Telephone 14 Richmond Hill Nash Motors Telephone 5j or Residence 49W 9 Richmond Hill â€" Phone 195 E °=0=0=°l==0=0m0=0m0=l0 °fl0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0 R. S. COOPER Secretary The Richmond Hill High and Public Schools will reopen Wednesday, Sept. 5th at 9 o’clock Daylight Saving time. The addition of a two year Commercial Course has been made to the ngh School curriculum. An ex- perienced teacher has been engaged for this work and a complete course in stenography typing, book keeping and all other essential business subjects will be offered. Pupils are urged to be present on the day of re opening so that the organization may be adapted to their needs. ’ RE-OPENING 0F SCHOOLS 3 Seriesâ€"16 Enelosed Modelsâ€"4 Wheelbase Lengths Delivered Prices in Richmond Hill THURSDAY, AUGUST 23. 1928 Nothing more to buy! $1234 to $3159 Fully Equipped Including Spare Tire Chairman of the Board Furs Richmond Tailors J. A. GREENE a \Vc Close Every Wednesday at 7 p. m. during July and Aug. EXTRAORDINARY QUAL- ITY OF WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL IS EVI- DENT IN ALL OUR SUITS WHICH ARE OFFERED TO YOU AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. Hand Tailored Suits and Top Coats P. C. HILL Cleaning and Pressing A Specialtv Goods Called For and Delivered Latest De signs and Materials Plus-Fours G. H. DUNCAN Remodelled and Repaired August 19, to Sept. 9, 1928, Rev'. E. R. Brown, of Toronto, Evangelist. Sunday services 11 am. and 3 and 7 p.1n., week night 7.45 p.m., Saturâ€" day omitted. Come and bring a friend to these Gospel meetings in the white house, good ‘singingâ€"-bright testimonies and clear gospel preach- ing. C. I. Cinden, pastor. l Saturday, August; 25â€"Auction sale of Household furniture, the property of William Fisher, will be held on Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill, at 2 o’clock daylight saving time. Terms cash. J.T. Saigeon. Auctioneer. The funeral Services which were held at her late residence Church St. on Tuesday afternoon were conducted lby Canon Powell, of St. Clemens Angâ€" lican Church, Toronto. The many friends who attended and the floral tributes were testimony of the love and esteem of a wide circle of friends who mourn her death and extend sin- cere sympathy to the bereaved hus- band. Interndent took place at the Rich- mond Hill cemetery the pall-bearers being; Dr. Carl Hall, P.C. Hill, Albert Hill, Gerald Henderson, J. R. Herring. ton and Harry Endean.‘ About 10 square Hexagon Asphalt Shingles $5.50 per square, these are not seconds, but as we are not going 'to st6ck this kind any longer, We are offering what is left at the above TENT MEETINGS AT BETHESDA price. Ap‘ply JONES LUMBER C0 LATE MRS. L. A. HILL ‘ The community was saddened by the death on Sunday, August 19 of Doroâ€" thy Francis Henderson, beloved wife of Lloyd Allan Hill, of Richmond Hill. The late Mrs. Hill was the daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, of Parkdale, Toronto, and came to Rich- mond Hill at the time of her marriage about three years ago. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her pass- ing her father and mother and one sister at home, a sister Mrs. Smith of New York and one brother Gerald Henderson, of Toronto. FATAL ACCIDENT A fatal accident took place just north of Elgin Mills, early Thursday morning when D. Aulds, of Toronto, met his death. 1He was proceeding south on his way to his city home from the Summit Golf Club about 1.30 a.m. when it is presumed his car skidded and upset causing him fatal injuries. He was found dead by Serg. Kirk of Newmarket and as far as is known there were no witnesses to the accident. SALE REGISTER Richmond Hill SPECIAL BARGAIN OBITUARY THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dear mother how We miss you, How our hearts are filled with pain Oh this world would be a heaven Could we hear your voice again. You are gone but not forgotten Years can never ease the pain In the hearts of those who loved you tTill the day we meet again. ! â€"~Ever remembered by her Hus- band and daughter Rose. ‘ SPECIAL TRAIN AND BOAT SERVICE TO 30.000 ISLANDS OF GEORGIAN BAY The 30,000 Islands of Georgian Bay, always popular for summer holidays, are now provided with a special Can- adian National Train service that off- ers excellent opportunities for week- end holidays. The Canadian National Railways operate special trains to the main gateway of the 30,000 Islands through Midland and Parry Sound. Now there is a new direct boat service provided between Parry Sound and Point au Bari]. V when at times they see us smile; But they little know the sorrow That smile hides all the while. â€"â€"Sadly missed by Pearle, Cecil 'and Margaret. IN MEMORIAM ROBINSONâ€"In loving memory of Annie E. Hanna, beloved wife of Will- iam Robinson who passed away, Aug. 19th, 1927. Mrs. G.E. Andrews of Massey, On- tario is spending a holiday with her mother, Mrs. Grant at the Hotel Rich- mond. ' Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Duncan Were guests of Dr. and Mrs. C.P. Johns of Thornhill at Kingston over the week- end. Mr. James McLean left on Wednes- day night for Cochrane and other Northern Ontario points where he will conduct plowing demonstrations and judge field crops for the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture. IN MEMORIAM ROBINSONâ€"In loving memory of Annie E. Hanna, wife of William Robinson, who died August 19, 1927. Oh, mother, how we miss you; In our memory you are near, Loved, remembered, longed for al- ways, Bringing many a silent tear. Some may think that we’ve forgotten _ Miss Evelyn Neill is spending her vacation in Detroit and Chicago. Miss Gladys Savage returned home on Saturday after spending a week with friends in Buffalo. Mr. A.E. Glass and Mr. Frank Harrison enjoyed a successful fishing trip to Haliburton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith announce the engagement of their eldest daughâ€" ter, Cora May, to Dr. J.M. Waterman Orillia, son of Mr. and‘ Mrs. R. Water- man, Fraserville. The wedding to take place very quietly in September. , EXPRESS THANKS The Board of Directors of the L.T. B. and Orange Home, wish to thank friends whose names were not receiv- ed for rhubarb, also Mr. Broad for currants. and the sisters of Mount St. Joseph for the valuable donations of vegetables annd fruit; also Mr. Bruno for treat of Bananas. Dr. F.W. Harrison, of Tisdale Sask is spending a holiday with his mother Mrs. C. Harrison, Richmond Street. Mr. L.A. Hill desires to thank the many friends for their kindness and sympathy extended during his recent bereavement and for the many floral tributes. Miss Aldine Graham, of Markdale, is holidaying with Misa T. Louise Armstrong, Langstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Paris and daughter Shirley, are holidaying this week at the Trent River, Hastings. Miss Peggy Granger is spending the week with Mrs. Andrews at Bradford; Miss Zella Tyndall is holidaying at Port Carling. Mrs. Allen Armstrong and daughter Thelma Louise returned this Week af- ter a pleasant holiday with friends in Markdale. Owen Sound and Alliston. Rev. R.G. Carruthers, M.A., of Lumsden, Sask,, will preach at both services of the Richmond Hill United Church next Sunday. Mr. Cyril Ball of the local staff of the Standard Bank has been trans- ferred to Lansing branch. Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. Qnd Mrs Han-y Graham, Arnold Street. Social and Personal ,_ _..--“.u yI-hllhu Mrs. M.S. HEk has returned after ;on friends in town on Sunday. enjoyable hOIidaY at Sparrow Lake l Mr. Karl Heisey of Kirkland Lake, ‘ Iwas the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Hrs. Allen Armstrong and daughtex {Smith over the weekend - elma Louise returned this Week af- ‘ , _ . ' a pleasant holiday with friends in MISS Grace Anms’ 0f Scalboro Spent . . a few days last week with her aunt arkdale. Owen Sound and Alhston. Mrs. 0. Ash. _ l CARD OF THANKS 3( atior ! Mr. and Mrs. iterature iToronto, were g Ticket A- Mrs. G. Braithw: Policeman H: Misses Lizzie and Agnes Hood of Milliken were guests of Mrs. Gibson on Tuesday. Mrs. W. Noble is spending a. few days with her niece Mrs. Cook, of Scarboro. Mr. Wm. Noble spent Wednesday in Toronto, lunching with his cousin, Sir Geo. Badgerow and returning to Scarboro to attend the birthday party of Mrs. Walton in the evening. Miss E. Russell left Tuesday even- ing for an extended trip through the Canadian North West, returning via. Los Angles, where she intends re- maining for the winter. Mrs. Hemingway has returned from a visit with her sister MiSS Mitry Good. Mrs. W. Cook, niece of Mr. and Mrs W. Noble of Scarboro, gave a dinner party last Wednesday for her grand- mother, Mrs. Annie Walton, who ceIe- brated her 80 birthday. Guests were present from Toronto, Gormley and other places. .We extend wishes for many happy returns. Mrs. G. Hagerman returned to her home in Toronto after an extended visit with Mrs. H. Miller. Mrs. Gibson, Miss Gibson, of Milli- ken and Mrs. Marks of Vancouver, were guests of Mrs. Ada Hood on Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Chant are enjoying a pleasant holiday at Port Carling and points on Lake Erie. Mr. Chant is our popular C.N.R. Agent and in his absence Mr. Ellis, of Fenelon Falls is in charge. Mrs. Carmichael has returned from a pleasant holiday at. Cannington and Woodville. Miss Dora Selkirk, of Knox College Training school addressed the W.M.S. Auxiliary of St. Andrew’s Presbyteriâ€" an church, Scarboro (in Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. Caldwell motored to Sunderland last Sunday. ‘ Rev. E.C. Cook, of Tweed, occupied the;pu1pit of the United Church last Sunday. Morning subject, “Ac- quaintance with God.†Evening subject, “Where we Live.†’ The regular monthly meeting of the Junior Branch W.I. was held at the home of Miss Mary Rodick on Satur- day last. The President, Mrs. Gee. Kelly Jr., was in the chair. A good attendance is reported and the meet- ing took the form of a flower show. Many beautiful bouquets were brought by the members and the display was very attractive. Mrs. '_1‘.A. Patterson of Agincourt, gave a splendid address and also acted as judge. The first prize was won by Mrs. R.L. Stiver. A dainty luncheon was served at the close of the meeting hm the hostesses, Misses Rodick, Rea Scott, Edith Craig and Laura Bromi. Mr. George Burnham and family left on Tuesday for a motor trip to the States. Miss Mary Gibson, of Toronto, is spending the week with her aunt Mrs. Jas. Gibson. Mrs. Cheer, of Toronto, is spending a few days with her nieces. Misses Ila and Vera Weighill. Mr. and Mrs. A. Empringham mot- ored to Maripasa last weekâ€"end. ‘ Miss Florence Forest, of Port que is a guest at the home of Mr. G.A.M. Davison this week. We are sorry to report the indispos- al of Mrs. Eakin and Mrs. Crawfogd, we trust they may soon be in better health. E We are glad to report the gradual ;improvement in the health of little Neil Stiver, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Stiver. Miss Jean Kennedy of Acton, was the guest of Miss E. Russell over the weekâ€"end. Mrs. E. Heimerich is visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. Haehnel of Waterloo. The Lutheran Ladies Aid win hold their regular monthly meeting at Mrs. Raymond Brillinger’s on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Micheal and Miss Lester, of Cobourg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dixon on Sunday. The annual Garden Party of Knox Presbyterian Church, Agincourt held at Rowanwood, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hood, Wednesday last was a decided success. Ideal weather' a good program and an attendance of 800 people combined to make this event a pleasant memory. Mrs. Peter Armstrong of Medicine Hat, Alberta, visited friends in town last week. Miss Harriet Thompson was the guest of Mr. ‘and Mrs. Thos. Little, of Agincourt over the weekâ€"end. Weekly News Notes From I The Unionville District Mr. Allen Fuller of Buffalo calla; aite afenbrach an .16 =°=O YOUNGâ€"At her late residence, Buttonville, on Saturday, August 18, 1928, Margaret Maxwell, widow of the late John Young, in her 75th year. The funeral was held Monday, Aug. 20th, and interment followed at Brown’s Corners Cemetery. EVERY WEDNESDAY F OR Marcelling and Haircutting The funeral service was held on Tuesday, August let, at St. Andrews church and interment fOIIOWed at Bloomington Cemetery. =0: 0:0 HILL-At his late residence, Churcn street, Markham, Ont, on Saturday, August the 18, Robert‘ Hill, in his 74th year. The many friends regret deeply the passing of Mrs. M. Young, widow of the late John Young, Buttonville, on jSaturda’y last, after a lingering illâ€" hess. Mrs. Young was an old time and highly respected resident of Mark- ham township, and is survived by three sons, William, Alex. and John. Interment stook place in Browns Com- ers cemetery on Monday last, Rev. Stewa‘rt Woods officiating at the serâ€" vices. Funeral Friday, August 24th, at 3 o’clock (daylight saving). Interment, in Richmond Hill Cemetery. MISS BLANCHE WILLIAMS SWITZERâ€"At her late residence, Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, August let, 1928, Elizabeth Ann Atkinson, beloved wife of the late Joseph A.E. Switzer. We are sorry to report that Dr. E. E. Braithwaite is still confined to his bed. Notice Dr. M. J. Quigley wishes to announâ€" ce he is now practicing dentistry at Unionville, every Wednesday after. noon. Offices above Standard Bank. Two rinks of the ladies bowling club played a very enjoyable 16 end game on the local green on Tuesday evening, the losing rink buying the ice cream. We think it wise not to report the score as we realize the losers considerations of the embarras- ment of the President of the club in losing the game, and then self denial of fame regarding same, suffice it to say that Mrs. Ash was skip of the winning rink, Mrs. Hood skip of the losers. Axppointments m Phoning W00 Mr, and Mrs. Sims and daughter of Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray. Mr. V. Dukes left Saturday for a few days motor trip to the north country. Mr. and Mrs. Morden of Greenville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Con- nel. Mrs. Fred Stiver and family spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Thomp- son of Pickering. Miss Margaret Anderson, of Toron- to, spent the weekâ€"end with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson. Miss Fern Thompson of Cartwright is visiting Miss Velma Findlay. Rev.‘E. Heimerich motored to Watâ€" erloo this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Monkman ï¬re visiting friends at Headford. Miss Lillian Parkinson, of Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. H. Findley on Sunday. Mr. L. MacPhaiI spent; the week- end in Toronto. Mrs. Mrs. week Mr. and Mrs. H. Pickering visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barber on their return trip to Toronto after spending the summer at Clyda Forks. Mr. Robt. Tait left on Monday for the Canadian North West. Master John Brown, of Toronto, is holidaying with his aunt Miss C. Brown. M12, and Mrs. D. Harrington and George McConnell motored to Owen Sound last week. visited Mr. and Mrs. A on Tuesday. We are sorry to report the illness of Miss Hannah Duncan, of Button- ville. Wishes to announce that she will be at M r. and Mrs. Dukes and Mr. and Bullen were guests of Mr. and John Dukes during the past JONES HOTEL MAPLE, DIED :ay be made dbridge 2121 b=o==::, PAGE FIVE Summerfeldt