Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 May 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of five differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call In Richmond Hill District Tuesdays and Fridays It you will have laundry ;eady when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Panels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richm‘ond Hill . Lakeside 5280 Will Your Brakes Pass Police Inspection? Richmond Hill J. E. WIGMORE, Prop. Chrysler Dealers, Tires, Accessories, Marconi and U.S.L. Radio, Livery, Battery Charging, General repairs on all makes of cars. Nut, Stove and Egg Coal Delivered in Richmand Hill and vicinity. Bad Brakes are Dangerous. Drive in and have them inspected am Save Ymmefifi at our expanse RICHMOND HILL MOTORS J. Sheardown FREE SERVICE. 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. and adjusted. Best Grade â€"â€" ’ Ontario Prices ior BLOOD PRESSURE Blood pressure is the force that the lhcerg exorts in order to pump the blle through the circulatory system. The heart is a hollow muscular organ which acts as a pump to keep the ‘blood in circulation. The blood leav~ les the heart in two streams. One stream carries the blood to the lungs where it is purified; the other stream goes to all parts of the body, carry- ing food to the tissues. " The arteries are hollow tubes iwhich carry the blood. Normal art- eries are soft and elastic. The im- ‘pulse of the heart beat is carried a- long through the arteries .and can be felt at the wrist, where it is called the pulse. ‘ . In the normal, healthy body, the 'blood pressure is normal. Certain abnormal conditions, particularly ithose affecting the heart, arteries land kidneys, cause an alteration in Lthe blood pressure and it becomes ab- lnormal. l An abnormal blood pressure is not a disease but is a symptom of some 'iabnormal condition. It is a warning §sign and the physician seeks for and 'treats the cause. Disregard of the needs ‘of the body gfcr exercise, rest, proper food and lsuch things, thi‘OWs a needless strain 'upon the whole system, and one sym- upon the Whole system, and one s ptom of this is frequently an incr ed blood pressure. . The family physician should consulted regularly for advice as how to liveu The periodic health amination is not only for the par of discovering abnormal conditi but also for receiving advice 2 how to keep normal. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- Local Cam: Hunter Has Sleep Disiurbc: Dave Daubenspeck the old batche- lor and coon hunter over in Possum Hollow is havin trouble gittin a good nights rest. His hounds tmmx so much uv him. they lick his face (Dave wont leave em out in the cold of night) you see. Another thing. He sometimes drops off In a snooze and gits to kinda. wmsuin CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION like in his sleep, and the noumls come up to his bed making mny tracks all over his {Me and soon like. So Dave is goiu lo nave lo uwo do sumpthln about it, Dave likes his rogs though. Next to coon huntin he loved coon dogs vest. and what could be sillier than tryin to hunt coons without coon r1025. Oh Well we should worry. maym- Dave would be jist as well Mr w'n'u dogs fur company, awn 11’ Hwy rm disturb his snorin. Sz-wms nk» :m hogs enjoy each others cummn} HARDWARE and DRUGS -_-..-â€"Our dynamite will blow E everything off your farm but the' mortgage. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO "Take Home ZEBE LANDERS {HE BEEiii‘JE DRUG STORE. SELLS THE SOLIDEST ICE CREAM NOTICE TO FARMERS HEALTH SERVICE {Istem, and one sym- ‘equentiy an increas- Your Wife" a Brick For the purpose conditions, advice as to OF THE. to ‘sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered by letter. Questions as to diagnosis and treatment will not be answered. fl J. W. I. Elected Officers The annual meeting of the J.W.I. was held in the home of Miss Annie 'Avison on Saturday, May 19th. After ;\the opening ode and the Lord’s Prayer the roll was called and several good llsuggestions were given for next year’s Ltprogramme. Miss Annie Avison was then elected as chairman for the election of offic- 'ers which was as follows: President~Miss E. Mortson; lst Nice-President, Mrs. H. F. Collard; 2nd vice-President, Miss A. Avison; 3rd Vice-President, Miss A. Read; Secretary-Treasurer, MiSS L. Gee; Branch Directors. Miss L. Bea‘tty, lMis's L. McCague, Miss E. Nichols. Following the election of officers the new president Miss Mortson 0c- lcupied the chair and conducted the business. A motion was carried that We accept Richmond Hill’s invitation to attend their meeting on June 4th land a committee w was elected to 211'- ll'angM for transportation. It was de- cide"! to apply for the continuation nourwe in Home Nursing for the fall. A committee was elected to arrange ‘Lhe program for the summer lecture ‘mecting. Representatives were ap- Ipoir‘ed to attend the district annual “meeting at Markham. ‘- -Fees were then received by the sec- {retary and the meeting was dismissed. (A dainty luncheon and social period under the direction of the hostess brought the meeting to a conclusion. Squire Doolittle got so hot around the collar Thursday pitching horse- shoes that he baked his Adams apple. Folks near Laffin Willow school may have to build a new school house soon, woodpeckers havin nearly et up the place. Lafe Whittler’s wife is so bent on havin’ new things, she won’t even let Lafe by' a. piece of used ground to build a house on. Hank Gilpin’s baby of Oak Holler had a close shave Thursday night from swallowin two bars of soap-and a safety razor blade. Willie Tinkler of Needmore Sta- tion says if they ever build an auto- mobile that’ll burn corn cobs, that’s when and what he’s going to get. Subscribers will please remember not to forget that all subscriptions are now dew and payable. Mrs. Silas Sands says she is a radio widow. She says when Silas gits on his headset, its the same as being a widow only she don’t get any allimony. " Jim Tan- painted up an old auto without any motor. Jim says any way it will look nice parked in front of the house and strangers in town wont know if its got an engine or not Hen Hardapple got off a good boos. ter fur the Bugle the other night. He said“A newspaper wuz like a wife and every man ort to have one and not be runnin after his neighbors. Dave Duncan laid off last week and took off his screen doors and put away the lawn mowerâ€"“Better late than never” says Dave. Don‘t be in a hurry. Remember the fate of the early worm. Italy is shaped like a. boot, and Mussolini appears to feel the urge to kick somebody. No Accident Week has just ended with no great increase of accidents over the week before. Miami treated the Shriners royally. Even the city jail bore the inscription “Welcome, Nobles.” Victoria Square LOCAL NEWS Junior Women‘s Institute Elect Officers The annual meeting of the Button- ville branch of the Junior Women’s Institute was held on Saturday, May 12 at the home of Miss Edith Craig. Miss Della Stephenson conducted the meeting. Miss Hazel Pratt gave the Bible reading. This being the annual imeeting', the following officers were :(electedzâ€"Honorary President, Mrs. (D. Hood; President, Mrs. G. Kelly;} {lst viceâ€"President, Miss Muriel Stiver ‘2nd vice-President, Miss Della Steph- (enson; 3rd viceâ€"President, Miss Rose- taina Hord; Secretary, Miss Viola lWlalker; District director, Mrs. E. lWalton, Branch directors, Misses Al- tice Wilkinson and Jessie Thompson; Press. Secretary, Miss Muriel Stiver; iPianist, Miss Della Stephenson; Sick and Visiting Committee, Misses Edith lCraig, Cora Hooper, Mable Hord and Alice Wilkinson; Auditors, Misses Uanet French and Laura Brown; \Social Committee, Mrs. A. Myer, Misses Rhea Scott and Mary Rodick. At the close of the meeting a most delicious lunch was served by the ‘,hostesses, Misses Della' Stephenson, iEdith Graig, ‘Hazel Pratt and Cora (Hooper. Misses Hilda Hard and Jessie Thompson attended the Convention held at Guelph. Each bringing a re- port back of the meetings. The next meeting of the Junior Institute will be held on Tuesday, June 5. There will be a speaker from Toronto pres- ent. It was decided that the meet- ings be held the third Saturday of each month instead of the second Satâ€" urday. H‘harnhill For work anywhere in the district. BUTTONVILLE J. J. CLEMENTS PAINTER AND DECORATOR Deacon Stubbs is tellin a good one on “Barney” Bunkum. the typo- graphical error that tries to edit the .Hominy Ridge Review. "Barney" has a. womien leg and last week durin the cold weather. the sap froze up in it and it busted, split~ ting right in two. Deacon told him to watch out, that walkin outside was dangerous with the thermometer Editor’s Wooden Leg .. Cause 0!. Grid} \‘Ffl‘f’ “ ‘I_ so low. and Barney donbtiq 1t waé as mid as reported, wrapped 'llp and walked to the post offil-e In see for llimsellilhat it REALLY WAS 15 BELOW ZERO. On returnin to his office he found the above named damage had been done. The poor fish ls afraid to buy a soft wood kind that wont freeze. for fear the wood peckers will pester his leg next sum- mer when he is sleepin on his office porch. Its all his own fault. His, record for dumb stunts is bigger than ever set by any donkeys. He dont even SUSPECT any thing. let. alone actually KNOWIN_anything. To My Husbands Friends Mrs. Sandy Soakmore Please do not lean my man up against the front door anymore. when bringing him home of nights. When I open the door of a morning to get the milk. he falls in the hall and scares me half to death. Please lay him down flat on the porch. WARNING! " Phone Ring 33 Ontario in Service Station \‘ THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1928 Cu! away section cfa Cum-Dipped The :bowln. one card unlwlslcd inlo I5 strands. Every flbn of every strand 1’: insulated wIlh rubber. HALL’S A tire in use is being con- stantly bent backwards and forwards by road action. Such movement generates friction and heat that has a deterioratâ€" ing effect unless the tire is built to withstand it. In the carcass of 3 Cum- Dipped tire there is less friction to generate heat because Cumâ€" Dipping puts a coating of new liva rubber around each Stipat' ate cord that keeps it from rub- bing against the cords that lie next to it. It stays cooler and therefore lasts longer. Your local Firestone Dealer will gladly advise you on your tire -probIcmS. See him today. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton. Ontm'io Wefigm Fireutoue Builds thc Only Gum-Dipped Ting. Why Gum-Dipping Increases Tire Life THE BEASLEY-GRAVES CASE The recent dirty law suit started by Doctor Fillmore Graves of Need- more Station against Buck Beasley here, should be dismissed immedi- ater if not sooner. That contempt!- ble pill maker claims he was to treat Bucks family tree. If Buck would get some cases in: him ouL uv Brushville. People being un- usually healthy here. hasent pro- duced any calls fur Doc Graves and he's had to doctor Buck thru a. long spell uv fever tree. Now Doc is askin damage. Gas-'4 uv this kind ls too common. A Ten passengers wuz waiting fur thv Blue goose bus iast Saturday night but me driver had so much trubble startin his engine at Razz Berry Junction the last stop. he hated to stop and so he passed Brusbville up. Mrs. Annie Laura. Mc Greggor who recently married, Sandy Mac Duncan claims we divorced her other 3 hus- bands tor being spendthrltts. Their names were Jock Campbell. Jamey Mac Dougie. and Mat. Mc Greggor. She is threatend with a suit by the Joke Writers Association. unless she publlckly retracts her statement. Now Doc is askin damage. Gas-'4 uv this kind is too common. A jury ought to sentence Doc to 4 course uv takin his own vile. sunkm pills and medicine. Any how Buck dident git the fever on purpose. ‘ Miss Minniben the school teacher. denies the resort she wuz caught smokin a cigar last Saturday night in the “Chocoiate Shop" ice cream parlor booth over at Hominy Ridge She says it wuz a cigarette. Some of the boys here who was coon huntin last week one nngl. run on to a couple or men‘ from Possum Hollow who had got hold of a paper and read it that Liquor had been prohibited. Sandy Soakmore was sober two whole days last week trum unknown reasons. Dan Davis drove in Irum Hickory yesterday wtthout preakin a spflnz. Dan says the roads are tmprovm fast. < . - MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Husbands are advised that OUR delivery men are all old and ugly. Society AND pursonals BRUSHVILLE ICE co. ATTENTION! ‘M-DIPPED TIRES 25mm

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