Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Sep 1928, p. 3

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Elocutionist “HOMEWOOD HALL”, THORNHILL A. C. HENDERSON J THORNHILL. ONTARIO PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and Willowdale 69 HUdson 8679-W Stop 5, Yonge Street. Lansing MAPLE ...yn.,...-.._ _, . All trucks Insured for Public Liabil- ty and property damaged. WRIGHT & TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices Atâ€" THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will uccept a number of pupils in Piano. organ and Theory. Mahmoud mu - hid}? and Saturday FREDERICK M. POLLETT Pupil 0f Ernest Seitz Conservatory Examinations Feesâ€"$20 per term (20 lessons.) Studioâ€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps. Richmond Streetâ€"Phone 13W. J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage snlicited We are prepared to conduct. sales of every denription. Farms and farm stock sales a lpocillty. Farms bought nnd sold on commis- Iion. All sales attended to on shortest notice, and conducted by the most unmoved methods. l DR. J. P. WILSON Office hours: 9 to 11 am. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Office: Centre and Church Sts.. Richmond Hill . Phone 24. BONDS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE LOANS J. R. HERRINGTON FINANCIAL AGENT (Professionél Graduate Smily Studio) The Liberal is recognized as one of the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. DR. LILLIAN 0. LANGS'I‘AFFâ€" (Disenses of women and children1 Omce hours: 1: 3 pm. Phone 100 Ionge St. JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner 35 Years' Practical Experience 878 Beresford Avenue. West Toronto ‘ Lyndhurst 2821 Telephone Glenn’s Drug Store. Rich- mond Hill, for appointment North Yonze St. - Richmond Hi“ DR. ROLPH L LANGSTAFFâ€"T DR. CHARLES S. DUNNING Exnrvss and Long Distance Moving 4 Sand and Gravel Delivered Dumn Trucks for Hire ‘ By Hour or Contract 1 Telenhone 15335 fifwis‘u‘am CALDWELL CARTAGE AND EXPRESS Plowing and Garden Work Sand and Gravel. Concrete Work. Oflice Hoursâ€"8 to 10 am. 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 l‘elephone 3 PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol SL, K. G. Prentice. Milliken. Toronto. Hud.1347W. _ Office hours Poyntz Ava, Lansing. Willow. 140. Office hours: 12-115; 6-7.15. Capitol Bldg., Yonge St. Hud. 1133; Rand. 2121. Office hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7.30-9. BERT HUMPHREY FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMERS New Limousine Ambulances TELEPHONE VOL. LI. Marguerite qule JOHN R. CA MPBELL WILSON’S CARTAGE I STONEHOUSE ADELMO MELECCI DRS. LANGSTAFF Veterinary Surgeon THOR NHlLL Professional And Buisiness Directory MUSICAL OAK RIDGES General Repairs BUSINESS $1.50 PER YEAR Phone 87, Richmond Hill. MEDICAL .7 Friday and Saturday MRS. MYLKS MAPLE 6:10 am. and 6:8 p.111 ONTARIO Owen A. MCGUIRE, Bartlett“. Solicitors, ltc. (William Cook F. Gordon Cook Toronto Ofice: 816 Federal Building. 8:“: Richmond St. Welt Richmond Hill Office (Liberal Office) over) Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursdly after noon. Woodbridge. Saturday anernoun. Monev to loan at Current Rate AD. 0177 A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON BARRISTER 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Street: Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4-879 MAPLE Toronto Office, 18 Toronto St., Phone, ELGIN 1887 Richmond Hill, Thursday afternoons Office, A. Mill’s Showrooms, East side of Yonge Street, Immediately south of Hill’s Garage Phone Richmond Hill 1 2 5 Money to loan at current rates Gwiilimbury. . . Walters. Jenkins. ResL P1103§.H111. 5048.. At the North York townshlp rural Barrister, Solicitdr, Etc. â€" Toronto Ofl‘ice â€" Queen and Bay-â€"opposite City Marining Chambers, Corner of Hal. Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. I Rooms 503 Northérn Ontario Bldg.“ cor. Adelaide and Bay Sts., Toronto. ‘ William Douglas, K.C, Donald Douglas Wilson N. Robinson Money to loan. Dentist . Office: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 Manning Arcade. formerly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Delany Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 1207 Northern Building 330 Bay Street â€"- Toronto Richmond Hill, Tuesday Afternoons Office, Yonge St, one door South of Hill's Garage All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Remix- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge St. Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Talephoue Adelaide 2108 Omens: 85 Richmond St. West. Toronto Naughton Block. Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora. Richmond Hill} Aing. ‘Whitchurch, Markham and North Tclephon e BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PU BLLC FRIDAY, 1.30 P.M. TO 8 P.M. Office hours 9 am. to 5 pm. Evenings by Appointment. Telephone 80 Dr. M. J. QUIGLEY DENTIST NAUGHTON & JENKINS J. Hurry DR. E. J. HENDERSON Dentist I Office, Davies Store Tuesday’szâ€"9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday’szâ€"7 to 9 p.m. Gas Extraction at Aurora Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Hon. W.H. McGuire, Vincent C. MacDonald L.S.B. James A. Boles, B.A. Adelaide and Victoria Ste. 0177 Toronto AD. ( DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS & ROBINSON Standard Bank Building Thornhill THOMAS DELANEY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 2135 Yonge Street Toronto. HYLAND 1898 and 1900 MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY WILLIAM COOK & COOK Maple Every Saturday. T. C. NEWMAN Standard Bank Building. Boot and Shoe Repairer. CAMPBELL LINE HAROLD J. KIRBY DR. L. R. BELL Dr. W. Finlay MAPLE HOTEL Telephoneâ€"Maple 3 DENTAL [Il‘llgixiglitogrkeis Slain Mills, Res. Phone 127.2 MACDONALD & BOLES Office Hours GEO. KIDD LEGAL DENTIST ONTARIO Elgin 7712 AD. 0178 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27%, 1928 on Co. trophy for the pupil winning lthe highest number of points was aâ€" warded to\ Nelson Starling of Zion Behool, School Section No. 12. Miss 'Elsie Lemon, Newmarket, is his teacâ€" ‘her. Birdie Perry of Lansing school 'was second. There were 1,300 entr- ies in the fair and 1,500 persons at- tended. Roy Crosby, secretary of the Mark- ham Fair, has mailed to hundreds of prominent breeders and live stock men throughout the province the prize list just issued, and said to contain largely increased grants. In the rac- ing program alone more than $1,300 \is offered for competition and the boftball and horseshoe contests re- )present generous awards. All over the county, and generally over the province, there is great sat- ‘isfaction at the recent rains which have been of inestimable benefit to the farmers and dairymen in particu- lar. Late pastures and root crops will be immensely benefited, the only drawback to the general rejoicing be- ing in the delay which will be occasi- oned to the harVesting of buckwheat and the second crop of alfalfa. Fall [plowing will be greatly facilitated. Violet and Marguerite Fly'nn, daugh- ‘ters of Mr. and Mrs. J. Flynn, of Lansing, pupils of St, Edward’s sep- aratm school, Lansing, are budding 'young orators. At the North York {school fair Violet was proclaimed {champion public speaker and Margueâ€" “rite won first prize in the contest for junior public speaking. She captured the same prize last year. ' Premier Mackenzie King, of Canada is touring Italy, accompanied by Hon. P.C. Larkin, Canadian High Commis- sioner in London. The Premier will return to Geneva for a few days heâ€" Fore leaving for Paris to attend the opening of the. Canadian Legation, on \October 1. Later he will spend about a week in England, but his only Speaking engagement is a dinner to be tendered by the Canada Club. school fair in Willowdale, the T. Eat- The number of applications for \loans from farmers received by the Ontario agricultural development board to the 4th of this month totals \10,351 and the number of loans made lis 7005. During the fiscal year the anns ‘to farmers increased from $12,- 191,375 to $15,531,360. Repayments in the year amounted to $700,000. The North York Plowmen’s Associ- ation will hold their fifth annual plow- ing match on the farm of Levi Burk- holder, lot 24, con. 9, Markham, on Tuesday, October 30th. Mr. Burk- holder’s farm is a little over 4 miles from Markham, and about the same distance from Stouffville. When fire broke out in the barns of Basil Fierheller, of Whitchurch Town- ship, about 8 o’clock last Thursday night, it completely gutted the build- ings with a total loss of the season’s crops. The blaze was the most spectacular seen for some time, light- ing up the territory for a radius of ,lfive miles from the conflagration. Efforts of the neighbors saved the farm house and outbuildings from deâ€" struction, but nothing could be done to save the barns. x Ontario fruit growers are trying out 'the British market with shipments of \early variety of plums and it is hoped 1’that: the experiment will lead to sub- l'stantial development of trade. Every motor driver in Ontario is 01855 from LaSkfly, Saturday after- asked by the new Bureau of Com- ‘noon 2.30 at the parsonage. A full plants of the provincial department, attendance of the members is request- of highways to send in reports of vioâ€" 6d- Jations of the highway traffic act. Persistent offenders Who are thus re- Doubtful Instruction rported are going to be summoned and Daughter: Mother, do you want punished. The cards are now avail- me to put the parrot on the back :able at all police stations and at the porch? Ioffices of the motor vehicles branch - Mother: Positively not! Your fath- in many towns and cities throughout‘er is repairing the car in the back i Ontario. yard.â€"-Ex. “Dawn”, the motion picture repre- ‘sentation of Nurse Cavell’s tragic 'career in the great war, is not likely *to be exhibited in Ontario theatres. Rev. J.H. Edmison, D.D., secretary bf the home mission board of tile United church, passed away after a short illness. Dr. Manning, chairman of the board, died a few weeks ago. GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS The seventy-fourth anniversary of {I‘emperanceville United church was (observed with fitting services last {Sunday. Graduation exercises of the York )County hospital will be held in the Town Hall, Newmarket toâ€"night. Mrs. Thos. Klian was dressinng a chicken one day last week when she made a discovery which would put to route any of those have read in the southâ€"east corner of the Globe. This particular bird which was being pre- pared for the table gave forth no less than sixteen eggs from the egg pouch Eleven of them were of good size, and encased in a thick skin, ready to be deposited in the nest so soon as a grit shell was put on them. The remain- ing five were smaller, but when Mrs. Klinck got through she had a nice ,bowl of eggs that she had not antici. pated getting.â€"â€"Stouffville Tribune, The late potato crop in the vicinity of Ballantrae is said to have been quite seriously affected by the recent frosts, although the early tubers were not injured as indicated by the good crop reports. Job Jordon received 140 bags off a scant half acre and it is interesting to note that plants on .this acreage were completely frozen off early last spring. The tubers were planted in April, but the frosts certainly did them no harm. The annual meeting of the North York Teachers Institute will be held in the County Council chambers, Torâ€" onto, on Thursday and Friday, Octob- er 4th and 5th, Rev. H.T. Cyossley an oldresident of this village, accompanied by the Rev. Crossley Hunter, called on friends here last Saturday. About 2.30 a.m. one morning, Mr. Ham of the 9th line of Markham was awakened by the squawking of chick- ens, and suspecting chicken thieves at work he jumped up and lighted a lamp and hustled outside with a shot gun. The thieves became frightened for they dropped two bags of chickens they had reached the road with and ran to a car they had parked further down and made their get-away. Who says King City is off the map? What about: the Bank robbery of last Friday? Rally Day Service was held in the United church Sunday evening. The {church was filled with the children and friends. The floral decorations were beautiful. The Rev. er. Halâ€" bert, pastor of the church was in charge of the service. George Shell, Aurora, died last Thursday in his 73rd year. He is survived by Mrs. Shell. The funeral was held on Saturday and interment followed in Cober’s cemetery, 3rd con- cession of Vaughan. The Horticultural SOCiety met in the Orange Hall, September 19, to talk over business and arrange for meetings during the next three monâ€" I ths. A socjal hour was spent after l the meeting, cake and‘ice cream being ‘ served to members and their friends. I A number from King attended the funeral of the late Mr. L. W'ellar, of Nobleton. Mr. Wellar was a. well known and highly respected citizen. The Rev. Mr. Miller had charge of the service at the home, while the Orange IfBl’ethren took 'charge of the service at :the cemetery. Two sons, Milton of .Toronto, and Howard at home are left to mourn the loss of a splendid father. class from ‘noon 2.30 a attendance 0 ed. A number of Dr. D.R. Piette’s pu- pils went to Toronto last Saturday to :try their musical examinations. The results will not be out fdr some time, but we all join in wishing them sucâ€" CCSS The mystery clu‘o held a corn roast in Benson’s flats last Saturday night. ‘Although the evening was very cool, the young people turned out well and all report a good time. The Mission Band is entertaining a class from Laskay, Saturday after- ‘noon 2.30 at the parsonage. A full attendance of the members is request- KING CITY Fiep'of Wal;board OFFICE: RICHMOND HILL, TEL. 92. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY WILCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LIMITED W. H. LEGGE, Manager When Building Enquire About WE BUY YOUR STOCK FROM STOCK PURCHASED FROM US. The Jones Lumber Company RICHMOND HILL MOTORS C. Swanson 8: F. Cox Agnew Fox & Fur Co. OFFERS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR IN THEIR CHINCHILLA RABBITS. Marbelite Brick TRY US OUT ! We’ll put it in first-class running order for you in less time than you expect, and charge less than you’d expect us to. Just give us a chance to sur- prise you with our service and prices. We have experts who KNOW what ails your car and how to set it right. We deal also in the best oils and gasoline. Generator, Starter and Ignition Parts 3. Specialty. WE SELL ONLY FROM OUR PRIZE \VINNING STRAIN When Your Car 13 in Bad Shape Call On Us I Yonge Street, Richmond Hill (OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SATISFIED) ONE CUSTOMER MADE $500.00 FROM FIVE DOES IN ONE YEAR S. A. Barraclough, London, Ontario MANUFACTURED BY For Sale By RESIDENCE NIGHTS & HOLIDAYS TELEPHONE 2 r 12 The Liberal plant is equipped to do all kinds of commercial and general printing and can attend to all orders promptly and at reasonable prices. Our Representative in this Distriét Richmond Hill, Ont. Richmond Hill, Ont. PRINTING Tel. 69

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