QEAGE EIGHT THE LIBERAL. ..._._.~ Social and Personal are holidaying at Orchardi two of the l‘ulilic School hero. 'fl-A‘A ZVJE'IA. r". in): inn. Ailirrlc)’. . .7-.. .'\i '. 11ml Mrs. I", l“:'.‘.l‘ motored to ‘ hutligtn. In ‘.‘i'<<li‘c--l'*;\‘ and visitor! ' "l .‘d's R, i. l’ci't‘. returning? .3'7 I’ ' '5. :‘Il‘: it' (' and Dr. \Vilcy I .119; n 0d .‘lrs. \Xirhr'vn :md childri-zi :ir . 5:2» .2.» ,' ., , ’ ‘u l tl:1j.‘.i.t :i‘. llL!lli.»\'lll<‘. «v ._._.__ . Mir: lli\tl.1‘(‘.'i.\' of Bradford has been a o o appointed .chool teacher for room“ ~ “-A ...-. -.\ .-¢.-..' v) " ‘ I“, J‘. ._.:.igm:g':vzv;a'1weswasthma: . in. mum m; 1922 Ford T0" Truck, starter $69 1;...““:::::;;_::::$351.;;“‘;::r:f‘;:: pneumatic tires, 1928 license. Only . . _ we. Great sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, of Langstaff. in the loss of their loving daughter, Mrs George Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. J. Agar. of Pasadence California, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Agar and Miss Margaret of Chicago, visit- ed last week with Mrs. Teasdale. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Teare and daughter Frances left for their home in Haileybury, after spending several weeks with Mrs. Teare's mother, Mrs. F. Teasdale. McLaughlinéI Sedan, first- cla condition (‘0 $559 1920 Gray Dort Touring Bargain $50 MELaughun 4, halfton truck ,. . SBS 1927 Ford Delivery in Al condition$250 1922 McLaughlin 4 Touring, good buy $250 1922 Overland 4 Sedan . . $150 19 E sse X 4 Coach, a real car $250 w. G. BAIDOCK no. Richmond Hill Mrs. Reta Billerman, Thornhill, Ont wishes to announce the engagement of her only daughter, Pauline Marie to James W. Cowie, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cowie, of Acton, Ont. The marriage to take place the latter part of August. The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Ness will be sorry to learn she is con- fined to her bed with heart trouble. Ontario Miss Muriel Simpson is visiting with her brother in Timmnis, Ont. Messrs John Breakey, J.E. Francis P.T. Drake, S. Davies, G. Duncan, R. Thompson, A. Thompson and H. Hooper of Patterson Lodge, attended the annual meeting of Grand Lodge at London. Ont. this week. GET OUR PRICES ON ( 21? NE IZN'I‘ ‘V ()RK IT WILL PAY YOU Blocks Made To Order 0r From Our Stock At Yards G. S. REAMAN Richmond Street Richmond Hi1. CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT On Thursday evening last several of the Thornhill ladies presented Miss Doris Walker with a miscellaneous shower previous to her marriage to David Ferguson of Weston. The gifts were many and beautiful. The sur- ‘~"-' 7-:- A . m-ï¬a i 1 releaven’s Fashions 2564 Yonge St. North Toronto MlDSUMMER CLEARlNG SALE Our entire Stock of Spring and Summer Coats, Frocks, Ensembles and Knitted Suits are being offered at greatly reduced prices ’ A Real Sale for Days - Note the Dates Friday, July 20, to Saturday, July 28 FlatCrepeFroclrs $6.95 Porch Frocks $1.95 Summer Frocks $3.95 Broad cloth and Linen Po’rch Triwchene and Heavy Fug, One and Two piece styles Frocks. Sleeveless and Short 1m.er fast colors. Charming‘ With 518615. in R059. New Sleeves. Most I’leasmg Col. Styles. Values up to £6 50 Blue. Almond Green, Sand, ors and Styles. Values up to SALE PRICE ' ' ' R059 Eager NBVF. and Blad‘ $22.95. SALE PRICE Values up to $12.50. SALE $3.95 $6.95 HALF PRICE SALE OF LlNGERIE l ENSEMBLES and JERSEY SPORT FROCKS HALF PRICE Values $9.93 to 42.30. SALE Printed Silk 12 Only Coat Crepe ’ Half Price FRKT I’oiret Twills in Greys and i ' 5 __ , V ‘ Fawns. Values 814.73 to 314.1.) ‘ ALI ES 1“ ()R “95.93 gng)“ 5 \LF PRICE I 4.50 to 21.50 $16.31) YALI'ES FOR $9.93 $19.73 VALI'ES FOR $11.50 $7.40 to 11.25 i l t Tnornhill District News ' hill where she taught a Sunday school {I Anglican Church. I Church, cemetery. The floral tributes ’ 5 ed the esteem in which Mrs. z r Thornhill girls play Elgin Mills girls ‘ 1' large number of supporters will 1;: company the girls l,the kitchen door is locked!†dent position? - l ., i ' I RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JELY 19. I928 prised bridmlw-lu- in :1 for: well clws- Doubling the \K'wrd: ihuulzcd the girl< I'mr tiicir uen- Arguments for Saving crosiiy. xiii-rvrhich i'L‘i‘l‘t‘hlittlr‘niS mm, H NHL All that can bc said in favor of op- ening a savings account in the Stand- i No, r .1141 “i. 1. “1.2.1 u'iimn I“. 1â€â€œ Bank “‘3' 1‘" “"Wnto‘l “7â€? “Nat aim“ W ‘7 Wm, ‘ m, Emmi“. am] or cmphasis a: regards, a Jomt sav- mmu- ings‘ account. Joint accounts are priâ€" , g 7 _ marin for convenience of depositors, Mi, 4 ll\';};:' up,†115:1,“ Mpg R but where two people are bound to- silhpï¬,†m, gummy gethcr by common interests. the inor- ii A_ al as well as the practical value of (~H,.,_.,.U,,,;‘.‘.in,“ ,. m, mi“; 1,, UN; 'working together. planning their tin- \vith the aid of a joint bank account is clearly evident. The Standard Bank solicits your joint, savings account. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ESTABLISHED l875 sldim» 7\'o.'lcv in p41. :Ezig‘ 11câ€. <sl'ully; am'ml l’vttorm‘mt iht r (“IZI‘ill'lJlil'vllS ‘ilifll‘tl‘ilfl. at Normal .‘w‘thool. l . l (‘1 n :‘cth lint-K:ij ol' the public school hci'c ’ '.‘,‘l‘£lilll.‘.iinllf\‘ is cxtcndod to Kenâ€" 1 in lit-En}: the only successful candidate ; out of :1 class of eleven. l WEDDING l l i l l F. HOOVER {,M'Tunon __ “Hm†l Managcr, Richmond HI†Branch “o * . ‘ S. B. ELSON A very quiet but pretty wedding ‘ Manager, Thornhill Branch was Solomnizpd (m Th ursday afterâ€" i Branches also at Aurora. Liming, Maple noon (toâ€"day) at the Oakwood United ‘ Church Parsonage. when Doris Mari- an. only (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. ‘ Walker, Thornhill. became the bride, of Mr, David Anderson Ferguson. of1 Weston. second son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘ P. Ferguson, of Edinburgh, Scotland. ‘ The ceremony was performed by the: Rev. R.S. Fralick, pastor of Oakwood ‘ United Church, formerly of Thornihll circuit. The bride who was given a- way by her father looked charming in a gown of white flat crepe with large picture hat, shoes and hose to match, and carried a shower bouquet of oph- elin roses and baby’s breath. Miss chssie Watts acted as bridesmaid wearing a gown of yellow georgette \with hat to\match and carrying butt- erfly roses and baby's breath. Mr. 'Hugh Murdock, of Toronto, supported the groom. After the ceremony a re- iception was held at the Regent House \for the immediate relatives and friends. The happy couple left on ‘ ltheir honyemoon for points across the \Border on their return they will reside , 'pn Queens Drive, Weston. OBITUARY Late Mrs. Doris E. Bryant The death occured in St. John’s hospital on Saturday last of Mrs. Doris Eleanor Bryant, wife of George Bryant of Finch’s Corners, at the age of 29 years. Mrs. Bryant before her marriage was employed by the Toron- to General Trust Company. Death resulted from heart failure after a minor operation. Mrs. Bryant wasa member of the Trinity Church, Thorn- When Your Car ls ln Bad Shape Call On Us ! We’ll put it in ï¬rst-class running order for you in less time than you expect, and charge less than you’d expect us to. Just qrve us a chance to sur- prise you with our service and prices. We have experts who KNOW what ails your car and how to set it right. We deal also in the best oils and gasoline. Generator, Starter and Ignition Parts a Specialty. TRY US OUT ! RICHMOND HILL MOTORS C. Swanson & F. Cox Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Tel. 69 class. Besides her father and mother Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Nicholson, she is survived by her husband and one son Ralph; one brother Frank, and a sist- er Vera. The funeral was held from the residence of her father, Langstaff on Tuesday afternoon to Thornhill Interment Trinity were many and beautiful which show- Bryant Tire Bargains We have just purchased a large shipment of good Cord Tires 30 x 3% which we are offering for quick sale, while they last at ‘ the bargain price of 3495 Good Inner Tubes [or same $1.25 was held in the community. Thornhill vs Elgin Mills 'On Friday evening, July 20th, the Elgin diamond. We trust a ac- to the Elgin on on Friday evening. AN AMBIGUOUS SIGNAL An arm protruding from the car a- head means that the driver is: 1. Going to turn to the right. 2. Knockin the ashes off his cigar. 3. Telling t 9 small boy to shut up or he won’t buy any red pop. 4. Pointing out a scenic spot. 5. Going to back up. 6. Feeling for rain. 7. Telling his wife: “Yes, I’m sure HALL’S Service Station Gas, Oils, Tires, Motor Accessories Yonge St., Richmond Hill 8. Saluting a passing motorist. 9. Going to stop. Guess whichâ€"but guess safely. .â€"â€"- JUST FOR FUN saiilirytfltlabl OM and see If you get the .1 °=°=O=0=0=0=0=0=0= e o ; ‘ it Time ls Here Again See Us For Your Supplies Preserving Kettles Granite and Aluminum. Fruit Jars, qts. and pts. Zinc and Rubber Rings, Spoons, Ladels, Strainers F. Y. W. Bratliwaite Richmond Hill ’In what year were you born? . . . . . . What is your age? In what year did you take your pres- 0 How many years have you worked I i fl 3 ï¬ 0 at this job '.’ TOTAL 3,856 FEMININE AGES Sixfl‘Nice mans.“ Nineâ€"“Carry my books." Sixteenâ€"“I'll ask mother." Twentyâ€"“Drive faster." Twenty-five â€"â€" “Do call me up." Fortyâ€"“Nice mans." Village Constableâ€"And I walks in and catches him there takin the mon- ey out of the safe. I shows him my badge. and he looks at my papers so sez, "You're under arrest." but hr wouldn't believe I was a officer. and by cripes, I had to let him go. We Deliver. =o=om=o=o=o=o=o=o E I! ll 0 l H 0 ll ll 0