EVERY WEDNESDAY FOR ‘Marcelling and Haircutting l=o=lo===o=m =0: O=°==l0ï¬0 MISS BLANCHE WILUAMS Appointments may be made by Phoning \Voodbridge 2121 5 O o=o====o=o==o=o===ao=o====o=o Wishes to announce that she will be at HUDson 21 72 VOL. LI. M0111], Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept. 17, 18,‘,19 McLaughlin-Buick The Leah Shop JONES HOTEL Fashion Revue COMEDY “TELL IT TO THE JUDGE" COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT MAPLE, IE! CAPITOL THEATRE 3?"? THEATRE 2462 YONGE ST. PRESENTED BY On Sunday next the services will be conducted by the Rector of Markham, the Rev. J.J. Robbins. The first meeting of the season, of the Women’s Auxiliary will be held in the Parish Rooms at 2.30 p.m. on .Tuesday afternoon of next week. A busy Autumn’s work has been arrang- ed for, and all the ladies of the con- gregation who are willing to take part are asked to kindly be present at this meeting. ANGLICAN MINISTER TO BE APPOINTED At a meeting of the Congregation of St. Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill, on Tuesday evening, it was decided to ask the Bishop to make an appointment of a Clergyman to the charge of this Parish. Yonge andg Castlefieldn “In Essentials, qnity; In Non-cssmzials, Liberty: In All filings. Charitv.†H II" LIMITED “I\ “i GOOD PLACE TO BUY A USED CAR RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th. 1928 _ “Pretty small Potatoes" said anoth- er of the subscribing citizens regardâ€" ing the action of the council towards the purchase of a uniform. “I don’t approve of the principle of the citiz- ens doing these things which should ‘be done by the council but if they want to act that way over a small a- mount like ten dollars then I think its up to the citizens to correct the mis- taken impression which gets abroad. Not satisfied with the action of the council at the last regular meeting in laying over the matter of a grant to- wards a uniform for Constable Barra- clough about a dozen public spirited citizens of Richmond Hill have sub- scribed enough money to pay thi: full cost of the new uniform which Con- stable Barraclough wore for the first time on Sunday night. Interviewed by The Liberal one of the group said that he agreed with Councillor Sloan that anything that was worth doing was worth doing right. He felt that the town had a capable officer in Constable Barra- clough and that he wanted him to know that the citizens were behind him. Another one said that when he hired a man he expected to give him the equipment to work With if he expect- ed results. He thought it unfair that when the town engaged a constable to ask him to purchase not only his own uniform but his stop watch, his badge, his gun and his baton. “As far as I’m concerned†he said I don't want our police officer to risk his life trying to Stop traffic without a uniform.†“I gladly subscribed to this idea†said another" because I want to let Constable Barraclough know that he has the whole hegrted support of the 'citizens at large if not of the council. I believe he is a capable officer con- scientiously trying to do what is right.†The appointment of Mr. Duncan to this important position is received with much satisfaction locally and he will enter up his new and important duties with the wholeâ€"hearted support of public opinion in this community.- A life long resident of this district and a' descendant of one of the pioneer families of the County he enjoys the confidence, respect and esteem of the general public. He has always taken an active interest in all matters of public affairs. In 1910-11 he was president of the East York Conserva- tive Association and is a life member of the York Pioneer Society. He has been a member of the Richmond Hill Board of Education for the past ten years, has been chairman of that body William Duncan came from Scotland and settled in York Township at Downsview in 1818, and since that time members of the family have tak- en an active part in the social busi- ness and public life of this County. An uncle William Duncan was Reeve of York Township for about twenty- years and is a past Warden of the County of York, Interviewed by The Liberal follow- ing his appointment Mr. Duncan stat- ed that he felt the great need of this country was better citizens, and that his aim in the carrying out of his ofï¬â€" cial duties would be to create a respect for law and order and a desire to be- come better citizens on the part of those who appeared before him. Official announcement was made this week of the appointment by the Ontario Government on Friday, Aug- ust 31 of Mr. Garnet H. Duncan as a Police/Magistrate. This is the out- come of representations which have been made to the department during recent months emphasizing the need of a court here to handle cases especiâ€" ally those dealing with infractions of the traffic regulations which come Lfrom this district. The creation of a icourt in Richmond Hill will greatly ‘facilitate the machinery of justice as cases of offenders in the North Yonge ‘Street district and this section of the ‘County can be brought expeditiously before the magistrate without the necessary delays and loss of time in- curred by the necessity of taking‘ them to the busy County Court in Toronto. It is not definitely known how soon the court will be in operation here but every effort will be made to speed up the†necessary preliminary work and it is hoped to have the court working in the course of at least two Weeks. The details have not been arranged and it cannot be stated how often court will be held. Sittings will probably be temporarily in the Council Chamber but it is possible permanent quarters may be arranged before the end of the Disapprove of Councils»; Action And Buy Constable’s Uniform V 621" Ontario Government Appoints G. H. Duncan As Magistrate “I said I would rather put up the‘ whole ten dollars myself," said one of the prime movers of the plan,†than have our police officer parading up 'and down Yonge Street with an ordin- ary suit of clothes and an official blue cap." was; Morley Beynon, E.T. Stephens, G. Willis skip. The second annual Irish Trebles tournament will be held\ by the Union- ville Club on Wednesday, October 3. As a result of the efforts of this! groupé of citizens Constable Barraâ€"l clough appeared on Sunday night last [‘ neatly attired in a blue serge suit, of - faultless ï¬t hand tailored in Richmond Hill by Richmond Tailors and with the regulation blue cap provided by the council. A very successful Irish Trebles Bowling tournament was held‘ on the Unionville green on Wednesday after- noon by the Markham Club. Twenty- seven rinks took part including repre- sentatives from Stouffville, Richmond Hill, Unionville, Claremont, Toronto and Highland Creek. The first prize was won by skip W. Sanders of Stouï¬â€˜- ville, 3 wins plus 21; second prize by ‘skip G. Willis, Richmond Hill 3 wins plus of 19-, third prize by skip William Caldwell, Unionville, 3 wins plus of 18; and fourth by skip A. Hustwitt, of Lawrence Park. Toronto, 3 wins and plus of 17. Refreshments were serv- ed on the grounds by the ladies. The personnel of the Richmond Hill rink l The uniform which the constable no‘w Wears will not only add dignity to the position which he holds but will also be a great assistance in the carrying out of his duties, particularly the reg- .ulation of traffic. Mr. Garnet H. Duncan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan of Rich- mond Hill and was born in Markham Township. . His grandfather the late. William Duncan came from Scotland and settled in York Township at Downsview in 1818, and since that time members of the family havé talc- en an active part in the social busi- ness and public life of this County. An uncle William Duncan was Reeve of York Township for about twenty- years and is a past Warden of the County of York, for three years, and under his leader- ship the business of the Board has been administered in a most efficient and commendable manner. His know- ledge of educational matters was recâ€" ognized by the Markham Township council at the last regular meeting when he was appointed to represent the township in the arbitration pro- ceedings in connection with the estabâ€" lishing of a new school section. Whose appointment as Police Magisâ€" trate was announced this week. GARNET H. DUNCAN Mimi, Unionville W. M. S. CONFERENCE ' The second annual conference of the ‘Northern Section of the Toronto Cen- [tre Presbyterial of the Women's Mis- lsionary Society will be held in the l United Church, Aurora on Tuesday, September 18. The morning session will commence at 10.25 21.111. and the 'afternoon session at 2 13.111. Miss Bi‘imstim a returned missionary from China will give an address at the aft- ernoon session. The Richmond Hill Fall bowling tournament will be held on Wednesday September 26. Draw at 1.15 daylight saving time. There will be three games on the plus system and in adâ€" dition to the W .D. Scott Silver trophy there will be carefully selected valu- able prizes. es. The personnel of the local rink was; Mrs. J. McLean, Mrs. W.A. Wright, Mrs. G. H. Glenn, Mrs. C. Kerswell skip. BOWLING TOURNAMENT FRIDAY EVENING The local tournament for the W.H. Legge cup which was scheduled for Monday night was postponed on acâ€" count of the weather and will be held on Friday evening commencing at 7 p. m. This will be a mixed tournament open to local members. A rink of Richmond Hill Ladies won the fourth prize at the touma- ment held by the Lawrence Park Club ;on Tuesday afternoon. They report an excellent time and received as in- dividual prizes linen tray clothes. Thirtyâ€"two rinks t00k part in the gam~ WON PRIZE AT LAWRENCE PARK Every child attending ten Saturday's in succession will receive a free pass. BOWLING TOURNAMENT ON WEDNESDAY, SEPT 26 From Eleanor H. Porters' Famous Novel And the four act comedy by Catherine Chrisholme Cushing. This picture is extremely entertaining for both young and old, ï¬ALSOfl AL WILSON, Daredevil of the Air IN “WON in the CLOUDS†MARY PICKFORD in “POLLYANNA†“THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT ---‘ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATI‘RDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 PM. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. BEQEQERIEEAIJSE (Dime World§ Most Beautiful Romance: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 13, 14, 15 NEWS EVENTS COMEDY Special Matinee Wednesday at 4 o’clock The undisputed stunt Champion of the world." Mon, Tues., Wed'y, September 17,18,19 CHILDREN JOIN OUR MATINEE CLUB! ontlac “3'23". WON PRIZE AT AURORA TOURNAMENT ‘ Fifteen rinks competed in the Irish Trebles tournament held at Aurora on Wednesday afternoon. The prize Win- ners were; first James McMillan, Oakâ€" Avood, second Glass, Richmond Hill, third H. Piercy, Tottenham, four- th A. Atkinson, Aurora. The person- nel of the Richmond Hill rink was, George Gee, A.G. Savage, A.E‘. Glass skip. Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE AUSTIN’S ‘Druo’ Store RICHMSND HILLIONT PH‘ONE 33 NO. 11