Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1928, p. 4

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“For laughing purposes only!” This caution certainly applies to “Bringing Up Father,” Cosmopolitan’s hilarious assemblage of the adventuâ€" res of Jiggs, Maggie and Dinty Moore and the rest, now playing at the Capiâ€" tol Theatre. The fact that the new picture is based on George McManus’ famous cartoon comics presupposes laughs â€" but even this gives no idea of the utt- er hilarity of the picture. It is simp- ly a collection of chuckles, guffaws and howls, bound together with a litt- le heart~interest story. There are moments when the picture tugs at the heartstrings, it’s trueâ€"deft little touches of human interest that only make the comedy funnier â€"â€"but in the main it is one hundred percent comic PAGE FOUR ROCKHILL REFINERâ€"The dark brown five-year old Stallion, sired by Dunure Refiner, sold by public auction for $23,000.00 at Mr. Dun- lop’s sale. Dunure Refiner was sired by the great Dunure Footprint. The grand sire of Rockhill Refiner is by Hillhead Chief, and G.G. Sire Bonnie Buchlyvie; G.G.G. Sire, Baron Ruby; G.G.G.G., by Marmion. This Stallion has Won high honors at the Royal, Chatham, Guelph, Regina and Calgary Fairs and was Grand Champion at Aberdeen, Scotland. Our terms for this Stallion. $15.00, $2.00 at time of service and balance when mare proves in foal January 1, 1928. Enrolment No. 2108. Form A1. Enrolment Certificate of the Clydesdale Stalp lion Rockhill Refiner (Imp.) registered in the Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book as No. 20971. Owned by W.J. McCallum, of Brampton. Foaled in 1922. Has been enrolled under the Ontario Stallion Act. Inspected on 2nd day of December, 1926, and found to be sound, of good conformation and an animal typical of the breed. The Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board. Robert McEwen, chairman; R. W. Wade, Secretary. The Harte Clydesdale Club, of Carberry, Man., while at the recent Brandon Spring Fair, tried very hard to engage Rockhill Refiner for their district at a service fee of $25.00, and would guaranâ€" tee to keep him at least four year. This club is the greatest in Westâ€" ern Canada, having had an undefeated stallion called “The Bruce” for two years at $40.00 a mare. A deputation from the ciub that visited me at; Brandon_ Fair included Messrs. John Hume, Frank McBain, R. Dodds, John Muirhead, member of Parliament for the Lansdowne con- stituency. Their statement was: “McCallum, you may tell the gener- a1 public we consider Rockhill Refiner to be by far the best stallion ’at Brandon Fair, and if you will not engage him to us this year we will purchase him for 1928.” My reason for not clubbing this stallion or hiring him at a fee of $25.00 is that I wanted to retain him for show purposes this summer. I have already refused an offer of several thousand for this stallion. ' Home Stand Woodbridge Hotel Stables. Monday Morning proceeds to Alfred Baggs, Edgeley for noon & night. Tuesday proceeds to Henry Lloyds, Maple Village for noon and night. Wednesday Morning proceeds to Brownlee Bros. Vellor, for noon reâ€" turning through Pine Grove to Woodbridge for night. Thursday morning proceeds to Burton Bros., near Elders Mills, for noon, thence to Stewart Hawman’s Kleinburgh for night. Friday to Woodbridge home stand till following Monday morning. iapitol Theatre STALLION REGISTER ROCKHILL REFINER 8-12_Pages ALL Home Print. Rates on Application. Richmond Hill â€"â€" â€"â€" HEAR YE THIS An unexcelled opportunity to reach the great buying area of the North Yonge Street District through the medium of York County’s Newsiest Home Paper Your message in the advertising columns of THE LIBERAL Rings True and Brings entertainment. Marie Dressler and Polly Moran, the first feminine comedy team in his- tory, garner the bulk of the laughs, As Maggie and Mrs. Dinty Moore, sis- ters-in-law, they battle their way through dozens of uproarious incidâ€" ents and adventures. J. Farrell Mac- Donald, as Jiggs, also proves an ex- pert at collectipg laughs. The famous character star of “The Iron Horse” is a natural comedian, and as the hero of the comic supplement pictures he ‘has one of the greatest opportunities |in his career. fl‘hornhill For work anywhere in the district. J. J. CLEMENTS PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phone Ring 33 Ontario Paid Up Circulation- Telephone 9. The winners of the grand prize were Smith and Son of Malton and the runâ€" netsâ€"up, Clendenning and Stouffer. Wiles and Johnson won first in the consolation event with Lyon and Saunders as second. The entries in the tournament were A. Wiles and E. Johnson; J. S. McNair and L. H. Cleâ€" ment; J. Carr and W. Muckford; G. Willis and G. Moodie; Rev. A. A. Wall and A. E. Wall; J. Mitchell and H. MacMillan; G. Yerex and A.‘D. Buch- annan; W. Sliney and J. Jarvis; Murâ€" phy and Preston; Murphy and Patten- den; Lyon and Sanderson; Smith and Frisby; W, Orr and Partner; Tremble and Caldane; Orr and Lee; Clendenn- ing and Stouffer; Clendenning and Ratcliffe; Houston and Partner; Nel- son and Turan; Hoover and Ratcliffe; Wright and Blakeman. Record Crowd Attended Fair ed the first prize and George E. Boynâ€" ton son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boyn- ton of King, won the second prize. In the class for babies over seven months Nora Orr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Orr, of Temperanceville, won the first prize. Dr. Harkins, of Torâ€" onto assisted by two nurses from the Children’s Hospital, Toronto, looked after the judging. All the babies were given a very thorough and pains- taking examination and in giving the awards Dr. Harkins explained the reasons for the placings of the differ- ent babies. There were twentyâ€"two teams in the Horseshoe Pitching contest which was one of the most popular features ‘of the day. Local contestants unfort- unately had not been long in practice and at; the end of the tournament were not found in the money. Keen inte- rest was shown in the contest and hundreds of spectators watched the progress of the games. r Auction sale â€"â€" Horses, Vehicles 'and furniture, the property of George Jonés, Kleinburg, on Friday, June 8, at 2 p. m. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. STOCK REGISTER Xile of Pittsford, 1190 â€" No. 19283 Shetland Pony â€" At stud â€" Winn- er at Canadain National Winter Fair, and July lst parades, at Glenn Don Farms, R. R. No. 1, Eglinton, lots 1-2, con. 2, Markham. SALE REGISTER (Continued from Page 1) THE LEBERAL. WED HILL, ONTARIO Ontario Hon. John S. Martin, minister of agriculture, is writing all Ontario municipalities to call their attention to the new amendments to the Noxi- ous Weeds Act, which were passed last legislature, and to ask of them all possible co-operation in reducing the weed menace to a minimum. Referrâ€" ing to the matter of cutting on high- ‘ways, Mr. Martin writes as follows: WILL BATTLE AGAINST ALL NOXIOUS WEEDS “As you will see, the act requires that this be done by the “road author- ity” as defined under the highway improvement act. This simply means that the authority which is respOnsib- le for the maintenance of the road shall be responsible for the cutting of the weeds on the road. The cost of cutting the weeds is to be considered as part of the cost of road mainten- ance, and may be included on the por- tion\ on which the government pays a grant under the Highway Improve- iment Act. This appears to be the most simpler and inexpensive manner in which this very important work can be done. and I trust it will have the hearty support of all municipalities. You will observe that the government grant for road maintenance may be withheld where the weeds are not pro- perly cut.” Earnestly seeking to live up to his name, a Mr. Gitrich of Kansas City Thas gone into the plumb‘filg business. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 51 of the Trustees Act. R. 8.0. 1927, Chapter 150, that all credi- tors and others having payments or demands against the Estate of the said John Palmer, who died on or a- bout the 17th day of April, A.D. 1928, at the Village of Richmond Hill, are required on or before the 1st day of July, A.D. 1928, to send by Post preâ€" paid, or deliver. to John Wesley Pal- mer and William Savage, the Execut- ors of the last Will and Testament of the said Deceased, at Richmond Hill, Ontario, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars in writing, of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. Paleontologists, also, dig up many a bone of contention. IN THE MATTER of the estate of JOHN PALMER, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Gentleman, Deceased. And take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executâ€" ors will not be liable for the said as- sets or any part thereof to any perâ€" son or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. WILLIAM COOK & COOK Solicitors for the said- Executors DATED at Toronto this 25th day of May, A.D. 1928. Notice is hereby given that a. By- law was passed by the Council of the Village of Richmond Hill on the 1st day of May 1928, providing for the is- sue of Debentures to the amount of $30,800.00 to pay for Paving and Curbs and Gutters on Yonge Street, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry Office of the East and West Ridings of the County of York on the 4th day of May 1928. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-IAW Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made Within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 17th day of May 1928. A. J. HUME, Clerk. Representing The Mutual Life As- surance Co. of Canada, The Dominion Guarantee and Accident Co. doing all kinds of Insurance. The Protective Association of Can- ada, Granby Que., sickness and acci- dent (for Masons only). ‘ The Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Canada. The Laurentian Insurance Co. The Atlas, Palantine, Commercial Union and other tariff companies in- cluding the Hartford, insuring against damage by wind storms, fire etc. Maple Notice to Creditors INSURANCE SERVICE C. H. BYAM, Ontario FOR SALEâ€"Slightly used Furnace in perfect condition. Only been used short time. Will sell cheap and ar- range for installation if desired. Cash or terms. Phone 9, Richmond Hill. FOR SALE â€"â€" 10 rods chicken wire, almost new, 6 feet high. 22 strands. Geo. Taylor, Richmond St., Rich- mond Hill. EXCHANGEâ€"McLaughlin Touring car for 101:, also for sale 30 guinea pigs. Apply box 22, Richmond Hill, Ontario. (FOR SALEâ€"A quantity of seed po- tatoes, Wellington. Apply Percy Puterbaugh, phone 1357, Maple. FOR SALE â€" Large quantity of Del- eware and Eureka potatoes, $1.00 per bag, the property of Isaac Wal- der, as Mr. Walder has moved to Toronto, those desiring potatoes call at Mrs. Linstead’s, Mill Street, opposite Mr. Walder’s former resi- dence, or phone Toronto, Elgin 9871. FOR SALE â€" Thirty Lincoln ewes, with their lambs, also 1 Lincoln ram. Apply E. T. Stephens, Fair- View Farms_ Richmond Hill. LOSTâ€"String of green beads, on May 24th, on Radial car or in Rich- mond Hill. Highly ‘valued. Re- ward. Box 16. Liberal Office. FOR SALE â€" Grey Percheron geld- ing, 6 years old, sound. Apply Cameron Walkington, King. FOR RENT â€" Brick house, well lo- cated, 6 rooms, in good repair, Twenty dollars month. J, E. Fran- cis, Thomhill. FOR SALEâ€"One No. 9 Acme range, in good condition, $15.00. Apply Box 15, Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"Sol-Hot oil burning Brooder, capacity 500 chicks. Price $15.00. Apply Box 45, Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"Potatoes, Irish Cobblers, Spencer Dooley and Green mountain either for seeding or cooking. Ap- ply T. S. McConnell, Lot 28, con. 2, Vaughan, telephone 1549 Maple. HARDWOOD FLOORING â€" Bar- gains. 5c. foot up. Laid measure. Send size of room. Catalog. and samples free. HALLIDAY CO., HAMILTON, 102 Jackson St. East. WANTEDâ€"Bright energetic man or woman, high school students consid- ered, for special work in York Coun- ty, must have some means of con- veyance, good commission paid in addition to stated salary for full time work if desired. Apply by let- ter only stating full particulars, home address and how much time you would be willing to devote to the work. Apply to Box 750 Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. Public Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll for the Township of Vaugâ€" ban will be held in the Township Hall, \Vellore, onâ€" ? TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1928 at 11 o’clock a.m. to hear and adjudicate upon any com- plaints against the Assessment R011 lot the Municipality of the Township ‘bf Vaughan, for the said year 1928. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. Court of Revision J. B. McLEAN, Clerk of the said Municipality Maple, May 24, 1928. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair-- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge St. {ev “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 6 cents per line extra each insertion. Township of Vaughan COUNTY OF YORK B. R. Strangways, B. A., B. D. Minister m.-â€"The message to the church at Sarden. 2.30â€"Sunday School ) p. m. â€"â€"A Beloved Disciple Boot and Shoe Repairer Classified Advertising UNITED CHURCH Municipality of the Thornhill GEO. KIDD THURSDAY. MAY 31. 1928 WANTED â€" Capable maid for gener- al light housework, no cooking re- quired. Apply Mrs. P. C. Hill, Phone 160, Richmonu Iiill. FOR SALEâ€"Fine seven room brick house, large lot, on paved street, a bargain at thirtyâ€"five hundred, (to settle an estate.) J. Edward Fran- cis, Thornhill. WANTED â€"â€"- House-keeper, middle aged preferred, for family of two, willing to go to small toxvn near Orillia, and to summer cottage dur- ing July, no laundry and good wag- es. Apply Mrs. R. D. Little, Rose- view Avenue. rFOR SALE'â€"Slightly used Fiirnace in perfect condition. Only been used‘ short time. Will sell cheap, and at- range for installation if desired. Cash or terms. Phone 734, Maple Central. FOR SALEâ€"1927 Chevrolet sedan, in A1 condition, a good buy $650. 1925 Ford truck, stock rack, Ruckstell axle, good tires, just the thing for a stock farm. $350. 1926 Ford Roadster, new paint, good; top and tires, $260. Richmond Hill, FOR SALE -â€" A quantity of Dooley potatoes. Apply E. T. Stephens,. Fairview Farms. Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Frame house, on Centre 1 Street, west, Richmond Hill, 7' rooms, furnace, electric light, hard and soft water, close to Yonge St.,. l will be sold reasonable with terms. l Apply W. Hall. FOR SALEâ€"\Senator Dunlap Straw- berry plants Cuthbert Raspberry canes and Black Currant bushes. Apply G. Yerex, Elgin Mills, Phone Maple 249. FOR RENTâ€"Pasture for grazing at lot 31 and 32, con. 2, Vaughan; Apply Geo. Kozak, Richmond Hill. FOR RENTâ€"Seven Roomed brick house, Elizabeth Street, Richmond‘ 'Hill, furnace, bath, electric, hard- wood floors, 'two fire places, large lot, immediate possession. Apply A. E. Glass. CASH PAIDâ€"For Poultry market prices. For sale Flexo Glass cloth, 55c. per yard or 10 yards for $5.00. Also Barred Rocks from imported! strain, 75 cents per setting. A.G. Robinson, box 174 Richmond Hillr phone 190. HAIRDRESSINGâ€" Marcelling and! etc., Mrs. Russel], Centre St. West, Phone 178. FOR SALEâ€"Mammoth 'Pekin duck eggs, Pardee’s strain, New York. $1.50 per setting. A.G. Robinson, Rumble Ave, phone 190. FOR SALEâ€"Two frame houses, fifty foot lot, electric light, good orchard’ good water, two minutes from car line in Richmond Hill, apply L. B. Finch, 665 Ossington Avenue, Tor. onto. FOR SALEâ€"Tom Barron Strain, S. C. White Leghorn baby chicks, April, $25; May, $20; June, $18; July, $16 per 100. Custom Hatch- ing $5 per 100 eggs. 10% reduc- tion on large orders. We are the district agent for Buckeye Incubaâ€" tors. Coal, Electric and Oil Broodâ€" ers. Prices on application, H. G. Mecredy, Yonge Sin, Poultry Farm R. R. I Richmond Hill 0nt., Phone King 16r26. GAS AND OUR SERVICE SOMETHING WORTHY OF‘ THE SPOTLIGHT. PEERLESS RICHMOND HILLONI PHONE :53 e “Be Ready with Reddy Power” HALL’S 315' VI [5' 57%??? W. G. BALDOCK, Ltd Ontario

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