If there are difficulties in the Way of enforcing the traffic regulations in this municipality the Council in the interest of the people of Richmond Hill should take prompt action to see that the difficulties are re- moved. The responsibilities of their office will not permit them to merely appoint a con- stable and sit back with folded arms in “complacent indifference to conditions as they exist. We feel sure that all sane motor- ists agree with the opinion of the citizens of this community that traffic laws were made to be obeyed and enforced, not dis- regarded and winked at. gnoaonm VOL. L. McLaughlin-Buick - Automobiles Two Shows 7.30 81 9.30 OUR GANG COMEDY EDISON MARCONI INC. Special Hoï¬day Matinee Thufsday, May 24th 'opics at 2.30 Fables Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 24, 25, 26 COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT H UDson 2172 CAPITOL 10:0] Clerk Goode informed that owing to conflicting clauses in the Hospital Act they had no power to interfére in such matters. The solicitor, by resolution, was in- structed to consent to an application to a. judge at the county court for an order amending plan No. 205 to close a portion of Mill st., running from Blythewood avenue. By-laws were passed authorizing the construction of macadam pave-y ments on Bannockbum and Carmich- ael streets. ‘ Township Relief Officer R055 asked }the Council to take some action in re- gard to hospitals charging the town- ship for bills incurred by township residents. A further by-law Was passed that the Board of Public School Trustees submit estimates to Council for the expenses of the schools under their charge for the 'current year. The first estimate will fall due on June 1. Following the reading of a letter from the Chartered Trust Company at the regular meeting of the North York Township Council on Monday it [was decided that no decision in con- nection with Avenue road widening could be reached until the project was thoroughly threshed out and discussed by the Chartered Trust Company and the syndicate owning pmperty on Wil- son Ave. and Avenue road. The lett- er also intimated that, due to the sale of a small parcel of land having a frontage of 20 feet on Wilson ave., it may be nessary to take expropriation proceedings in order to secure the cor- ner property for the proposed widen- mg. Regular Meeting of Council 4..- North York "7 1 THEATRE 10:0] 3 A I?" LIMITED ‘l\ ‘ “S l 24 Hour Service I ha A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A USED CAR “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials. Libertyiiln All Things. Charity." RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY 24, 11723 0:0 0:0) Fate pulls the strings in an amazing drama of to-day. A marriage that goes smash. and how it was saved. A big new Picture by the Director of the Big Parade with JAMES-MURRAY and ELEANOR BOARDMAN rflo=0=0= Comedy LARRY SEMON in “ THE STUNT MAN Capitol News Monday, Tuesday, Wed’y May§28, 29, 30 Mr. Kell joined his wife’ at Montreal and to the satisfaction of his many friends in this district was able to spend this one afternoon with them. The regular session Court will be held in Chamber, Richmond Hill June 5th. PAINTING UP Deputyâ€"Reeve R: L. Stiver of Mark- ham Township, has been carrying Out some extensive improvements at his farm, on the fifth concession. He has treated his barns and outbuildings to a coat of red paint which adds greatly to their attractiveneSS. Secretary R. S. Cooper, of the Agri- cultural Society reported this morn- ing the receipt of a cheque for $25.00 from Mr. John D. Patterson, of Wood- stock. Mr. Patterson is a former resi- dent of this district 8.21;! has retained his interest in the local fair of which has been a consistent supporter for many years. Mr. Kell is a former United Church pastor of the Richvale circuit who carries the good wishes of all the folks if this field as he returns with his Wife to his work among the Indians near Oxford house in Northern Manij toba. A very pleasing reception fo'rvt-lie Rev. Jack Kell, M. A., and his recent English bride was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Allison at Rich- vale on Monday afternoon, May 21st. Many friends from Headford, Rich- vale, and Can-ville were present to offer felicitations to Mr. Igell and his bride of seven months. " Yonqe and Castlefield A CONSISTENT SL'PPORTER DIVISION COURT Richvale lOO! IOflOl Saturday Matinee at 2.30 of Division the Council on Tuesday, ,’ The athletic and track events prom- ise to be one of the main features of the fair and the entries which have lbeen received give assurance of a tal- lented array of contestants. There lwill be thirty runners in the five mile road race. This event will be started about four o’clock and after going twice around the track the runners will take to the open road via Church Street and Markham road, finishing again on the track. Many entries have also been secured in the shorter races from athletes in Toronto and all points in the County. The society has been greatly aSsisted in building up this department of the fair by Mr. Fred T. Graham of the St. Clair Y.M. C.A., Toronto who has taken great interest in the work and been success- £111 in interesting several of the prom- inent sporting clubs and fraternities of the Queen City in the meet which has been sanctioned by the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada. It is expected that thirty teams will compete for the $150 offered in prizes in the two softball tournaments. Ent- ries already received include teams from Toronto, Newmarket, Aurora, Almira, Lansing, Thornhill, Elgin Mills, Richmond Hill and other points in York County. Mr. J.G. Routley, secretary of the sports committee has the details of the tournament well in hand and is optimistic concerning the success of the games this year. en this morning for the seventyminth consecutive time and if favorable weather continues promise to see pass through the portals one of the largest crowds in the history of the society. The official opening ceremonies will be graced by the presence of Hon. George S. Henry, M.P.P. for East York and Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario. The stage is all set for the official opening of the Richmond Hill Fair this afternoon at 2.15 p.m. Daylight Saving Time. The gates of the annu- al spring Exhibition were thrown op- A luncheon will be held at the Unitâ€" ed Church at 1 p. m. when Hon. G. S. Henry will speak and when the direct- ors will have as guests prominent vis- itors from Toronto and various points in York County as well as judges and ‘Visiting officials. FolIowing the lun- ‘cheon the officers, directors and visit- ing officials will march to the grounds headed by the Weston Boys Band when the opening ceremonies will be carried out and the 1928 exhibition officially set in motion. Secretary R.S. Cooper has been buSy [during the past week taking entries and at the time of going to press the showing in all classes promises to be ‘well up to the standard of former ‘years. Competition will be especially keen in the heavy horse classes and a- mong the exhib-fti'ors this year will be many stockmen who are showing here for the first time. . Scores of Entries In For The Fair The energetic and capable president of the Richmond Hill Agricultural So- 'ciety which is holding its seventy- ninth annual fair on Victoria Day. Official Opening This Afternoon At 2.15â€"Track Meet Attracts Talented Array of Athletes The whole countryside has been W. H. LEGGE At the regular meeting of the North York Township Board of Health, Dr. C.E. Hill, M.O.H., reported that twenty residences had bee quarantinâ€" ed during the month of April. These cases comprised ten of mumps, eight measles and two wh00ping cough. The milk report was returned very good. The doctor, in alluding to the milk question which for a time became quite acute in the township, paid a glowing tribute to Chief of Police Roy Rise- brough, milk inspector. With a membership of well over 80, the Unionville Horticultural Society is planning the best season’s work in its history. Premiums are now ready at the home of Alex. Bell, the secretary and given a week of warm weather the preparatory work in'the gardens of the local enthusiasts will be well advanced. A gratifying feature of the of the society is the great interest manifested by the farmers' wives and families. COUNCIL LETS CONTRACT The village council met, in special seSSion this week and let the contract for the laying of the wooden pipe for the waterowrks extension. It is un- derstood that the work will be com- menced sometime next week. talking for‘ weeks of the Horse-shoe pitching contest and there are indi- cations that the entries in this popul- ar contest will run well up in the hun- dreds. A good course has been laid out, just inside the main entrance and all arrangements have been completed! for the expeditious handling of the ev- ent. The committee in charge have appointed the following to act as um- pires: â€" A. G. Savage, J. A. Monk- man, Frank Harrison, Harry Thomp- son and J. DeWSberry. As usual there will be the display of motor cars when local dealers will show the latest models of cars. A- mung the dealers expected to be on the grounds are; S. Barraclough, Pon- tiac; W. G. Baldock, Ltd, McLaughlin; David Hill & Co., Nash and Durant; Little Bros., The New ’Ford; Morley S. Hamilton, Chevrolet. 7â€"---V., A Ilu uu with HELENE COSTELLO Egcitemem'}; set the Remance of LUCK. Pulse Leaping in a Pictu PLUCK and LOVE. You Will Long Rememh NEWS EVENTS COMEDY The Fortune Hunter News Events. Collegia; No. X. “RAINY DAYS†OUR GANG COMEDY Special M gtirlee .May 24th at 2.30pm The Battles of Coronel and Falkland Islands BEREQEREEEQIBE Britain's Stupendous Drama of the Stirring and Dramatic Naval Engage] Timesâ€"40.000 Fighting Monâ€".11n Chevrolet Cars and Trucks Package Syd Chaplin YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE 2 P. M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. WILLOWDALE Unionville Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 24‘ Mon, Tues., Wed'y, May 28, 29, 30, of Fire Crackers {0 every child attending. a uramanc Naval Engagement of Modern 40.000 Fighting Menâ€"~40 Fighting Ships. VAUDEVILLE The citizens of this community held an enthusiastic and well attended meeting when it was decided to organ- ize an Athletic Assoc, which would sponsor all sporting activities. First of all it was decided that a Horseshoe- Pitching League be organized but it hoped also to organize all popular games such as softball, tennis, bowl- ing or any other games which prove sufficiently attractive. The new or. ganization should prove a boon to the community life of the district and should be a real and vital factor in promoting good clean healthful recre- ation at Langstaff. The Liberal wish- es the new organization every success. Athletic Association Organized Which Will Aim To Foster All Lines of Sport Mystery, Drama of Beauty and Beast. Humor, Thrills and Excitement To Set the Pulse Leaping in a Picture You Will Long Remember Edmund Lowe The Wizard SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE (Bra " sure RICHM ND HILL.ONT ML d’mctL‘aP/mwmf 3' W'Mwa rm AUSTIN’S RICHMESND HILL,ONT PHONE 33 aowmmwd; LANGSTAFF WITH Sea the most ‘, 25, 26 NO. 49