Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jun 1928, p. 1

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WON PRIZES AT AURORA We extend congratulations to Mr. “‘Bill" Charles of Vaughan Towuship on winning four first prizes and one second prize with his fine three year old percheron gelding at the Aurora Horse show on Saturday last. Among the prizes was a handsome silver trophy valued at $25.00 for the best percheron {113' or gelding on the grounds any age. He won the second prize for the best filly or gelding in any class on the grounds. Mr. Charl- as was a winner at the Richmond Hill June 11 . 12th,13th THE INCOMDAD SCREEN ARTIST/ [MLJA NINGS In myLatest Sensat/ona/ Triumph, ====xoao= lomomemo: Fair baa OHO=O=0=O=0=OI=O:0=Q by a host 01 I‘rlends and ac- quaintances who rejoice in the honor that has been conferred upon him. APPOINTED K. C. We extend congratulations to Mr. William Cook of Toronâ€" to who was among the lawyers of Ontario to be honored by be- ing appointed King’s Counsel. Mr. Cook is well known throu- ghout this community and the entire County of York where he is held in the highest esteem by- a host of friends and ac- VOL. L. 3-" HUDson McLaughlin-Buick Automgbfles COMEDY The Wicked Kasimer 2172 COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT CAPITOL .iA Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Friday and Saturday Only O=0=OUO THEATRE June 8 and June 9 of gravel started as soon road in the township was inspected and the members have made a real effort to distribute the money to be spent equitably and fair to all parts of the township. It will be impossi- ble to do all the work which no doubt should be done and which the membâ€" ers of the council would like to do, but as much as is possible to do with the morey to be raised will be carried out. The estimates have an appropr- iation of 85000 for the sixth conces- sion for draining, resurfacing and patching. The graders are already on the roads and the Road Superin- Markham township council has been working overtime this week; Monday they completed a survey and inspection of the roads and Monday afternoon met in regular ‘session until a late hour. Wednesday night they met again in special session to comâ€" plete the laying cup of the year’s work on the roads. Every mile of ff;- Capitol News MARKHAM COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION ‘us works includi 9 Road Superin- ed to have the king the drawing men as possible. Yonqe and fl Castlefield g A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A USED CAR “In Essentials, Unity; In Nonâ€"essentials, Liberty; In Q41! Things. Charity.” should have been brought up long ago. Councillor Hill moved that all work .on the proposed waterworks extension be held up until the appeal against the award of the arbitrators now pen- ding was disposed of. Councillor James McLean seconded the motion. ;aWard has been appealed. All that remains to be settled is whether the laward of the arbitrators will be up- ‘held or the court of appeal may I beâ€" lieve fix the amount which we must pay. As I see it the appeal pending does not effect this work at all if you \intend to do it. We have expropriat- ed the land and we can’t back down. You’ve chosen your tune and you must pay the piper. I am most certainly in favor of proceeding with the work at once.” Councillor Hill said he didn’t. have much faith in the undertaking any- way. Councillor Chapman-I haven’t much faith‘in it either but if we’re going to do it I don’t see any reason for puttâ€" ing off the work. If we could back but of the deal it would be a different matter. Reeve Lunau said that he had 31. ways been satisfied that the munici- pality had the right of passession of the land and he thought that if there was any objetcions of this kind they RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JUNE 7. 1928 Councillor Hill introduced the question at Monday night’s meeting by asking if the members of the coun- cil felt safe in going ahead with the work until the appeal which had been entered had 'been disposed of by the courts. He said he was absolutely a- gainst spending one dollar in this pro- posed work until the council was sure or had some reasonable guarantee that the municipality would not have to pay more money for the land. I‘ At a special meeting of the council lheld on May 11 the contract for lay- ;ing the wooden pipe which were pur- chased last year for a consideration of about $1100. was let to a Toronto firm for $2400. The contractor has been ready to commence the work for some days now and has some of his equipment on the ground ready to start this week. This was the culmination of over a year’s deliberations and it has always been the expressed inten- tion of the council to have the work done this year before the starting of the period when the water supply be- comes objectionable. Councillor Sloanâ€"This is a fine time to bring this up just a few days before the contractor is going to start work. Councillor Sloan~Well for supposi- tion let’s say the appeal court says the town must pay $50,000â€"and that would be sure to scare them all outâ€"- what are you going to do? As I un- derstand it We decided to go ahead with this extension after securing the very best advice on the matter that we could get and that as we could not come to what we termed a reasonable bargain for the land We took expro- priation proceedings. T hese proceed- ings have been carried out and we now have an order of possessionâ€"the land is ours. The three arbitrators fixed the price to be paid at $520. and that Councillor Hill said that he did not feel like going ahead with such a proposition when an appeal was pend- ing. If the appeal is won, he said and this town would have to pay $10â€" ,000 for the land we would drive all the people out of town. was given another hoist at the reguâ€" lar meeting on Monday night, when it was decided to take no action in re- gard to proceeding with the work un- til the appeal against the award of the arbitrators in the expropriation pro- ceedings has been finally settled. The proposed extension to the wat- erworks §ystem which is claimed to be the remedy to the existing- undesirab- Ie features of the supply during the summer months and which has been under consideration for about a year Village Council After Letting Contract Decides To Further Action Pending Settlement of Appeal ACTION DEFERRED 0N EXTENSION TO THE WATERWORKS SYSTEM ’ LEMETED “ 24 Hour Service As no grant had previously been made to the Agricultural Society Councillor Sloan moved and Councill- or Hill seconded that the usual grant ’of $25 be made. Motion carried. Caterpillars A Nuisance The attention of council was drawn ito the prevalence this year of cater- [pillars in orchads in the village. The ireeve said he had instructed the town foreman to destroy all on the streets and he would urge that private citiz- ens take immediate steps to have any on their property destroyed. Reeve Lunau asked what the mem- bers wanted to do with the municipal scales. At present they were on pro- perty not belonging to the town and had been condemned as well. An es- timate for their repair had been reâ€" ceived and the price would be 329 . If the town wanted to sell them he had a party enquiring for them. He “Fas authorized to sell the scales and make the best bargain possible. Engineer B.H. Lasher was instruct- ed to proceed with the work of con- structing four valve chambers in con- nection with the water mains on Yonge Street at once. Councillor Chapman asked why this had not been done when the paving company was doing the Work and the explanation was that it had been overlooked. The following accounts Were pre- A communication was received from the Department advising the council of certain legislation regarding the control of weeds and the appointment of a weed inspector. Mr. G. Moodie applied for the position of weed in- spector. Councillor Hill thought that the town had plenty of employees right now and moved that G. Smith be appointed on the understanding that if he did not have time to do the work he could hire a man to do a part for him. Councillor McLean wanted to know when the roads would be oiled. He suggested that the roads be dragged Before this work was done. The report of the building inspect- or showed permits issued so far this year to the amount of $18,000. A request was received from the Horticultural Society for the usual grant from the municipality. On motion it was decided to give the cus- tomary grant of $25. After the mot- ion was carried Councillor Hill took exception to the grant as’ he said he thought the reeve had said a grant to the Agricultural Society. He asked if the council always gave a grant to the Horticultural Society. “What ben- efit are they to the town ?" he asked. “They were supposed to do a lot with flower beds at the public school in front of the war memorial but I have- n’t seen any results”. Councillor Hill however waived any objection to the motion as passed since it had always been a usual grant. Councillors Sloan and Chapman voted iagainst it thus creating a tie. Reeve ‘Lunau voted for the motion and de- iclared it carried as he said it might be just as well to let it Wait over for a few days until the appeal is settled. ‘ Considered Revision of Assessment At nomination time me subject of a revision and equalization of assess- ment was mooted. It was considered at a special meeting of the council held on May 21 when the reeve was instructed to see three local men with the view of having one of them und- ertake the work in conjunction with the present assessor. Reeve Lunau reported Monday night that he had not been successful in securing any- one to do the work. No further acti- on was taken at the meeting. Councillor Hill and councillor Chapman complained of the dust nui- sance on Yonge Street. Mr. Chapman suggested that the firehose be used to flush the street once a week during the summer. Reeve Lunau said that this was the intention and than the oiling would be done about June 15. ‘ccounts were pre air The annual meetmg of the York ;and Peel W.C.T.U. was held at New- 1market on Tuesday and Wednesday ‘of this week. It was a most enthusi- astic meeting and was featured by a ‘large attendance of members and an excellent program. There are fifteen unions in the county and fourteen were represented at the annual meet- ing. On Tuesday afternoon Miss K. R. Duff, field secretary, of the organ- ization Was 'the speaker and dealt with the work in the outlying dist. ricts. In the evening the members were favored with an inspiring ad- dress by Rev. Ben Spence. On Wed- nesday Mrs. T.T. George, of Toronto gave a very educative talk to the children of the public school from Miss McCorkindales chart. The election of officers for the year resulted as follows: Honoray Presiâ€" dents, Mrs. H .H . McMahon, Toronto, and Mrs. E. Western, Newmarket; President, Mrs. T.R. White, Aurora; Vice-President, for York, Mrs. A.E. Plewman, Richmond Hill; Viceâ€"Presi- dent for Peel, Mrs. Lorne Davidson, Meadowvale, corresponding secretary, Mrs. J.C. Irvin, Weston; recording secretary, Mrs. O.L. Wright, Rich- mond Hill; Treasurer, Miss Toole, .Newmarket; L.T.L. Secretary Mrs. sented passed and ordered to be paid; J. Sheardown, gravel $493.87; Liberal Printing Co., printing and advertis- ing $58.26; A. R. Williams Co. $4.50; Keating Brass Co., $2.74; McGregor and McIntyre 86.00; C. Clark $4.20; H. Winch, labor $15.25; Thompson’s Machine shop $7.00; Ferranti Electric Co., $96.12; Hydro $601.30; Canada Metal 24.47; Waterworks power $61.- 86; Hydro Street lighting for April $111.75; J. G. ?aisley, labor $42.05; Meter inspection $7.95; E. H. Hall, repair $1.50; 0. Mallory, cartage 3.30, Pearse and Mills 81.25; D. Hill and Co., repairs to truck $18.05; Sawyer- Massey Co. $18.00; Crane Ltd $139.38 C. N. Cooper $5.12; Masco Co. $76.67, F'.Y.W. Brathwaite 32.29; H. W. Pet- rie $29.34, York and Feel W.C.T.U. Held Annual Meeting Chevrolet Cars and Trucks 40,009___MILES LlNDBERGH The Most Amazing Motion Picture Story Ever Filmed LOVE and LAUGHTER LINKEDâ€"How You'll Laugh Richard Dix-in a New and Funnier Comedy, Packed with Laugh Calories, The Kind of a Picture You've Been Waiting For With Love and Excitement Humor and Even a Sleek-Hair Villain. Sharp Shooters RICHARD DIX BEQEQEERAIEEEAIBE NEWS EVENTS COMEDY I"’THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT L YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE 2 P. M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. ove and Adventure in the Ports of Callâ€"With GEORGE O’BRIEN â€" LOIS MORAN V A Pointer on “How to See the World ” A Picture that Hits The Bullseye of Adventure. in SPORTING GOODS Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 7, 8, 9 Events That Have Set the World Cheering “You’ll Cheer T00. ' VAU DEVI l NEW EVENTS Mon., Tues., Wed’y, June 11, 12, 13. A.L. Phipps, Richmond Hill; Y. Sec- retary, Mrs. J.A.O. MacPherson, Is- lington. l Official word has been received of the appointment of A.W. Harris, of Markham townshiv as mail carrier for Rural Route 1, Richmond Hill. Mr. Harris will commence his new duties bn July lst. There were thirty appli- \cations for the position. IN NEW BUILDING Little Bros. local Ford dealers have moved into their fine new garage on North Yonge Street. The building is now completed except a few finishing touches and the announcement of the official opening will be made shortly. SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE NE\V MAILMAN FOR RURAL ' ROUTE AUS TIN’S (Druo’ Store RICHMSND HILL,ONT PHONE 33 COMEDY NO. 50

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