PAGE SIX Will Your Brakes Pass Police Inspection? Richmond Hill For furher information apply Agnew Fox & Fur Co. Lakeside 5280 Webuy your stock from stock purchased from us. (Our Customers Are Satisfied.) We sell only from our prize winning strain. One Customer Made $500.00 From Five Does In One Year. Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call In Richmond Hill District If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will asaist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill J. E. WIGMORE, Prop. Chrysler Dealers, Tires, Accessories, Marconi and U.S.L. Radio, Livery, Battery Charging, General repairs on all makes of cars. Nut, Stove andJEgg Coal Delivered in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Bad Brakes are Dangerous. Drive in and have them inspected and adjusted. FREE SERVICE. Offers a wonderful opportunity for the small investor in their Chinchilla Rabbits. RICHMOND OIL]; MOTORS SaVe Yourseli at our expense J. Sheardown Tuesdays and Fridays London, Ontario S. A. Barraclough, Richmond Hill, Ont. Our representative in this district 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. Best Grade Prices Ontario for SOWS MANGELS EARLY “I sowed mangels at the rate of ï¬rthree to four pounds per acre and ‘put the crop in early, right after the grain seeding. I sowed them on the !level in rows thirty inches apart and thinned to twelve inches apart in the row. One should be careful to harvest mangels before they are touched by .frost, as they are very tender and if lfrozen even slightly will not keep.†way, and manager of Sunnybrook Farm, which has just been presented to Toror'ito for park purposes, from 1912 to 1915. “But I think I can give you a few more hints on sowing which may be of some value to farmers who want to get the greatest possible yield from these crops. ‘ “Before I sowed my mangels I soaked the seed in water for 24 hours†explained Mr, Doherty. “After this the seed was put in a bag and drain- ed, and then while still damp it was mixed at the rate of about four pounds of seed to one pound of plast. er paris. I then spread it out in the sun or near the stove for 24 hours be- fore planting. Treated in this way it ran through the hand drill easily; getâ€" minated well and sprouted quickly. EXCELLENT SEED “It is quite right to urge more mangels and turnips, as they make a feed for live stock that cannot be reâ€" placed by anything else,†states Willi- am Dolierty, now of Toronto, but for many years a farmer out Scarboro’ Mr. Doherty stated that too much emphasis could not be placed on the preparation of the soil for both these root crops. He would manure in the fall for mangels and would have the seed bed for both in a fine state of tilth before sowing. Just before sow- ing, where the soil was heavy, he ap- plied salt and lime mixed in equal parts at the rate of 250 to 300 pounds per acre, or a total quantity of 500 to 600 pounds of the mixture. The corn borer is scattered pretty well over the Province of Ontario and it has, no doubt, come to stay. Whethâ€" er we can keep on growing corn deâ€" pends entirely on the attitude of far- mer to corn borer regulations and to the corn borer inspectors. If we but settle down and make the clean-up complete each year there is no doubt that the cornâ€"borer will become an or- dinary pest like potato “bugs†and codling worms, which are troubleâ€" some enough, but they do not prevent anyone from growing potatoes or ap- ples if they care to. on tl‘ Some extra work is entailed, of courâ€" se, but not as much as growers unâ€" dertake voluntarily when they attemâ€" pt to grow some other crops. There have been instances of hos- tility and stubbornness, but fortunâ€" With turnips, Mr. Doherty did not sow before the second week in June, usually getting in his field between June 8 and 15. “If they are sown ear- lier the turnips are liable to be tough and not good for the table or ‘ the stock. I used about one and a hqlf pounds of seed per acre,†he said. The corn crop is too valuable to throw away simply because of our disl.»ke for new regulations or dictat- ion from the authorities. The re- gulations are simple and practical. ater ately such instances now are rare. A good spirit prevails this spring and the indicate that growers are co-oper- ating satisfactorily with the corn borer inspectors in an effort to make the clean-up thorough and complete before the first of June. If the feel- ing of annoyance and hostility is di- rected against the corn borer itself in- stead df against the inspector it is 31. together likely that we shall go on growing corn as formerly, and the borer will be numbered with the num- erous other posts that make life un- pleasant, miserable at times, but are not ruinous or unbeatable. Miss Agnes Watson of Hull, Eng., has been elected to the Board of Guardians, the first woman to be |chosen since 1699. It is better to clean up the com borers than allow the corn borers to clean up the corn. Seaï¬i Mange] Seed Before Planting ’11 PREPARING MANGEL SEED HOW TO HANDLE TURNIPS CULTIVATE pparently many people have their ideas about sowing roots. A11 11 agreed with the opinion that ‘o turnips and mangels should be wn, but several farmers disagree ,he actual way of sewing. FARM NOTES Jch THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THOROUGHLY entailed, of courâ€" Mr. C.H. Jones, of Toronto, spent a few days with his neice, Mrs. W. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Family and Mrs. W. West), spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. T. Thompson and litt- le son of Glammis, spent several days at the home of Mrs. Thompson’s mot- her, Mrs. T. Matheson. They return- ed home on Sunday evening taking Mrs. Matheson with them for a visit. Miss L. Lumbers, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. R.D. Mc- Naughton. Mr. Geo. Taylor has been success- ful in passing his first year examin- ations at McMaster University. The delegates from St. Stephen’s church to the celebration of the‘ sevâ€" enty-fifth anniversary of the Diocese of Toronto, last week were Mrs. I. Watson, Mrs. H. Taylor and Miss M. E. Morrison. The play “Be an Optimist†will be presented in the Community Hall on‘ Friday evening by the Dramatic club of Emery. May 29th, Mr. and Mrs. W. Burns, Fairiew Farm gave a progressive euchrc and dance at their home in hover of their friends Mr. and Mrs.» W Clark and family, about fifty guests were present and all voted 3. good time. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are mov- ing to the United States in the near future, ‘ Rev. P. W. Roberts exchanged pulâ€" pits on Sunday with Rev. A. J. Arth- ur, of Mount Dennis. On June 5th Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Clark, Mr. Leslie Sturdy and Mr. Busby of King and Mrs. W. Burns motored to Toronto and spent the af- ternoon at Lowes. Mrs. Eugene Lamm of Danville, 111., learned to pilot an'airplane, landings, and all, in 4 1-2 hours, which her in- structor claims is the world’s record. With all the advertising it has re- ceived, Greenly‘ Island ought to be due to have a real estate boom. MAPLE WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT â€"- McLAUGHLIN - BUICK WILL BUILD THEM MQLAUGHLIN' UVEI‘ 70 of all . McLaughlin-Buick owners answer‘yes'l a greater degree of owner loyalty than any other leading make of car can claim . . . Owners know car values! Drive a McLaughlin-Buick and learn the( fullest measure of motor-car satisfaction W. G. Baldock Ltd Richmond Hill l Mussolini has banned handshaking in Italy. But no one runs for office over there, so it doesn’t matter. Quotations on all sizes of motors and generators, etc., electric ranges, heaters and household appliances of very description. We Handle the World Renowned Canadian Westinghouse Products made in Canada. TWenty four hour services on all ommercial private power plant ge erator and dynamo systems in the at a bounded by Orangeville, Tottenham Barrie, Uxbridge and Toronto. Ask us about some of the recent ommercial lighting installations and see these in operation, they will convince you that good lighting is the best asset. Electrical Contracting Electric Signs of all Kinds Estimates Free THE METCALFE ELECTRIC BUICK Motor and Private Power Line Instalations RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. VICTOR H. METCALFE PHONE 58-W THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1928 \SALVATHON ARMY C. N. COOPER Holiness Meeting Sunday School .. ‘ Salvation Meeting Richmond Hill Garden Tools HARDWARE Hose, Lawn Mowers Forks, Rakes, PAINTSâ€"VARNISHES General and Builders’ RICHMOND HILL CORPS LIEUT L.R, ELLISON Ontario House Wiring and Repair Work a Specialty Residential & Store Fixtures HARDWARE Officer in Charge Sunday Services Ontario