'All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge St. OPTOMETRISTS EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS L’horough Eye Examinations and Glasses That Fit Perfectly. Special Attgntion_to Children’s Eyes. Open Evenings. Pnuae Hudson 0461 for Appointment. Our Eye Examinatlons are Accurate Furs repaired anï¬ Remodelled ‘ Orders taken for fur coahs John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. We solicit orders for cut flowers for all 0c- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. NOTICE is hereby given that Will- iam Henry Blackwell, of the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, Printer, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session there- of, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Blanche Blackwell, of the City of To- ronto, in the Province of Ontario, on the ground of adultery. DATED at Toronto, Ontario, th 1213h day of July, A.D. 1928. CLARKE, SWABEY & McLEAN, 4E154ulalzdi " gggwgg ï¬ RICHMOND magmm PHONE l53 A PO'VV'EL'J’,i SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES repaired prompt-1y and correctly. 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) THE BIND OPTICAL CO. VICTORIA SQUARE Telephone Stouffville 6116 Estimates Cheerfully Given Wall Paper Supplied if Desired “Be Ready with Reddy Power†F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. -â€"ANDâ€" W. E. LUKE, RFO. PAINTER&DECORATOR H. FORSTER 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) IARTIFiCIAL EYES FITTED ANTI-KNOCK MOTOR FUEL YOU WANT POWER, YOU WANT MILEAGE LESS GAS, CASTROL OIL â€" We Buy all \Kinds of Raw Furs Paperhanger and Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year's Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 1 ring 5. ‘V. J- [REID NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE Box 16, Elgin Mills, Ontario Solicitors for, the Applicant. THEN INSIST ON PEER- Boot and Shoe Repairer. 'John Donald OPTOMETRISTS THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1928 GEO. KIDD this G. H. Duncan, chairman of the Board of Education when interviewed by The Liberal this week stated that there was no intention as far as the School Board was concerned of adopt- ing an indifferent attitude to such questions. The matter of the letter complaining of the purchase of 3 met- 'a1 garage in Toronto for the High School when it was claimed that there were local dealers who would have been glad of the opportunity of supâ€" plying same, was dealt with fully at a recent meeting of the Board, said Mr. Duncan. “The members discussed it in detail and if there are dealers for metal garages in town outside of school board members I am not aware of them nor were the other members of the Board. Incidently it was found that three members of the Board were agents for such buildings but it is a well known fact that members are not allowed to have any business dealings of this kind and there was no thought of violating the regulat- ions in this regard. It was mention- ed at the School Board meeting that all members are subscribers to the Home Paper, The Liberal, and that none present could recall ever seeing School Board Members Sa‘w No “Ad†of Local Dealers So Bought Goods Out of Town Mr. Wm. Weber approached council re lease of gravel pit on his farm. Satisfactory terms having been ob- tained the Treasurer was instructed to issue a cheque for $200.00 being aâ€" mount due this year. Commenting on the editorial refer- ence in our last issue to the questions which had recently been asked of pubâ€" lic bodies in Richmond Hill through our “Letters from the People†column Thq regular meeting of Whitchurch Township Council was held in the Township Hallx Vandorf, on Saturday, July 28th. Township Constable, J. Williamson approached council recollection of license fee from some who are operâ€" ating summer booths on their own farms. He was instructed to collect from all who are not assessed for business tax. Members all ipresent Reeve M. Bak- er in the chair until noon when Depu- ty-Reeve Kidd assumed the chair in thexabsence of Reeve Baker. Communications were received from W.A. Brown, accountant Ont. Dept. Public Highways enclosing report of Provincial Road Auditor which was received. an, vvvvvvvv license fee from some ating summer booths on their own farms. He was instructed to collect from all who are not a5sessed for business tax. Mr. L.P. Evans returned $25.75 ovâ€" erpayment of road account due to err- or in previous statement. Mr. Wm. Weber approached council re lease of gravel pit on his farm. Satisfactory terms having been ob. tained the Treasurer was instructed to issue a cheque for $200.00 being 3â€"584050; Wm. Beach, mount due this year. Mr. Wm. Smith approached Council who are oper- E. Cook, weeds and maintenance, div. 29 $19.45; Fred Terry, maintenance div. 11 $232.00; G. Evans, 76 yards of gravel div. 6 $19.00; L. P. Evans, weed cutting, div. 8 $7.15; Harry Leg- ge, 20 yards gravel, div. 1 $8.00; Jos. Winterstein, dragging div. 45 $5.50; J.A. Nicely, gravelling, div. 23 $248.- 68; Jno. Brown, 52 yards gravel, div. 23 $13.00; Frank Steckley, 130 yards of gravel, div. 23 $32.50; Wallace Vaughan, tractor on grader, div. 39 dragging and Geo. Jesse weed cutting, div. 41 $13.70; Hood, dragging div. 30 $18.20; with a deed to the Township for landlCook, gravelling, div. 35 $233.70; Jcs- for the widening of Lake Wilcox road, fse Cook, 80 yards of gravel, div. 35 which was received and cheque issued $20.00; Earnest Hunt, tractor S.T.L. for $250.00 in payment for same. $7.20; J.F. Richardson, tractor on The following claims for sheep killâ€" grader $160.30; Leslie Preston, on ed and injured by dogs were received grader $36.75; Albert Jordan, work on and paid: Jas. Jones $8.00 for one div. 24 $1.35; Garnet Evans, 117 yds. lamb killed. Geo. Collard $129.00 for gravel div. 11 $29.25; Harry Shack- five sheep killed and three injured. man, 159 yards gravel, T.L.N. $37.50 Jos. Winterstein $20.00 for one ewe fChas. Badgerow, 60 yards gravel T.L. killed, $15.00; Victor Paisley, 108 yards Mr. Wm. Smith approached Council with a deed to the Township for land for the widening of Lake Wilcox road, which was received and cheque issued for $250.00 in payment for same. School Board Chairman Answers Letter Re Out-ofâ€"Town Buying A By_lay was passed setting the rates of taxation for the year 1928 as follows: For payment of county rat- es as per requisition of County Clerk 81/; mills. For payment of High School Atten- dance from the Township as per Coun- ty Levy 1% mills. For Tovmship General Purposes 8 mills. "‘ A By-Law was passed authorizing] the levy of the various sums requisit- ioned‘by the various School Boards. On‘motion of councillors Williams and Ratcliff the By-Law to appoint a permanent clerk and treasurer for the Township was laid over until the Ocâ€" tober meeting. On motion of councillors Crawford and Williams two dogs that were known to be worrying sheep were or- dered destroyed. On motion the following bills and accounts were ordered paid: J.M. Grove & Son, groceries for A. Maskell $1.95; J. Williamson paid Aikenhead Hardware for constable equipment $16.00; J.A. Clarke for three trips valuing sheep $6.00. Whitchurch Township Council A. C. HENDERSON THORNHILL, ONTARIO PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, Telephone 62 From Maple Gravel Pit SAND â€" GRAVEL Thornhill an advertisement for metal garages, in its columns. A committee was appointed to purchase the garage and the offer of the Toronto firm was considered a. good one by the Board which includes three agents for simil- ar lines of goods who should certainly be qualified to recognize a. good buy when it was presented,†said the chairman of the Board. Mr. Duncan pointed out that the Board had thought of brick construction, but had considered such a building' prohibitive in cost until such time as a permanent structure could be considered. The letter referred to in this inter- view was written by Mr. Wes Middle- ton and appeared in our issue of July 12. In the communication Mr. Middle- ton asked why the Board had purchas- ed this metal garage from a large Toâ€" ronto firm when he understood there were two agents in Richmond Hill who would have been glad of the op- portunity of at least submitting pric- es. He did not think that the action of the Board was a very good example of the “Buy at Home Policy.†We hope the explanation of the Chairman of the Board will be satisfactory. The moral is quite clear. You may know all about your own business but no- body else does. The only way to tell other people about it is to advertise. If the two dealers mentioned in Mr. Middleton’s letter had been advertis- ers in The Liberal the members of the School Board would have known that ‘they sold metal garages and no doubt [they would have received the order. On motion [the following road ac- counts were ordered paid: Geo. Hood maintenance div. 30 $263.- 55; J. D. Adams Co., blade for grader $9.60; Geo. Hood, 12 posts for div. 30 84.20; Jno. Brown, 45 yds gravel for div. 39 $11.25; Frank Druery, 40 yds. gravel for div. 5 $10.00; A. Smith, work div. 39 $18.00; A. J. Stuart, maintenance div, 1 $100.05; C.S. Brandon, maintenance div. 27 $178.05, Earl Davis, maintenance div. 39 $91.- 80; Arthur Emmerson, maintenance and Weed cutting, div. 24 $19.05; J.H. Widdifield, Superintendent $102.00; G. gravel div. 11 $29.25; Harry Shack- man, 159 yards gravel, T.L.N. $37.50 Chas. Badgerow, 60 yards gravel T.L. E. $15.00; Victor Paisley, 108 yards of gravel, div. 36 $27.00; Wallace Vaughan, tractor on grader $47.70. On motion the council adjourned to meet at Vandorf on Saturday, August 25th at 10 o’clock am. for general 25th at business Good water, proper sanitation. sat- isfactory milk and food supply are factors considered in the inspection. Many camps hang out signs showing membership in some “Tourist Associ- ation," but this carries with it no Government guarantee as to sanitary or other conditions. *The probabilities are that the re- gulations of the Ontario Department of Health will be changed before next season so that all tourist camps cat- ering to the public will have to comp- ly with them, and the matter will no longer be permissive. Tourist camps in Ontario may be required next Season to qualify for a Government certificate or go out of business. At the present time, those which receive official approval are authorized to display a sign indicat- ing the fact, and many of these are seen along the highways this year. There is no compulsion upon them to attain this standard, hOWever, and it is estimated that of 400 inspected last year, only about 40 measured up to the qualifications entitling them to the Government approval" sign. Knows Her Own Bonkâ€"Elsieâ€" V‘Have you heard the story that’s go- ‘ing around about Eunice?†V ~éz‘rraceâ€"â€"“Heard it? Why, honey, I started it.â€â€"American Legion Monthly. T01] RIST CAMP INSPECTION THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Garnet Eva] $29.25; Ha s gravel, T. \v, 60 yards f gravel, div. 35 ‘t, tractor S.T.L. 'dson, tractor on aslie Preston, on t Jordan, work on : Evans, 117 yds. ; Harry Shack- eI, T.L.N. $37.50 vards gravel T.L. A very pleasing event took place on the beautiful and spacious lawn of Mr and Mrs. E. Forbear, on' Saturday, July 28th, when their niece, Miss Gladys Groombridge, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Groombridge, Toronto, was united in marriage to Mr. James Cairns, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cairns, Kimberley, B.C., Rev. C. H. Bowman, officiating. Aft- er the supper the young couple left on a trip to the United States and on their return will reside in Toronto. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Manning on Wed- nesday, August 8th at 2.30 p.m. sharp. After the regular programme there will be a baking contest consist- ing of teaâ€"biscuits and cookies. The ladies are requested to bring either of these for the contest. Miss Marguerite Bailey left on Tuesday for Algonquin Park, where she will spend a month with friends from Toronto. There was a good attendance at the picnic of the United Church Sabbath School on Saturday. A good supper was provided and the children en'oy- ed the races and games. '/ On Thursday of last week Mrs. J. Cousins gave a luncheon and after- noon Bridge in honour of Mrs. Oliver Cousins of Ocean Side, Cal. who with her husband has been visiting friends for the past couple of months. After the luncheon which was served on the porch, the guests who included ladies from Toronto and Maple, played Bridâ€" ge of which there were three tables. The prizeâ€"Winners were Mrs. Irwin, first; and Mrs. Stillwell, second. \Stop signs have been put up in the village, which will make travelling safer. The funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Kinnee took place on Sunday after- noon from the home of her daughter Mrs. Westbrook, Nobleton, to the cemetery here. Miss Betty Mitchell, of Toronto, is spending part of her vacation with her friend Miss Jean Robinson. Mrs. S. D. Roberts and Mrs. T. Mc- Bride and daughter, Shirley spent several days with their mother, Mré. J.T. Saigeon. Mr. J.T. Saigeon and Mr. J. Carl Saigeon visited friends near Drayton over the weekend. In each of Shaw’s Twelve Schools fOIIOWS the present Session in regular order from July 3rd with no forced vacations: Enter any day. Booklet free. Write 1130 Bay St., Toronto. W. R. Shaw, Secretary. Summer Term 0:0]: =0=0=0=0==l°n0=0=0=0=0 °=0=0=0w030w0E0==0=0=0=0= Maple “ THE LIBERAL †Whatever your job printing needs may be, we can take care of them and tuna out a job that will be a delight to the eye, The importance of good printing cannot be over- estimated. It increases the value of your advertising matter tenfold. We can take care of both big and ‘ small jobs at exceptionally low prices. Work turned out promptlyâ€"no waiting. Come in and consult us on your printing prob- lems! Estimates cheerfully furnished! Telephone 9 Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL MOTORS C. SWanson & F. Cox and signal before changing your direction ~ We’ll put it in ï¬rst-class running order for you in less time than you expect, and charge less than you’d expect us to. Just give us a chance to sur- prise you with our service and prices. We have experts who KNOW what ails your car and how to set it right. We deal also in the best oils and gasoline. Generator, Starter and Ignition Parts a Specialty. TRY US OUT !. When Your Car Is In Bad Shape Call On Us ! Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Look to Front and Rear, The HON. GEORGE S HENRY, Chairman. 0=°=O=Ol Highway Safety Committee Ontario PAGE SEVEN *EOI Tel. 69 10:0 E93