Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Aug 1928, p. 5

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Telephone 14 The regular monthly meeting of ,the Oak Ridges Branch of the Women’s Institute will be held at the residence of Mrs. John H.C. Durham, Craig- more, BOND LAKE, on Wednesday, August 15th, at 2.30 p. m. (standard time). We have very much pleasure; in announcing that the Richmond Hill Branch of the Women’s Institute will be our guests on this occasion. We are also looking forward with pleasu- re to having Miss Esther Slicter of Toronto speak to us. Richmond Hill â€"â€" th o=o==o=o==o=lo===ono== "I Telephone 5j or Residence 49W The annual Sunday School and Con- gregational Picnic of the Sunday schools at St. John’s Church, Schem- berg Junction and Elgin Mills will be held to Sunnyside Park on Wednes- day, August 8th. Special cars will leave the Junction at 9 o’clock stop- ing any where to take on passengers through to the Park. Adult fare from Oak Ridges 75c; Elgin Mills 65c. Children of Sunday schools free} The Roll Call is to be answered by a Proverb. It is hoped that every mem- her will attend and bring a friend. Richmond Hill Nash Motors °=°=O=0=0=0=0=01 New double drop frame Houdaille and Lovejov (exclusive Nash mounting) Twin Ignition motor Bohnalite aluminum 7-bearing crankshaft (hollow crank pins) pistons (Invar Struts) chassis lubrication High compression Bijur centralized 12 Air Craft type shock absorbers Salon Bodies spark plugs Oak Ridges THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 192g . . . then exercise your own good judgment. ‘ any other manufacturer to the new offerings of read the features Nash offers N compare them We only ask you to L_ Mr. William Scrivener commenced ‘flpainting the exterior of the Richmond ‘Hill Public School this week. The School Board purchased the paint and Mr. Scrivener ig doing the job by the -hour. Trustee Herb Sanderson has charge of the work. 8. Plus-Fours LACROSSE TEAM HERE? There is a rumour travelling a- round in Richmond Hill that there is going to be a Intermediate Lacrosse team here next summer. Here is hop- ing it is true, as there is no reason why there shouldn’t be a good team here, in a centre which one time boas- ted a championship aggregation. Get it going boys. IHOME COOKING SALE for the hen. efit of the Institute to be held on Saturday afternoon, August 11th, at Mrs. Fletcher Thompson’s Booth, Oak Ridges. Mrs. Samuel Hughey and Mrs. George Dibb will have charge of ".he sale. The members of the Oak Ridges Branch of the Women’s Institute and friends will kindly remember the Furs Hand Tailored Suits and Top Coats Richmand Tailors EXTRAORDINARY QUAL- ITY OF WORKMANSHIPH AND MATERIAL IS EVI--° DENT IN ALL OUR SUITS u WHICH ARE OFFERED TO o YOU AT VERY MODERATE " PRICES. PAINTING PUBLIC SCHOOL We Close Every Wednesday at 7 p. m. during July and Aug. Cleaning and Pressing A Specialtv Good 3 Called For and Delivered P. C. HILL Latest Designs and Materials J. A. GREENE fi .DEALER_/__: Rem odelled and Repaired Phone 195 I1 0:0 ‘ Discount of Five per cent. is allow- ed when payment is made to the Villâ€" age Treasurer on or before AUGUST 15th. we will offer each week one THIS SATURDAY This week we offer finest quality SPECIAL BARGAIN at greatly reduced prices. . The Second Instalment of Taxes is due, AUGUST lst. Eieclric Stoves and Ranges General and Builders’ PRESBYTERIAN W. M. S. 1' The July meeting of the W.M.S. of ‘the Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs, J. Beresford, Arnold Street. There was a. record attendance on the Occasion of the visit of Mrs. Logie, Home Helper’s Secretary of the General Council. Mrs. Logic reported ‘on the annual meeting of the Council which was held this year at Vancouv- er. Mrs. Kelly and Miss Kelly of Buttonville, also gave detailed reports of the sectional meeting which was held in June at Sutton. The August meeting is to take the form of a quilt. ing and sewing meeting and is to be held at the home of Mrs. Kelly, Butt- -onville. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Charles Banks and family wish to express their sincere thanks to the many friends for their kind express- ions of sympathy and the many floral tributes during their recent sad berâ€" eavement. C. .N. COOPER HARDWARE Richmond Hill TAXES Enamel Kettles One-piece Salon fenders Body, rubber insulated World’s easiest steering Richmond Hill All exterior metalware chrome plated over nickel NashSpccial Design bumpers and bumperettes Short turning radius 4 wheelbase lengths 16 enclosed models Longer wheelbases COMMENCING EX’FRA HARDWARE Three Series THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO from frame A. J. HUME, Treasurer Jntario Miss Stella Mackey has returned after a pleasant holiday in Detroit and other American centres. Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Hall and family spent- the week-end in the Muskoka Lakes district. ° Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Lever of Niaga- ra Falls and Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Lev- er and son, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Sims. Miss Mildred Sims is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. Lever at Niagara Falls, Ontario. Rev. E.C. Currie, of Lindsay. a for- mer minister will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church here on Sun- day next. Magistrate Brunton of York County 1‘ Police Court made an official visit to Richmond Hill on Saturday last and investigated methods used in handling traffic here. Dr. LR. and Mrs. Bell, of Richmond Hill, attended the Royal Canadian Golf Tournament at the Rosedale club last Saturday afternoon. Miss Irene Routley has returned home after a month’s vacation with friends in London, Ontario. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. F.S. Routley who spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Routley. Mr. W.H. Murphy returned on Satâ€" urday after a successful business trip through Western Canada. ., Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Clement spent a few days this week at Sparrow Lake. Mr. J.S. Charles accompanied by Mr. William'Hearn left this week for his home in Castor, Alberta. They will make the trip by motor. Miss Margaret Ireland and Mrs. John Gillies have returned from an extensive and Vinteresting two months tour of the British Isles. Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Wetheral are holidaying with friends at Canning- ton, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. James Hilts and famâ€" ily enjoyed a motor trip through the Niagara Peninsula on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stephens, Mr. James McLean, Miss McLean, Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Clement, Mr. A.E. Wall and Miss Isabel Wiley attended the Schomberg Bowling tournament on Wednesday afternoon. Miss P.M. Ramsay of Winnipeg is Visiting with her sister, Mrs. William Snedde‘ny Arnold Street, en rbute to her home after a two months visit in the 01d Land. Last week Rev. and Mrs. N. Well- wood and Mr. and Mrs. George Gee were visited by relatives that they had not seen for many years in the persons of Rev. Wellwood's sister Mrs. D. Idle, of Philadelphia and her son Rev. D. Idle, D.D., and Mrs. Idle. of Ypsilanti, Michigan. 1 Mrs. F. Grainger, Mrs. G. Cruickâ€" .shank and Mr. Alfred Grainger and Miss‘ Richards, of Langstaff, attended the funeral of their cousin who was killed by a train in Nottawa. Miss Olive Paris is holidaying at St George's Rectory at Hasting's on the Trent. Free samples of Rainbow (All Bri- tish) Dye may be obtained By using the advertisement on page three of this issue. Coupons will be honored at Austin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill or any other store in the district which handles this product. Three rinks of local bowlers attend- ed the tournament at Unionville on Wednesday afternoon. They report a very successful tournament. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Mullen are hol idaying in Eastern Ontario. Mrs. H. J. Ings, of Ottawa, is visit- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Duncan spent last weekâ€"end at Greenhurst, Sturge- on Lake. Miss Merna V. Jenkins, Elgin Mills is spending the holidays with her sis. ter Mrs. M.C. Irvine, Westmount, Quebec. Miss Marion Scrivener, of Rich- mond Hill is holidaying with her aunts, the Misses Scrivener, Aurora. MiSS Margaret Battersby formerly of Richmond Hill has secured a school quite near her new home at Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Baldock spent the week-end at Sparrow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grainger are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. F. Grainger. Social and Personal l The list of speakers at the Lennox Picnic will include Sir Edward Kemp, K.C.M.P.; Senator Tanner, Halifax; Senator Rufus Pope, Quebec; Leslie Bell. K.C.M.P., Montreal; Hon. W.R. Finlayson, K.C.M.P., . Minister of ‘Lands and Forests; Hon. W.H. Price, K.C.M.P.P., Attorney General; W. 'R. White, M.P., Montreal; Karl Ho- }muth, M.P.P; Hon. George S. Henry. The July meeting of the Junior In- stitute was held on Saturday, July 21 at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Miss Rosezena Hord. The singing of the ode followed by the Lord's Prayer opened the meeting. An account of the strawberry festival was given and a vote of thanks tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Cline Burr, who so graciously loaned their lawn for the occasion. Mrs. Brooks and Miss Mary Rodick gave a complete account of the meet- ing held at Markham in June. Instru- mental solos were rendered by Mrs. Woods and a reading by Miss Irene Wright. Miss Alice Wilkinson gave a paper on Echoes from the League of Nations. It was decided that a sum of money be sent to the Star Fresh Air Fund and a donation to the New East end hospital for a cot. Af- ter the closing of the meeting 'the young ladies busied themselves at quilting. Later a delicious lunch was served on the spacious lawn of Miss Hord by Misses Rosezna‘Hord, Drew Kelly, Mary Rodick. and Viola Walk- er. Field Day on Saturday, August 18 Plans are nearing completion for the Field Day of the East Vaughan Ratepayers Association. The com- mittee in charge are working over- time in orded that nothing may be left undone which will contribute to the success of the day. There will be ‘many novel attractions. Watch for posters and for further particulars in The Liberal. LIST OF SPEAKERS FOR PICNIC Elder’s Church, Vaughan, lovely with ferns and roses, was the scene of a charming wedding. when Meta Mur- iel, elder daughter of Mr. Chas. Natt- ress and the late Mrs. Nattress, be- came the bride of Mr. Leo. Watson, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. George Watson, Woodbridge. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, were a period frock of kitten's ear satin and tulle. Her veil of tulle and lace was caught in a cap effect with orange blossoms. 2 She carried a shower bouquet of orchids, Ophelia roses and lily of the valley and was attended by her sister, Miss Beatrice Nattress, dressed in a becoming gown of pale pink taffeta and lace with a picture hat of powder blue, carrying a bouquet of Butterfly roses. Mr. Rode- rick McCutcheon was best man and Master Norman Farr, cousin of the ‘bride, was ringbearer. The wedding march was played by Miss Jean Laur- ‘ie of Elder, and during the signing of the register Miss Queenie Dumpleton, lof Woodbridge sang. The ushers 1were Mr. Bill Laurie of Elder and Mr. Frank Watson, of Hamilton. A re- ception was held at the home of the ‘brides father, at which the mother of the groom received with the bridal couple. Later the happy couple left for a motor trip to Montreal and from there by boat up the Gatineau, the bride travelling in a Pennsylvania blue georgette and lace ensemble with gray hat, shoes and bag to match. Upon their return they will reside in Woodbridge. BUTTONVILLE \VATSON â€"â€" NATTRESS Look To The Leader for Leadership EAST VAUGHAN WEDDING Watch our adv. next week. McLaughlin-Buick RICHMOND HILL will be here soon. . Baldock Limited The New 1929 IMQNSTER ANNUAL FIELD DAY ‘k ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 A 66-foot right of way for county roads has been called for in regulat- ions for years, it is pointed out at the Department of Highways, in connectâ€" ion with a. notification recently sent out advising County Councils that this width must be enforced if the Govern- ment road grant is to be paid. A' despatch from Woodstock describes the edict as creating a “serious prob lem” in Oxford, but all that is re~ quired in any county, officials state. is a survey to establish the proper road allowance and place fences of property owners where they ought to be. A common practice, it is said, is for farmers building new fences to erect them outside the old fenceline, retaining the protection of the old line in the meantime. This results in encroachment on the road allowance and municipal officials fail to check up on it. Then of course, there are a number of old roads or trails taken over by counties, with less than the prescribed width. In Carleton for in- stance it is reported, county roads run from 35 to 50 feet. The annual Field Day under the auspices of the Elgin Mills Girls club will be held at the Elgin Mills ball grounds on Saturday, August 11. Every effort is being made by the committee in charge to make the day a record one for this district and an excellent program of sports is assur- esd. In the evening there will be a grand concert by “Bob” Wilson & Co., bf Toronto, which will be followed by 'a dance at the pavilion. COUNTY ROADS MUST BE UNIFORM WIDTH PHONE YARD ""16 ":7 , res-J ft, 945» 1,294,924; wefiurhTHx’Queslm A supply of Arsenite of Lime on hand at The Elevator. This is the best and cheapest BUG DEATH FOR POTATOES Will not burn the leaves. Opportunity’s knock should be sweet music to your ear. She is telling you right now that there are several reas- ons why you should buy your winter coal during these hot summer months. You can now get our quality fuel at a great saving. By I D. leg/nor & Son ELGIN MILLS PAGE FIVE RESJQENCE

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