, how genuine your faith in her future? A town is very like a man. It has hands and feetâ€"feet to move with, hands to work with. It; has veins and arteriesâ€"its streets and railwaysâ€"through which its lifeblood cir- culates. It has nerves which centre in the telephone exchange and telegraph offices. Its strength of bone and sinew is in its banks, its manufactories and its mercantile establishments. And it grows just as does the body It has a brain, for a community must think. And it has, it must have a spirit. What is the spirit of your town? How truly are you a part of that spirit? This week has been set apart by the Provincial Department of Agriculture as SEED CLEANING WEEK. We must commend the Department for their activity in trying to encourage the production of better crops and in fighting the deadly weed menace Which is cost. ing this country thousands of dollars every year. The efforts of the Department will be useless unless the farm- ers of Ontario show their appreciation. of the seriousness of the situation by their practical co-operation. Let everyone take a part in ridding the province of noxious weeds. The first step is to make sure you sow only clean seed. Clean seed means larger dividends, a cleaner farm and a more valuable farm, and a finer appearance for your crops. USE THIS WEEK TO SECURE CLEAN SEED READY FOR SOWING. ' OPPORTUNITY The man who succeeds is the man who takes advantage of his opportunities. Likewise the town which suceceds is the town which recognizes opportunity when it presents itself. Richmond Hill has an excellent opportunity at the present time to secure a substantial manufacturing concern which will give employment to a large num- ber of people and in turn bring devlopment and prosperity to this community. Within certain limits, a growing population is beneficial to every community and what benefits the comunity as a whole serves each of its compotent parts. Pay rolls mean business for merchants, taxes with which to run local governments, homes, schools, churches, charity, public improve- ments and public contentment. The more pay rolls the more of all of these community assets And finally, and of still greater import- ance, pay rolls mean employment for the community’s surplus labor and attractions which lure new workers and new families. For these reasons progressive, growing communities throughout Canada offer inducements to new industries. Each new factory means another pay roll. The offers include free land, low taxes, cheap fuel or water, local capital, and even free use of build- ings for limited periods. Perhaps it is because it is so universal and commonplace that people never look upon the pay roll in its true light as the life blood of the community. To the homeâ€"town merchants paydays have alâ€" ways been good busines days and yet those merchants received as a great discovery the idea that every day would be a good business day in the town or city whose industries were so numerous and diversified as to make every day a pay day. HAVE A GOOD STEADY PAY ROLL IS A WORTHY AMBITION FOR ANY TOWN OR COMMUNITY and Richmond Hill citizens should take advantage of the opportunity now before them to secure a large pay-roll in the town. THE VALUE OF THE PAY The pay 1-011 and pay day are products of ism They did not exist when the human race and masters nor even during- the period of workmen labored in their homes. Today both PAGE TWO When Building Enquire About WILCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LIMITED OFFICE: ] RICHMOND HILL, TEL. 92. AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO, LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.0Q Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. Marbelite Brick THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1928 SEED CLEANING WEEK W. H. LEGGE, Manager RESIDENCE NIGHTS & HOLIDAYS L, TEL. 92. TELEPHONE 2 r 12. MANUFACTURED BY YOUR TOWN THE LIBERAL TELEPHONE 9. Established 1878 ROLL our . modern industrial- was divided into slaves hand craftsmen when are commonplace. TO When the Junior Epworth League gave an entertainment in the Metho- dist Church. Rev. Mr. Grant of the 'Presbyterian Church, presided and \the following programme was pre- sented:â€"â€"President Address, Harold Proctor, Essay, Victoria, Our Queen, Jennie Sheppard, Secretary’s report for the year, Ida Glass, Dialogue, "‘The Holiday Convention,” Misses Maggie Mapes, Violet Storey, Laura Duncan and Mabel Smith; Mouth ‘Organ Duetâ€"Misses Gertie Cooper and Bee Harris. Address Rev. Mr. Grant. Recitation, “Which Loved ’Mother Best”, Verna Hutchison. Song Holiday in Jasper National Park At Jasper National Park in the midst of the Canadian Rockies, all that goes to make the perfect vaca- tion awaits your pleasure. Throughout Canada you will find a great variation as to health condi- tions between places that may be fairly compared with each other. There is of course, a reason for this. This reason is not hard to find; it is a. simple one. Where the best health work has been done, there health con- ditions are best, and so on, down the scale, the health of the community corresponds to the health work done by the community. Jasper Park Lodge, an ultra. modern hostelry, is the social centre of the park. Every day about the lodge a. dozen activities can claim your attention. There is tennis, golf and swimming. If you like to explore the scenic beauty of the Rockies there is an abundance of adventurous rid- ing, smooth motoring and healthful hiking to fill every day with happy moments. Almost everybody thinks that the other man has the easier and the bet. ter job. There is a general tendency to ascribe success to luck. In the same way, many communities excuse their failure to secure health for their constituents because of some local difficulties and, at the same time at. tribute the success of other com- munities to “just luck" It is true that every place has its own problems and difficulties. It is equally true that the healthy com- munity has succeeded not because of luck, but because members did what was necessary to overcome their local difficulties. At night in a canoe, as you glide over the still waters of Lac Beauvert, the twinkling mumâ€"colored lights of the lodge and soft dance music from the ballroom make a picture you will never forget. A place where dreams come true. If a wife of a. Trukoman asks his permission to go out, and he says f‘Go,” without adding, “Come back again", they are divorced. Ask any Canadian National Rail- :way Agent for full particulars and illustrated booklet. ‘ When Mr. J. T. Saigeon of King took out a license as Auctioneer in the County of York. Mr. Saigeon made his debut when he disposed of the effects of Dr. Orr of Maple. When in Richmond Hill, Mary be- loved wife of Parker Crosby, Esq., passed away in the 73 year of her age _ When at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. J. M. Simpson, Mr. Wm. H. Lever, to Francis Jane, eldest daughter of Isaac Brumwell Esq. all of Markham. When Mr. W. Skardon, the present proprietor of the Queen’s Hotel, Thornhill had his place fitted up in first class style and was prepared to give travellers and boarders every comfort. DO YOU REMEMBER? This \Veek of 1890 When Oscar Brown published the following Ad “Bannanas” for Sale. See Oscar Brown's sign board. They are excellent quality but, as the Hinglishman would say, they have too many hens in them. When at his residence Thornhill, John Lane Esq., ex-M.P.P., passed away at the age of 71 years. MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE HEALTH “THE ROAD TO HEALTH IS PAVED WITH GOOD PREVENTION” “ Way Back in Liberal Files ” CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION DO YOU REMEMBER This Week of 1896 LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICE OF THE H‘or'nmy Atkinsâ€"12 boys, in which ‘the solo was taken by Albert Glass. Recitation, “My Canada” by Earle Newton. When the Lacrosse Club re-organ- ‘ized and the following officers were elected:â€"Hon. President, W. H. Pug- .‘sley; President, F. W. Garvin; Viceâ€" President, C. Billings; Field Captain, W. E. Wiley; Secretary, Wye French; Treasurer, H. A. Nicholls; Managing Committee, C. Skeele, John Glass, W. V. Palmer, A. Powell. Curatorâ€"W. Douthwaite. This Week of 1907 When Reamanâ€"Farrâ€"at the home of the bride’s parents, Thornhill, by the Rev. G. McKinley, Ella, daughter of F. Farr, Esq, to Secord Reaman of Buttonville. When the barns and other outbuildâ€" ings of Mr. George Dean, Lot 18, Con. 3, Markham, near Headford, were struck by lightning and burned to the ground. When at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clubine was the scene of a pretty double wedding when their daughters, Mary E. and Clara L. were united in the bonds of Holy matrimony by the Rev. G. McKinley, pastor of the brides to Mr. J. R. Wells, of the firm of Wells and Beatty, Palmyra, N. Y., and Mr. G. A. Lowery, eldest son of Mr. A. Low- ery of Thornhill, Ontario. I When the following stood first in their claSSes at the Langstaff Public School for the month of March. Sen. LIVâ€"Mary Lowery. Junior IVâ€"Alice Page. Sen. III, Robbie Lowery. Inter. IIIâ€"Nellie Page. Junior IIIâ€"Stew- art Page. Senior IIâ€"Katie Chapâ€" man. Junior IIâ€"Ellsworth Weldrick. Sen. Part IIâ€"Dennis White. Junior Part IIâ€"Russell Monkman. Part Iâ€" Enid Drury. Every citizen should enquire as to the health standing of his home town or county find out how it compares with others, ask these questions of the local or provincial health depart- ments. Every citizen should then ask himself whether or not he and his fel- lowâ€"citizens are providing the money and other support necessary to enable the health department to pave the health road of the community with sound preventive measures, so that the citizens may travel along in happiness, free from the bump of disease, the ruts of i]l-health, the sudden, unguarded. crossings of epiâ€" demics and the unprotected preci- pices of preventable fatal illnesses. When at Headford, David Thomson passed away at the age of 73 years. DO YOU REMEMBER Richmond Hill â€" â€" â€"- â€" Ontarie DR2 BUY QUAKER FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS Increased Productionâ€"Lower Costs Quaker Dairy Ration is scientifically balanced TO PRO- DUCE MOST MILK FOR LEAST MONEY. Stimu- lates to capacity the milk producing organs and constantly rebuilds tissues. Keeps the cow in good condition by restoring to her the minerals and fats she puts into the milk. The protein, the carbohydrates and minerals being in_exact__bala_nce, there is no waste. Quaker Dairy Ration is easily digested and quickly assimilated. You need not experiment with dairy feeds. Thousands of dairymen have proved that Quaker Dairy Ration increases the milk flow. Follow their experience. Low moisture con- tent, because kiln dried. Most economical, because it PRODUCES MOST LIILK FOR LEAST IVIONEY. You could not mix so good a feed even if you had all the ingre- dients. Write us about your feeding problems. The advice of our experts is free. The Quaker Oats Company, Peter- borough, Ontario. “5 Quaker Also Quaker Schumacher Feed for cattle, hogs and horses, and Quaker F ul-O-Pep Feeds for Poultry. SOLD BY DAIRY RATION I. D. Ramer & Son 0MWE SQUARE DEA]. .7 we deliver it when we say we ‘Will. finest coal that is mined and THIS coal yard practises the policy of a square deal. We give a full weight ton of the wmmw WE W. G. Baldock Lt d, Richmond Hill Summit Garage, Oak Ridges Wood and Solvay Coke I. Ramer At the Elevator “Put something besides Air in your tires” Richmond Hill COAL â€" OMMON-SEN SE w a n t s t o b e pumped into them too. Because they’re filled is no guarantee that tires are fit for the road. They must be properly filled to the correct pressure for their size and load. Over that pressure, is uncomfortable â€" under it, is expensive. If you want g d mileage, come in here once a week! Let our tire man test the pressureâ€"gauge it, not guess it. Let him examine the casing for flints, metal splinters and nail ends. Better ten minutes wait at the Dominion Tire Depot than half an hour’s work on the roadside. â€" WOOD â€" BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1928 Cement--Tile We carry a full line‘of Blatchford’s Dandy, Full 0’ Pep and Purina Chick and poultry feedsâ€" Also â€"-- Bran, Shorts, Glut- en and Dairy Ration. NOTICE FEED

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