The showers of this week are bring- 'ng' untold wealth to the county. Hay and pasture lands have made very little growth up to the prQSent. The root crop needed rain badly also. The showers are a boon to berry growers who are fortunate to have a patch of vines or canes that withstood the hard spring. PAGE FOUR Apple, cherry and plum orchards present a very picturesque sight at present. Prospects for a bumper crop never were brighter. Some land owners on the fourth line are rejoicing that soon we may have a good road to travel upon. Oth- ers who travel and see the banefnl effect of Government Control of the Sale of Hard Beverages would prefer mud and safety to speed alcohol and death. The milk producers from here who attended the meeting in Masonic Hall Richmond Hill on Tuesday evening heard from the lips of their secretary Professor Sissons than prohibition of sale of strong drink brings an increa- se in consumption of whole milk. The milk producers in United States re- ceive much better price for their pro- duct since the volstead act has been effective. Mr. Joseph Hunter of Maganeta- wan, a resident of this township fifty years ago is visiting friends here, the guest of Mr. W.F. Nichols. We are sorry at time of writing that two of our stalwart yoemen are under the doctors care. Mr. Murray Avison is suffering from a painful attack of appendicitis. Mr. Wilmo’c Brumwell is quite ill with Pneumonia. He is under the skilful care of Dr. Wilson and two nurses. Their many friends are praying for their restorâ€" ation to health. Two of our fair maidens, Miés Lena Moynihan and Miss l. Freeland are enjoying the mumps this week. Rev. W. Haig is attending confer- ence in Toro‘nto this week. ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY AT VICTORIA SQUARE The Victoria Square 8.8. Anniverâ€" sary and Olde Tyme Garden Party will be held on Saturday, and Sunday, June 16 and 17. The Saturday pro- gram of sports will be on the grounds of Mr. R. Klinck and will commence at 2 p.m. There Will be a ladies softball tournament, horseshoe pitch- ing contest, foot races and many fea- ture attractions. Supper will be ser- ved on the church lawn from 5 to 8 p. m. In the evening there will be a program by the Cowan Concert Com- pany. Mr. Duncan Cowan will be as- sisted by several talented artists. Re- member the date, Saturday, June 16, and plan now to attend this popular annual Garden Party. Victoria Square Announcement Arnold & Yonge Sts. Richmond Hill New Branch Opening Chevrolet and Oakland Cars Morley S. Hamilton, Thornhill Dealer Wishes to announce the opening of a new sales and service branch at Richmond Hill. This new branch will be conduct- ed in accordance with his policy of courteousness and efficiency in service under management of J. F. Adams. on the fourth Genuine Chevrolet Parts Y. W. A. MEETING The Y. W. A. of the United church met at the home of MiSS M. Brown on Tuesday evening, June 5th. After ‘the opening exercises Miss Mortley‘ read a paper on “Christian Steward-l ship," Miss Marion Ramer favoured the members with a piano solo. Mrs. Edmunds gave a synopsis of the 3rd chapter of the study book, dealing with “Women’s Life in Japan ahd Inâ€" dia.†he The young. ladies are holding a quilting bee in the Sunday school room on Thursday afternoon, June 14, and ask all the ladies of the congre- gation to come and help. Lunch will be served. ’ A CORRECTION In our item in last week’s issue re~ garding the comparative tax rates of different municipalities an inadvert ant error was made in quoting the Richmond Hill rate at 56 mills. This should have read 51 mills. We regret 3the error as we had no desire to make ‘the rate appear any higher than it lactually was. CATTLE KILLED BY TRAIN A southbount C.N.R. freight train ran into a herd of cattle on the tracks north of Richmond Hill, about the Gamble sideroad on Wednesday night about 10 p.m. One cow was killed outfight and four injured so badly ‘that they had to be destroyed. Markham citizens on Friday, June 1 did honor to Mrs. John Thomas, the town’s oldest resident, who celebrated ‘her ninetyâ€"third birthday on that date. Stouffville Presbyterians held spe- cial services on Sunday last to mark the repossession of St. James Church after an absence of three years. The death occurred at Aurora, on June 1, of Andrew Rose m his 73rd year. Mrs. Rose survives. The fun- eral will be held on Sunday afternoan ‘to Newmarket cemetery. At a well-attended meeting of the Unionville Horticultural Society in the town hall, M 'day night, J.S. Hall a member of the glinton Horticulâ€" tural Society, gave an illustrated lec- ture entitled, “In Our Own Front Garden.†The lecture was replete with instruction. Miss Mina Som- merville presided. When his wagon was struck from the rear by an automobile Wm. Car. son, J.P., of York Mills, suffered pain- ‘ful injury to the abdomen and a bad- ly cut left eye. N o bones were broken. iCarson was precipitated over his Ihorses’ heads into a ditch by the side ‘of Yonge St., near York Mills. He was picked up in a semi-conscious condition. The horses broke loose from the wagon and ran for some dis- tance before being captured. Members of the Canadian Legion, Willowdale are planning for a Field Day on Dominion Day. MARKHAM COURT OF REVISION Markham township council met as a court of revision adjourned from the previous date on Monday afternoon and completed the hearing of appeals. Five appeals were made and in four bases the assessments were confirmed 'hnd in one case a slight reduction of $300 was made. i ‘ TEMPERANCE SPEAKER AT UNITED CHURCH Under the auspices of the W.C.T. U., Mrs. George, one of the best "known children’s and young people’s “temperance speakers, will speak at the United Church service, Richmond Hill at 11 am†Sunday, June 10th. This will be an interesting and instru- ctive talk and parents are r’equested to bring the children with them to this service. . MORLEY S. HAMILTON OPENS GARAGE ilERE Elsewhene in this issue is the anâ€" nouncement of the opening of a new garage on Arnold Street in the build- ing formerly occupied by Little Bros. by Morley S. Hamilton, of Thornhill. Mrl Hamilton needs no introduction to the people of this district as he has been Chevrolet and Oakland dealer at iThornhill for some time. This new sales and service branch will be in icharge of Mr. Adams and the same principles of efficiency and service for which Mr. Hamilton has an enviable reputation will be carried out here. DIVISION COURT HELD TUESDAY Eighteen cases were heard at the session of the Division Court here, on Tuesday morning, before His Henour Judge O’Connell. J. H. Brillinger vs Thos. Graham and Robert Graham was adjourned sine diem; W.L. Rain- ey vs. Walter Stonehouse re note, judgement for the plaintiff less con- tra account; H. McMillan vs G. Clark ire commission on farm sale, adjourn- ed to Thursday, June 14, to be held at Judges’ Chambers, Toronto. In the announcement made in last Week’s issue the service fees of the Eloiydesdale Stallion, Rockhi/ll Refiner, belonging to W.J. McCallum, Bramp- iton were quoted at 815.00 instead of $18.00 with $2.00 payable at time of service and balance when mare prov- es in foal in January. STOCK REGISTER Xile of Pittsford, 1190 â€" No. 19283 Shetland Pony â€"- At stud â€" Winn- er at Canadain National Winter Fair, and July 151; parades, at Glenn Don Farms, R. R. No. 1, Eglinton, lots 1-2, con. 2, Markham. Auction sale â€"- Horses, Vehicles and furniture, the property of George Jones, Kleinburg, on Friday, June 8, at 2 p. m. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. SALE REGISTER THE LIBERAL. mm HILL. ONTARIO STOCK REGISTER Vaughan Township To PurchaseLoader Vaughan township council have de- cided to purchase a gravel loader proâ€" vided that after seeing one work it is felt that it will be satisfactory for the township work. This was decided on‘ motion of Deputy-Reeve Fan- and Councillor Baker at the regular meet- ing on Tuesday. This action was taken as it was felt that the truck could be used to much better advant- age if proper loading facilities were available in the pits. A representa- tive of the Dominion Road Machinery Co., attended the meeting and quoted the price of a. loader at $700. It has a capacity of fourteen yards an hour and it is claimed makes a very ap- preciable saving in loading costs. The treasurer reported receipt of a cheque for $10,280.51 being the grant to the township from the Province for work done in 1927. The report of fines collected show- ed receipts of $188 in the month of April and $526 in the month of May. A petition was received from resi- dents of Rumble Avenue asking that (the township take over the street as the residents were desirous of securâ€" 1ing‘ Hydro power and the line could not be installed unless the roadway \was Owned by the township. The council Will inSpect the street in the near future and take action on the re- quest. A byâ€"law was passed authorizing a levy of $1530 on the police village of Maple, which will make a rate of 8.2 mills. A resolution was also passed authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to ‘sign the agreement on behalf of the towhship with the police village. A by-_1aw was passed to authorize a levy of $22,000 for roads and bridges in the township for the year 1928. It was decided to haize plans pre- pared and estimates asked, for the construction of new roadways as local improvements on Edgar Avenue, May Avenue and Spruce Street. Councillor Baker introduced the reâ€" quest of the East Vaughan Ratepay- ers Association that the voting hours on election day be extended until sev- en o’clock in order to give those who work in the cities an opportunity to [exercise the franchise. The council ‘will consider the matter and probably ltake some action at the next meeting. BURNSâ€"In loving memory of a lovâ€" ing wife and mother Martha Burns, wife of David Burns, who fell a. sleep in Jesus, June 7, 1926. A wonderful mother, companion and aid, One who was better God never made A wonderful worker loyal and true, One in a million that mother was you, Just in your judgement always right Honest and liberal ever upright. Loved by your friends and all whom you knew, A wonderful mother that mother was you. Ever Remembered by It is earnestly requested that all residents of Richmond Hill will strict- ly observe the provisions of the above act and will abstain from the perfor- mance of any manual or other labour ‘upon the Lord’s Day. The Lord’s Day Act Public Notice is hereby given that George Smith is appointed by the Village Council to be WEED IN- SPECTOR for the Municipality of Richmond Hill, under the Weed Con- trol Act 1928. ‘ RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. C.A. Mullen, Minister Morning Serviceâ€"11 a. m. Sunday School â€"â€" 2.45 p.m. Mrs. .105. Atkinson Organist and Choir Leader Everybody Welcome ‘ J. LUNAU, Reeve Richmond Hill, June 4, 1928 J. LUNAU, Reeve Richmond Hill, June 4, 1928. NOTICE IN MEMORIAM UNI Husband and Family URCH ..B.D iFOR SALEâ€"â€"Girls bicycle in good condition. Price $10.00. Apply Box 20, Liberal Office, phone 9. FOR RENTâ€"6 roomed brick house on Church Street, Richmond Hill,‘ electric light, water and fair sized garden. Available for possession at once. Apply E. W. Grainger, Richmond Hill. SALEâ€"Bicycle. as good as new, $15.00. Apply Robert Salmon, Thornhill, Ont. FOR RENTâ€"Unfugnished room with use of bathroom, $5.00 monthly. write Box 182 Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Baby carriage, English PASTURE~Cattle and horses taken in to pasture, lot 24, con. 3, Vaughâ€" an. Apply Geo. Reaman, Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill,' phone 162. The standing of the Yorkâ€"Simcoe Bowling League to date as reported by A.G. Savage, Richmond Hill, sec- retary of the league is as follows: â€"â€" Won Lost Almira . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond Hill . . . . . Newmarket . . . . . . . . . Stouffville, no report ‘Uniomrille . . . . . . . . . . ‘Markham . . . . . . . . . . . Schomberg, no report. As will be noted some teams have neglected to make reports to the sec- retary and as Mr. Savage is very de- sirous of keeping his record of the league up to date at all times it is urgently requested that club secreâ€" taries forward the results of all gam- es promptly to him. James Roony of Newark, who can not read, argued with a traffic cop who\ stopped him for having no licen- se plate. He showed the policeman a document which he said entitled him to drive his car. It was marked “back seat driver’s license,†and R00- ney said he had bought it from three strangers for $3.00. BOWLING LEAGUE STANDING Representing The Mutual Life As- surance Co. of Canada, The Dominion Guarantee and Accident Co. doing all kinds of Insurance. The Protective Association of Can- ada, Gnanby Que., sickness and acci- dent (for Masons only). The Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Canada. The Laurentian Insurance Co. The Atlas, Palantine, Commercial Union and other tariff companies in- cluding the Hartford, insuring against \damage by wind stems, fire etc. Agent for The Qanadian Motor Unâ€" derwriters, insuring cars for members of The Ontario Motor League. Pram. In first class cdndition. Telephéne 136. "THIS’IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF IT†RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst; insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Representative of the Willison 8: Neely Corporation of Municipal Bank- ers for the sale of Government Muni- cipal and Dollar for Dollar Guaranteed Bonds. For informatiOn write or ‘phone. IN THE MATTER of the estate of JOHN PALMER, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Gentleman, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 51 of the Trustees Act. R. 8.0. 1927, Chapter 150, that all credi- tors and others having payments or demands against the Estate of the said John Palmer, who died on or a- bout the 17th day of April, AD. 1928, at the Village of Richmond Hill, are required on or before the 1st day of July, A.D. 1928, to send by Post pre- paid, or deliver. to John Wesley Palâ€" met and William Savage, the Execut- ors of the last Will and Testament of .the said Deceased, at Richmond Hill, lOntario, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, [the full particulars in writing, of their ,claims, a statement of their accounts. ‘and the nature of the security, if any, fheld by them. And~take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Maple INSURANCE SERVICE Notice to Creditors assifiec'i Advertising ased am C. H. BYAM. )K & COOK the parties regard only L thev shall t Ontario good 'FOR SALEâ€"Slightly used Furnace in THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1928 FOR SALE â€" Large quantity of Del- eware and Eureka potatoes, $1.00 per bag, the property of Isaac Wal- der, as Mr. Walder has moved to Toronto, those desiring potatoes call at Mrs. Linstead’s, Mill Street, opposite Mr. Walder's former resi- dence, or phone Toronto, Elgin 9871. FOR RENT â€"â€" Brick house, well lo- cated, 6 rooms, ‘in good repair, Twenty dollars month. J. E. Franâ€" cis, Thomhill. FOR SALE â€"â€" Grey Percheron geld- ing, 6 years old, sound. Apply Cameron Walkington, King. FOR SALEâ€"One No. 9 Acme range, in good condition, $15.00. Apply Box 15, Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"Sol-Hot oilA Abugnipg FOR SALEâ€"Fine seven room brick house, large lot, on paved street, a. bargain at thirty-five hundred, (to settle an estate.) J. Edward Fran- cis, Thornhill. FOR SALEâ€"Slightly used Furnace in perfect condition. Only been used short time. Will sell cheap, and arâ€" range for installation if desired. Cash or terms. Phone 734, Maple Central. (FOR SALEâ€"Two frame houses, fifty foot lot, electric light, good orchard good water, two minutes from car line in Richmond Hill, apply L. B. Finch, 665 Ossington Avenue, Torâ€" onto. FOR SALEâ€"Senator Dunlap Straw- berry plants Cuthbert Raspberry canes and Black Currant; bushes. Apply G. Yerex, Elgin Mills, Phone Maple 249. perfect condition. Only been used short time. Will sell cheap and arâ€" range for installation if desired. Cash or terms. Phone 9, Richmond HAIRDRESSINGâ€" Marcelling and etc., Mrs. Russell, Centre St. West, Phone 178. WANTEDâ€"Bright energetic man or ‘ woman, high school students consid- ered, for special work in York Coun- ty, must have some means of con. veyance, good commission paid in addition to stated salary for full time work if desired. Apply by let- ter only stating full particularS, home address and how much time you would be Willing to devote to the work. Apply. to Box 750 Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. Hill. It is sad that more vessels passed through the Suez canal in 1927 than in any previous year. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- Brooaéi-jgapacity 500 chicks. .Pricé $15.00. Apply Box 45, leeral u‘hornhill Office. For work anywhere in the district J. J. CLEMENTS PAINTER AND DECORATOR Shop THE SPOTLIGHT. PEERLESS RICHMOND HILl SOMETHING WORTHY OF HALLS SE]? Viï¬E S 7A 7/ @N e Ready with Reddy Power Boot and Shoe Repairer. ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge St. Phone Ring 33 GEO. KIDD D OUR SERVICE Ontario