Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1928, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR USED ; CAR BARGAINS! 1926 FORD FORDOR. justlike new. $375.00 Two 1927 FORD TUDOR. $325.00 1929 FORD TUDOR. $225.00 1925 CHEVROLET TOURINGâ€" Balloon tires. THREE FORD TOURINGS, Starter, overhauled, license. FORD TOURINGâ€"Good tires, with winter We are now in position to make immediate delivery of the New Ford on all models except Fordor Sedans & Trucks. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS C. Swanson 8: F. Cox We’ll put it in first-class running order for you in less time than you expect, and charge less than you’d expect us to. Just give us a chance to sur- prise you with our service and prices. We have experts who KNOW what ails your car and how to set it right“ We deal also in the best oils and gasoline. Generator, Starter and Ignition Parts :1 Specialty. TRY US OUT ! LITTLE BROS. Ford Sales and Service. Richmond Hill â€"â€" â€" â€"â€" â€"â€" 1 When Your Car Is In Bad Shape Call On Us ! L-O-T-U-S Lâ€"Aâ€"W-N $25.00 additional prize by G. H. Glenn if Win- ner secures coupon at this store; $15 additional prize if second prize Winner; $10 for third. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Easy and Interesting. “Lotus Lawn How many words can you make from the letters in GLENN’S DRUG STORE Richmond Hill â€" Ontario See our Window Display In Connection With This Contest Full particulars, Rules and Entry Forms may be obtained at this store. Glenn’s Drug StOI‘E top. TERMS. Lotus Lawn is the finest quality of linen finished Stationery pro- curable at Populaf Prices. For particulars and entry Han/{s enquire of WORD CONTEST ihéy appear in the 3 Yet. words Lotus Lawn is the finest quality . 7, 9f linen finished Stationery pro- curable at Popular Prices. {Start To-day r , 1- ,l___ _._J “.1-.. Llnnlw Have you entered the Tel. 69 Ontario CULVERT ON FOURTH CONCES- SION IS IN BAD SHAPE A veritable death trap has been set mast of the summer for the traveling public in the road culvert on the four- th between lots thirty and thirty one. That no serious accident has occurred may be attributed to the fact that traffic slows up to make the short turn. For months two large holes have been opened and for the past fortnight a third one in the centre of the roadway yawns to wreck the mot- orist. Many motorists have uttered ‘high sounding words when suddenly ‘halted when their car dropped into the ‘trap. Despite the fact that the counâ€" ty councillors have been notified, still the defect goes unremedied. An enormous crop of corn, of good quality is being harvested on our line. At present the corn stands fairly erect and the ground is in ideal condition "for the task. The Junior Women’s Institute visi- ted the Institute of Wexford on Wed- nesday afternoon and report a pleas- ant and profitable meeting there. The Young People‘s League are lookihg forward to a good meeting on Sunday evening. The meeting is in charge of Mr. Frank Brumwell. He has been fortunate in securing Dr. Stewart of Markham to give the ad- dress and Mr. Arthur Thompson, of Thornhill to assist in the musical part {of the program. Some twenty or thirty of our young people enjoyed the corn roast on Mon~ day evening at the home of Miss Dor- othy Valliere. \ A few have their corn ready for the next roast and their mouths are watering for the weiners. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and Master Alfred attended the Devins family gathering ’at Woodbridge last Saturday. Messrs Cecil Nichols, Murray Aviâ€" son. Gerald Lyons, Misses A. Avison and M. Klinck visited the Chapman’s at Colgan last Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Doner and two daughters Misses Helen and Gladys of Gormley, visited with Mrs. Wm. Den- nie of the fourth line on Monday aftâ€" ernoon. ‘. Mrs. E. McCron, of Toronto, is visi- ting with her sister Mrs. Wm. Dennic of Gormley for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George McCron, of Toronto, visited with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dennie, of Gormley on Sunday. TWO JUSTICES OF THE PEACE HERE The appointment of a magistrate‘ in [Richmond Hill recalls the fact that the town has had two Justices of the a [peace Mr. John Sanderson has been 'active for a number of years and Mr. John H. Dunlop was appointed a Jus- ‘tice of Peace during the regime of the ‘Iate Sir James Whitney. Mr. L.B. Heise, Mg. and Mrs. W.B. Heise and Miss Stella Heise spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Keys, of Colborne, Ontario. Mr. Charles Hill attended the C.N E. on Wednesday last. ALBERTA COALâ€"We have a good supply of the best grade of Alberta Coal at the Elevator. LETTERS can only be used as Mten as Victoria Square HE LIBERAL. 21mm) HILL, ONTARIO ASSOCIATION MEETING, The regular monthly meeting of the East Vaughan Ratepayers Association will be held on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, in the Basement of Richvale APPOINTED ROGERS BATTERY- LESS DEALER W. G. Baldock Limited have been appointed dealers in this district for the famous Rogers Batteryless radios. There are many new features on this popular machine this year. See an- nouncement elsewhere in this issue. Community Church, every member is urged to be present. Success again rewarded the efforts of L.F. Bagg in the commercial claSS- es for Asters at the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition, when he carried off 7 prizes out of 8 entries. He won first prize in the first week for a display of Asters of 150 square feet and 2 third prizes for 2 baskets of Asters of 36 blooms in each of separate colors. TSecond week for display of Asters 150 square feet, second prize and 3 third prizes for 3 baskets of Asters, with 36 blooms each of separate colors. Saturday, September 22â€"Credit auction sale of 80 Milch Cows, For- ward Springers and YoungbCattIe, the property of L.H. Clement, Richmond Hill, at Lot 52, Con. 1, Markham, Yonge Street, known as the Fahey Es- tate, one quarter of a mile north/ of Elgin Mills. Also a number of good breeding ewes, brood sows, and shoats and I Belgian Colt. Terms, six monâ€" ths credit on approved joint notes, six per cent per annum off for cash. J. T.‘ Saigeon, Auctioneer, Friday, September 21â€"Auction sale of farm stock and implements, perch- eron horse, and fifty head of store cat- tle yearlings and two year olds, the property of William Thomas, at. Oak Ridges, 3 miles south of Aurora, >Yonge Street. Sale at 1 o’clock. No Reserve. F. Silversides, Auctioneer. Wednesday, September 26â€"Aucti0n ‘sale of household furniture etc., the propexty of Major R.J. Blaney, com- Ser Trench and Richmond Streets, Rich- ‘mond Hill. Terms cash. Sale at 1 o’clock standard time. J .T. Saigeon, vAuctioneer. Wednesday. September 19â€"Auction sale of household furniture, Ford Se- dan, Pool Table etc.’ the property of Mrs. O.E. Bristow, Teston, commencâ€" ing at 1 o’clock sharp. Terms cash. J.T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Thursday. September 27â€"Credit ‘Auction sale of 30 Fresh Milch Cows and Forward Springers, the property 'of Colin Sheardown, lot 2, con. 11, King, 2 miles south of Bolton. 12 ‘lmonths credit. J.T. Saigeon, Auct. The Liberal Job Printing depart- ment is equipped to take care of the Printing for your Auction Sale. Bring in your list and we will gladly assist with the arrangement of your bills and advertising. Finest quality Print. ring and the best service at the right “price is our motto. IN THE MATTER of the Sale by GEORGE E. HISEY, of the Village of ’I‘hornhill, in the County of York, But- cher, of his stock-in-trade, fixtures, and chattels. NOTICE is hereby given that Cred- itors and others having claims against the above-mentioned GEORGE E. HISEY, are required, on or about the 7First day of October 1928 to send post prepaid or to deliver to the undersign- ed Trustee full particulars of their claims duly verified and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, af- ter which said date the Trustee will proceed to distribute the proceeds of the said sale pursuant to the terms of “the said Act, having regard only to those claims of which he shall then ‘have received notice. ‘ DATED September 8th, 1928. . JOSEPH EDWARD FRANCIS 0-: n nu; u» ..... WE PAY HI‘ I HENS, GE And all sorts A. I R. R. 2, ll Phone FoR RENTâ€"Six Elizabeth Strt moderate rent Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"Eig room suite. Richmond Hill ‘FOR SALEâ€"â€"On } $15. Apply , Hill. wnp DENTâ€"Na Trustee, We will offer each week one Phone 303 EXTRA FOR SALEâ€"1 SPECIAL BARGAIN This week we offer finest quality PRESERVING KETTLES at greatly reduced prices. WON PRIZES FOR ASTERS AT C. N. E. C. N." COOPER HARDWARE Richmond Hill SALE REGISTER Second Hand Cook Stove In Good Condition BULK SALES ACT HALF PRICE HARDWARE ALUMINUM Thornhill, Ontario untario FOR SALEâ€"Fresh honey, deliuered anywhere in the vicinity of Richâ€" mond Hill, 5 pound pails, 65 cents, 10 pound pails $1.25. 50 pound pails or more 12 cents per pound. Apply John McGillivray, R. R. Richmond Hill, Phone King 1607. FOR SALEâ€"100 acre farm, first class land, good buildings, one and one quarter miles from Yonge Street, in Whitchurch Township; farm never rented, owner retiring, a bargain for quick sale. Apply box 237, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"60 foot picket fence, 3% feet high in good condition. Apply N.J. Smellie_ Thornhill, Phone 42-j. FOR SALEâ€"A comfortable semi-de- tached 6 roomed house on Arnold St electric light, hard and soft water. Apply W.H, Pugsley, Richmond Hill, Phone 156â€"W. FOR SALEâ€"Jersey cow. Apply Bert Woods, top 18, Yonge Street, Thornhill. v FOR SALEâ€"3 Belguim hare rabbits, Apply at Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"Happy Thought range, with waterfront. Coal or wood. Mrs. Carter, Church St, Phone 82â€"‘VI Richmond Hill. FOR SALE-â€"Good 50 acre farm in 1 Markham TownshipJ in good state of cultivation for further particul- l ars apply Box 99, Liberal Office or Telephone 30-W, Richmond Hill. lIFOR SALEâ€"0.0.M. Cleveland Bi- cycle, double forks, and in first ‘ class condition, reasonable price, Apply telephone RichmOnd Hill 59. FOR SALEâ€"Three young Holstein bulls, fit for service, from tested COWS with R.0.P. records. R.E. Sanderson. lot 24, rear 4th con., Markham. WANTEDâ€"A girl for dining and some kitchen work. good remuner- ation. Ap 1y by letter or person to box 12 L beral Office. lFOR SALEâ€"Farm horse, good work- er, cheap. Apply Kettlewell Green Lane. 11/2 miles east of Thornhill. FOUNDâ€"A quantity of tobacco, ownâ€" er may have same by paying for this advertisement and proving property Apply box 28, Liberal Office. TOURIST HOMES WANTEDâ€"Part- ‘ies willing to rent spare bed rooms, or camping space to tourists for bal- ance of this season or for year 1929 Should write now for particulars, serving meals optional, give locat- ion, etc. Universal Tourist Service 64 Wharncliffe Rd. N. London, Ont. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGnMAKI! THE MOST OF IT” RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first it sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. FOR RENTâ€"Six roomed hou‘Se on Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill, moderate rent. Apply Box 114 Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"Eight piece oak dining room suite. Apply Phone 178 ER SALEâ€"â€"One milking goat, price $15. Apply Box 22, Richmond Hill. FOR RENTâ€"House six rooms and basement, electric light, near Yonge Street $15.00 per month. Apply J. E. Francis, Thomhill, Phone 303. VETERANS OF FEDERAL RIDING OF NORTH YORK A special meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Richmond Hill on September 18th. All Veter- ans are requested to be present at 8 o’clock. Geo. Masters, Secretary Treasurer. UNITED CHURCH REV. W. E. BAKER, Pastor {11 a.mâ€"â€"â€"Four Safe Guards of the Christian Life. 2.30â€"â€"Sunday School 7.30 p.m.â€"-The Joy of the Spiritual Life. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR HENS. GEESE, DUCKS And all sorts of Farm Produce A. DYME, R. R. 2, Maple Ontario Phone Maple 2962 )R SALEâ€"1927 Chevrolet coach, sold by us less than one year ago. This car is in beautiful condition and is an exceptional buy. Phone us for particulars. W.G. Baldock Limited. Classifieci Advertising Thornhil] THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 1928 FOR SALEâ€"Grey Percheron team. mare and gelding, weighing about 3100 pounds, a real pair for any kind of hard work. Jones Lumber Company. FOR SALEâ€"Collie pups, two dollars each, also one good driving horse. Apply to S. Hands, lot 6, con. 5, Markham. FOR SALEâ€"One fifteen foot hay rack, forty inch bolsters; also a quantity of sash in stock sizes. Sin- clair Planing Mill, Thornhill, Ont. l I FOR SALEâ€"One and three-quarter acres on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, with frame two storey eight room dwelling on stone foundation, in first class condition, hot air heat- ing, electric light, water, stable and factory building, constant running stream through property. Ideal for poultry farm. Price $5000.00. Terms arranged. Apply J.J. McLennan, 15 King W, Toronto, or J.H. Innes, Richmond Hill, phone 197. FOR SALE â€" Goldcoin seed wheat on lot 11, concession 4, Markâ€" ham. John Boyington. FOR SALEâ€"Nine piece fumed oak dining room suite. 1 cabinet singer sewing machine, both in A-l con- dition. fipply William Fisher, Rus- tic Inn, Richmond Hill. HAIRDRESSING â€"â€" Marcel]ng and etc., Mrs. Russell. Centre St, West, Phone 178. FOR SALEâ€"Toronto windâ€"mil], 30 ft tower and pump. Apply Stop 30, Yonge Street. OF VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT" IN THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mortgage from Mary Mahoney, wife of Alfred Maâ€" honey to William Thompson, which said Mortgage was assignedto Caro- line Jean Thompson and George Al-- bert Thompson, and which mortgage and assignment will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on SATUR- lDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1928, at the hour of 3 o’clock in the afternoon, on :the said premises, being the south side of Centre Street, East, Richmond Hill, by John T. Saigeon, auctioneer, the following valuable property, being house and lot on the south side of Centre Street, East, in the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York and more particularly described as follows.~â€"In the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, and being part of Lot Number 47, in the First Concessiâ€" ton, in the Township of Markham, conâ€" ltaining by admeasurement one half a an acre and which parcel or tract of land is more particularly described as follows:â€"Commencing at a point in the southerly limit of said lot Number 47, at a distance of twelve chains, twentyâ€"one links from the south-west ‘angle of said lot Number 47, measured Jeasterly along said limit; Thence knorth nine degrees west parallel to \the easterly limit of Yonge Street, hfour chains eighty-three links more or 1655 to the southerly limit of Centre Street as laid out on a map of the Village of Richmond Hill, prepared by 'Peter S. Gibson, and filed in the Reg- |istry Office for the County of York, 'on the 25th day of September, 1880; Thence west along the said southerly limit of Centre Street, one chain, three links; Thence south parallel to the easterly limit of Yonge Street four chains eighty-three links to the south- erly limit of the said Lot Number 47; iThence east along the last mentioned limit one chain three links to the place of beginning. On'the said property is said to be erected a frame house. There is also an orchard on the said premises. The property will be offered for Sale subject to a reserved bid. TERMS:â€"Ten per cent. of the pur- chase price as a deposit at the time of sale, and the balance in t ' days. For further terms and copditions o lsale apply to NAUGHTON & JEN KINS, 85 Richmond Street, West, T0 ronto, 2, Solicitors for the Mortgagee Dated at Toronto, this 7th day 0 September, 1928. ‘ Paperhanger and Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year‘s Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 1 ring 5. \‘7. J. R [<le Mortgage Sale

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