Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1928, p. 4

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Operation No. 1 We will grind valves Clean carbon Re-seat valve seats Overhaul ignition system Clean sediment bulb and carburetor Tune and adjust motor Time valves to piston travel Grease and oil car Lubricate springs Flush crankcase Inspect and water battery FOR $6.00â€"LABOR, PARTS EXTRA Operation No. 2 We will pet-fern: Operation N9. I plus Operation No. 2 ' Fit new rings and pistons Oil cure pistons Refit connecting rod bearings Line up connecting rods Dine up pistons Hone cylinders if necessary For $14.25â€"LABOR, PARTS EXTRA Operation No. 3 We will remove motor assembly Rebate block Rebabbitt block Fit, crankcase bearings Fit new camshaft bearings On motion of Councillor Smith and Deputyâ€"Reeve Padget the Road Sup- erintendentlwill submit a. list of road foremen for the Township and the same shall be approved by the council before becoming effective. The sal- ary of road foremen was also set at 35 cents per hour. The former rate was 40 cents per hour. It was decided to purchase immedi- ately two carlqad of stone one to be placed on the fifth concession and one to be stored at Unionville for patch- work in the district. Attention will be given to the fourth concession which is in very bad shape at the preâ€" sent time and the ruts so deep as to make travelling dangerous. Council adjourned to meet on Monday May 7. Councillor Smithâ€"We can get just as capable men to do it for less. The motion finally carried with' Messrs Padget, Stiver and Smith sup- porting it. COUNCIL WILL APPROVE AP- POINTMENT FOR FOREMEN. 1 Brown mare H. D., weighs around 1600 pounds, sound and in foal My entire herd of Grade Holsteins, Composed largely of Young first and Second Calf Cows. Also two brood sows and fitter of pigs Deputy Reeve Stiver said he would support the motion if it provided fgr fifty dollars per month during the winter months. Reeve Gohnâ€"I think the salary is inadequate. PAGE FOUR ‘3 Councillor Beattyâ€"It’s not enough in my estimation. Deputy Reeve Padgetâ€"We can easily fill the place with another man just as good for that money. Councillor Beattyâ€"I am of the same opinion. I don’t know how he can live on it. Reeve Gohn asked if the salary stated in the motion was enough for the position, if it was enough for a man to take the responsibility de- manded of him by the township and by the department? (Continued from Page 1) Mr. Stiver~â€"â€"Yes but you get a lot outside. It was moved by Mr. Padget and seconded by Mr. Smith that L. Midd- leton be appointed road superintendâ€" on at a salary of $125 per month for eight months. In speaking to the motion Mr. Padget said he did not think the superintendent was worth a dollar to the township all last winter. STOCK for SALE Markham Twp. Council We offer the following specials that will save you money Authorized Ford Dealers. Richmond Hill â€" â€" __ __ Little Bros. REPAIRING FARM 1% MILES EAST OF RICHMOND HILL All J. W. PALMER Work Guaranteea Phone Richmond Hill 46-1232. Overhaul magneto Overhaul and rebush transmission and clutch Install new flywheel ring gear Fit new pistons, rings and pins Line up crankcase Refine transmission bands Grind valves Reseat valve seat Reassemble and install For $25.00â€"LABOR, PARTS EXTRA Operation No. 4 We will remove rear axle assembly from car. Disassemble and inspect all parts Make necessary repairs Reasemble and install Adjust emergency brakes For $5.50â€"LABOR, PARTS EXTRA Operation No. 5 We will overhaul front system and steering gear. Rebush the spindles Rebush spindle arms and spring shackles Adjust steering ball caps Line up wheels and reset axle Adjust and inspect wheel bearings and grease - (Guaranteed to stop shimmie) For $5.50â€"LABOR, PARTS EXTRA All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- Holiness Meeting . . . . . Sunday School . . . . . . . . Salvation meeting . . . . . quality at . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . $2.95 SPATSâ€"$2.00, SOCKS, 35c to $1.00; WORK SHIRTS . . . . . . $1.00 to $1.50 | An exceptionally choice variety of caps at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 Our spring stock of ladies and chi]- drens shoes are coming in, ladies shoes up to $5.50. i SPRING IS ON THE WAY A large variety of newest spring neck- I wear at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 MENS SHIRTS, new patterns, at $2.00 to $2.75 PECCARY HOG GLOVES, a nice SALVATION ARMY NORMAN J. GLASS Shop Furnishing Store The Richmond Hill Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. RICHMOND HILL CORPS LIEUT L.R, ELLISON Martin’s Barber Shep Boot and Shoe Repairer. Right at The City Limits North Toronto. ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. in Winterton’s 01d Stand Yonge St. Officer in Charge Sunday Services GEO. KIDD Ontario By WILLIAM COOK & COOK Their Solicitors herein. Notice is hereby given that‘iI, the undersigned am the owner of the two new houses on the North side of Richmond Street in the village of Richmond Hill upon lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 according to plan 2539 and that I have not appointed any agent to re- present me in the renting of these properties. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 11th day of April 1928. ‘ Signed ISABEL J. JACKS. the Administrators shall then have notice. ~ All persons having claims against the estate of George Robinson, farmer, late of the Township of Markham in the County of York, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of J anu- ary A.D., 1928, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Admini- strators on or before the 19th day of April 1928, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 19th day of April 1928, the assets of the intestate will be distributed a. mong the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which DATED at Toronto, this 20th day of March A.D., 1928. NATIONAL TRUST CO., LIMITED 20 King St. East, Toronto, Ontario Administrators Buy the Best Here He was a. pioneer of the new westâ€" coming in the early days of lusty youth. He was the only preacher of Methodist persuasion in those days in the territory extending from Glad- stone, Man., to the Rocky Mountains. As ye Sow So shall you reap C. N. COOPER ROBINSON, deceased. During his career as a preacher in the west, he Established 35 churches. He held nearly every office which it is possible for a Methodist minister to hold. Rev. Lawson was born in Toronto, ithen North York, in 1851. He was 77 {years of age when he died., He entâ€" ered the Methodist ministry in 1875, commencing his life work from the North Yonge street circuit Which conâ€" ixsisted of Richmond Hill, Maple, ‘Thornhill, Buttonville and Victoria Square. He and his family resided at Wictoria Square during that time. He was a brotheninJaW of Mr. Geo. Gee of this village. Richmond Hill The J.W. Institute will meet at ‘the home of Miss Millicent Klinck on ’Saturday, April 14th at 2.30 p.m. Miss K. McKintosh of Brampton, 'will give an address on “Poultry i’Raising” as an industry for girlsâ€" ‘and Mrs. Graves, the district director ‘Will be present with a message for the institute. Literatgre for distri- ‘bution among the members of the ‘Home Nursing Course has been receiâ€" \ved and will be given out. Everyone in the community is cordially invited itto attend this meeting which shows (promise of being an interesting one. LATE REV. THOS. LAWSON After spending fifty-one years of his active life in missionary work on the prairies, Rev. Thomas LaWSOn, formerly of Toronto, died in Vanscoy, Sasks., from a stroke which he suffu- ered a week ago. He was confined to bed and fell into a decline from which he failed to recover. Mr. and Mrs. John Farquharson and family enjoyed the Christian con- vention in Massey Hall on Saturday and Sunday. Your humble scribe visited Mr. Allen Meyer in Wellesley Hospital on Saturday afternoon and we are pleas- ed to report that Mr. Meyer is fast gaining his wanted health. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard, Miss Mae Meek,.Miss Ethel Mortson were among the company to witness the marriage of Mr. M. Brown and MiSS Thompson on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s many friends here wish them a very long and pleasant journey together. Mr. Cecil Nichols motored a load of his friends to Concord on Wednesâ€" day evening to the special services being held there. Mrs. Ida. Nichols is visiting friends in the City this week. IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE HARDWARE Victoria Square Notice to Creditors You cannot hope to get the best results unless you buy the best seeds THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Notice Ontario Improved camera tests for tuber- Iculosis have been employed by a Whornhill ‘1 Monday, April 16, 1928 at 2 p.m. Donlands Farm, Don Mills Road, To- ronto. Having sold our milk route to 'the Acme Dairy, we Will offer four choice young cows of excellent type and breedingâ€"some of them fresh, others heavy in calf, also six two year old heifers, freshing immediately, also two extra good holstein pure bred COWS in milk. Included will be an out. standing young bull. Herd under ac- creditation. L. E. Franklin auction- 'eer. Write for catalogue, R. RUSSel Fleming Donlands Farm, Don Mills Road, Toronto. JONES, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Mrs. William Jones, late of the village of Richmond Hill in the County of York, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of January A.D., 1928, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Admini- strators, full particulars of their claims, for the assets of the intestate will be‘ distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administratâ€" ors shall have notice. Saturday, April 28thâ€"Auction sale ‘of Free Hold property, being part of lot 24, con. 4, Scarboro, 114 miles north of Agincourt, House, stable and shed with 2 acres of land more or less the property of the Johnson Estate, will be offered subject to a reserve bid on the premises at 2 o’clock. Terms made known on day of sale. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. FLEMING JERSEYS AT AUCTION DATED at Toronto, this 12th day of April A.D., 1928. MRS. M. BROWN MRS. E. WEST, or Telephone 1535 apecml Lnoral fiemce on uunaay 1 All trucks Insured for Public Liabil- the ChOil‘ and ZSSiSting Artists Everybody Welcome Saturday, April 14â€"Auction sale of Teamsters outfit Hoosier wagons, scrapers, .‘plows, harrOWS, tools etc., at 418 Balliol St., Toronto, the prop- erty of Laidlaw Bros. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, cash. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract Postponed auction sale 0£ high grade heifers and dairy cows, the ‘property of R, J. McLean, lot 34' and ‘35, con. 1, Markham, stop 18A, Lang- ‘staff, Yonge St., Wednesday, April L8 ht 1 o’clock sharp. No reserve as the \proprietor is giving up the milk busi- guess. Prentice and Prentice, Aucts. Saturday, April 21â€"Cash auction sale of Furniture, the property of Miss B. Kelly, John Street, Thomhil], at 1 o’clock sharp. Terms, cash. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers, Cyril Horan, clerk. CANTATA IN UNITED CHURCH A Cantata entitled “The King of Glory” consisting of thirty five voic- e5 under the leadership of Robert Reynolds, was given in the King City United Church, Wednesday evening, April 4, which was very Well rendered Mr. Reynolds has sold his store in King City and has purchased a fruit farm at Vineland after the rendering of the Cantata, he was presented with a beautiful upholstered rocking chair and Mrs. Reynolds with a handsome Casserole. Mr. Reynolds in his usual pleasant manner replied on behalf of himself and Mrs. Reynolds. The good wishes of the community go with them in their new home. POSTPONED CONCERT Postponed grand masonic concert will be given by the Alabama Minst. rels of Toronto in Masonic Hall, King City, Friday, April 20th at 8 p.m. Fun, music, laughter by the charcoal twins and the Hawaiian troupe, Jokes songs, solos. After the concert 3, dance. Music by the Hawaiian troupe. ‘Admission concert 35c, children 20c. ’Admission dance, gents 40c. Wm. Badger, W.M. F, E. Boys, Secretary. Saturday, April 14â€"Sale of 50 acre farm, farm implements, furniture etc. property of the estate of the late John Chapple, east quarter lot 30, con. 2, Vaughan, two and a half miles horth of Richmond Hill and one and a quarter miles west of Yonge Street. Terms of farm made known day of sale, chattels cash. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Estimates Cheerftu Given For work anywhere in the district. I‘01- work anywhere in the district. UNITED CHURCH J. J. CLEMENTS THORNHILL PAINTER AND DECORATOR Rev. B. R. Strangways, B.A, B D IN THE ESTATE OF MRS. WM. Notice to Creditors SALE REGISTER WILSON ’S CARTAGE their Solicitor T. C. NEWMAN, 18 Toronto Street, Toronto ent KING CITY Phone Ring MAPLE Ontario Tenders will be ’received by J. B. McLean, Clerk of Vaughan Town- ship at his office Maple, Ontario, up until 6 o’clock p.m., Monday, April 30, 1928, for the position of police officer for the municipality. Two officers are to be appointed, one to reside east of the sixth concession and one to reside west of the sixth concession, said offices to include position of School attendance officer and Sanitary Inspectors. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. GEO. KELLAM. J. B. McLEAN. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. C.A. Mullen, Minister Morning Serviceâ€"11 a. m. Sunday School â€"â€" 2.45 p.m. Mrs. Jos: Atkinson Organist and Choir Leader Special Choral Service On Sunday by FOR SALEâ€"Two large shipments of shorts, just arrived, some brand. Superior Store, Maple, phone 52, C.J. Robeson. TENDERS FOR Two Police Officers FOR SALEâ€" Quantity recleaned Government Standard No. 1, red clover seed. Apply Walter Reaman, lot 15, con. 2, Vaughan, phone Maple 1564. FOR SALEâ€"One square carpet 10% by 9 feet, good as new. Apply Mrs. G. Richards, Elgin Mills. FOR SALEâ€"Percheron horse, good worker. Apply phone 537, Maple. FOR SALE or EXCHANGEâ€" for small geared car, Ford rdadster, 1922, starter, good condition, 50 dollars, make good ya ton truck] J. Campbell,0 stop 29. WANTEDâ€"Handy man will do work of any kind by day or hour. Apply box No. 18 Post office, phone 117â€"J. FOR SALEâ€"One bay mare, two cows some fresh. Apply Lot 7, Con. 3, Markham, Fred Wesley. HAIRDRESSINGâ€"~ Marcelling and etc., Mrs’. Russel], Centre St. mt, Phone 178. ORDERS TAKEN for hatching eggs and day old chicks O. A. C. bred to lay strain. Eggs 65 per dozen or $5 per hundred. Apply G. Yetex Elgin Mills, telephone 249 Maple. FOR SALEâ€"Raspberry Gaines, $1.50 per hundred. Apply William Oliver, Maple, Ont. Phone 262. FOR RENT Bungalow on Richmond street, centrally located. Apply FOR SALEâ€"Mammoth Pekin duck eggs, Pardee’s strain, New York. $1.50 per setting. A.G. Robinson, Rumble Ave, phone 190. FOR SALEâ€"Tom Barron Strain, s. C. White Leghorn bziby chicks, April, $25PMay, $20; June, $18; July, $16 per 100. Custom Hatch- ing $5 per 100 eggs. 10% reduc- tion on large ofders. We are the district agent for Buckeye Incuba- tors. Coal, Electric and Oil Brood- ers. Prices on application, H. G. Mecredy, Yonge St, Poultry Farm R. R. I Richmond Hill Ontz, Phone King 16126. {A FOR SALEâ€"Hatching eggs 0. A. C. Barred rock strain, 75c per dozen or $6 per hundred. Tel. Maple ex. 1849, D. T. Rumble, Box 68 Rich- mond Hill. FOR SALEâ€" 50 ton baled mixed timothy and alfalfa hay, on Mr. Arthur Stephenson’s farm at Steels Corners, Yonge St. Apply Mrs. Frank Robinson, 34 Gibson Ave., Toronto. Phone Randolph 5559. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN 11 O. L. Wright. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Reeve. 2 . 30~Sunday School Classified Advertising MINXSTER â€"Isaiah’s call to victory In t} FOR THE place at the end of J. B. McLEAN, Clerk Maple, Ont. Dated at Toronto this 27th day of March, 1928. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said Executor Will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, a- mong the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which he shall then have notice and that the said Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of Whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to the “Trustee Act” R. S. 0. 1914, Chapter 121, and Amending Acts, that all creditors and others having claims or demands whatsoever against the Estate of Thomas John Wilson, who died on or about the 27th day of February, 1928, at the Village of Teston, in the County of York, are required on or before the 20th day of April, 1928, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, the solicitors for the Executor of the Last :Will and Testament of the said de- ceased, their christian names and surnames, addresses, and descrip- tions, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement 0f their .account and the nature of the securâ€" ity, if any, held by them. SON, late of the Village of Teston, in the County of York, deceased. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS JOHN WIL- FOR SALEâ€"A cutting box in good repair, $10; also a grain grinder, 10 inch plates, in good condition, $20. Apply J. A. Rose, Maple, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"White Wyndotte hatch- ing eggs, $1.25 per 15 or $5.00 per 100. Apply W. Kierstead, Centre Street west, Richmond Hill, box 185 FOUNDâ€"Blue and Orange crepe deâ€" chene scarf with fringe, in Rich- mond Hill. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this ad. Apply at Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"About 100 bushels of seed oats, Banner. Apply S. Tom- linson, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Walnut dining suite and three piece [parlor suite, in good { condition. Apply Liberal Office, Phone No. 9. FOR SALEâ€"Ten tons baled hay, twelve dollars per ton, at the ham. 1 Clyde mare, ten years old; 1 Yorkshire brood sow. Louis L. Nichols, Victoria Square. FOR SALE â€" One wicker carriage and one kiddie coop. Apply Mrs. V. H. Metcalfe, phone 58â€"W, Rich- mond HiII. ACRE BUILDING LOTâ€"Richmond St., Richmond Hill, one or more acr- es, town water, electric light, reas- onable price, small cash payment. A.E. Glass, Richmond Hill. CASH PAIDâ€"For Poultry ‘market prices. For sale Flexo Glass cloth, 55c. per yard or 10 yards for $5.00. Also Barred Rocks from imported strain, 75 cents per setting. A.G. Robinson, box 174 Richmond Hill, phone 190. NAUGHTON & JENKINS, 85 Richmond Street, West, Toronto, 2. Solicitors for Joseph McLaughlin, the Executor. THUBSDAY, APRIL 12,1923 Notice to Creditors bgggfiMm/ymflzmyi (:Yom MILKM/V” : MlLK your luncheon. At Night it will make your sleep sweeter. "c'fimond [717/ De)? Morning, Noon and Night drink Our Past. eufized Milk. In the morning. it fortifies you for the day; it’s the beverage food for IT’S A GOOD GOOD NIGHT DRINK Wart“ luncheon USE

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