WAGE EIGHT 'ln Crochet. Straws, Ribbon. Felt, Light Fabrics and Kiddies Soft Close Fitting Hats, also Straw Play Hats. Suitable Black Matrons with small and to correctly proportion the larger head sizes. Priced 59c to $3.95 Phone 28. SPECIAL ECONOMY. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Nights. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Thornhill Millinery Store BEGINNING Thurs. June 7th to Sat. June 16th Richmond Street Foreign Exchange A Big Special Clearance of Spring and Early Summer flats at Half Price 1M PEREAL Blocks Made To Order Or From Our Stock At Yards Thanhill & Richmond Hill 1925 Chevrolet Coupe $425 1924 _ “ Sedan $300 Morley S. Hamilton AUTHORIZED GET OUR PRICES ON (/EDIE.N'I‘ \V()RK IT WILL PAY YOU G. S. REAMAN treet ] CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT DOLLAR’S worth of value for every dollar! That’s what you want in a Used Car. That’s what you get here . . . plus a bonus of extra attention to the quality of the Used Car you buy. You’ll ï¬nd our Used Cars honest value because they have been taken in at fair prices on new Chevrolets . . . checked over as to condition and appearance . . . and oflered for sale at the lowest possible prices. CU-l 1233 Come in and inspect these honest Used Car values. is a specialty of the Imperial Bank. The rates we quote are up to the minute and when you buy or sell, in small or large amounts, you are always assured of the very latest quotations. 2“ Branches at Newmarket and Aurora AT THE 1%" ' . 2:4! ' 25 1925 Whippet Coach $550 )0 1924 Overland Truck $250 1 FORD TRUCK All Repaintedâ€"Many Other Models. BARGAIN Prices These cars must be sold to make room for new stock A. T. MINNIS, Manager. ï¬ANK Richmond Hil.. Ladies .Aid Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Association (ladies Aid) of the United church will be held at the home of Mrs. O. C. James, next Wednesday afternoon, June 13th, at 3.30 p.m. Misses Agnes Boyle and Annie Cooper will be the assisting hostesses on this occasion. All lad- ies of the congregation are cordially ‘invited to be present. Elgin Millsâ€"Annie Walker c; Lill- ian Burns p; Rena Morrison 1b; Vio- let Woods 2b; Marj. Tyndall s.s.; Eff- ie Jones 3.b; Mina Chapman 1.f.; Eva Dinner r.f.; Winnie McDonald c.f.; Captain, Daisy Hart; subs, Beth Gamble and Peggy Healey, 8.11. and Mrs. Strangways. of Thornâ€" hill and member of the staff of the Evening Telegram. The ceremony was performed by the grooms father Rev. B. R. Strangways in the presen- of the immediate relatives. Elgin Mills Defeats Thornhill A large crowd of softball fans turned out Monday evening at Elgin Mills to see the opening of the Yonge Street Softball League when Thorn- hill visited Elgin Mills and went down to defeat by a score of 19-8. As the score indicates Elgin Mills had the best of the game until the sixth inn- ing, when the score was 19-3 in favor of the “Northenersâ€. Thornhill then re-arranged their line up and were fortunate in scoring 5 runs. The following was the line-upzâ€"Thornhill “Toots†Irish, C; “Ede†Luesby, p; Norma Ground 1.b.; “Lefty†Hooper, 2.b; Jean McDonald, s.s.; Marion Forrester 3.b.; Rheo Hooper, r.f.; Ila Brillinger c.f.; “Dot†Hopper l.f.; Subsâ€"“Red†Davies who relieved Ila Brillinger and starred in the remain- der of the game; Lela Brillinger, Eveline Ellacott, Doris Farr, Wilkey {ooper, Leeta Riddell. Strangways â€" Hodges A very quiet wedding was solem- nized in the Trinity United Church, Toronto, Monday afternoon, June 4th at 4 o’clock, when Winnifred Mary, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hodges, of Dundas, Ont. and member of the staff of the Hamilton Spectator became the bride of Fred- ‘v‘lck B. Strangways, only son of Rev After the ceremony the happy coup- le left for Muskoka, where they will spend the summer on their return rthey will reside in Toronto. Thornhill District News THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO A very successful stock show Was held at Aurora last Saturday. There was a splendid showing of horses in all classes and competition was keen. Many from all parts of York County attended and were unanimous in de- claring the show an unqualified suc- cess. =O=OI= The annual pilgimage by the York Pioneers to the Sharon Temple took place last Saturday. Some five hunâ€" dred people attended. Dr. James L. Hughes presided and the program was featured by musical numbers and competitions. The Temple of Peace to which the annual pilgrimage is made was built by John David Willi- son founder of the body known as the “Children’bf Peace†in the year 1825. The regular June sessions of the York County Council commence next Monday, June 11. The rainfall on Wednesday" was welcomed by farmers of York County. It was badly needed and will be a great help to the growing crops which were making excellent progress de- spite the dry cool weather. The rain probably came a little to late to help the hay crops very much is the opin- ion of many farmers interviewed by The Liberal. Notice! Ladies of Community The ladies of the Community_are asked to meet in the Rink club room on Monday evening, June 11th at 8 p.m., to make arrangements for the serving of supper at the Thornhill Field Day, July lst. IMorley S; Hamilton Announces Open. ' ing in Richmond Hill Morley S. Hamilton of this‘village, dealer in Chevrolet and Oakland car§ has opened a new sales and service (branch at Richmond Hill in accord- ance with his policy of coui‘teousness and efficiency in service under *he Iimanagement of J.F. Adams. Special Sale At the Thornhill Millinery store be- ginning Thursday, June 7th, to Saturâ€" day, June 16th. A big special clear- ance of spring and early summer hats at half price. For prices and materials see advertisement elsewhere in this issue Miss M. Boyle’s Recital Miss Marguerite Boyle (Profession- al Graduate of Owen A. Smin Stud- io), Elocutionist, announces a recital by some of her pupils, in Forrester’s \Hall, 22 College St., Toronto, Friday, 'June 8, at 8 p.m., assisted by Clare Henley, tenor and entertainer at the .‘piano and Mr. Will McDonald, the 1Scottish Basso. Their numbers will bonsist of duets, solos, and sketches. Afternoon Tea and Sale of Work The H. I. A. T. Club of Trinity Church are planning to hold an after- noon tea and sale of work at the home of Mrs. Robert Fee, Stop 18 A, Yonge $treet, on Saturday afternoon, June 23rd. The members of the Horticultural Society here attended the meeting of the Unionville Horticultural 1Society in the town hall last Monday evening. John S. Hall a member of the Eglin- ton Horticultural Society gave an ill- ustrated lecture entitled “In our own front garden.†The lecture was re- plete with instruction. Miss Mina Sommerville presided. Horticultural Meeting The regular meeting of the Horti- cultural Society here will be held in the Public School on Tuesday, June 12th, at 8 p.m. Mr. E. Grainger will address the meeting. A small prize will be given for the best “Floral decâ€" oration for a living room.†It is hep- ed that all members will be present and compete in the contest if possible. Lansing at Thornhill To-Night To_Night’s game on the diamond here, at 7.30 p.m. should be well worth seeing with Thornhill ladies meeting Lansing ladies. Thomhill cannot afford to drop this game and will give the Lansing team a hard run. We trust all the citizens of this village will be out to BOOST the girls along. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Elson, spent the weekâ€"end with the latters sister at Ivy, Ontario. Miss Maebelle Parry, of Toronto, was the week-end guest of Miss Mary Strangways. Miss Gladys Dickey, of Toronto, spent the Week-ent with Miss Marjor- ie Farr. Several from this village have joinâ€" ed the Suburban Yonge Tennis club at Willowdale. ~ Social and Personal Miss Isabel Farr spent; the week- end with Miss Alma Cherry at Gorm- Iey. Miss Agatha Acey, of Toronto, was the guest last week of her cousin Miss Verna McLean. Local Horticultural Society Visits Unionville E P_hone 18_ gamma}; fl and Tools 9=O=O=0=O=O Richmond Hill Why Go To Toronto For Your Batteries When You Can Buy Them In Your Own Home Town For Less' Money ? 6 Volt, 11 plate Standard Battery $10.75 6 Volt, 11 plate Extra Heavy . . 12.50 6 Volt, 13 plate Standard Battery '. 13.75 6 Volt, 13 plate Heavy Duty . . 15.00 6Volt, 15 plate . . - . . . 17.00 BATTERIES Service A Good Stock of Nails, Glass, Etc. in Stock GL AZING A SPECIALTY . Y. W. Brathwaite Lowe Bros. H. S. Paints 'and Varnishes. HALL Care Caurtesy Commma sense will prevent most Highway Accidents Richmond Hill The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Chairman Highway Safety Comittee THURSDAY. JUNE 7. 1928 We Deliver. H °=°=°n° Ontario