PAGE FOUR With the exception of the United States, China has the most daily newspapers of any country. Radium gives off three kinds of rays; alpha. rays, or rapidly moving Among the Moors, if a wife does atoms of helium; beta rays, the atoms not become the mother of a boy, she of electricity, and gamma rays, simi- may be divorced with the consent of lar to X-rays. ' the tribe and can marry again. % qmumImmuumumulmmunumï¬Ã©iï¬mï¬gv" ' . 1; s ,' fum'mlumwummuuunmnumm & V ", '_,â€"_* â€"- ,. n .-~ " ’ 'n u u IHIllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllIm'lllt ‘ ‘L‘ ""' .\‘ I ‘ Ju v '4 all ' .I 't' I HARVESTERS! AUG. $15.00 T0 WINNPEG AU_G. AUG. From TORONTO(Union Station)â€"Aug. 2151â€"1201 a.m. (Midnight Aug. 20th); 12.30 p.m.; 10.40 p.m. Aug. 23rdâ€"2.00 p.m.;10.40 p.m. Aug. 81stâ€"2.00 p.m. and 10.40 p.m. From OTTAWAâ€"Aug. 21stâ€"12.01 am. (Midnight Aug. 20th); 1.00 p.m. Aug. 318tâ€"1.35 a.m.;1.00 p.m.;10.40 p.m. From PETERBOROâ€"Aug. 21511â€"1201 a.m. (Midnight Aug. 20th) via Lindsay, Blackwater and Atherley. From WINDSORâ€"Aug. 23rdâ€"12.30a.m. (MidnightAug.22nd)via Chatham, London, Hamiltonand Inglewood. From PALMERSTONâ€"Egg. 23rd-900 am. via Guelph. Georgetown and Inglewood. Through cars in All Through The Year PLUS TAX Richmond Hill YOUR PRINTING Travel 2Ist-From Toronto, Caledon East, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Capreol, and South and East in Ontario, also Statious in Quebec West of St. Andsews and Lachute. 23rdâ€"From Stations in Ontario, Toronto, Inglewood Jct. and Wat and South thereof. 31 stâ€"From all stations in Ontario. Capreol, North Bay and South and East thereof. The Liberal Canadian National EXhibitiOn TORONTO ï¬g; Aug. 24th Special Trains for Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways OPEN to the Public from 11 to 3 daytime 434' 8 to 11 at night WE ARE WELL EQUIPPED ,TO HANDLE ALL KINDS OF PRINTING OF THE BETTER KIND ANYTHING FROM A POSTCARD AND UP. QUALITY WORKMANSHIP PLUS EFFICIâ€" ENT SERVICE AND PROMPT DELIVERY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. ; from other principal points connecting with above special trains. For details consult local Canadian National Agents Through Trainsâ€"Comfortable Colonist Carsâ€"Special Cars for Women and Children FREQUENTLY YOUR PRINTING MATTER REFLECTS THE CHARACTER OF YOUR BUSIâ€" NESS. THIS APPLIES TO THE STATIONERY YOU USEâ€"AS WELL AS OTHER PRINTED -MATTER . LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON YOUR NEXT PIECE OF PRINTED MATTER. Capital, Surplus and undivided proï¬ts over Fifteen Millions VX? [Jen you visit Toronto Exbz'bz'tz'on Let Us Do CANADIAN NATIONAL RETURNINGâ€"Half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00 and tax to destination Telephone 9 } Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in iGreat Britain, has been pierced for the longest water tunnel in the world, ‘15 miles in length when completed. you will ï¬nd a branch of the- bank in the Administration Building near‘the fountain. Our Manager and his staff will welcome you â€"note the special hours of businessâ€"and do their best to maintain the Bank’s reputation for ï¬rst-class service. OF CANADA Ontario Plus half a cent per mile beyond to all points in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan. Alberta,â€"Edmonton, Taunis, Calgary, MacLeod and East. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Mortson, Marie and Tom and Mr. and Mrs. J. Mussel- man and Oscar took in a boat trip to Queenston last Tuesday evening and report a delightful trip. Mr. and Mrs. R. ‘Smurthwaite are, spending a week with their son Frank and family at Lockport, N.Y. Miss Gertie Salt of New York, visi- ted her aunt Mrs. Arthur Barnett. Hello Folks! Everybody on the run! Weather is fine and farmers are mer- rily gathering in their beautiful har- vest. Some farmers are getting their harvest pretty well all in and thresh- ing machines are humming on all sidâ€" es. Wheat and barley are turning out good. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teasdale, Miss Clara Teasdale and Miss Jardine are touring Western Canada. At the time of writing they are in Vancouver, BC, Mr. Teasdale having been appointed judge on swine at Vancouver exhibiti- on. The last letter from them states that they are having a wonderful trip. They are travelling Canadian Nation- al all the way. Mr. Ellsworth Keffer is holidaying at Wasaga Beach. Be careful of your arm Elsworth as we are all betting on you in the big swim. Mr. and I Mrs. Irwin Vanderburg left Saturday for Yorkton, Sask. They intend being away about one month. Quite a number from here attended the Field Day at Maple on Saturday and report a good day of sport. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes and family of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts last Sunday. Miss Aileen Hood of Unionville, spent a few days holidays with her cousin Mrs. Alf. Smith last Week. Mrs. Wilfred Lunau, of RichmondHill spent a few days holidaying at Miss Ruby Forrester was at home with her parents for the week-end. Miss Dorothy Mortson is holidaying at Bartlet Lodge, Algoquin Park. 44,000 WA N T E D Concord Station THE LIBERAL, CASHEL 1928 Take Notice That 1. The Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Rich- mond Hi1] intends to construct a ce- ment sidewalk five feet wide on the West side of Yonge Street, between the northern boundary of Arnold Street and the southern boundary of Lot No. 388 as a local improvement and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting di- rectly on the work. September 1928. Dated at Richmond Hill, August 9 SALVATION ARMY SPECIAL ' CAMPAIGN The local corps of the Salvation Army have launched their [centenary campaign, under the leadership of Lieut. M. Witcher the commanding officer. The Salvation Army, the world over, is engaged in this cam- paign, which commemorates the birth of the founder, of the organization. Special efforts are being put forth, to spread the old gospel story, through-' out every city, town, village , and hamlet, in the world. Richmond Hill corps is doing its part and on Sunday last they covered 6 miles on foot preaching the gospel. The open air service on Sunday night, at the Radial Station, was conducted by Lieut Mars- cell, formerly of this village for a number of years; but now stationed at Essex, 0nt., in command of the armys work there. Lieut Marscell is a niece of John Sheardown of this village. Local Improvement Notice 1 Glad to report that little Miss “Gloria Cleverdon of the seventh line is ‘progressing favourably, having brok- 1en her arm a few weeks ago by a fall. ( Mr. Bill Forrester is progressing 135 well as can be expected having ;been suffering from an epileptic {stroke for the ‘past two months. The Woman’s Missionary Society met at the Parsbnage on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. R. Cade took the devotional exercises and the subjéct, “Fellowship and Coâ€"operation in Mis- sionary,Work,†was taken by the President, Mrs. E. R. Young. On Sunday morning the Rev. Frank Rae preached an earnest and instruc- tive sermon on Prohibition from the incident described in 2 Kings IV, 38-â€" ‘41. All the great interests in life political, moral and spiritual, call for prohibitions. There would be no soci- al development otherwise; and where there were conflicts between personal and material claims on the one hand and spiritual and moral on the other; the latter should always come first. Seek first the kingdom of God and .then real blessings will be reaped by the community. Mr. Rae spoke fav- orably of the Ontario Prohibition Un- ion and the good work it was doing in temperance education and leadership. It would receive the hearty support of all good people and be especially re- membered by intercession and financ- ial support. Next Sunday morning, Rev. E. R Young Will occupy his own pulpit. Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt, of Hornepayne, are visiting Newton- 'brook friends. The call for harvesters for the west has been heeded by some of our local young men. Messrs Charles Proctor, Morris Jack, John and Basil Hughes, Leonard Hodgins and George Topping Heft on the Monday night excursion train. Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Alexander, of Chicago, and their children, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Wells, Newtonbrook, friends Will re- Vmember Mrs. Alexander as Miss Ada ‘Colhoun. Miss' Hope of Pemberton Avenue, (has returned from visiting at New- omarket. Mrs. J. Soden and Miss Doris have returned from visiting friends in Mid- ,land an Hillsdale. Social and Personal Mr. John Paul, of Brockville, who has been visiting at Mr. Thbs. Streets has returned home, Mrs. Glenn Shaw and Margaret have returned from their camping out- Eng. the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs Leonard Roberts. One of our Newtonbrook young men is winning fame as a swimmer. Donald Booth finished fifth in the Montreal-Repentigny swimming Mar- athon and was awarded a gold medal. This race was in the running water of the St. Lawrence River and the swim- mer negociated some twenty odd mil- es. Newtonbrook is proud of her champion. Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Caines have re- turned from a pleasant motor trip to Michigan, where they visited with Mr. Caines’ brother. ND HILL, ONTARIO Newtonbrook A. J. HUME, Clerk FOR SALEâ€"1 Farm wagon, running gear, in good condition. Apply McKenzie Bros., Willowdale. NOTEâ€"Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted cheque for the sum of $10.00, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be return- ed if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Rail- Way Company will also be accepted as security, or bonds and a cheque if re- quired to make up an odd amount. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 15, 1928. Tenders will not be considered unâ€" less made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions contained therein. TO RENTâ€"Two six roomed houses on Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill, Moderate rent. Apply Box,19 Lib- eral Office. ' Plans and form of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the offices of the District Engineer Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and Toronto Builders Exchange and Conâ€" struction Industries, 1104 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont, also at the Post Ofï¬ces, Oshawa. Ont., and Whitby, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"$3600, Cosy home, Cen- tre Street, Richmond Hill, stucco,5 rooms, a sun room, furnace, electric lights, large veranda, bath room, fruit trees, hen house, lot 50 x 138, more if wanted cheap. Apply Mr. MatheWS on premises after six, or G.H. Sloan, Richmond Street. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed “Ten- der for Reconstruction of Western Entrance Pier, Whitby, Ont.,†vlrill be received until 12 o'clock noon (day. light saving), Tuesday. September 4, 1928, for the reconstruction of 513 ft. more or less of the superstructure of the Western Entrance Pier, at Whit- by, Ontario County, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"Brand New Tâ€"5 Frigi- daire, regular price $270. Bargain $200. Apply W.G. Baldock, Rich- mond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Pontiac Roadster 1928. Big reduction from new price, with new car guarantee. Apply W.G. Baldock, Richmond Hill. We are now in position to make immediate delivery of the New Ford on all models except Fordor Sedans & Trucks. ’ LITTLE BROS. ' FORD TOURINGâ€"Good tires. with winter top. $110.00 1923 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY, good box. $275.00 1927 FORD TOURING agood buy. 1923 FORD COUPE. overhauled. THREE FORD TOURINGS. Starter, \.,‘_.L,__l,.,.l I:-A_.__ $1 1924 CHEVROLET TOURING. AHEAII--. __-_ _I2L3_A $325.00 1926 FORD COUPE. Looks like new 1926 FORD COUPE, overhauled in fine condition. $250.00 1925 CHEVROLET TOURING. D-II-A_ L:A__ F.M. Motfat, Federal Bldg., Toronto USED CAR BARGAINS! RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 for each subsequent insertion. each insertion. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKI! THE MOST OF IT" Ford Sales and Service. Richmond Hill â€" ~â€"â€" â€" â€"â€" ( to close an Estate Lot 88, Concession 1 Plan 1931 VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP MAKE OFFER Classified Advertising FOR SALE By order, S. E. O'BRIEN, owerhauled, license. Balloon tires. Secretary. excellent condition. TERMS. THURSDAY. AUGUST 23. 1928 cents for ï¬rst it sgrtion and 15 cents Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra ï¬WANTEDâ€"To rent good garden pro- ‘ perty, must be good land. Apply giving full particulars to Box 67. I Liberal Office. IFOR SALEâ€"01d western feed oats at greatly reduced prices. Apply Bruce Bros., phone 3602 Stouï¬â€˜ville. NVANTEDâ€"To rent or buy, between Richmond Hill and Toronto, house and garden lot, of about 2 acres. Apply Liberal Office Box 201. FARMS WANTEDâ€"We want York County Farms, we have buyers ' waiting, what have you for sale. McLucas Farm Agency, Hawkeston Ont. Electric Stoves and Ranges General and Builders’ C. N. COOPER HARDWARE WANTEDâ€"House work by the day: also some home laundry, rough dry and ironed. Apply by letter to hex 30 Liberal Office. at greatly reduced pciceo. Richmond Hill FOR SALEâ€"Farm truck in good re- pair. Apply George Wood. R.R. 2 Maple, Phone 206-1. FOR SALEâ€"Grey Percheron team. mare and gelding, weighing gbout 3100 pounds. a real pair for any kind of hard work. Jones Lumber Company. FOUNDâ€"Boys bicycle on 3rd con- cession Vaughén, one mile north of Concord Store. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing for this ad. Phone Maple 1263. This week we offer finest quality FOR SALEâ€"Heavy horse, 7 years " old, quiet and good worker. Come and see him and make an offer. Lot 3, Con. 4, Whitchurch, J.H. Heise, Gormley, Ont. Phone Stouffâ€" ville 410. ' FOR SALEâ€"*8 acres 2nd crop of al- falfa, rear of lot 33, Markham. Apply S. Wilcocks, Thornhill, 0nt., phone 57-r-3. FOR RENT or SALEâ€"8 roomer house on 2nd concession, Vaughan back of Richmond Hill. Apply Henry Es- pey, Elgin Mills, Telephone Rich- mond Hill 129. SPECIAL BARGAIN We will offer each week one I? XrI‘RA Ktchen Utensis HARDWARE Ontario .mtario