PAGE EIQHT f '.3 ummmwm:‘mt‘flgï¬ï¬.23 ‘2 .' Field Day & Concert . RICHVALE Saturday, Aug. ~18th Races - Baseball Games TUG - OF - WAR Concert at8 p.m. Adults, 259. Children, 15c Midway Attractions. Entrance to Grounds FREE ommittee in Charge â€" J. W'ark, President, Mrs. P. Sparkes, Convenor . Rose, G. Howell, C.Crawford, J. Loftis. B. Middleton, J. Barton, P.A. Durg THE Imperial Bank was founded during the period when farming constituted “ lmost the whole industrial life of Canada. City streets were once thronged on Market Day and the teams waited at every post. SUpper will be served from 5.30 to 7 p.m. Adults, 25C. Children, 15c Assets of One Hundred and Thirty-ï¬ve Millions ’l'. MINNIS, Manager. Richmond Hill Branch. Branches at Newmzrket and Aurora E? Wood, Tile, Cement At The Elevator Times changeâ€"the hitching post has goneâ€"but the farming industry can never be superseded. Every day is market day now, and the farmer is a business man and a student of markets. The Bank has always regarded the farming industry as of prime importance and will give every consideration to the interests of its farmer clients. East Vaughan Ratepayers Associatien FIRST ANNUAL FREE 100 lb. Bag of Sugar To Holder of Lucky Number. Long Service IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA PHONE YARD no â€" IO â€"" "' UD‘J ( /-' .. 9m We?é7 meauinTrw Queszm‘ Church Grounds We have a good svppiy of all kinds of p )uTtry feedsâ€" Blatchford’s â€" Quake}? Oats Co. Standard Milling and Purina Feeds Coal is cheaper now than it will be later, when the increased demand of Fall and Winter months. makes it harder for us to get it. Let us fill your coal bin now. W3 By I. D. Rama)“ G Son Stop 23 Yonge Street F-E-E-D inssmeuc: ‘- 85-J 4 at I73 Refreshment Booths Social and Personal Mrs. Thomas Sloan of Homing’s Mills announces the engagement of her daughter, Hilda Victoria (Todd) to Mr. Wesley Thompson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Langstaff, the marriage to take place the middle of August. Miss Florence Wells is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clubine at Brad- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Farr, Misses Isobel and Ada Far): motored to Chatâ€" ham last Thursday morning returning Friday. Messrs Rousby and Powell, of To- ronto, will preach in the Trinity Church here during the absence of the minister, Rev. N.H. Noble who leaves Monday for a two weeks vacation at Cacoona, Quebec. Major W.J. MorriSOn is attending the annual Convention of the Canadiâ€" an Legion which is being held in Memorial Hall, Kingston, Ont. Miss Ada Farr, of Toronto, is spen- ding her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farr. Mrs. Perry Grice. of Toronto, spent the Weekâ€"end with Mrs. John Grice. Miss Agnes Cooper is holidaying at Lakeview House, Jackson’s Point. Misses Lillian Francis and Hazel Riddell motored to Buffalo on Thurs- day (to-day) where they will spend a couple of days. Miss Ann Stephenson, of Toronto, is visiting with her sister Mrs. (Maj- or) Morrison, Langstaff. Patterson Lodge Annual Picnic The Patterson Lodge, A.F. & A.M. No. 265 will hold their annual picnic on Saturday, August 11th at the Thornhill Recreation grounds at 2.30 p.m. The programme will consist of races, softball, horseshoe pitching and tug-ofâ€"war. Supper will be serâ€" ved at 6 o’clock (Daylight Saving Time, Thornhill orchestra in attenâ€" dance. Basket Lunch. Women’s Institute Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Thornhill branch of the Women’s Inâ€" stitute will be held at the home of Miss Sarah Pearson, Langstaff next Thursday afternoon, August 16th, at 3 o’clock. The roll call will be an- swered by “My favorite s‘alad.†All ladies of the community are cordially invited to become members. Thornhill District News THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Horticultural Meeting A meeting of the Horticultral So- ciety will be held in the Public school room next Tuesday evening, August 14th. at 8 p.m. for the purpose of making arrangements for the fall show to be held Saturday, August 25. All members are requested to make a special effort to be present as many matters of business will be discussed. Thornhill ladies softball team will nlay C. Bees ladies at Kew Beach to- morrow evening, Friday. We trust a large number will accompa‘ny the lgirls to the Beach. The Thornhill ladies contemplate entering in the Elgin Mills Field Day on Saturday. Mix-William McDonald, Read Supâ€" erintendent for Vaughan Township had a narrow escape on Wednesday afternoon when the large five ton Township truck which he was. driging collided with a train here. The truck was coming loaded from the gravel pit and at the railway crossing before the highway was reached, the accidâ€" ent took place. The driver saw the itrain coming and on the slight grade endeavoured to stop the heavy truck and almost succeeded. The truck was travelling at a very slow rate of speed when it crashed into the coal tender of the train which swung the motor vehicle sidewaysresulting in consid- erable damage. Mr. McDonald the driVer miraculously escaped without serious injury. We are glad to note that Mr. Neil Me‘loy and Mr. Carl Saigeon capturâ€" ed the secord prize in a large fiequ of confenders in the Horseshoe Pitching contest at the Lennox picnic on Mon- day. Plans are now completed for the 2111- J nual Field Day and Old Boys Reunion ‘ to be held here on Saturday, August 18. The proceeds of the day will'be’ used in the purchase of an athletic grounds for the community and it is hoped that there will be a large crowd bn hand to ensure the success of the' day. See the ad elsewhere in this ‘issue and large posters for full par- ticulars. ' I Crops in this district are looking well and despite the wet weather harâ€" vesting is proceeding. Alfalfa crops are not what they have been some years but some fair yields have been reported. There have been some com- plaints of second growth and in many cases the wheat crop has not been up to expectations. There were many good fields in Vaughan however and The Liberal received this week an ex- cellent sample of wheat from J.W. Bone, of the third concession of Vaug- han which was a good type of seed iand was harvested in good conditi- Last week our rose garden was at the height of its beauty, when the climbing roses, white, pink and' dark red were in bloom. The heavy rains spoil them badly, but there will still be a few nice blooms from time to time for those who wish to see them. The three peonies donated by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales have made rapid growth and look to be in fair conditâ€" ion to stand the winter. Civic Holiday was not a very pleas- ant one for pleasure seekers, owing to recent heavy rains. The skies re- mained dull all day. The traffic on the highways was very heavy and was marred by two accidents, one on the Markhamâ€"Pickering townline and the other near the seventh where a coupe took a noseâ€"dive into the ditch. Sev- eral people required the doctors care. A gravel truck was upset in the dit- ch and badly damaged on the fourth concession south of here on Wednes- day morning. The driver of the/truck which it is understood belonged to Mr Lockyer of Lansing, was following Mr. J.H. Downey south on the fourth. Mr. Downey swerved apparently to make the turn into his own lane which was _mistaken by the driver of the second truck as a turn to allow pass. When the mistake was evident he took the ditch to avert a crash and turning over a couple of times badly damaged the truck but the driver escaped with minor injuries. The Christian Endeavor society of St Andrew’s Presbyterian church held their August meeting Sunday evening. Besides the usual program they were addressed by MiSS Selkirk a student missionary on the subject. “Why Mis- sions have been a failure.†She also had with her a number of curios from India, which were passed around and examined with much interest and amusement. Another pleasing feature was a duet by Mrs. Herb Thomas and held by the Ladies of St. Mary’s (An- jglican) church, in the Church rooms. 'Yonge Street, (just south oï¬ the Lib- eral Office,) next Saturday afternoon diss Sommerville HOME COOKING SALE MARKHAM Maple Home Cooking ies of St. Mary in the Church l ouo==o=lo===o=o====o=ogo=o {1 Phone 18 â€"â€" â€"â€" â€"â€" â€"- We Deliver. l [0=0==‘ Save Your Time and Worry BUY A [I New Perféétâ€"iohâ€" Oil Stove >O=0=0=0=0=0 FIELD DAY MAPLE, Sat, Aug. 18 SOFTBALL TOURNAMENTS Open All entries for Softball must be in writing or given to the Secretary by 6 p. m. Friday evening. August 17th. Drawing for Softball at 12 o‘clock standard time. Softball commences at 12.30 noon, standard , time. ' MEN’S - lst prize $30, 2nd $20, in goods or cash. LADIES’-lst prize $30, 2nd $20, in goods or cash. lst Prize Silvér Dessert Set, 14k Gold lined, donated by A. J. H. Eckardt, Toronto. Former winners barred. 2nd Prize, 2 Bags Fertilizer (Sure Gain), donated by Gunn’s Lim- ited, value $6.00. 3rd Prize, $1.00. lst Prize, Club Bag Genuine Cowhide, of selected smooth grain, leath- er lined pockets in each side. length 18†black, value 816 donated by Allen Knight. Toronto. Former winners barred. 2nd Prize 35-00 cash donated by Campbell Line. Men‘s 100 Yards race . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 Boys 15 Years and Under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Boys 10 Years and Under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Boys 6 Years and Under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c Married Ladies, 100 Yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Single Ladies. 100 Yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Girls 15 Years and Under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Girls 10 Years and Under . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. 1.00 Girls 6 Years and Under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c Ladies High Jump, (donated by G. Brown 3.00 Mens High Jump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Old Man's Walking Race Half Mile, 70 years or over. ton Alberta Coal, donated by G. M. Palmer. $2.00 75c 73c 50c 1.00 1.00 75c 75c 50c 2.00 2.00 $1.00 50c 50c 25c 50c 50c 50c 50c 25c lst Prize. half 2nd Prize $2.00. Oldest Married Couple on Grounds, lst Prize, 1 Smoked Ham ‘ Donated by W. J. Johnson The committee holds power to give goods or cash to value of prizes. ADMISSION TO GROUNDS, ADULTS 25c. CHILDREN 15c The proceeds with what is on hand is to be devoted to purchase of park GOD SAVE THE KING. COME ONE, COME ALL, lst Prize, $10.00; 2nd Prize, 55-00, All entries must be in by 1.30 p. m. Standard time. Contestants furnish shoes. AND ENJOY YOURSELVES “'31. J. JOHNSON, Pres. E. W. C. MATHEWSON, Vice-PIES. FRED HADLOW. Treasurer BRUCE ROSE, Sec, phone 1253 Maple Will Be Held in the Evening. Concert Commences at 8 pm. Sharp ADMISSION T0 CONCERT 35c.; CHILDREN 25c. ADMISSION TO DANCE, GENTS 50c., LADIES FREE FIRST-(CLASS ORCHESTRA and FLOOR MGR. IN ATTENDANCE A GRAND CONCERT and DANCE Supplied on Short Notice. Wire Fencing and Concrete Construction. Phone Maple 864 OLD BOYS RE-UNION We have them, 2, 3, 4 Burner Buy yours now. Horseshoe Pitching Contest WALTER BONE & SON Stone, GrayeL F. Y. W. Brathwaite MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS REFRESHMENTS SERVED ON THE GROUNDS; THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1928 Sand and Pea Gravel MEN’S zoo YARD RACE, Open ONE MILE RACE Open Richmond Hill AND $3.00 1.25 1.00 75c 2.00 2.00 1.25 1.00 $2.00 75c 75c 50c 1.00 1.00 75c 75c lst 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 50c 50c 25c 50c 50c 50c 50c 25c