Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Aug 1928, p. 8

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Work on the Newmarket High 't School is progressing. The foundat- ion is all in and about five feet of bricks have been laid in the new ad- dition. The boilers have been set in position and the boiler room walls are .' rising around them. The coal rooms {I are being made to drive into with the I coal onto a cement top and drop the t coal through a C(l-itute. Having the I boiler room outsi the school les- '5 sens the danger of fire. It will be " separated by firedoors. The plumb- i‘ -ers are on the job and keeping up ‘ with the other construction. Gird- {‘ ers are now on the grounds and the 3P warped ones will be taken out of the ‘0 front wing. When they are placed I work will be resumed on the recon- * struction to have it ready for occu- F pancy as soon as possible. There is a i large number of workmen and the pi contractors are pushing the work. At Ii: the last report it would be completed )1 PAGE Elan: OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Newmarket IMPENAL BANK AUG. $15.00 W WINNIPEG AUG. AUG. Through cars from other principal points connecting wixh above special trains. For details consul; local Canadian National Agents Through Trainsâ€"Comfortable Colonist Carsâ€"Special Cars for Women and Children up“... “a.-- .-. ..__.,V° .._ __,__,,, v WW,” _ From TORONTO(Uuion Station)â€"Aug. 2istâ€"12.01 a.m. (Midnight Aug. 20th); 12.30 p.m.; 10.40 p.m. ' Aug. 23rdâ€"2.00 p.m.;10.40 p.m. Aug. 313tâ€"2.00 p.m. and 10.40 p.m. From OTTAWAâ€"Aug. 21$tâ€"12.01 a.m. (Midnight Aug. 20th); 1.00 p.m. Aug. 315tâ€"1.35 a.m.; 1.00 p.m.; 10.40 p.m. From PETERBOROâ€"Aug. 21Stâ€"12.01 a.m. (Midnight Aug. 20th) via Lindsay, Blackwater and Atherley. From WIN DSORâ€"Aug. 23rdâ€"1 2.303.111. (MidnightAug.22nd) via Chatham, London, Hamilton and Inglewood. From PALMERSTONfAug. 23rdâ€"9.00 a.m. via Guelph. Georgetown and Inglewood. Drafts PLUS TAX Travel Hon. Pres. Mrs. J. M. Bowman lst Vice Pres. Mrs. R. D: camgbell ____â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€" QIstâ€"From Toronto, Caledon East, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Capreol, South and East in Ontario, also Stations in Quebec West of St. Andrews and Lachute. 23rdâ€"From Stations in Ontario. Toronto, Inglewood Jet. and West and South thereof. 31 stâ€"From at] stations in Ontario, Capreol, North Bay and South and East thereof. Special Trains for Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways HEN you wish to remit money to foreign countries a draft purchased at any of our branches makes it a simple matter. This bank has arrangements for making drafts direct upon leading bankers throughout the world. m Branches at Newmarket and Aurora éAfNAmAN NATmNAL vdmp the pf Jackson’s Point, Lake Simcoe. A- {aving the lmongst the few attractions will be school les_ lSteve Rocco, contender for the fly- It win be Eweight championship of the world, 'he plumb_ [who will give an exhibition with (eeping up fFrenchy Belanger, George Fifield, . Gird- (Chris. Newton and others. Ernest ds and the iI'Vierkoetter, winner of last year’s C,N out of the IE. marathon swim, and Byron Summ- 'Brs, New York flying fish, have been fiengaged, and will do their stuff along ,7 for occu- the waterfront. In addition there There is a [will be many other attractions includ- en and the '4ng softball games, baby show, and 3 work At (several speakers are billed to address anmnleted l‘the gathering. are placed the recon- R ET'U BNI N Gâ€"Half a cent FREE PARKING SPACE FOR CARS by not later than November. When it is finished it will be a fine addition to the town and the school will be among- Ithe best in the province. LENNOX PICNIC ! Mans} York County citizens are |lplanning to attend the annual Lennox picnic at Island Grove, four miles west Sec'y. Treas., Sally Topper .. T. MINNIS, Manager. per mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00 and tax to destination Plus half a cent per mile beyond to all points in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta,â€"Edmonton, Tannis, Calgary, MacLeod and East. Pres. Mrs. WJ. W'hitten 20d Vice Pres. Mrs. Thos. Burns Car Crashes Through McDonald’s Window Failing to make the turn on Yonge Street from Centre Street, a motor car crashed through the plate glass window of McDonald’s grocery store Pearly Sunday morning. The car l'knocked over the gasoline pump which stood at the corner of the store. The driver of the car gave his name as Charles E. Cansfield, 20 Highview iCresent, Toronto. He was arrested {1337 Highway Traffic Officer L.A. Montgomery and taken to the Toron- to Jail Farm at Langstafl’ from which he was released Sunday morning on $1500. bail and appeared in County Court Monday, .but was allowed to go land will pay for the damage done. Sale of Home Made Baking The Ladies Aid of the United Chur- ch will hold a sale of Home-made baking, fruit and vegetables on Mrs. John Francis lawn next Saturday af- ternoon, August 4th at 3.30 p.m. Three Arrested After Head-On Collision Arthur Moncton, 211 Ontario Street and two companions were arrested Sunday afternoon, following a motor car accident on Yonge Street, near Morgan’s about a mile south of here. They were arrested by Traffic Offic- er Montgomery and taken to Toronto Jail Farm, to appear in County Police Court Monday morning. The accident though not serious occurred when Moneton‘s car was in collision with a light coupe, driven by Mr. Morris Dil- lane, of Schomberg. The cars piled- up on the Lake Simcoe line Radial tracks, but the service was not inter- rupted as radial cars used the siding to pass the cars. 44,006 WA N T E D Thornhill District News THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO and Miss Agnes Cooper is visiting with Mrs. (Dr.) Appleby at Parry Sound. Social and Personal Misses Lillian Francis and Hazel Riddell'are holidaying at Honey Har- bor. Mr. J.E. Francis is holidaying this 'week at Orchard Point Inn, Atherley. Miss Mabel Brillinger is spending her two weeks vacation at Wasaga Beach. Miss McGaw, of Memorial Hospital, Niagara Falls spent the week-end at Qhe home of Mr. and Mrs. James \W'ells. Mr. and Mrs, George Stokes and family are spending a week at Orchard Beach. ‘ Mr. William Lane and Mr. Charette of Winnipeg, Man., visited this week with the formers sister Mrs. N.J. Smellie. Rev. E. C. Currie, of Lindsay, form- er pastor of the Presbyterian Church “here, will preach in the Presbyterian :pulpit next Sunday afternoon. days M7. and Mrs. Walter Luesby spent the "seekâ€"end with relatives in Flesh- erton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Mundey, Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simpson. Miss Annie Cooper accompanied by her sister, Mrs. (Dr). Carleton and three daughters are holidaying at Lakeview House, Jackson’s Point. Miss Marguerite Boyle and Mrs. Boyle accompanied by Miss Olive Morgan and Mrs. Morgan, of Toronto, left Tuesday on a motor trip to Ottaâ€" Rev. J.P. Rice, of Toronto. will preach at the morning services in the United Church here, during the month of August in the absence of the past- or, Rev. WE. Baker who is holidaying at Rockwynn, Ont. The evening serv- ice will be omitted. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Soden are moving into their new house on Greenwood Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grisdale are spending their holidays at St. John’s Lake, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Sheply have purchas- ed a house from Mr, Soden on Green- wood Avenue and expect to move in this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy who once lived Newtonbrook visited at the home Mr. and Mrs. Good last Sunday. Sports 1 What’s the matter with the Newâ€" tonbrook Softball team? On Tuesday, July 24 it was scheduled to play a- gainst the Legion team at the latters home diamond but only five loyal players turned up. The game was of course given to the Legion team. An exhibition game was played in which the five Newtonbrook players with members of other teams to fill up the vacancies, defeated the Legion team. It is to be hoped that all players will be on hand for the remaining games which promise to be very interesting as the end of the season draws nigh. Mr. and Mrs. T. Streei and daughtâ€" er Edna have returned rom a motor trip to Peterborough and other east- ern points. The Rev. H.B. Hendershott, M.A., of Toronto, took charge of the serv- ices in the Newtonbrook United chur- ch, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. E.R. Young. In the morning Mr. Hendershott gave a very interesting sermon on the text, Behold I stand at ‘the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.” In the evening ser- vice the minister took for his text “Take, therefore, no thought of the morrow for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself,” “.‘Christ had a calm confidence for the future that took no thought of the morrow” said the minister. Next Sunday morning Mr. Hender- shott will speak on the place of the modern youth in the church. This is a widely discussed subject of the preâ€" sent day and one which should be of special interest to young people. Services will be held at Zion in the afternoon and Newtonbrook in the afternoon and evening as usual The Langstaff Athletic Association held its first annual Garden Party on Saturday evening last on the grounds of Mr. W.L.T. Inkpen. Despite the somewhat threatening weather the event was a marked success and the sporting events were contested keen- ly and with an enthusiasm character. istic of this association. where they will spend several Newtonbrook LANGSTAFF H WHILE THEY LAST ECasement Screen Doors °=0=O=° n Phone 18 o=o=o=o===o=o FIELD DAY Sat, Aug. 18 $200.00 Given in Prizes mmmmmmmr A n For full particulars apply to WM. JOHNSON, E. W. C. MATHEWSON President. Vice-President FRED HADLOW WALTER BONE & SON Stone, Gravel, Phone 18 for your Preserving Needs reserving Kettles, Fruit Jars, Zinc and Rubber Rings, Ladels, Etc. Supplied on Short Notice. Wire Fencing and Concrete Construction. Phone Maple 864 ’ Advertise in “The Liberal” Treasurer Old Boys Re-Union, . Y. W. Brathwaite Sana and Pea Gravel Richmond Hill AND THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1928 0=0=O=0 omplete o=o===o=6 BRUCE ROSE We Deliver. Secretary

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