I pray Almighty God that the words I write in this house may 5e pure and honestâ€"that they be dictated by no personal spite, un- worthy motive or unjust greed for gain; that they may tell the truth as far as I know itâ€" and tend to promote love and peaceâ€" amongst men. HARD ON HIGHWAYS The Ontario Department of Highways is making a determined effort to protect the highways of the province and is using space freely in most of the newspapers to convince drivers and owners of cars and trucks of the importance of assisting in that direction. One clause of the act governing the matter reads:â€" Solid tired trucks and trailers shall not carry more than half a load; Pneumatic tired trucks and trailers, with a carrying capacity exceed- ing three tons, shall be limited to half,a load; Horse drawn vehicles, “- PAGE TWO with a load. This regulation applies to the months of March and April. The penalties are fines, imprisonment, or both, and licenses may also be cancelled. This is the season when the most damage is done to the improved highways. Where drainage is inadequate, the foundation is soft, and heavy trucks, busses and large autos pound deep holes and ruts in the road bed . .The77 cost of operating trucks and busses is heavy but they get their roads free. The problem is to build roads which will stand up at all times against Athe tremendous pounding of the commercial vehicles. wrecking crew. JUST THE SAME Centuries may pass, but humanity remains very much the same. The Bible tells us that Lot’s wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. The other day another man’s Wife, while driving along a country road, looked back and turned into a telephone pole. TWO MUCH LICKING FOR TWO CENTS There is government control of liquor and many other matters. What is wanted now is government control in the matter of licking stamps. The fortunate who has to lick a hundred of those Confederâ€" ation postage stamps has to tongueâ€"thrash 157 17$ square inches of horse’s hoofs in the process. It is too much. A cut in the Confeder- ation postage stamps is as badly needed as any cut in Federal taxes. THE YEARLY SLAUGHTER In spite of ‘warnings and pleadings by the press and various safe- ty organizations, the unending slaughter of human beings in high- way accidents shows no indication of being diminished. While many accidents are seemingly unavoidable, the great majority of them are due to plain carelessneSS or foolhardiness. And it seems impossible to keep a fool away from a steering Wheelâ€"Safety first, last and always. Real success is of the mind and real success calls for constant thought, constant dissatisfaction with yourself and what you have ac- complished, constant willingness to receive new ideas. Money is not happiness nor is it a true measure of success; the great happiness comes from a sense of achievement. Some people are good and get paid for it, while others are good for nothing." ‘ Dare to make mistakes, for there is no way to be always right, The people who make mistakes boss the world. The perfect people work for them, running errands and counting columns of figures. “At an early hour this morning,†is one line of type newspapers keep standing to print stories of young people being killed or crippled in automobile accidents. The worst that is said of those who talk about themselves is that they are conceited. The worst that is said of those who talk about others, We dare not print. Even the woodpecker owes his success to the fact he uses his head and keeps pecking away until he finishes the job he starts. 0=O=Ofl0=0=0=10=0=0= O O =0g0=0=0=0 '1 Richmond Tailors Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.00. Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on Application. THINK THIS ONE OVER It is much better to belong to the construction gang- than to the J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49W Richmond Hill â€" Ph( CLEANING & PRESSING A SPECIALTY For Good Clothes at E Reasonable Prices with Guaranteed Fit, Style and Workmanship carrying capacity exceeding one ton, shall be limited to half a THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1928 Goods Called For and Delivered THE LIBERAL TELEPHONE 9. :o=o==o=6 Phone 195 E Editor Liberal, Sir,â€" Spring is here and I suppOSe many more hardworking guys like myself will toil long evenings and get blist- ers on our hands coaxing along a nice flower bed to add to the things beautâ€" iful in this world, only to wake up some morning and find that some wild and furious canines have used it for a rough and tumble fight just when the flowers are prettiest. For the past two years such has been my lot and I frankly admit that I’m dis- couraged. I am not,a dog hater but I think any worthâ€"while owner of a worth-while deg will look after him and« keep him at home. But there are the other dogs which nobody seems to own and which seem to icome from nowhere and everywhere. From far and wide they come by ones in pairs and in packs and are of all sizes, shapes,- colors, brands and breeds. Now Mr. Editor what can we do about it? Can we not c ompel each and every owner of these “pets†to keep it on his own lot where he could enjoy to the full all the allurâ€" ing pleasure of private personal pos- session sharing with no man? And for those galloping fiends which tear and root my flower bed to piecesâ€" DO YOU REMEMBER This Week of 1890 When at Thornhill, Wesley A. ‘Chapman passed away at the age of 30 years. When the following was the result of Richmond Hill Public School Pro- motion examinationfâ€"T‘o IV class, Harry Glover, Will Trench, Ella Brown, Loiuse Good, Herbie Sander- vson, Chas. Hall, Gertie Grant, and Hattie Mapes (equal), Julia Lynet, Florence Moodie, Laura Sheppard, Annie Glass, Percy, Powell and Ila Andrews. To Sr. III classy -Willie Clifford, George Grainger, Rose Law, ‘Merritt Benson, Ada Brown, Armand Savage and Harry Marsh. When at Thornhill a sobial was held under the auspices of the Willing workers of the Methodist church, 1when a‘ good programme was furnish- ed, including music and singing by Dr. and Mrs. Langstaff and the choir, recitations by Mr. 'John Wilson and an address by Rev. H.W. McTavish. When at; the Methodist Parsonage Richmond Hill, David Benson of Rich- mond Hill was united in marriage to Ester Kightly of York Mills. When at the Methodist Parsonage, John Steggall of Streetsville was uni- ted in marriage to AliCe Potter of Markham . This Weelé of 1896 When a somewhat unique and inte- resting event took place in Richmond Hill, when to Octogenarians celebratâ€" ed their sixty-sixth wedding anniver- sary. The happy couple were Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson, the vener- able parents of Mrs. Isaac Crosby. When at Concord, Fanny Mary, only daughter of Isaac and Ddartha Reaman passed away at the age of 21 years . When William year. HARK, HARK THE DOGS D0 BARK When Mr. Duncan McMillan was married at Bradford to Miss Christi- na Fraser of that place. The cere_- mony was performed by Rev. F. Smith. When the Presbyterian church aft- er being thoroughly renovated was re-opened. The Rev. Dr. McTavish of the Central church, Toronto preached at both services to large _congregations. r When Mr. A.G. Savage went to Toronto to take a position in the clothing department of Simpson’s de- partmental Store. Letters From The People This ‘Veek of 1903 When a Lenten Service was held in the Richmond Hill Methodist church. The chair was ably filled by Mr. T.F. McMahon. Quotations of the Old Testament Prophecies was given by Mr. W. Trench, solos by Miss Ethel Switzer. Address “They Crucified Him†by Rev. T, Campbell. When at his residence, Victoria Square, Henry Hopper passed away ‘very suddenly in his 64th year. When the Richmond Hill Village Council met, present:â€"The Reeve, and Councillors, Glass, Innes, Paulin and Trench. When at a meeting of the Board of Education, Mr. A.J . Hume was ap- pointed a member of the Public Lib- rary Board in the place of Mr. Isaac Crosby who resigned. “ Way Back in Liberal Files †DO YOU REMEMBER DO YOU REMEMBER at his home, Richmond Hill, Trench passed away in his 65 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO April 10, 1928 well I guess the Dog Catcher is the only remedy. Thanks for the space in your valuable paper. ‘y I notice by the press that Whitby ‘and some other towns are planning a ‘paint_up and clean-up campaign†for this spring. What is good for Whitby and other towns in this re- gard should be good for Richmond Hill and in fact every little town and hamlet along Yonge Street. Let every citizen touch up their buildings with a paint brush, clean their yards and otherwise beautify their properâ€" [ties. Such action will benefit the in- dividual and in a broader sense will benefit the town by making it attrac- tive to visitors. Nothing so attracts a casual Visitor as the evidence of civic pride and cleanliness and tidi- Iness. Let’s see the Horticultural Society sponsore such acampaig-n and I think they will be doing more good than planting roses down in the park where very few people ever see them. Thanking you for the space Mr. Edi- tor. - Editor Liberal, Sir:â€" When the following stood first in their forms at the High school Easter Reportzâ€"Form I, Wm. Hingston; Form II, Elmore Reaman; Form III, Everton Lloyd. When Mr. Wyc Trench of Eganville returned home for the Easter holi- ‘days . Often in reading some report of a local happening in a. daily newspaper people wonder how it became so badly tangled. Here is a possible explana- tion from one of the dailies themselves FIRE AS REPORTED BY SOCIAL EDITOR During a fire in a village in Ohio the editor of the local paper, being un- able to locate the regular reporter sent out the society woman who “did†the society gossip. Here is her re- port as it appeared: “A brilliant fire was held yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Slipps, in Hope Street. A large number of people attended the func- tion. Mrs. Slipps, who recently had her hair shingled, made a charming escape in an exceedingly handsome henna silk blouse, the pattern of which appeared in our woman’s page last week. The firemen, who presented an attractive appearance, were suitably garbed in blue, the tunics being full cut. The weather was quite delight- ful for an affair of this kind, a strong wind blowing. It is rumored that the fire was on a larger scale than any previous affair of a similar kind for years. It is also rumored that it cost Mr. and Mrs. Slipps about $25,000.†SUGGESTS PAINT-UP AND CLEAN-UP WEEK FOR RICH- MOND HILL Mrs. Huff is up the Miff tree .01) a. seat fixed good and firm, And she’d like to tell the pastor A.‘ few thin"gs and make him squirm. Mrs. Huff was sick abed, sir; Yes, sir, sick abed a. week! And the pastor didn’t call, sir, l Never even took a peek. Wasn’t that enough, enough, sir, To provoke a saint to wrath? And to make a Christian pilgrim Wander from the churcth path When I asked her if the doctor 5 Called to see her, she said, “Sureâ€, And she looked as if she thought I Needed some good strong mind cure. Then I asked her how the doctor Knew that sickness laid her low, And she said that She had called him On the phone and told him so. So the doctor called to see her, But the pastor didn’t go, For the doctor knew her trouble And the pastor didn’t know. Now the doctor gets his bills paid With a nicely written cheque, But the pastor, for not knowing, Simply gets it “in the neckâ€. Except Prince Edward Island gold has been found in every province of Canada. ARE YOU SICK SPICAN SPAN “SHOO FIDO" April 9, 1928 Twenty four hour services on all commercial private power plant gen- erator and dynamo systems in the ar a bounded by Orangeville, Tottenham Barrie, Uxbridge and Toronto. Electrical Contracting Electric Signs of all Kinds , Estimates Free Ask us about some of the recent commercial lighting installations and see these in operation, they will convince you that good lighting is the best asset. Quotations on all sizes of motors and generators, ebc., electric ranges. heaters and household appliances of every description. We Handle the World Renowned Canadian Westinghouse Products made in Canada. IVA/57 yoiwx’w} Ir ./ THE METCALFE ELECTRIC PONTM PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED JUST say bricks over the phone specify the kind and how many and when and where and our delivery will match your expectations. It’s a pleasure to do business with us. LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS Wood and Solvay Coke l. Ramer At the Elevator Richmond Hill COAL -â€" Richmond Hill From the smooth, powerful Pontiac Six engine to the rich, exquisite ï¬nishing of the Pontiac- Fisher bodies, you will discover in the New Series Pontiac Six, more direct evidences of superb quality than you ever dreamed possible at Pon- tiac’s amazingly low prices. Prove to yourself the luxury of this low-priced, quality SiX. p-7-4-2a-c Ask your dealer about the GMA.C. Deferred Payment Plan which makes buying easy. . you will ï¬nd them in the New Series Pontiac Six. tinction . . 'HE all-important details that contribute so much to motor-car luxury . . . . touches of reï¬nement, beauty and dis- Motor and Private Power Line Instalations VICTOR H. METCALFE RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. BARRACLOUGH -â€" WOOD â€" BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. The New Series PHONE 58-W THURSDAY, APRIL 12. 1928 Cement Tile We carry a full line 0% Blatchford’s Dandy, Full 0" Pep and Purina Chick and poultry feedsâ€" Also -â€" Bran, Shorts, Glut- en and Dairy Ration. f House Wiring and Repair Work a Specialty Residential & Store Fixtures NOTICE BRAKES FOUR- Ontario FEED