The Women's Missionary Society of the United church will meet in the Sunday School room on Thursday, 0c- tober 4th at 3 o’clock. Mrs. (Rev.) T.R. White, of Aurora will give the address. All ladies of the congre- gation are invited to hear this very able speaker. PAGE FOUR . ‘_ . OR WITH ' R a d l 0 BATTERIES UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. 30 30 31 32 34 30 TIRE BARGAINS Our Entire Stock Must Go To Make Room For Our Radios In order to clear them out We have marked prices down to Wholesale cost. An excellent opportunity. for everyone in this district to to secure Tires of Guaranteed quality at Sen= sational Savings. Every Tire carries Fire- stone Guarantee unless otherwise stated. Sale Saturday, Sept. 22 to Sat., Sept. 29 Inclusive Sale Only One Week x 3!",- Oversize . . . . . . . . . . S x 3'/z Oversize, heavy duty . x 3% Firestone Courier, L'n- guaranteed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Commercial . . . . . . . . 440 Firestone, Olfield . 440 Firestone, Red Cord 500 4| Enjoy yourself like a King! Gigantic Clearance of Tires NCE upon a time only royalty and millionaires dined to sweet music! Dinner music is now available daily from many stations! Just aï¬ne beginning for the hours of music, speechesâ€"the whole marvellous wealth of enjoyment, yours' every evening with FADA! But even the cheapest radios claim these joys. Yes. they do, but FADA fulï¬ls them! No fussing and tinkerâ€" ing to coax in far away stations with the particular program you want. FADA long range captures your program every timeâ€"brings it in clear and loudâ€"no overlapping- no noisesâ€"just sweet, pure music as natural as life. There are sound enâ€" gineering reasons why FADA is years ahead in all essentials of radio today! We will gladly explain them. Hear FADA! We won’t ask you to buy. We leave that to FADA! It will convince you! See our beautiful FADA table and consolemodels, $95 to $5 00. Richmond Hill HALL’S Service Station “Firestone S 9.00 A rink of local bowlers attended the mixed tournament held at Newmarket on Tuesday aktemoon: and captured the third prize after‘Winning three games. The personnel of the rink was, Mrs. E. T. .Stephens, E. T. Step- hens, Mrs. N.J. Glass, A. E. Glass, skip. 10.25 13.50 14.50 20.75 23.00 WON PRIZE AT NEWMARKET Hall’s Service Station North Yonge Street Phone 153 Richmond Hill 31 Worth Coming For Miles .D X x 500 x 500 x 440 FADA 30â€"All Electric FADA 10â€"All Electric Ontario TheiYoung Women’s Aggxiliary of the United Church, Richmond Hill will hold their opening meeting- at the home of Miss Verdella Doner on 'Tues- day evening, October 2nd at 8 o’clock sharp. Mrs. W.W. Trench will give an address and there will be special music. A hearty invitation is exten- ded to all. Builtvin Speaker 15.75 14.10 13.10 22.50 16.20 14.75 21.10 22.90 19.50 Y. W. A. MEETING THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 812]: EtVAUGHAN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL \ Thursday, September 27â€"Credit 'Auction sale of 30 Fresh Milch Cows ‘and Forward Springers, the property of Colin Sheardown, lot 2, con. 11, \King, 2 miles south of Bolton. 12 months credit. J.T. Saigeon, Auct. The regular October meeting of the jVaughan Township council will be held in the Township hall, Vellore, on lTuesday, October 2 at 11 o’clock, for (the transaction of general business. REGRETS LACK OF YOUNG MEN IN THE CHURCH Editor Liberal Dear Sir,â€" I thought that a line in your valu- able paper would draw attention to a condition which I think is a serious one and which I have considered a great deal lately. I refer, Sir, to the absence of young perle, particularly young men in our churches. We can all remember in past year when they were so prominent in the church; now we see only a very few and perhaps none at all. Now Mr. Editor these same young men will some day be leaders in bus- iness and in civic and public affairs. They will be heads of households and fathers of families. What kind of fathers will they make? Now Mr. Editor I think a great deal of respon- sibility rests with the parents to see that children grow up with a love and respect for the church. I also think this is the greatest problem of the church and should be given atten- tion before foreign missions. Thank- ing' you. Toronto will revert to standard time at midnight on Saturday, Sep- tember 29. Local municipalities whiâ€" ch have adopted daylight saving and have not already done so will also put back the hands of the clock one hour. Monday, October 1stâ€"Horses, catt- le, hogs, farm implements, belongâ€" ing to J.T. Whitty, one mile east of Wilcox Lake on the 3rd. No reserve. 12 months credit. Sale at one. Sil- versides & Farmer, Auctioneers. Thursday, October Aukâ€"Auction sale of household furniture etq., the prop- erty of Mrs. Miller, Elizabeth St. St. Richmond Hill. Sale at 2 p.m. J.T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Thursday, October 4thâ€"Credit auc- tion sale Jersey cows and heifers, mostly fresh and springers. The property of E. G. Reesor, lot 4, con. 5, Scarboro. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Pren. tice and Prenti‘ce, Auctioneers. Friday, October Sâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, impleménts and milk cows the property of 0.L. Stewart, lot 70, stop 39A Yonge Street. Sale at 1 o’clock. No reserve. F. Silversides, Auctioneer. The regular monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held on Tuesday. October 2nd, at 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. A.E. Plewman. The meet- ing will be held under the auspices of the Mother’s Department, Mrs. 'Alex- ander MacGregor, of‘Toronto, one of our most active temperance workers will speak on a subject of particular interest to all mothers. Ladies of the community cordially invited. Do- nations of framed pictures suitable for children will be received, which are to be sent to the Orange Orphan- age. The regular October Meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore, on IN THE MATTER of the Sale by GEORGE E. HISEY, of the Village of Thornhill, in the County of York, But- cher, of his stock-inâ€"trade, fixtures, and chattels. NOTICE is hereby given that Cred- itors and others having claims against the above-mentioned GEORGE E. HISEY, are required, on or abeut the ‘First day of October 1928 to send post preI Vaughan Township 11 a.m. for the transaction of general business. Maple, Ont., Sept. 27th, 1928 J. B. McLEAN, Clerk Tuesday, Oct. 2nd Letters From The People 2 SALE REGISTER JOSEPH EDWARD d or to deli STANDARD TIME BULK SALES ACT W. C. T. U. deliver t full part INTERESTED ONE FRAN he natur ‘l‘slg'n- FOR SALEâ€"% doz. dining chairs; 1 parlor cook stove, “Art Huron,†1 Oak heater; 1 Reed rocking chair; 1 Reed arm chair. Apply Liberal Office, Box 21. FOR SALEâ€"Sun Light range, water- front, good as new, apply to Box 5, Liberal Office. - FOR SALEâ€"Alladin lamp, nickle, in first claSS shape, apply phone 4703. Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"1923 Ford Sedan, shock absorbers, sun Visor, chains, engine cover, in good repair, very cheap. Apply E. Elliott, Eaton Poultry Farm, stop 15, Yonge St.. Thornhill Phone 65. WANTEDâ€"T0 RENT around the FOUNDâ€"Gentleman’s club bag on Yonge st near city limits owner may have same by proving p‘roperty and paying for this advertisement. Ap- ply Mrs. I. McQuarrie, Maple, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"3 roomed ,cottage, on Centre Street, east, must be moved I from its present location, price right. Apply Jones Lumber 00., Richmond Hill, Ont, phone 27. FOR SALE or RENTâ€"Six roomed house and two acres of land, at E1- FOR SALEâ€"100 acre farm, first class land, good buildings, one and one quarter miles from Yonge Street, in Whitchurch Township; farm never rented, owner retiring, a bargain for quick sale. Apply box 237, Richmond Hill. SEALED tenders, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender for additions and alterations Customs Ex- amining Warehouse, Oshawa, Ont.,†will be received until 12 o‘clock mon, Friday, October 5, 1928, for additions and alterations to the Customs Ex- amining Warehouse, Oshawa, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"Pangora range, one larâ€" ge fire extinguisher, both in good condition. Apply W. M. Harris, Arnold Street. FOR SALEâ€"Leader range with war- ming closet and reservoir. Apply Mrs. James Ley, Church Street, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"â€"Fresh honey, delivered anywhere in the vicinity of Rich- mond Hill, 5 pound pails, 65 cents, 10 pound pails $1.25, 50 pound pails or more 12 cents per pound. Ap 1y John McGillivray, R. R. Richm nd Hill, Phone King 1607. FOR SALEâ€"3 Rabbits, 2 bucks and 1 Flemish Giant doe. Apply Donald Smellie, Thornhi‘i, phone 42â€"J. Plans and specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of the Chief Architect, De- partment of Public Works, Ottawa, the Resident Architect, 59 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont., and the Care- taker, Post Office Building, Oshawa, Ont. Blue prints can be obtained at the office of the Chief Architect, Depart- men’c~ of Public Works, by depositing an accepted bank cheque for the sum of $20.00, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be! returned if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Railway Company will also be accepted as se- curity, or bonds and a cheque if re- quired to make up an odd amount. By order, Secretary Department of Public Works, gin Mills, immediate possession. Apply W.H. Legge, Richmond Hill first of November, 6 roomed house, conveniences, on or near Yonge St., central, adults, must be reasonable. Box 18, Richmond Hill. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--MAK11 THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst i! sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Ottawa, September 19, 1928 ST. JOHN’S CHURCH Classified Advertising Sunday, September 30th .â€"Rally Day in Sunday PARISH HALI ,e tie S. E. O'BRIEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th. 1928 1: Thanksgiving E Veninz. September ‘rcl' Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mortgage from Mary Mahoney, wife of Alfred Ma- honey to William Thompson, which said Mortgage Was assigned to Caro- line Jean Thompson and George Al- bert Thompson, and which mortgage and assignment will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered ‘for sale by public auction on SATUR- iDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1928, at the ;hour of 3 o’clock in the afternoon, on the said premises, being the south side ‘-of Centre Street, East, Richmond Hill, by John T. Saigeon, auctioneer, the ,following valuable property, being house and lot on the south side of ‘Centre Street, East, in the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York and more particularly described as ‘fOllQWSrâ€"In the Village of Richmond \Hill, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, and being part of Lot Number 47, in the First Concessiâ€" on, in the Township of Markham, con- taining by admeasurement one half an acre and which parcel or tract of land is more particularly described as followszâ€"Commencing at a point in the southerly limit of said lot Number 47, at a distance of twelve chains, twenty-one links from the south-west angle of said lot Number 47, measured easterly along said limit; Thence north nine degrees west parallel to the easterly limit of Yonge Street, kfour chains eighty-three links more or less to the southerly limit of Centre Street as laid out on a map of the Village of Richmond Hill. prepared by Peter S. Gibson, and filed in the Reg- listry Office for the County of York, ion the 25th day of September, 1880; 'Thence west along the said southerly Ilimit of Centre Street, one chain, three links; Thence south parallel to the easterly limit of Yonge Street four chains eighty-three links to the south- erly limit of the said Lot Number 47; lThence east along the last mentioned limit one chain three links to the place of beginning. ' FOR SALEâ€"Grey Pércheron team. mare and gelding, weighing about 3100 pounds. a real pair for any kind of hard work. Jones Lumber Company. FOR SALEâ€"One fifteen foot hay rack, forty inch bolsters; also a quantity of sash in stock sizes. Sin- clair Planing Mill, Thornhill, Ont; FOR SALEâ€"1927 Chevrolet coach, sold by us less than one year ago. This car is in beautiful condition and is an exceptional buy. Phone us for particulars. W.G. Baldock Limited. HAIRDRESSING â€" Marcelling and ‘ eta, Mrs. Russell, Centre St., West, Phone 178. FOR RENTâ€"House six rooms and basement, electric light, near Yonge Street $15.00 per month. Apply J. E. Francis, Thomhill, Phone 303. FOR RENTâ€"Six roamed house on Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill, moderate rent. Apply Box 114 Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"Two Daniel Incubators, 85 and 120 egg. one coal broader, 500 chick used one season, one C.G. WANTEDâ€"A number of white Mam- moth Pekin Drakes, buy or exchan’ ge. Phone Richmond Hill 45â€"32. WANTEDâ€"Experienced man wants position on farm. Apply Box 20, Liberal Office. OF VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT‘ IN THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK. FOR SALEâ€"â€"1 Bedroom rug, 9 x 9, I living room rug, 10 x 11, apply Libâ€" eral Office, Box 21. On the said property is said to be erected a frame house. There is also an orchard on the said premises. The property will be offered for sale Subject to a reserved bid. “ TEE E. 3 tube radio and 13 x 25 loud" speaker, one auto knitter, best offâ€" er on above articles. Apply R. Hall, Teston, or R.R. 1, Maple, Ont. And all sorts of Farm Produce A. DYME, WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR HENS, GEESE, DUCKS MS :â€"Ten Mortgage Sale ber price R. 2, Maple Ontario Phone Maple 2962 nd t} sof