THURSDAY, JUNE ' 1928 OHOgOEOgOHO Ilre World will have a new mufï¬n†momr tar Telephone 5j or Residence 49W Richmond Hill â€"â€" Phone 195 I i=0==0=0=10=0=0=0=0=0 LD. Ramer 8: Son Opportunity For Free Serv1ce Now is the time to look over your furnace and correet any defects in your heating system. We have arranged for a Highiy Specialized Heating Engineer to visit this district this week and make inspections and corrections in the furnaces of our customers FREE OF CHARGE. We will clean out your furnace and give any information or advice on your heating problems. RICHMOND HILL NASH MOTORS Telephone 14 HILL Richmond Hill Richmond Hill â€" Ontario WW: Just Phone 10 Richmnd Tailors EXTRAORDINARY QUAL- ITY OF WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL IS EVI- DENT IN ALL OUR SUITS WHICH ARE OFFERED TO YOU AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. Cleaning and Pressing A Specialtv Goods Called For and Deliveled {U’I’Ierim Hand Tailored fl Suits and Top é Coats E] J. A. GREENE $25 up Tailored Suits ,DEALERé THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO g The Oak Ridges Auxiliary Branch had their meeting at the Elgin Mills Pavilion on Thursday, June 7th. And -a good deal of quilting was accompliâ€" ,shed. Miss Mason who was a deleâ€" gate to the annual convention gave a Very interesting report of meetings she had attended. The ladies are hav- ing a garden party on Thursday, June 21st at Miss Mason’s on the lawn. Arrangements will be made for their annual strawberry festival, notice which will appear later. ' On Saturday afternoon, June 2, the 1marriage of Miss Winnifred Lily Hall daughter of Mrs. S.E. Hall, Mill road Richvale, and Mr. Percival William Reed, Toronto, was solemnized by Rev. J .W. Fox at his residence on Centre St. West, Richmond Hill. The bride was prettin dreSSed in yellow taffeta with hat to match and carried a bouquet of lillies of the valley. The witnesses were the brides mother and Mr. Walter J. Baker and Mrs. Baker, of Richvale. A very successful garden party was held here, on Friday evening, last un- der the auspices of the band. There was a good attendance and a goodly sum was realized for the Band treas- ury. The Horseshoe Pitching contest proved Very interesting and the win- ners were, first prize, G. Moodie and H, MacMiIlan; second prize J, S. Mcâ€" Nair and-L.H. Clement. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A splendid representative of ladies the Richmond Hill W.M.S. of the Presbyterian church attended the an- nual sectional meeting, held at Sutton on Thursday, June 7th. Mrs. Willi- ams, Presbyterial Correspondence Secretary gave a very interesting and instructive talk at the morning ses- sion and in the afternoon, the meeting was addressed by Miss Mary Murray, Hospital visitor in Toronto. Many delegates attended from King, Aurora Newmarket, Thornhill, Willowdale and Richmond Hill. The Junior Boys softball club are very proud of their new uniforms. MISSIONARY RALLY AT SUTTON ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. A.J. Goldring, will preach in St. Mary’s Anglican church, on Sun- day at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. 11 am Rev. C.A. Mullen, Minister Morning Serviceâ€"11 a. 111. Sunday School â€"- 2.45 p.m. Mrs. Jos. Atkinson Organist and Choir Leader Everybody Welcome 2.30~Sunday School 7.30 p.m.â€"â€"The enthusiastic man ELGIN MILLS UNITED CHURCH Thornhill WEDDING REED â€" HALL Strangways Minister (8311) B. A.. B. D Reeve and Mrs. J. Lunau attended the annual Warden’s excursion from Toronto to Port Dalhousie on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Ramer attended the annual convention and banquet of the Retail Coal Dealers Association in Hamilton last Friday. l =O=°l= residence in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leuschner, two sons. Messrs Fred and Art, three daughters, Misses Margaret, Grace and Edna, and their daughterâ€"inlaw, Mrs. Fred Leuschner, of Headford, and Mr. Wm. Johnston of Toronto, motored, down Sunday and were guests at home of the former’s daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Munford, Mill- Mrs. Winnifred Mortson has rent- ed her house on Centre Street and inâ€" tends Ieaving next week to take up residence in Toronto. and Mr. motored, guests daughter brook. LETTERS MUST BE SIGNED Please note that all letters for our “Voice of the People†columns must be signed by the writer as a mark of good faith, although a nom-de~plume may be used for publication. We re- gret that two timely communications could not be used this week by reason of this omission. If the writers will communicate with our office we will be glad to publish the letters next week. Rowing, canoeing and yatching rac- es will be featured on the Canadian “National Exhibition Aquatic Sports programme. CONCERT AT MAPLE A grand concert will be held in the Community Hall, Maple on Wednesâ€" day, June’ 20. There will be a high cla5s program of songs and instru- mental music by talent from Toronto and is in the interests of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Maple, Twelve artists will take part. Concert com- mences at 8.15 p.m. If you don’t play baseball come and see the team you are going to shout to victory on the lst. Sport for all, young and old, none too young and none too old. A boost for the Association is a boost for the village and eventually Langstaff is going to be noted for its clean healthy village. You are need- ed to help us gain this reputation. Football Game Saturday Langstaff football team will play the C.P.R. (league champions) on Saturday next at 3.30 p. m. on their You don’t have to take tonic these days come and join the Association, and let natures exercise keep y0u young vigorous and healthy. new grounds at Thomhill Recreation Park. This should be a real interest- ing game. The grounds are situated immediately behind the Standard Bank, Thomhil]. Re-Union of The Smith Family The annual re_union of the Smith family, usually held at Wilcox Lake, was held this year at the home of Mr. Harry Smith, second line, Newtonâ€" brook, on Saturday, June 9th. About fifty members of the Smith connec~ tion gathered and spent a most enjoy- able afternoon on the beautiful grounds. The younger people put through a jolly round of sports, while the older people preferred to quietly reminisce of other olden and golden days. After a delightful supper, ser- ved on the lawn, an election of offic- ers took place, as this family is fully organized. Mr. Harry Smtih was chosen as President; Mrs. J. Cameron Weston, R.R. 3, Secrtary; Mrs. 1. Wright, Weston, R.R. 3, Treasurer; and a Sports committee, cons'sting of Mr. Herbert Smith, Wilcox Lake; Mr. Fred Clubine, Toronto; Miss Alma Smith, Newtonbrook‘ and Miss Muriel Hostrawser, Malton. To the older people of the commun- ity we are still open for more horseâ€" ‘shoe pitchers. Thirty members are on the schedule, and the association are hoping for 100 so come on you folks, forget gardening once in a while and come out and play. You remember the old adage “all work and no play†all right come on out and give yourselves a treat and become a part of the finest little Asâ€" sociation under the sun. Athletic Association Notes The local Athletic Association is making excellent progress. A Girl’s softball team is in training, which hopes to carry off the first honors at the Thornhill Field Day on July 2. 'Any persons interested in softball are requested to communicate with Mr. Harry Banks the manager of the team at Langstaï¬. Work has been started on the Tenn- is Court and to those interested in tennis we can promise playing in a- bout a weeks time. con. 2, Markham. STOCK REGISTER Xile of Pittsford, 1190 - No. 19283 Shetland Pony â€"- At stud â€" Winn- r at Canadain National Winter Fair, .nd Julv lst parades, at Glenn Don Social and Personal NEWTONBROOK LAN GSTAFF l 91:0 H We Recommend o=o===ox=o Clearing Sale§ Special low pricestxoiu can savg “QUALITY SHOPPE Ladies and Children's Summer Underwear, Hosiery Officeâ€"Davies B10ck, Yonge St. for Investment Mrs. Norman Batty ALL AT CLEARENG PRICES E Wall Paper from SC. per roll up. British Columbia Power Corporation Limited Class A Preferred Stock, $60 per share with bonus of our share of Class B. stock with each four shares Class A. All Spring and Summer Hats at Clearing Prices HE MORLEY S. HAMILTON Thornï¬illhnd Richmond Hill See Our Range of Piece Goods in Crepes, Broadcloths, Voiles, Ginghams, Prims This means that the time required 'for each piece of work has been set by Chevrolet Motor Company. Egg? Know deï¬nitely before hand what your t7?“ job willcost, :- v‘ 'I“ «we r t m- w , 2‘ A11 workfltumed out of our shops 1s m done by expert mechanics using special tools and? factor): appgyggjggipjpent, ['vT‘V" 16-†TV Tater "-1-". «5â€" r v- Flat Rate Labor Charges from 25 to 50 per cent. dur- Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Sheeting a Circular Pillow Casing, Etc. Canada Gypsum & Alabastine Limited % per cent. lst Mortgage Bonds at 99, yield 5.60 Subject to prior sale or change in price. Infcrmation on the above or any other securities gladly given on request. MILLINERY McCall’s Patterns. Men’s Work Shirts and Socks. Burns & Co. Limited per cent. lst Mortgage Bonds at 100. yield 5.5 Trench Block =o=o===o=lo We are now using the Chevrolet Flat Rate System. and is unconditionally guarantee'dfï¬ï¬ ing the next ten days; J. R. HERRINGTON JUNE Investment Securities "“W - "wraganum.a t . 1W; 3; “any, h o=0===lo=o==o=g Novelties, Etc. Richmond Hill, Ont. .OIL'IO‘ Phone 53 g l0=0=0n0 PAGE FIVE Phone 87 53‘ EEEE @fll @ILEJI ElJIILEJJ