PAGE SIX Every chick will be out of an egg which will grade exn Our main breeding flock is composed of 100 yearling h the pink of condition, they are headed y 5 males out of N( This hen was one of 1100 chicks latched in April 192 most continuously winter and summer. Her eggs weigh 2% oz. each. Comeand let us show this Mr. Dixon who had charge of the exhibit at. Barcelona and who has put up our breeding pens for 2 years says “I better W.L. Hen No. 86 and she is in better shape than la APRIL CHICKS . . . . . . . . . . 30c. MAY CHICKS This is for immediate acceptance only. °=0=OI=O$OEO$OEIOI=0=Q Do you wish to raise 98 perCQnt. of your baby chicks feed 5TAM1NAX We Carry Ev rything In PouEtry Feeds. PHONES 139 m Mill Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"â€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call In Richmond Hill District Tuesdays and Fridays If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Lakeside 5280 We are now prepared to take care of your custom grindmg PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE Eement and Galvanized Culvert Pipe, Hydrated Brick Lime and Plaster Lime. CEMENT FIELD TILE GLAZED T I LE We have coming a carload of select end posts and brace posts COAL COKE VJOOD LET US SERVE YOU We have installeda “ CLIPPER †government recommended seed grain and seeds cleaner We have in stock LANGSTAFF SUPPLY CO.,Limited When Building Enquire About WILCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LIMITED W. H. LEGGE, Manager Custom Grinding OFFICE: J RICHMOND HILL, TEL. 92. Marbel‘gite Brick Rolled Oats, Mixed ChOp Ground Barley and Corn Save Yourself at our expense Telephone Thornhill 51-r-1 1000 Baby Chicks SEED CLEANING PLANT Available for service here in near future. GANE, Maple RR. No. 2, an egg which will grade extra or better. 5 composed of 100 yearling hens or older headed y 5 males out of No. 86 hen. chicks latched in April 1924 and has laid . H. Duncan. MANUFACTURED BY 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. RESIDENCE NIGHTS & HOLIDAYS TELEPHONE 2 r 12. us show this hen and her sons. at Barcelona, (Spain) in 1924 rears says “I never handled a hape than last year.†Nights, Richmond Hill 80 Prompt Delivery 139 m Mill er in 25c Cleanliness of Dairy Utensils Is An 1m- porfant Factor In Pure Milk Supply-- The Rearing of Young Chicks. Of the various sources of contamâ€" ination to which milk is subject. the dairy utensils have been definitely1 established as one of the most ser- ious, capable of contributing a high percentage of the bacteria found in }niilk. Consequently the sterilization of cans. pails or other- containers cannot be neglected if milk contain- ing few bacteria is to be produced. Thorough cleaning is essential, but in itself is insufficient. Steps must be taken to destroy as many as pessible of the bacteria still remaining, if the keeping quality of milk is to be im- proved. For- sterilizing, steam under pres- sure, the most satisfactory agent, is seldom available In its absence, a 'sufficient quantity of boiling water :gives good results Pails, strainers, xetc†after washing are scalded by ipouring a pint of boiling water over .the entire inner surface; cans are ibest treated by pouring in a quart of ‘boiling water, replacing the lid, and rolling the can along the floor to en- \sure thorough scalding of the inner {surface As the temperature of the 'water drops over 50 degrees F. dur- |ing this operation, a fresh quantity :must be pro‘vided for each utensil. IUnless this is done, good results canâ€" llnot be hoped for. Because of the saving in time and fuel, chlorine solutions are being usâ€" ed in some districts to replace the scalding treatment, and where used} intelligently have equal or superior‘ lsterilizing efficiency. Cans and pails are carefully rinsed_ with chlorine solution as in the scalding treatment. or immersed for one minute in a tank containing- the solution. Either is satisfactory provided the utensils are Well washed and the chlorine solution is up to strength. Further details regarding this method may be [obtained from the Division of Bacâ€" I teriology, Central Experimental farm Following sterilization, unleSS used immediately, utensils should be in- verted upon a draining rack to dry. Except during the cold weather, an outdoor rack placed in the sun is desirable. With free circulation of air, the utensils will soon dry, check- ing the multiplication of the few surâ€" viving bacteria and ensuring that the benefits of the sterilizing treatment will not be lost through further deâ€" velopment of bacteria in the moisture inside the utensils. When the chicks have become thorâ€" oughly dry after hatching they may be removed frOm the incubator and taken to the brooder. In doing this care should be taken to see that the chicks do not become chilled. A basket lined with flannel with a loose flannel covering makes ‘a good carrier. rI‘he hover should be heated so that the introduction of the chicks will raise the temperature to above 100 degrees. This will mean 90 to 95 de- grees in a compartment brooder, or where colony stoves are used 95 to 1100 depending on the number of ‘chicks to be accommodated. The comfort of the chicks is readily deâ€" termined by the sound or lack of sound. When they are comfortable they will be comparatively quiet with ‘only an occasional contented cheep, l l but if they are uncomfortable they will quickly announce the fact in a continual fretfu] discontented chirp- ing‘ When preparing the brooders, if shavings or alfalfa leaves are used for a litter, boards on which to sprinkle coarse sand or fine oyster shell are placed in the pens. When the chicks are placed in the brooders they should be confined to the brooding- compartment, or if col- ony stoves are used a confining fence lshould be used to keep them fairly :close to the source of heat, and they should be left alone until they show positive signs of hunger. As it is heat and rest they require at this period, rather than food, this will be when they are about 36 to 48 hours old. THE CARE OF BABY CHICKS Central Experimental Farm has shown just as good results from simple methods as from those more complicated. When the chicks Show positive signs of hunger hoppers of chick mash are placed in the pens, as it takes several days before the chicks become accustomed to feeding from them at regular intervals five THE LIBERAL, RICHMQND HILL, ONTAREQ DAIRY FARM NOTES times a day, small quantities of the 1 dry mash are sprinkled on the feed- ing boards. These are cleaned off after each feeding, and as soon as ithe chicks get used to the hoppers dependence is placed on them, and the hand feeding abandoned. Foun- tains of water, and where possible, sour milk is supplied, also hoppers of chick grit and fine oyster shell. When the chicks are from ten days to two weeks old light feeds of scratch grain are given in the litter to keep them busy. Green feedâ€"- sprouted oats, lettuce, chopped greens of various kinds are supplied. This feeding is continued until the chicks are old enough to go on range, although if it is desired to bring the chicks along quickly moist mashes are used after the first ten days to two weeks. The chick starter in use at, the Farm is shorts, middlings, ground yellow corn and oat flour, equal parts, with 10 percent animal feed added, 2 percent cod liver oil and 17’2 to 1 percent salt. The animal feed mixture is 2 parts meat meal ,2 parts ‘bone meal, 2 parts fish meal, 2 parts lcod liver meal, 2 parts milk powder, lbut where it, is not convenient to get all these ingredients a good quality of meat and bone meal will give gOOd results. MUSICAL COMPETIHGN TO BE HELD MAY 12 YORK PIONEER and HISTORICAL SOCIETY OFFERS MANY PRIZES For the 'past two years the\York Pioneer and Historical Society has arranged a Musical and Oratorical Contest open to church choirs outside of Toronto, and boys and girls of the County of York, This is part of the ‘plan of the Society to aid in develop- ing the Community Spirit in all its phases. The events in past years have been very successful with many church choirs and young people com- peting. The details of the contests this year are:-â€" ‘ 1, Competition to be held on Sat- urday, May 12th, 1928, in United IChurch, Richmond Hill. 2, Oratorical in the morning at 10 o’clock; Musical in the afternoon at 2 o’clock, standard time. The following are the events: 1. Silver shield for Best Church choir, with prize for 2nd place. Silver medal for leader of first place choir. Selections to be sung: Anthem (ac- companied) â€"“The Radiant Morn†(Woodward). Hymn (unaccompan- 1ied)â€"“Abide with Me" vs. 1-3-5. Tune, “Eventideâ€. 2. Gold Medal for best girl singer ï¬mder 18 years of age. Selectionâ€"â€" |“Sunbeamsâ€, (Landon Ronald). 3. Silver Medal for best boy sing. Ker with unchanged voice. Selectionâ€" ‘W‘Hark, Hark, the Lark,†(Schubert.) i 4. Two Silver Shields for Oratory Open to ontinuation and High School pupils under 18 year's of age. Sub- ject, “The Glory of York County.†Time, 10 minutes. (8) There will be no charge for admission. (9) Entries to be made with N.F. , Caswell, 148 King St. West, Toronto. not later than May lst, 1928. The British commonwealth of na- tions covers about one-fourth of the habitable area of the world. CH EWROLET PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA: The Extra Stamina You Need for Spring Driving FIRESTONE BUILDS FEATURES BODIES FIRESTONE TIRE 81 RUBBER COMPANY ( HAMILTON. ONTARIO Richmond Hill VALUE HALL’S Service Station Equi in; with Gum-Dipped Tires is an investment in extra ety, speed, comfort and economy. That is why thouâ€" sands of motorists throughout the country use these tires. On wet, slippery streets and highwaytâ€"around sharp turns ~maneuvering in and out of traï¬ic~sto ping sudden! - you can always depend on the powerful FErestone nonâ€"aim tread to hold without slip or sldd. Supportl? this safety tread is the special Gum-Dipped bu t of cords dipped in a rubber solution which aa- No one can foresee the demand you may have to place on your tire equi ment in some emergency. But you can prepare nowâ€"-an be sure of a ï¬ghting chance in any situationâ€"by having the nearest Firestone Service Dealer apply new Gum- Dlpped Tires all around. He will save you money and serve vou better. ‘5“??9‘1? Morley S.Hamilton, Thomhill W. G. BALDOCK LTD, Richmond Hill axm-nmm-IMN The Tire Dc Inn The original Balloon Tire- bv Firestone. Built W . ol cord! dipped m'rubbc: u w... -.,,__ urumin; Incl lmuhling ovurv ï¬bu ol Macon! with mbbcr.rnlnl- mixing intern-l hut Ind addinuurmyhmd mmlnn. San-"1601.11" dude "and. Sonia: nzw Indus. numb. MIN-(n. new “kw Ind non-Ion lundlrdn. Fulï¬ll. llyl Mulch! ’W POINT by POINT Improved motorâ€"the type. AC oil ï¬lter. AC air cleaner. Fully enclosed motor. New crankcase breather New two-port exhaust. “Invar-strut†constant C] New hydro-laminated ca New and larger streamline bodies by Fisherâ€"combination wood and steel constructionâ€"the type found on highest inced cars. 4-...- AP Lnauu. One One-piece tun-crown ICHucxa or mmr gauge steel. New Duco ï¬nishes in striking colors. Clear vision plate glass windows. Ternstedt window regulators. Improved automatic windshield wiper. Fisher “VV†one-piece ventilating wind- shield. The “Bigger a with every selling at Roadster $625.00 Cabriolet - - - - anamuu Touring - 625.00 Imperial Sedan - - 890.00 Coupe - 740.00 Commercial Chassis - 470.00 Coach - 740.00 Roadster Delivery - 625.00 Sedan - 835.00 Ton Ttuck Chassis - 635.0‘! Roadster Express - - $650.00 All prices at Factory, Oshawa-:Gavemment Taxes. Bumper: and Spam Tue Extra. NEW AND mwxm Pincus MILES PER DOLLAR THURSDAY. APRIL 12, 1928 Eukii:;;gwg_f_énders of heavy- u ; gnu--- :†constantnclearance pistons. laminated camshaft gears. and Better†Chevrolet, y ï¬ne-car feature, new â€" the valve - in - head Cabriolet - - - Imperial Sedan - Commercial Chassis Roadster Delivery Ton Tmck Chassis OF CANADA. Limited system. ., LIMITED $835.00 890.00 470.00 625.00 635.00 Ontario