‘John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS ‘Richmond Hill â€" Ont. NVe solicit. orders for cut flowers for all 0c- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. - Furs repaired and Remodelled Orders taken for fur coats Professional Graduate of Owen Smiley Studio. Our Eye Examinations are Accurate OPTOMETRISTS EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Jhorough Eye Examinations and Glasses That Fit Perfectly. Special Attention_to Children’s Eyes. Open Evenings. Pnuae Hudson 0461 for Appointment. CONCERT ENTERTAINER AND TEACHER ADDRESS Boyle Studio SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES repaired promptly and correctly. ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED OPTOMETRISTS 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) THE BIND OPTICAL CO. 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) PAINTER &DECORATOR H. FORSTER Telephone Stouffville 6116 Estimates Cheerfully Given Wall Paper Supplied if Desired Richmond Hill We Buy all Kinds of Raw Furs F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. ,W. E. LUKE, R. O. Phoneâ€"\Villowdale 96W Miss Marguerite Boyle Elocutionist Thornhill Box 16, Elgin Mills, Ontario W. N. Mabbett Electrical Contractor INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year's Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 1 ring 5. \V. .T. I} BID Paperhanger and Decorator. John Donald VICTORIA SQUARE POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. Telephone 54 R THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1928 Nut, Stove and Egg Coal Delivered in Richmond Hill and vicinity. J. Sheardown â€"ANDâ€"- Smut spreads with the seed, grows up inside of the plant and destroys the head, thus reducing the yield. Treat the seed before sowing and destroy the smut. Formaldehyde is one of the best substances for seed treatment. It will control oat smut, stinking smut (bunt) of wheat, and covered smut of barley. Formaldehyde is sold under the trade name of Formalin, which is a 40 per cent. solution of Formaldehyde It can be purchased in drug stores by the pound (16 oz.) or by the pint (‘20 oz.) - The farmers of Ontario lose thous- ltime shovelling over the grain sever- ands of bushels of grain every year on account of smut, and the greater part of this loss can easily be preven- ted by treating the seed grain. Smut spreads with the seed, grows up inside of the plant and destroys the head, thus reducing the yield. Treat the seed before sowing and destroy the smut. Formaldehyde is one of the best substances for seed treatment. It will control oat smut, stinking smut (bunt) of wheat, and covered smut of barley. Formaldehyde is sold under the 211 times to make sure that all the seed is Wet. If any part of the seed is left dry, the smut may live. It will take 23 gallon or more of this solution per bushel. Cover the pile with bags, sacks, blankets, etc. which have been treated by dipping them in this solution and leave for two or three hours then uncover and spread out to dry. Sow as soon as sufficient- ly dry to run through the drill or dry thoroughly and store in clean bags until sown. 3. Dipping. All bags, sacks, etc. that are to be used for handling treated grain are likely to be contaminated with smut and should be treated with formalin. Barrels or pails are not injured with formalin and so may be used for holding the solution when treating the seed. Three different methods of treat- ing the seed may be used. 1. Spraying or dry formaldehyde. Use equal quantities oflformalin and water; that is one pint of forma- lin and one pint of water. A quart of this solution is sufficient for 40 or 50 bushels of oats. The most con- venient method of applying this soluâ€" tion is to use a quart sealer sprayer, a sprinkling can will not do. Grain that has been treated with formalin may be fed to live stock aft- er it has be‘en exposed to the air for some time and the fumes havedisap- peared. Do not allow wet grain to freeze as it may injure the germination. When the seed is damp and swollen after treating, the drill should be set to sow 1/2 to ‘34 bushels more per acre than usual. Numerous experiments have been tried for a number of years using various dusts for the treatment of oat smut but none of these have givâ€" en as good nuntrol of smut as formaâ€" lin. " When treating the oats, open the doors so as to give plenty of ventilat. ion, and hold the sprayer close to the oats, otherwise the fumes are very irriatating to the nose and throat. Spray part of the floor and while one man shovels the grain into a heap on this part of the floor, another sprays on the solution. When finished, spray the bags on both the inside and the outside and cover the pile of oats with them. Old carpets, blankets, tarpaulin etc. may be used to cover the pile but should first be treated the same as the bags. Leave covered four or five hours, then uncover and the oats are ready to sow. Copper carbonate dust is recomâ€" mended for treating wheat for stink. ing smut. and also for treating hulless oats. Notezâ€"This method cannot be used for hulless oats nor for wheat as the germination will be injured. It is not recommended for barley but where a mixture of oats and barley is to be treated, it may be used Without much germination injury to the barley. 2. Sprinkling. Use a pint of formalin to 40 gals. of water. Place the grain in a pile on the floor and by means of an ordiâ€" nary sprinkling can, sprinkle this solution on the grain at the same The advantages of this method:â€" (1) A large quantity can be treated in a short time. (2) The oats have not been wet and can be sown at once. (3) They may be treated a week or more before sowing. Farmers Lose Thousands of Dollars Annually Due To Presence of Smut Treat The Grain Before Sowing and Save The Loss In Harvest Time. Best Grade OATS Prices Ontario for Use a pint of formalin to 40 gals. water or a pound (16 oz.) to 32 gals. water. Put the grain in loosely fill- ed sacks, dip into the solution, see that all grain is wet and soak for 5 minutes. Drain the sacks over the barrel and then pile the grain on a ‘clean floor and cover for two hours. Covering is important as it prevents ‘too rapid evaporation of the formalin. ‘Sow when sufficiently dry to run through the drill. l When stinking smut or bunt deveâ€" lops the “head†of wheat is somewhat ‘similar to an ordinary “head†but in place of good kernels of wheat small shrunken ones develop, which are called smut balls. These are filled with a black mass of smut spores. Many of these smut balls are broken open during harvesting and threshing and the spores (which function as seeds) adhere to the good grain. Stinking smut is thus carried from one crop to another as spores on the outside of the grain, and these spores can ,be destroyed with formalin or some other substances such as copper carbonate dust. Seed wheat should be well cleaned through a good fanning mill before being treated for stinking smut in order to remove as many of the smut balls as pOSSible. If this is not done, some of them may be broken Open af- ter the grain is treated and affect the grain again. When loose smut develops the whole “head†of wheat is affected and at harvest nothing remains but the bare stalk. This smut is carried from one crop to another as little thread like structures (mycelium) in- side of the grain and hence cannot be destroyed with formalin. It may be controlled by dipping the wheat in hot water but this is not recommend- ed under ordinary farm conditions. HULLESS OATS Hulless oats are very suseptible to smut and if treated with formalin there is likely to be considerable gerâ€" mination injury. Copper carbonate dust is very effective in controlling this smut when applied at the rate of 2 or 3 oz. per bushel. (2) Seed treated must be kept dry and should not stand in the seed drill under moist conditions. (3) Any dust cdllecting‘ in the seed drill should be cleaned out as it WHEAT There are two kinds of smut in wheat, loose smut and stinking smut, also called bunt, covered smut and ball smut. Wheat may be treated for stinking 'smut either with formalin or with copper carbonate dust. i (1) The wheat is wet and it freq- luently takes considerable time to dry it so that it can be sown with the ‘drill. 1 Copper Carbonate Treatmentâ€"Use :ctwo or three ounces of copper carbon- ‘ate per bushel, depending on amount ‘of smut present. Put the wheat and ‘copper carbonate into a mixing mach- ï¬ne and rotate for one or two minutes or until every grain is thoroughly covered. It is advisable to wear a “dust, mask or wet handkerchief over ithe nose and mouth while treating the ’grain. If a smut treating machine cannot be obtained, a barrel, churn or an ordinary barrel fastened in a frame or some types of cement mix- Lets, may be used for treating the grain. ‘ Advantages of Treating With Copper Carbonate. (1) It does not injure germin- ation. (2) Germination is frequently in- jured especially if the wheat is not sown for some time after treating or if the ground is very dry at time of seeding. (1) Seed treated cannot be used for feeding or for milling purposes. Formalin Treatmentâ€"_Two methods may be usedâ€"either sprinklin or dip- ping the same as for oats. (See oats Nos. 2 and 3). (3) Dusted seed can be sown at any time in dry or moist soil. Disadvantages. Disadvantages of Treating with Formalin. (2) Seed can be treated whenever convenient and stored without injury. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO There are two kinds of smut in bar- leyâ€"Loose smut and Covered smut. Each is somewhat similar in general appearance to the wheat smuts. When loose smut develops the whole “head†turns black and blows away, whereas when covered smut develops the “head†remains somewhat similar to an ordinary “head†but is much blacker. It is sometimes difficult to disting; uish loose smut from covered smut. Covered smut is later in developing and the black mass of spores, which takes the place of a kernel of barley, is covered by a white membrane. Treatmentâ€"Use one pint. Covered Smutâ€"Treat the barley by sprinkling or by dipping for a few minutes the same as for oats. Loose Smutâ€"~This smut may be controlled to some extent by soaking the barley in a solution of formalin for two hours but'the only wholly effective treatment is by dipping in hot water as for loose smut of wheat. If the drill as not been used for a few hours it; is advisable to rock the wheels before starting to loosen the grain and the gearings. BARLEY Sunday last brought avery succeSS- fuI three week's mission to a close at Concord United Church the Pilgrims Misses Gibbs and Rowden conducted the campaign also visiting in the homes of the people and many homes are much brighter and happier through their prayers. The officials of the Church want to thank the friends from other church- es who came out onally to help and support the work of extending God’s Kingdom and pray that God will bless the Pilgi‘ims in their endeavours in other fields. The children came in for special at- tention and many took a definate stand, acknowledging Christ as their Saviour. Geo McDonald says you can‘t beat Wml- nough’s Harn‘ss come in and see it when in annntn. BLANKETSâ€"RAIN COVERS AND MITS ‘ may become caked and injure the drill. Agent for FIRE, LIFE, AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE GUARANTEE BONDS Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 H. Woolnough Phone Elgin 6980 Cor. Queen and Ontario Streets Toronto. ' ~ He had asked Long D15- tance for a. New York num- ber, and planned to dictate several letters while wait- ing for the connection. Beâ€" fore he could hang up, the operator said:â€" “Hold the line, please!†“Surer she can’t expect me to hold this line half an hour!" he said to his stenc- grapher. “Half an hour? It probably won’t be over two minutes. This new speedy Long Dis- tance service is very quick." To provide increased facil- ities, many new Long Dis- tance circuits are bein installed. Most of them ' be in use this Spring. Here are some of the important additions:â€" Montrealâ€"- A. G. SAVAGE Ross got the surprise of his life Concord Richmond Hill 6 new circuitsâ€"18 in all :ult to disting; covered smut. in developing spores, which rnel of barley, Twenty four hour services on all commercial private power plant gen. erator and dynamo systems in the at a bounded by Orangeville, Tottenham Barrie, Uxbridge and Toronto. Electrical Contracting Electric Signs of all Kinds Estimates Free Quotations on all sizes of motors and generators, etc., electric ranges, heaters and household appliances of very description. We Handle the World Renowned Canadian Westinghouse Products made in Canada. Ask us about some of the recent ommerciai lighting installations and see these in operation, they will convince you that good lighting is the best asset. 30 X 3 1-2 Red Seal Oversize Reg. [3.50 $9.50 31-500 or 500-21 reg. $20 for 15.75 31-440 regular $17.80 . 13.75 32-675 or 675-20 reg.$40 28.00 31-525 or 525-21 reg.27.50 for 21.50 30X5 Truck Type reg. $3l.50 24.50 30x5 Truck Type heavy duty reg.39.40 31.50 Inner Tubes 30x33 $1.25 up 30 X 3 1-2 $5.95 30 X 3 1-2 Courier Cord 6.35 30 X 3 1-2 Olfield Cord reg. $9 for 7.95 30 X 3 1-2 Red Seal 0versi2e_Reg. $13.5011.75 29 X 440 . . . . 8.70 29 X 440 Olfield Balloon Reg. $2 10.65 20 X 440 Red Sea] Reg. 13.50 12.65 Seconds We offer you the following tires.at remarkable savings to you, whlle they last. First here, first served. 30M everywhere in Canada Sepd for THE METCALFE ELECTRIC teed: that are reliable, Iuited to our locality, an} tettod for nv “(us-Irate] Catalogug We must make room for new spring stock. Motor and Private Power Line Instalations VICTOR H. METCALFE RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. HALL’S Service Station North Yonge Street Richmond Hill PHONE 58-W House Wiring and Repair Work a Specialty Residential & Store Fixtures PAGE §EVEN We have ab. sorbed the [5. M. Perry Seed Company’- Camdinnbud- nus and all now in about! position thn over to loo ' nfm your human.