Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1928, p. 8

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Cement and Galvanized Culvert Pipe, Hydrated Brick Lime and Plaster Lime. CEMENT FIELD TILE GLAZED TILE We have coming a carload of select end posts and brace posts Save Yourself at our expense We are. now prepared to take care of your custom grinding PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE LANGSTAFF SUPPLY (10., Limited PRODUCT OF GENERAL IMOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITELD CHEVROLET RoadsterEXm‘ess (yieNBVv Custom Grinding PAGE EIGHT Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little “help as you desire by means of five differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. N o marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call In Richmond Hill District Tuesdays and Fridays If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Lakeside 5280 NOTHER outstanding example of Quality at Low Cost . . . the New Chevrolet Roadster Express. The smart delivery body is mounted on the “Bigger and Better” Chevrolet chassis, providing exceptional speed and smooth- ness, as well as the proven Chevrolet qualities of economy and endurance. Four-wheel Brakes are standard equipment, as are the Oil Filter, Gas Strainer, Crankcase Breather and the count- less other quality-car features of the “Bigger and Better” Chevrolet. This clean-cut, depend- able Roadster Express speeds up deliveries in a hundred lines of business . . . cuts down overhead and maintenance costs . . . and constitutes a truly valuable advertisement for its owners. The price is amazingly low for a job of such obvious quality and completeness, $650, at Factory, Taxes Extra . . . including the body, as illustrated. It may be purchased on the liberal terms of the GLM.A.C.â€"-General Motors’ own time-payment plan. Ask your Chevrolet dealer about adapting it to YOUR requirements. The G.M.A.C. . . . General M otolrs’ own deferred pay- ment plan afiords the most convenient and economical way of buying your Chevrolet on time. Telephone Th ornhill 51-r-1 2 COAL READY FOR PROMPT DELIVERY SEED CLEANING PLANT Morley S. Hamilton, Thornhill W. G. Baldock Ltd, Richmond Hill Available for service here in near future. COKE LET US SERVE YOU G. H. Duncan. 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. Nights, Richmond Hill 80 Prompt Delivery r{00D C-SIZBC iWeekly Newsy Notes E From Newtonbrook District Miss Eleanor Moore is confined to her home with mumps. Miss Lottie Stephenson, we are sorry to say, has been seriously ill. Representatives of the Bell Tele- phone Company, of Toronto, are givâ€" ing a demonstration of their system, under the auspices of the Newton- brook Men’s Club, this (Thursday) evening in the Sunday School Room of the United Church. Rev. R. N. Burns, D. D., of Toronto, will be the preacher at the coming _Union Good Friday Service in the Newtonbrook United Church, April 6th., at 11 a.m. All the local pastors will assist. Music will be furnished by the choir of the Willowdale United Church. A cordial welcome is ex- tended to all to join in this annual union service in memory of the Crucified One. Miss Margaret Mr. and Mrs. G]: out of quarantine Choir practice will be held this week at the home of Mrs. Frank Summers. There will, doubtless, be a full turnout as Easter music is under way. There was a fair attendance at the meeting of the Home and School As- sociation in the New School on Thursday, March 22nd, when an in- teresting and very instructive pro- Church, commencing Monday even- ing, April 2nd., at 8 o’clock. The following ministers will take part. Rev. A Halbert, King City; Rev. A. A. Wall, Richmond Hill; Rev. J. W. gramme was giVenc MYS- A-‘W- Gal“ :Fox, Richvale; Rev. E. R. Young braith was in the Chair- Splendid INewtonbrook; Rev. Geo. Waugh: reports were given by the secretal‘YlWillowdale; and Rev. B. R. Strang- and treasurer. The devotional exer- lways ’Thornhill. Suitable mugic will cises were taken by Rev. E. R. Young. be provided by members of the choir Music was provided by Miss Betty Riddle and Miss Eva Thomas and a very interesting paper was read by Miss Evelyn Graham. Miss NeTan-| nis Semmens, a noted worker in Re- ligious Education, gave a very able; address upon “Guide Posts in Child' Training”. Parents and teachers! were not called upon to pour some- thing into hollow heads, as they dealt with their children. They were call- ed upon to deal with sensitive, agâ€" gressive spirits, with inquiring minds and eager souls, trying to find them- selves in the ways of life. Parents and teachers were, therefore to .be guides to their children. Among the “guideâ€"posts” treated were: Worship, Fellowship, Instruction and Service. Miss Semmens had small use for the separate “Junior Congregation.” The place of children in worship was be- side their parents and if they did not understand all that was said and done, they understood that in wor- shipping God ,they were to stand be- side their parents. Miss Semmens emphasized the important place that the Family Altar had in fashioning child faith and life. There was noth- ing, declared the speaker, to take the place of the training that a child reâ€" cived in its home and the first, great- est and most influential guides an‘dl Responsi- 1 trainers are the parents. bility, as well as “honor”, [for child culture and success, rests "with the, here and others. All are cordially invited to be present and hear these interesting addresses on Easter. SOCIAL EVENING AT MRS. MORRISON’S HOME A very enjoyable Social evening was spent at the home of Mrs. W. J. Morrison, Langstaff, last Wednesday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the United Church, with Mrs. F. Teasdale as convenor. An interesting programme consisted of solos by Mrs. Frank Olfield, To- ronto, Miss Emma G. Barker, Thorn- :hill and Miss Freda Cross, Toronto, piano solos by Miss Flora Gray, of Toronto, and readings by Miss Rhoda Barker, Richmond Hill. This very interesting program was intersper- I,sed with too unique contests. Miss Mary Smith and Mr. R.*Simpson win- thing the first and Misses A. Boyle and Marion Smellie winning the prizes in the second. Dainty refresh- ments were served and a social time followed. Edgeley BEAUTY CONTEST FEATURE OF SOCIAL EVENING The community social evening was held last Friday at the home of Mr. [and Mrs. James Hoover. After a In .each of Shaw's Twelve Schools merges into the Summer Term with no forced vacations. Enter any day. Booklet free. Write 1130 Bay Street, Toronto, W.R. Shaw, Secretary. parents LATE MORLEY H. F. DENBY There was a very large attendance of sympathising friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Denby, Fourth Concession, Markham Township, on Friday afternoon, March 23rd., where the funeral service of their son, Mor- ley Henry Francis, was held. Morley was only nineteen years old but had been a‘suffeerer from heart trouble for some time. Besides father and mother, he is survived by a sister, Viola and a younger brother, Clark. Rev. George Waugh, of Willowdale, \had charge of the service and was assisted by Rev. E. R. Young, of Newtonbrook. Interment took place in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The people of Zion United Church have arranged for a concert to be given in their Church on Tuesday evening, April 3rd. The following artists will take partzMiss Elizabeth Scrace, elocutio'nist; Mr. Alex. Park, entertainer; Mr. M. P. Osbum, guitar and Messrs. A. B. Anderson and J. G. Pike, soloists. The friends of Zion are invited to come early and enjoy a social chat with their old neighbors. On Wednesday evening, at the meeting of the Newtonbrook Young People’s Society, Mr. Robert Moore rave his splendid addreSS “The Future of Canada.” The meeting was in charge of the Citizenship Depart- ment of which Miss Tate is the Con- vcnor. Next Sunday morning the Sacra- ment of the Lord’s Supper will be administered in the United Church. There will 9.150 be a reception service. The evening service will be taken by ‘The Soldiers of the Cross”, a band of young Christian workers from the Danforth Avenue and Queen Street Churches. All are cordially invited to attend “H-s-‘I services. SPRING TERM ret Shaw is better and Glenn Shaw are now THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO SPECIAL SERVICES IN THE UNITED CHURCH A week of special services precedâ€" ling Easter will be held in the United Church, commencing Monday even- ing, April 2nd., at 8 o’clock. The following ministers will take part. Rev. A Halbert, King City; Rev. A. A. Wall, Richmond Hill; Rev. J. W. tIFox, Richvale; Rev. E. R. Young, lNewtonbrook; Rev. Geo. Waugh, Willowdale; and Rev. B. R. Strangâ€" Eways ,Thornhill. Suitable music will be provided by members of the choir t The play “Farm Folks” which was Ito be given March 27th, has been Ppostponed on account of bad roads \[and will be given Wednesday even. lfing, April 4th. The regular monthly meeting of the Horticultural Society here will be held in the Public School room on Tuesday evening, April 10th., at 8 pm. Mr. Moore of Toronto, will give a talk on “Perrenials”. A cor. dial invitation is extended to all. lnumber of games had been played, a \beauty contest was held in 'which the following were the winners. [ Best looking married man, Rev. er. Kerr; best looking married lady, KMrs. Frank Locke; best looking single .lady, Miss Evelyn Baggs; best looking single man, Mr. Donald \Dalziel. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. The Annual Thankâ€"offering meet. ing of the Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church will be held in the Sunday School room next Wednesday afternoon, April 4th., at 3 pm. Mrs.T R. White, of Aurora, Presbyterial Viceâ€"President will ad- dress this meeting. All the ladies of the congregation are cordially invited to be present. A very enjoyable Social evening was spent at the home of Mrs. W. J. Morrison, Langstaff, last Wednesday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the United Church, with Mrs. F. Teasdale as convenor. An interesting programme consisted of solos by Mrs. Frank Olfield, To- ronto, Miss Emma G. Barker, Thorn- :hill and Miss Freda Cross, Toronto, piano solos by Miss Flora Gray, of Toronto, and readings by Miss Rhoda Barker, Richmond Hill. This very interesting program was intersper- lsed with too unique contests. Miss Mary Smith and Mr. R.rSimpson win- thing the first and Misses A. Boyle and Marion Smellie winning the .prizes in the second. Dainty refresh- ments were served and a social time followed. Mr. E. Brown and friend of Toronâ€" \to, spent Sunday with his mother here. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Aaron Whitmore. is on the sick list. The cémmunity extend their sym- Vpathy to Mr. and Mrs. Coates and fifamily in their recent sad bereave- Rment. A shrieking farcial comedy, full of “go” and new situations. Unlike most light pieces this one has a most capital plot and a moral. Judge Hussel is a great character part. The audacity as well as cheerfulness with which he prevaricates invar. iably “brings down the house” In the last act where Flora dons a boy’s costume and the Judge is dressed to captivate, the stage presents one of the strongest comedy scenes that has ever been suggested. This clever play Will be staged at Victoria Square sometime early in April. Date announced in The Liberal later. Markham~ TWp. Council Miss Evelyn Smith, of Lansing, ‘spent a few days with her cousin, ‘Miss Gladys Smith, last week. The regular April meeting of the Markham Township council will be held in the Township Hall, Union- ville, on Monday, April 2nd. at 1 p.m. DIVISION COURT The regular session of the Third Division Court, County of York, will be held in Richmond Hill, next Tues- day, April 3rd. THANK OFFERING MEETING ‘e and others. All are cordially 'ited to be present and hear these eresting addresses on Easter. HORTICULTURAL MEETING THORNHILL A CHEERFUL LIAR o=o=o=o 3 Phone 18 Twenty four hour services on all commercial private power plant gen- erator and dynamo systems in the at a bounded by Orangeville, Tottenham Barrie, Uxbridge and Toronto. Ask us about some of the recent commercial lighting installations [and see these in operation, they will convince you that good lighting is thefbéSt asset. ‘ -‘ ' Quotations on all sizes of motors and generators, etc., electric ranges, heaters and household appliances of every description. We Handle the World Renowned Canadian Westinghouse Products made in Canada. [I Do you Wish to raise 98 per Cent. of your baby chicks ° feed STAMINAX We Carry Everything In Poultry Feeds. 82 w House PHONES 139 0=0=0=0=0fl0=0=0= All good farm horses, Well broken quiet and ranging in weight from 1350 to 1600 lbs. The property of Albert. Michael AT THE Dominion Hotel Yards, Ricilmond Hilli Friday, April 6th, 1 o’clock HORSES-25 THE METCALFE ELECTRIC Electrical Contracting Electric Signs of all Kinds Estimates Free TheMlLLll Poultry Suppliesfi We have installeda “ CLIPPER ” government recommended seed grain and seeds cleaner We have in stock Fountains and Dry Mash Containers, All Sizes Rolled Oats, Mixed ChOp Ground Barley and Corn . Y. W. Brathwaite Good quality Oyster Shell and Grit Buy it by the bag. Motor and Private Power Line Instalations AUCTION SALE See us for your VICTOR H. METCALFE RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. A STANDARD Bank savings ac- count lends dignity to the transac- tions of the depositor. It identifies him with an organization that is Lnown and respected in the commun- Ly, and establishes a contact which is available should he at any time desire counsel or advice on money matters. Open a Standard Bank savings account. It will help you to develop your financial resources as nothing else can, and enable you to conduct your personal financial af- fairs with dignity. ’ Conduct Your Affairs With Dignity THE SMNDARD BANK \ OF CANADA , Richmond Hill Manager, Thornhill Branch Branches also at Aurora. Lansing, Maple Manager! chhrpomi Hill Branch J. T. SAIGEON, Auctioneer. PHONE 58-W ESTABLISHED 1875 THURSDAY. MARCH 29. 1928 ‘o=0:=o=lo 10=0=O=01 F. HOOVER S. B. ELSON House Wiring and Repair Work a Specialty Residential & Store Fixtures We Deliver. 139 m Mill [1

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