In each of Shaw’s Twelve Schools follows the present Session in regular order from July 3rd with no forced vacations. Enter any day. Booklet free. Write 1130 Bay St., Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretary. 'All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s 01d Stand Yonge St. OPTOMETRIS’I‘S EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS (borough Eye Examinations and Glasses That Fit Perféctly. Qpecial Attention to Children's Eyes. Open Evenings. ane Hudson 0461 for Appointment. Our Eye Examinatlons are Accurate Furs repaired and Remodelled Orders taken for fur coats 'John Dunlop & Son C. N. COOPER HARDWARE We solicit orders for cut flowers for all oc- casions Which will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. Richmond Hill FLORISTS Richmond Hill v Ont. A. C. HENDERSON THORNHILL, ONTARIO PLITMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES repaired prompt'ly and correctly. ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED OPTOMETRISTS 167 Yonge Street. Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) THE BIND OPTICAL C0. Garden Tools Summer Term PAINTER &DECORATOR H. FORSTER VICTORIA SQUARE Telephone Stouffvme 6116 Estimates Cheerfully Given Wall Paper Supplied if Desired F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) Hose, Lawn Mowers W. E. LUKE, R. O. Paperhanger and Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year's Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 1 ring 5. Box 16, Elgin Mills, Ontario We Buy all Kinds of Raw Furs Forks, Rakes, PAINTSâ€"VA RNISHES ‘V. .T- IE 1+3 1]) General and Builders’ Boot and Shoe Repairer. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1928 John Donald HARDWARE GEO. KIDD â€"â€"ANDâ€" Ontario The baby who is so unfortunate as to be deprived of his natural food must receive every care. He should be under the regular supervision of the family physician. He should be SUMMER DIARRHOEA Every year there occurs an appall- ing number of deaths from diarrhoe- as. In Canada, in the year 1926, there occurred 4,314 deaths of infants und- er one year of age as a result of this condition. The best and surest protection a- gainst such a condition is breast feed- ing. Wherever such .deaths are in- vestigated, it is found that most of the cases occur amongst infants who are artificially fed. There are many other good reasons why infants should be fed on the natural food, but the one reason that it protects again- st diarrhoeas is sufficient to make every mother realize her duty in this matter. 3 The third annual meeting of the Veterans of the Federal Riding of North York was held at the Mechan- ics Hall, Aurora, on Wednesday night last. Delegates _were present from Georgina, Sutton, North Gwillimbury East Gwillimbury, Newmarket, King, Aurora, Vaughan, Whitchurch, Stouï¬- ville, Markham and Richmond Hill. Treasurer W.H. Wallace, of Jack- son’s Point presented a detailed bal- ance sheet certified by the auditor. He dealt at length with the question of relief and stated that in all 69 cases had been attended to. TheSe had dependants of 194. There yet re- mained on hand sufficient funds to take care of probable demands until late autumn. Administration ex-‘ penses had been under five per cent. of the amount voted by the County Council. The organization had no paid officials, and the great amount of necessary work that had been done had been accomplished by the voluntary activity of the officers of the Association Without remuneration or even travelling expenses. North York Veterans Held Third Annual Meeting The auditor, Mr. R.J. Norman, manager of the-Bank of Nova Scotia, at Sutton, reported as follows: “I wish to certify that I have audited the accounts of your Assoei'ation for the year 1927-1928. The balance sheet submitted in detail by your treasurer is correct. The Treasurer’s books have been kept with painstakâ€" ing care and in a manner highly cred- itable bbth to himself and to your orâ€" ganization.†A vote of thanks to the auditor was heartily passed. Capt. A. G. Condie, who had come from Niagara--on--the-â€"Lake for the meeting, outlined the aims and ob- jects of the Association and stated that efforts to obtain pensions for worthy veterans had been continu- ously under way. Some favourable adjustments had been made, but he regretted that in a great number of deserving cases which were not cover- ed by the letter of the Pensions law no relief had been obtained. It was difficult to break through the system of red tape which had developed since the war, but he hoped the Parliamenâ€" tary Committee on Pensions during the last seSSIon at Ottawa had accom- CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION HEALTH SERVICE great number 0 :h were not cover the Pensions lav )btained. It wa :rough the system ad developed sine OF THE The baby must be dressed aceording to the temperature, not the time of yegr, in order to protect him from sudden changes of temperature a- gainst which he must be safeguarded. Diarrhoea ina young- child is a very serious condition. When it oc- curs, the family physician should be called at once. Thinking that the di- arrhoea was caused by teething or some other condition has been re- sponsible for delays in securing prompt treatment. Such delays may cost the baby his life. fed according to the physician’s in- structions, and no change should be made in his feedings unless they are ordered by the physician. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation. 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered by letter. Questions as to diagnosis and treatment will not be answered. plished something for veteran relief President Harold A.C. Breuls in his annual address reviewed the ‘ac- tivities of the Association during the past year, and claimed that they could well be proud of the record. He called upon the veterans to remain true to the purposes and ideals which had been their guide during the bitter struggle in the defence of Canada and the Empire. Other speeches were made by Dr. S.S. Ball, Stouï¬â€˜ville; Ben Cox, New- market; Gilbert S. Whitney, Sutton; Dr. Rolland Macdonald, Richmond Hill; J. A. Latimer, Pefferlaw; Dr. Carruthers, Mount Albert; Louis Teetzel, Richmond Hill; and Geo. Stone, King. Harmony. comradeship and goodfellowship prevailed. Officers elected for the coming year were: Honâ€"President, Major’General Sir Henry Pellatt, C.V.O; President, Har- old A. C. Breuls; Vice-Presidents, W. T. Hulme, Dr. S. S. Ball, J. A. Latim- er, L. B. Teetzel, H.M. Gladman; Sec- retary, A.G. Condie; Treasurer, W.H. Wallace. Executive 00111., Dr. C. R. Boulding. Ben Cox, Murray Hill, ‘Alex A. MacKenzie, Dr. R. .Macdonald, J.C. Marriott, Albert E. Kelly, Lionel Middleton, S. H. Frost, Leslie Cock- burn, Dr. W. L. Carruthers. Relief grants were sanctioned to distress gases in King Township and Newmarket. Wilfrid W. Parry, of Toronto, con- ducted the election of officers in an efficient and satisfactory manner. By kind invitation of Mrs. Crockett l the local W.C.T.U. members heldl their June meeting at the Orange 01'. phanage, on Monday afternoon, June 18th. Tea was served in the recepti- on rqom, after which the meeting was held. The President Mrs. A.E. Plew- mar opened with prayer. As the time was limited. the regular opening exercises were omitted. Splendid re- ports of the York and Peel County convention held at Newmarket, June 5th and 6th, were given by the dele- gates, Mrs. 0. L. Wright, Mrs. A. L. Phipps and Mrs. J.P. Wilson. A- mong the important matters discussed at the convention were, the regular importance of prayer, the prohibition of the manufacture, importation, and exportation sale of intoxicating liqu- ors in the Dominion of Canada, the need of talks on temperance in pulp- ‘its and in Sunday Schools. It was Urged that the L.T.L. should be star- ted in every district. In some places, the Board of Education gave them the health hour in the schools, once a month and the bad effec‘s of Alcohol on the health was taught to the child- ren. Premier Ferguson has asked the teachers to stress the importance of the evils of alcohol on the health of the children. There is now a world wide movement on against alcohol and some of the old countries are now in the lead against this evil. LOCAL W.C.T.U. EELD INTERESTING MEEI’ENG Anyone, men or women, wishing to help in the great cause of Temperan- ce, may do so by becoming an honor. ary member on payment of $1.00 to Mrs. Wilson treasurer. This goes to maintain W.C.T.U. educational sec~ retaries on the field. Mrs. Plewman expressed her appreciation on behalf of the Union to Mrs. Crockett for the invitation to visit the Orphanage, and Mrs. W. Cook closed the meeting with prayer. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO A strawberry social will be held on the lawn of Mr. Cline Burr on Wedâ€" nesday. The memhors of the Insti- tute will meet in the a’tornmn. Sup- per will be served from 5.30 to 7.30. The concert provide-J by the Wood- 'uridge Junior Farmer’s Institute will be given later in the evening. Ad- miSSion, Supper 25c; Concert 25 cents Everybody come and help the Button- ville Junior Institute. . We congratulate MiSS Coral Perk- ins, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perkins on winning lst prize at the Stouffville baby show held in connection with the celebration there on July 2nd. Mr. Charles Hooper, Miss Hazel Pratt, Mr. Norman Reid and Miss Laura Brown, motored to Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other places on Sunday last. Mrs. Daniel Firth and children spent the holiday at Newmarket. Buttonville horseshoe pitching tournament will commence on Saturâ€" day evening. See poster in store for further particulars. The Y.P.S. held their monthly meeting on Sunday evening. The meeting was of a patriotic nature and was a benefit and inspiration to all pgesent. It was decided to hold a Y. Pï¬S. picnic later in the season. Garfield Firth is at present engagâ€" ed with Mr. Henry Hooper. The weeds in Mr. Wm. Boynton’s mangel field suffered a great relapse on Monday morning, July 2. Seven men were seen in his wurzel crop hoeing as many rows. Many hands, Bill. make light work. ~ A popular citizen of United States presented Stouffville with a magnifi- cient flagâ€"pole from which the Union Jack floated on July 2. How times change. A very enjoyable game of baseball‘ was joined in by all the younger members while the older folks watch- ed and talked of former days. Then a good prpgramme of races, etc. was given after which a sumptuous repast wvas served on the lawn. Prizes were 1then presented to the winners of the races also to the oldest person pre-_ sent. This was Mrs. Andersm, who although ninety-three enjoyed watch- ing the games and races. Then'fallâ€" owed the annual election of officers Avith short speeches from dii-ere‘1+ members of the families reprehenth i The rew officers are:â€"Iâ€"lnnomry Presidents, Mrs. A. Anderson, Manle' Mrs. Geo. Pearson. Weston; Mrs Harry Pearson, Weston: Mr. Alfred Pearson, Comber; President. Mr. ‘ar- nest Pearson, Comher; lst Vice-Pres- ident, Mr. Erson Wardlaw, Weston; 2nd Vice~President, Mr. Leslie Prend- ergast. Comber; Secretary. Mr. D. E. Snider, Toronto; Treasurer, Mr. Arth- ur Pearson, Weston. The committee’s to remain the same with the addition of Mrs. Snid- .er. The fifth annual re-union picnic of the Pearson Family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Caron Goddard, Weston, on Friday, June 8th. The weather was most favourable and the natural beauty of the grounds on the banks of the Humber contributed to make the gathering one of the most successful ever held. Representatives from nearly everyâ€" branch of the family were hresenf some coming from as far as Windsor and Detroit. Among these was Mr. Alfred Pearson who though nearly ninety had enjoyed the three.hundred mile motor trip, 7 PEARSON F AMILY Those present were:â€"-Mr. Alfred Pearson, Mrs. Jack Pearson, Mrs Jack Traquair, Mr. Clifford Pearson from Comber, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wardlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Wardlaw, Mr. Clark Wardlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred and Misses Dorothy and Grace \Vardlaw, Miss Marion Wardlaw, Mr. ‘and Mrs. Robt. Chapman, Miss Nellie ,and Messrs Robt, Stewart and Lyman ‘Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pear- :son, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pearson, Mr, Land Mrs. P. A. Pearson and sons. Mrs Harry Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoo- ver, Mrs. Rebecca Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stonehouse and son from Weston, Mr. and Mrs. P. White, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jackson, Mr. Will- iiam Jackson, Miss Edith Jackson, Mr. Paul Snider, Mrs. Usher and Doreen and Jimmie from Schomberg; Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Lauer, Mrs. Stan Evans and Robert and Marguerite; Mrs. Walter Anderson, from Islington; Mr. Don Snider, Mr. George Lister, from Brantford; Mr, and Mrs. Eam- est Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Prendergast, Mrs. David King and Mr. and Mrs. R. Wardlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Erson Wardlaw, Miss Nellie and Lyman Wardlaw, Mr. Gen. Peer- son, Mr. Albert Pearson, Ming. Floren- ‘ce Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Art Iâ€. ;.-'s.,.t Mr. and Mrs. A. Goddard, Mrs. A. Anderson, Mrs. M. E. Snider, Miss ‘Adele Jackson, Miss Martha Jackson, ‘Mrs. Malcolm Lauer, Mrs. Percy Will- dams, from Toronto. iBy a. unanimous vote the Association accepted Mr. P. A. Pearson’s cordial invitation to his home next year. BUTTONVILLE HELD REUNION Cement, Field Tile, Glazed Tile Cedar Posts. Coal-Wood-Coke Chicken Feed, Poultry Supplies LANGSTAFF SUPPLY (30., Ltd. Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call In Richmond Hill District Tuesdays and Fridays Save yourself at our expense If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure proï¬t attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left'at-Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Lakeside 5280 DOMINION TIRE DEPOT Telephone Thornhill 5 l-r- 1 You can tell a good driver by the mileage he gets from his tires Enquire about Alberta Coal Lime and Builders’ Supplies W. G. BALDOCK LTD., Richmond; Hill SUMMIT GARAGE, Oak Ridges OME fellows are sure rough on tiresâ€"slam on the brake and slide a yard or two in stoppingâ€" drop in the clutch and spin the rear wheels in startingâ€"speed round corners and skid. It may save a few minutes running timeâ€"it may even look a little “showy†to the man on the sideâ€" walkâ€"but the real driver knows that it means miles off the running life of the tires. Good tires will give unbelievable miles of service if you treat them right. Drive sanely. Come in and let us put the gauge on the valves once a weekâ€"under inflation means certain trouble. Let us examine the casings regularly for embedded Hints and nails. This service will save dollars on your year's car expense. Custom Grinding G. H. Duncan. 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. Nights, Richmond Hill 80 Prompt Delivery PAGE SEVEN 177