J. J. CLEMENTS “PAINTER AND DECORATOR [bombiil â€" ~ â€" â€" â€" Ontar BONDS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE LOANS J. R. HERRINGTON FINANCIAL AGENT ,Ynnge St. DR. J. P. WILSON Ofï¬ce hours: 9 to 11 am. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Ofï¬ce: Centre and Church Sts.. Richmond Hill Phone 24. MAPLE Oï¬co hours: 8:10 am. and DR. LILLIAN (‘-. LANGS’I‘AFF- North Yonge St. - Richmond Hil’ DR: 3011?}! 1.. LANGSTAFFâ€" DR. CHARLES S. DUNNING For work anywhere in the district. PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice. 415 Ballinl St, Toronto. Hud. 1347W. K. G. Prentice, Milliken. “'a are prepured m onmlurt >nh>s of every Inscription. Farms and farm stack sales a ciulty. Farms lmmzhl: and sold on commis- uon. All snlm attended to on shortest uoï¬ce. .nd coudurted by tho must approved methods. Willowdale 69 HUdson 3679-W Stop 5. Yonge Street. Lansing J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE- Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York 1 Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"45 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Ofï¬ces Atâ€" TBORNIIILL AND UNIONVILLE NANO TUNER AND PLAYER EXPERT ‘ ' Certiï¬cate piano tuning Conservatory Pupil 0f Ernest Seitz Conservatory Examinations Feesâ€"$20 per term (20 lessons.) Studioâ€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps. Richmond Street~Phone 13W. Organ and Theory. Ikhond Hm ‘ DR. W. SALEM CALDWELL CA RTAG E AND EXPRESS Plowing and Garden Work Sand and Gravel, Concrete Work. Piano Tuner 35 Years' Practical Experience 378 Beresford' Avenue. W'est Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 Telephone Glenn's Drug Store. Rich- mond Hill, for appointment SILVERSIDES & FARMER Licensed Auctioneers (70-1w of York Pure Bred Stock Sales a Specialty Phnne 2703 S‘I‘OUFFVILLE _"I'm the Toronto Conservatory of Music m" accept a number of pupils in Hana the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home print, it carries all the newzvl of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. (Diseases of woman anti Omen hours: 1: 3 pm. Phone 100 The Liberal is recognized as one 01 Olï¬co hour‘ Poyntz Ava. Lansing. Willow. 140. Ofï¬ce hours: 12-1.15; 6-7.15. Capitol Bldg.. Yonge St. Hud. 1133: Rand. 2121. Ofï¬ce hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7.30-9‘ Omce Hoursâ€"S to 10 a.m. ] to 2 and 6 to 8 Telephone 3 FREDERICK ’MT ï¬TLLETT BERT HUMPHREY FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMERS A. STONEHOUSE JOHN R. CAMPBELL New Limousine Ambulances WRIGHT & TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE JOHN T. ANDERSON DRS. LANGSTAFF‘ Professional And Business Directory. VOL. LI. Veterinary Surgeon THORNHlLL ADELMO MELECCI For Information Phono 58) MRS MYLKS Phone Hudson 0970.! 48 Woburn Avenue. NORTH TORONTO Phone 87. Richmond Hill. OAK RIDGES Phone Ring 33 George Guy $1.50 PER YEAR MEDICAL TELEPHONE BUSINESS MUSICAL Friday and Saturday children ONTARIO Ontario‘ BARRISTER, ‘ SOI-ICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Toronto Office. 18 Toronto St.. Phone, ELGIN I 88 7 Richmond Hill, Thursday afternoons Office, A. Mill’s Showrooms, , East side of Yonge Street, Immediately south of Hill’s Garage Phone Richmond Hill 125 Money to loan at current rates. iormerly of Wm. Cook, Cook &'Delany Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 1207 Northern Building ‘330 Bay Street â€"- Toronto | Richmond Hill. Tuesday Afternoons Office, Yonge St, one door South of Hill’s Garage Money to loan at current rates ‘Telephone â€" Elgin 7712 I Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. ‘ Rooms 503 Northern Ontario Bldg ’cor. Adelaide and Bay Sts., Toronto Money to loan. William Douglas, K.C. Donald Dougla ] CAMPBELL LINE Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. â€"- Toronto Oï¬ice â€"â€" Manning Chambers, Corner of Queen and Bayaâ€"opposite City Hall. MCGUIRE, 1A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON BARRISTER 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets \ Toronto. PhOne: Elgin 4-879 Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Hon. W.H. McGuire, Vincent C. MacDonald L.S.B. James A. Bolas, B.A. 0fficesfâ€"77-‘78 Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Victoria Sts. AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0175 (William Cook E, Gordon Cook Btu-tutors, Solicitors, Etc. Toronio Oï¬ice: 816 Fedora! Building, ‘ 86 Richmond St. West ‘ Richmond Hill Oï¬ice (Liberal omen) ovary ‘Thursday {DIEDOOXL Maple, Thursday alter- noon. Woodbridge, Satin-nay afternoon. Monev to loan a: Current Rots Barristers, Solicitors, Notation Telephone Adelaide 2108 Ufl‘lces: 85 Richmond St. Want. Toronto Naughton Block. Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora. Richmond Bill. King, Whitchurcb, Markham and North Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill. 5048. J, Henry Nuughton, Res. I‘D-tin Mills. Res. Phone :27.‘ MAPLE DR. L. R. BELL Dentist Ofï¬ce: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 Demon. Macdnnald & Denton Barristers. Solicitors, &c. Manning Arcade, King St. West, Toronto. Canadr Telephone Main 0311 Cable Address: “Dede†Arthur A. Mncdonnld. Frank Dent’w“ Lam‘s Danton, BA. Ofï¬ce hours 9 a.m. to 5 pm. Evenings by Appointment. Telephone 80 Dr. M. J. QUIGLEY DE 1‘1 'FIS’I‘ BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 2135 Yonge Street. Toronto. HYLAND 1898 and 1900 MAPLE~EVERÂ¥ TUESDAY Standard Bank Building. FRIDAY, 1.30 P.M. To 8 P.M. Telephoneâ€"Maple 3 NAUGHTON & JENKINS u--.†v- . .... vvvn, vvvn u. uciauy .rrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 1207 Northern Building Bay Street Toronto thmond Hill. Tuesday Afternoons ice, Yonge St, one door South of Hill’s Garage Money to loan at current rates :phone Elgin 7712 DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS & ROBINSON Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. ooms 503 Northern Ontario Bldg, Adelaide and Bay Sts., Toronto. my to loan. Confidence sharks, profeSsing to be optometric specialists, recently duped a farmer near Exeter out of $412 of hard earned cash. The strangers called at the house and offered the farmer $12.00 spectacles for $3.50 as a special offer. Conversation contin- ued and the agent professed to find something wrong with the farmer’s eyeâ€"sight, and told him that “out in my car right now there is a noted eye specialist waiting for me to come out of here." Called to the home, the specialist-prescribed an “operation,†which consisted in rubbing some liquâ€" lid supposed to be radium, on the eye. liam Douglas, K.C, Donald Douglas He collected $412, after claiming to Wilson N. Robinson have removed a cataract. THOMAS DELANEY DR. E. J. HENDERSON Dentist Office, Davies Store Tuesday’szâ€"B a.m. to 9 p.m Thursday’szâ€"7 to 9 p.m. Gas Extraction at Aurora Standard Bank Building Thornhill MAPLE HOTEL Maple Every Saturday. WILLIAM COOK & coox’ HAROLD J. KIRBY T. C. NEWMAN Dr. W. Finlay DENTIST MACDONALD & BOLES Oiï¬ce Hours DENTAL LEGAL ONTARIO AD. 0178 Mr. Emerson Simmons, contractor, left at The Drayton Advocate office a peculiar curiosity in the form of a petrified mud turtle which his men discovered in the edge of a large stone which they had broken while working at a culvert in Peel. The turtle was a small one. the shell being only three inches in length and two inches in width and had petrified and become as solid as the stone itself. A new stereoscopic X-ray apparaâ€" tus is applied to drug traffickers and other smugglers in England to show exactly what articles are secreted in a human body. Certain Eskimo tribes are Said to bury a dog with a dead child that the dog might guide the child in another world. Dresden policemen have been equip- ped with roller skates to enable them to cover longer beats. Portable apparatus has been inâ€" vented to remove wall paper with steam fed through a hose to a perfor. ated plate moved over the wall. A device for utilizing the radiant energy of the sun to heat water for household uses has been invented in Miami, Fla. It is designed to be in- stalled on the roof of the house. In the Sandwich Islands the people go into mourning by knocking out their front teeth and painting the lower part of their faces black. A Frenchman has invented an at- tachment for shot guns with which darts, carrying lines and floats, can be shot into large fish. D12. Arvid Reuterdhal, a St. Paul scientist and writer, has perfected an alphabet which he believes is adapt. able for a universal language. A new cigarette has been inVthed that has a tab on one, which when pulled out supplies the necessary light A San Francisco inventor his pat- ented a new gas burning heater that can be built into the floor of a room. The highways department of On. tario has laid down an inexorable law that traction engines and other heavy vehicles of that kind are not to be moved along the paved highways of the province without having first reâ€" moved the cleats from the wheels. “Drink Canada dry," reads an ad- vertisement. Well, any number of Americans have been trying to do that Very thing this season. One hundred and fifty pupils reg- istered for the fail term at the Aur. ora high sch001 on Tuesday mornirig. Three new teachers are on the staff this year, Miss J. Smith, Miss Izzard and Miss Hewlett. A street sign in the village of Hal- ‘brite, Sask, reads: “Go Slow; Two Fools Might Meet.†I On; September lst, in. the province of Manitoba, there came’into force the "Old Age Pension Act, under the pro- visions of which every person who has reached the age of seventy years, and 'has resided twenty years in Canada, five of which must have been spent in Manitoba, will be eligible for a pen- sion, not exceeding $20 a month. West King schoolvfair will be held at Schomberg on Friday, September 17th. National taxation in Canada wi 'reduced by $19,000,000 this year. eluding ten per cent. reduction in sona] income. GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBERvBth. 1928 .-â€"â€"â€" The L all kind: printing nrnm nil! will per in I The Mission Band of the United Church will hold a sale of home-made baking on Saturday afternoon, com- nnencing at 3.30 p.m. at the home ‘of Lillian Leece. Afternoon tea will be served on the lawn. Everyone come and encourage the members of the Band by taking tea, and buying their “pies, cakes, cookies, pickles, fruit and etc.†Rev. Mr. A. McKenzie represent- ing the Lord’s Day Alliance preached in the United Church last Sunday. Mr. McKenzie is an old resident and bhurch member of this circuit and was warmly i‘eceived by old friends associates. Monday evening. The Harmonic ‘Club postponed their open meeting, which was to be held at the home of Mrs. H. Gillham. Seriosuly injured by the exp10sion of a stick of dynamite, John FaWCett, King township farm boy is lying at his home on the 5th Concession of King, and Robert Gellately, farmer is at home recovering from the effects of the explosion. The two were in the kitchen of the Gellately farmhouse, and Mr. Geilately was explaining to the boy the uses of dynamite, using a stick of the explosive in his lecture. While they Were handling the stick on the kitchen table it went off, splitting the table to smithereens, smashing articles all over the room, and seriâ€" lously injuring the two men about the ’face, chest and abdomen. Mr. Gell- lately was unware that a cap was in the stick. Mrs. J. Lamb and Mrs, W.J. Barm es who have been visiting friends here and elsewhere in Ontario, left for their homes in Manitoba and Sask. on Wednesday evening. Mrs. C. Watson is visiting friends in Richmond Hill. Owing to the heavy thunderstorms Mr. A. Wellsley has bought the house lately oceupied by Mr. D. Rawlings. Mr. and Mrs. F. Davis, of Kettleby visited with friends here, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Deer and family spent the Weekâ€"end at their‘ summe home near Lindsay. " Miss Margaret Harrison is the guest of her aunt Mrs. J. McAllister. ~ We are pleased to learn of the re~ covery of Mr. J . Fa“\:ett and Mr. and Mrs. Gilletty of their recent accident. Three billion dollars in cash and se- >curities were transferred from an old bank building to a new one in New York recently. The only precautions taken were the use of 18 steel, bullet- proof vault carsveach with five guards armed with machine guns and tear bombs, and a number of policemen aâ€" long the route carrying sawed-off shot guns. The Taoists of-China believe that continually finding fault with the weather is a sin which will be punish- ed in purgatory. Marie l Napoleon, of milk ea her health Eastem Steel Produeï¬ 52 1 year man Durham 3 mills, . Ali the Permanent Rooï¬ng for Barns, Houses, Sheds LOWin cost... comes in big sheetsâ€"easy and quick to lay. .. permanent... leak-proof. .. handsome in appearance. Pre- vents ï¬xes . . . increases value of property. Made of famous “Council Standard" galvanized sheets. Give size of roof for free estimate. Write to: Re-mof this Year with RIB-ROLL .li Zadina weighing 1 in the v Successor to M39! Shins? and e Pauline Ber 11, considered each day very KING CITY " 227771571“ puss-rem ONT. tax world *aise 732 Turkish 2 pounds *ate a of very Borghese will II this mills 1 ese, sister shower 1 important laborer is the 1 ; year from r, aged largest r of bath ‘be last WILCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LIMITED W. H. LEGGE, Manager OFFICE: RESIDENCE NIGHTS & HOLIDAYS RICHMOND HILL, TEL. 92. TELEPHONE 2 r 12. EPDNMAMZ MK When Building Enquire About The Jones Lumber Company Marbelite Brick in E?m*§hrmanw and ï¬gppeamnee - F. téprob ' 7 Canudiu ‘1“ ‘5’? . Wal boondl' Substantial gains in motoring pleasure and economy result from important mechanical advancements, such as a new Marvel carburetor, new manifolding, etc. More intriguing beauty and the much desired air of rugged compactness have been achieved by the use of smaller, smarter wheels and larger tires. Comeinandinvestigazethisamazingcarâ€"G: Maus’ lowest-priced six. 9,5 Hmmmmc‘ubwhh rummm And, beneath all its brilliance of beauty and patios. nuance, Pontiac Six is a supremely dependable car a car that sails through a wearing, tearing, day-10ng drive and ï¬nishes with the same spirited freshness with which it started the trip. ODAY’s Pontiac Six is the most impressive example of value-giving in the whole history of zinc low-priced Richmond Hill A Handgom!‘ Btf/gleetl on Home Cohsï¬â€™fuction S. A. BARRACLOUGH Containing valuable suggestions on home_ planning with Gyproc, Rocboard and lnsulex. Write for it. CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED - MANUFACTURED BY For Sale By The Liberal plant is equipped to do all kinds of commercial and general printing and can attend to all ordeu promptly and at reasonable prices. Richmond Hill, Ont. OF. CANADA. m Ontario Pâ€"8-9~I‘C 45mm