n_â€"â€"â€" $1.50 PER YEAR The Liberal is recognized as one or the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home print, it carries all the newa of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. .VOL. L. Professional And Business Directory. l MUSICAL DENTAL DR. L. R. BELL . LECCI Dentist I From (iglijfrmoocigï¬nmw of Music, Office: Trenth‘Block, two doors will mepe a number a! pupils in Piano! north of Standard Bank. 7°“ “““.Th°°"' ,, . Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 p.m. M188 Phyllis we“ Telephone 32 CONTRALTO Soloist Richmond Hill United Church DR. E. J. HENDERSON Dentist . i will accept students in vocal. minions Hui . Friday and Saturday Office, Davies Storp Tuesday’s:â€"~9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For lnlorm-tion Phone 58] MRS' MYLKS Thursday’szâ€"7 to 9 p.m. Gas Extraction at Aurora Dr. W. Finlay DENTIST FREDERICK M. POLLETT - Pupil 0f Ernest Seitz l" Conservatory Examinations ’ Foesâ€"$20 per term (20 lessons.) Studioâ€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Richmond Streetâ€"Phone 13W. JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner 35 Years’ Practical Experience 378 Beresford Avenue. West Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 . Telephone Glenn’s Drug Store, Rich» ‘ mond Hill, for appointment MAPLE ONTARIO Ofï¬ce Hours FRIDAY, 1.30 P.M. TO 8 P.M. Telephoneâ€"Maple 3 Ofï¬ce hours 9 am. to 5 p.m. Evenings by Appointment. Telephone 80 Dr. M. J. OUIGLEY ])E 1V CPI S T ’ George Guy . ' 48 Woburn Avenue. Standard Bank Building NORTH TORONTO Thornhill Phone Hudson 09701 PIANO TUNER AND PLAYER EXPERT Certiï¬cate piano tuning Conservatory LEGAL l WILLIAM COOK & COOK (William Cook F, Gordon Cook Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Toronto Oflice: 816 Federal Building, 35 Richmond St. West I Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (Liberal Oï¬lce) ovary Thursday torenoon. Maple. Thursday after- ‘ noOn. Woodbridge, Saturday afternoon. Mouov to loan at Current Rate NAUGHTON & JENKINS Barristers, Solicitors, Notarlon~ Telephone Adelaide 2103 BUSINESS WRIGHT & TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and M2 Night Phone 15 Uflices: 85 Richmond St. Wont, Toronto BranCh omces Atâ€" Nuughton Block. Aurora THORNIHLL AND Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Hill, , King. Whitchurch, Markham and North Prices Most Moderate Gmmmmng Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill. 5048. J. Harry Naugliton, Res. Eltin Mills, Res. Phone 127.2 BERT HUMPHREY FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND MCGUIRE. MACDONALD & BOLES EMBALMERS . . . , . New Limousine Ambulances Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. , ‘ Hon. W.H. Mchre, ‘, TELEPHONE Vincent C. MacDonald L.S.B. James A. Boles, B.A. Offices:â€"7’i‘-'78 Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Victoria Sta. “'illowdale 69 HUdson 3679-W Stop 5. Yonge Street. Lansing JOHN R. CAMPBELL AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 Veterinary Surgeon THORNIHLL A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON ‘ MBiARRISTlgl _ d_ . _ A 511 c ’innon _un mg, J T MipEgEON Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets Licensed Auctiotne‘er lfor the County Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4,879 0 01' Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited PRENTICE & PRENTICE Denton. Macdonald & Dentor ‘~ Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Manning Arcade, King St. West, Toronto. Canadr Telephone Main 0311 ‘ C bl Add ess: “Dedo†AULTIONEERS _ Arthur ilacdod‘ald. F'f‘luk Dontr ’ J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol Stu, Laura Danton. 11A. Toronto. Hud.1347W. K. G. Prentice, Milliken. We are prepared to conduct sales at every t‘oseription. Forms and form stock IHIBS a opocialty. Fnrms bought and sold on commisâ€" lion. All sales attended to on shortest notice. and conducted by the most approved methods. CAMPBELL LINE Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Toronto Oï¬icc Manning Chambers, Corner of SILVERSIDES & FARMER Queen and Baywopposite City Licensed Auctioneers Hall, County of York ‘ Pure Bred Stock Sales :1 Specialty. Phone 2703 S'I‘OUFFVII.LE A. STONEHOUSE CARTAGE AND EXPRESS Plowing and Garden Work Sand and Gravel. Concrete Work. OAK RIDGES MEDICAL DR. W. SALEM CALDWELL Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"S to 10 am. 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 Telephone 3 MAPLE HOTEL Maple Every Saturday. T. C. NEWMAN BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Toronto Office, 18 Toronto St.. Phone, ELGIN 1887 Richmond Hill, Thursday afternoons Office, A. Mill‘s Showrooms, East side of Yonge Street, Immediately south of Hill's Garage Phone Richmond Hill 1225 Money to loan at current rates. â€"_...; -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_~ PRINTING The Liberal plant is equipped to do all kinds of commercial and general printing and can attend to all orders promptly and at reasonable prices. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARlo, THURSDAY, JUNE 7. 1928 ‘â€"_. Musical instruments brought to thc trict, Germany, alone last year A valued at nearly $1,000,000. An ancient stone implement recentâ€" ly found at Eston. Eng. is believed to be 75,000 years old. I -’ A home-study class on “family and ‘marriage" is announced by the Uni- versity of North Carolina extension division. It is sad that more vessels passed through the Suez canal in 1927 than A in any previous year. The first Sunday school was held in 1812, when Robert Raikes gathered a crowd of street boys into his house in Gloucester, Eng., one Sunday morning land held free school to keep the boys off the street. The small size U.S. one-dollar bill is‘expected to save the government a- bout $4,000,000 a year. Triplets born to Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Medhurst of Hailsham, Eng., have been named Faith, Hope and Charity. Rev. William Lee, of England. in- ventor of the knitting- machine’ preâ€" sented the first machine-made silk stockings to Queen Elizabeth. The inalienable right of young peo- pie to make love has been upheld in the highest Berlin Court. George Mueller and Anna Droglich were un~ der contract with an employer who discharged them because he contend- ed that their love affair interfered with his business. Now he must pay them $700, with which they will start housekeeping. Dr. Gruez of Vienna declares that few women have legs which are mat~ 1es and that in most cases the differ- ence between the two limbs are very marked. It is assumed that the doct- or has enjoyed the interesting studies =whicli led him to this conclusion. Another unusual tale of a cat that ‘came back is reported from Chicago. Mrs. Charles S. Skelton gave her pet cat to a niece living 100 miles away and went to Europe. The cat remain- ed with the niece but one day, and six months later reappeared at its Chicaâ€" go home half starved and badly lacerâ€" ated. l James Roony of Newark. who can not read, argued with a traffic cop who stopped him for having no licen- se plate. He showed the policeman a document which he said entitled him to drive his car. It was marked “back seat driver‘s license,†and R00- rey said he had bought it from three strangers for $3.00. Film actresses employed by certain 'London producers have about as much liberty as a caged canary. Their con- tracts provide that they must not get fat, nor divulge trade secrets. must agree to obey all proper orders, suff- ‘er fines for unpunctuality. and must not marry without the company's perâ€" lmission. l Gene anney. who latcly discusscdl Shakespeare at Yale. pugilist with scholastic attainments. ‘ Jack ll‘wxl. a British Violtcr-“cight champion. recently preached a scr-[ mon fromihe pulpit of St. John’s church in Birmingham, Eng. MAPLE ONTARIO DR. .I. P. WILSON Ofï¬ce hours: 9 to 11 am. HAROLD J. KIRBY BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, 6 to 8 p.m.. and by appointment. ETC . Oflice: Centre and Church Sts.. 2133 Yonge Street ' Richmond Hill Phone 24. Tummo. III'dson 1893. MAPLEâ€"~EYERY TUESDAY Standard Bank Building. DRS. LANGSTAFF North Yongc Lit. Richmond Hill DR ROLPII I. l..\.\'GS‘l‘AFFâ€" Office lmvrs: 8' ll" am and G: i p.m. DR, I.II.I.I;\\' (‘. l..\.\'(?S'I‘AFl-‘â€" (Diseases of wmno'i and childranr Oflica hours: 1:3 p.m. Phone 100 THOMAS DELANEY formerly of \Vm. Cook. Cook 6'; Delaiiy Barrister. Solicitor S; Notary Public " . V? ‘ Y ' V r DR' LIEI‘f‘EELiis 5" DILNTI‘NG 1207 Northern Building 0““ é-ii‘IJQ" lignsmg' 330 Bay Street â€"- Toronto 5 Ofï¬ce hours; 1134.13; 6.7.15 Richmond Hill. Tuesday Afternoons Capitol Bldg. Yonge St. Office, Yongc St, one door South of. Hud. 1133; Rand. 2121. Hip-Q amuse . . i 0 r. n ‘ ‘ “3‘ Ofï¬ce homs' 8'30’ “'0’ "30'9' Money to loan at current rates Telephone â€" Klein 7712 EBONDS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE LOANS THIRD DIVISION COURT J. R. HERRINGTON FINANCIAL AGENT d’onge St. Phone 87, Richmond Hill. COI‘NTY 0F YORK J. R. llERRINGTON, Clerk Yongc St. Richmond Hill Telephone: 57 i Keswick and m. w P. easily it is to be mistaken is shown in a recent case in Turin. Italy. Two fl :11“: had “ldcntified†Sicitm-a Scttina Tulâ€" t'lllllll‘OTI. I the real criminal was L‘Lll In Nani- with the charge. !The two women bore little resemblâ€" ,;::‘cc to each other. ‘1 How aft. 1' and wmm ti do ys l .' the l»:idi:;tpcr of two . l CS youngsters lll . l The L'nimtville fire brigade did ct;â€" lccllcnt in saving; the burn and buildings of Mr. Juseph Rumor on the ninth cunt-c553. n of Markham about a mile week w 0 ll: south of Ringwoodlast * GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS is not the only . â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-r The Stouffville Horticultural So- United States from the Stuttgart dis~ cicty are arranging to put on a colc- were lii‘ation in Stouffvillc on Monday, July 2nd, and in their cffort they will have the co-operation of the Stouffville Old Boys†and Girls’ Association of Toronto. Mr. W. H. Clark, clerk of Whit- church Township, is spending a coupâ€" le of weeks at the Preston Springs health resort. King Township Council The above Council held their fifth ' regular meeting at the Temperance Hall, Kettleby, on Saturday the 26th day of May 1928, all the members present with Reeve E.M. Legge in the chair; the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed, af- ter the communications were present ed and read, the treasurer was author- ized to pay the following accounts:â€" Cecil Walker, school attendance offic- ers fees, $14.55; John Lynn, Repairs to lockup, $2.50; George Ellison, grading road P.V.S. 33.00; Municipal World. supplies, 86c. Road Maintenance Peter Muirhead, dragging and re- pairs to culvert, 825.30; S. Davis, dragging etc., $32.20; W. H. Gillham, dragging $22.50; Jas. Murray, dragg- ing, $3.83; Fred Boys, dragging, $15.- 45; W. Kehoe; dragging, $16.20; G.C. Cook; dragging, $20.85; W. Ferguson, 84.00 John Howard; cutting brush etc 89.20; John Lynn, ditching 333.30; A. McClure hauling gravel $32.20; Harry Rolling. repairs to culvert 86.50; Alf. Lloyd, cutting brush etc., $25.00; Pet- er Catania, brush. $7.50: James Gamble. grading $25.50; Lorne Mit- chell, grading $25.80; Elwood Davis, cleaning pit $10.00; G. Jackson, drag- ging and snow, 828.70; F. Williams, dragging $5.40; Jos. Beatty, dragging 33.00; H. Mills, dragging and repairs to culvert 810.65; L. B. Wells, di‘agg- ing and repairs 87.25; Geo. Green. dragging half to Vaughan $6.00, Wes~ â€" ley Proctor, dragging $10.20; Jno. Rainey, hauling gravel 8105.13 and gravel 3105.75; Norman Rogers, trucking gravel, 8167.18; Canada In~ got Iron Co., scrapers and road mach- ine, etc., $493.58; Wm. Cutting, drag- ging, etc., $23.60; The Dominion Road Machinery Co, repairs 345.52; Metal- lic R0ofiny: Cm, culverts 8105.73; Sa\vyci‘-;‘.lasse_v, grader and freight $287.00; Metallic roofing, culverts 8210,23; Sawyerâ€"Massey, brackets $7.21; J. L. Jenkins, express 81.70. Resolutions. 1 Armstrorgâ€" Jefferson â€"â€" That Mr. : L. H. Hollingshead be paid the sum of ‘ $50.00 extra expenses of collecting taxes on the Holland Marsh Drainage scheme. Jefferson â€" Armstrong â€"â€" That a Committee meet Mr. Thompson, re Halls hill on Nobleton side-road, Reeve. Leggc. N. MacMurchy and E. Armstrong. Armstrong â€"â€" chfersonâ€" That the Tender of M. Allen for making tilc be accepted, per tender now on file, 1â€"3 of 03(‘ll quantity to be made in 4th line pit, 1â€"3 in Tinlincs pit and 1-3 ini I-lanlons pit, and $01110 to be made at once. Jefferson â€"â€" Armstrong â€"That the erk prepare a By-I.a\v for our speâ€" c‘al meeting June 13*. to appoint weed HS Cl pliancc with law as it now exists. At 2.30 O'clock the Council formed a Court Of Revision when several penis were dealt with. inspector. and general byâ€"law in coni- ‘ ap- I l munity Ilnil, Naililvtnn the 30th day of June. lll‘ Council adjourned to int-oi at Cm) ELL/or iiouse lwhcn his straw stuck caught fire. (me of the old piorcr-rs of Whit- lb . .; Jacob Isl k'i-l 24th. lies. :3. Tile mi chair: , pii'swit 'inzswl away on M 2:." ‘i; residcm-e in Smurf- was l‘.‘:lll llin the Bloomingion ian Church on Saturday. The in ‘charge of Rev. E. Morton. the pastor sud 1:: Rev. D.\'. VanXorman of ville. [Literal . ‘ > . service was Oshawa. Fletcher of ‘ roofs'Lastingdnexpensive ROOF your house or s f property. l l ....( t. l .1: sued», ...onis, cnurclw l' 5.11 ngs. CITE s: ' tree estimoie. V. 211.: tasters/Steel Products PRESTON, ONT. Successor to Metal Shinglea: Siding CO. is l \ 1.11m a. on. NO. 50 Built to Meet Increasing Demand . Another addition to the Firestone plant had to be built to meet the increasing demand for Firestone Gurn- Dipped Tires with the Scientifically Designed Tread. . The new addition increases production by 40% and is eqmpped With special machinery designed and built by F irestOne to produce tires with the most efï¬cient and economical methods. Firestone builds a tire to meet every road, load and condition of servxce. Your nearest Firestone dealer is equipped to serve you better and save you money with these better tires. FIRESTONE TIRE 8; RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited HAMILTON. ONTARIO Most Miles Per Dollar Builds the Only Dipped Tires HALL’S Service Station defam- HaNdSO‘. ’ I. \ ' y 0 on Home Construction Containing valuable suggestions on home planning with Gyproc, Rocboard and Insulex. Write for it. CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED Paris Canada 41‘ '0 1 al boordl For Sale By The Jones Lymber Company Richmond Hill, Ont. ' Pep NOTICE Spring rices are in effect now. ; Mine prices advance June lst. Our coal is the best mined in America. ‘Nell sized and properly screened. The Greatest Value of the year. Spring prices are the lowest. L’nfrozen coal screens cleanest. The best coal available. No delayed snow bound deliveries. Because Tell us how many tonsâ€"â€" l. D. RAMER & SON