Sr. IVâ€"Taylor Fred, Wlielan Ivan, Lumb Bert, Sayers Madge, Crean Jimmie, (Kendall Fred and Beresford .Jack equal), Davis Bob, Graham Mar- jorie and Morris Victor (equal), Cov- eyduck Ethel, Mills Joe, (Leno Doris, Rowena Elliot equal), Shields Thelma Sayers Harry, 'Hargrave Dennis, 'Granger Jack, Fish Jessie, Pritchard Charles, Wallis John, Clark Muriel, Bruno Don, Young Harold, Jenkins Harry, (Phinney Randolph, “Angle Mildred, Cecilia Rice, equal), Vanderâ€" lburg William, Patrick Audrey, Mollet Gorden. Sr. IIIâ€"Phyllis Routley, Douglas Gilbert, Nora Elliott, Walter Dale, Jack Crean, Margaret Buchanan, Pat- ricia Smith, Kathleen Cal-dwell, Marj- orie Brillinger, Tom Gillings, Ernest Brandon, Margaret White, Lillian Horton, Virginia Little, George Hawkâ€" es, Fred Urhen. Catherine Stanford, Isabelle Hon-ell, Billy Stewart, Phyll- is Fish, Jimmie Ley, May Rossf Met- ro Fortuk“, Charlie Hanson*, Fred Carter, Dick Patrick. “(missed one or more examinations). F. E. RICHARDSON, teacher Jr. IV Standingâ€"Glass Lenore 1, Russell Louise 2. Harris Norma 3, (Scrivener Marion 4, Haworth Lawrâ€" ence 4, Boyle Elinore 4 equal), Paisley Norman 7, Davis Ruth 8, Burns Mel- ville 9, Walker Elizabeth 10, Arm- strong Bruce 11, Hopper Reay 12, Innis Betty 13. ROOM II Names in order of merit Jr. IVâ€"Grace Brillinger, Jessie Angle, Queenie Urben, Tilford Hilts, Louise Armstrong, Maud Buchanan, Lloyd Reid, Leonard Harris, Audrey Grainger. Lloyd Hawkes, Eleanor Wallis, Hugh Yerex. Margaret Rum- ble. Wm. Rumble. Ethel Young, Mat. thew Henley, Josephine Lucas. Richmond Hill Public School Senior Room standing for the month of Sep- tember. Public School Reports For Months of September °=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0 0:0 0:0 ' ONWTUHMEWSUTAGE â€"andâ€" MILES and JOHNSON VOL. LI. 2 BIG ACTS 2 JOHN BOOTH in the Big Pie Eating Contest as STAGED AT LOWE’S THEATRE A ,PAQAMOUNT Pl CTuna'iâ€"ll McLaughlin-Buick COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN ‘ DISTRICT Toronto’s Own Our Gang Shows at 7&9 Monday, Oct. 8th Com‘edy “HORSE FLY†CAPITOL NEWS NOVELTY ACTS Thursday, Oct. 4th. Friday, Oct. 5th, Saturday, Oct. 6th Comedy RACING MAD H UDson 2172 CAPITOL ROO\M 5 Jr. IIâ€"Roy Lunau, Alfred Burman, Geoffrey Elliott, George Graham, Douglas Lowery, Jack Glenn, Gertrude Kennedy, Dorothy Romanelle, Ruth Jr. II classâ€"Winnifred Haworth (h), Ilene Mabley, Victor Dale, Kaisu Mackiy, Ellen Richardson, Doris Wade (Doris Taylor, Jean Zuefelt) ' equal. Morley Chedzoy, Harold Jones, Elsie Ley, Neil McMillan, Ralph Frisby. B. FOX, teacher Sr. II classâ€"Martha Mackiy (h), Gladys Stanford (h). Reta Bailey (h), Dorothy Reid, Katrine Mackiy, (Lor- raine Burns, Elsie Espey, Mema Jen- kins, Kalervo Mackiy, Gwenny Sayers equal,) Audrey Smith, (Percy Bailey, Ilene Hilts, Harris Hord equal), (Edi- th Deadman, Harold Patton equal), Charlie White, (Mary Donald, Richard Richardson equal), Velma Monkman. John Stong equal), Alex Patterson, (Wallace Graham, Mary Patterson equal), Deane Quinton, Gordon Arm- strongLKathleen Turkewitch, James Kennedy, Bobbie Richards. Jr. IIIâ€"Ilene Petch, Chas. Bailey, Shirley Hill, Herberta Leech, Yvonne Robillard, Mildred Haworth, Marie Jacques, Dorothy Barraclough, Louis Mabley, Margaret Frisby, Lovica Wig-more, Brydon Ellis, Geoffrey Paris, Ruth Angle, Edna Wade, Don- ald McKenzie. Douglas Palmer, Effie Granger, Selah Smith, Henry Willi- ams, Murray Blanchard, Geo. Stong, Billy Buchanan, (Helen Phinney, and Harry Corner equal), Willie Elliott, Herbert Elliott, Matthew Boyle, Mar. garet Bodnar, Wilfrid Binns, Louis Robillard, Walter Coveyduck. F. M. BROWN, teacher / ROOM 3 Sr. IIIâ€"Lena Donald, Leslie Ken- dall, Marjorie Lowery, Mary Kozak, Bobby Hall, (Jack Hall, Gordon Mc- Kenzie equal.) James Donald, Dora Fortuk,‘Edna Young. Tuesday, Oct.d9th III'II Iv ADOLVH ZUKON All )ESSF THEATRE ROOM IV RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1928 A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A USED CAR f‘ln Essentiqls, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things. Charity.†Friday Night and Sat. Mat. Only TARZAN the MIGHTY Wednesday, Oct. 101h 2 ACTSvofVAUDEVlLLE 2 ï¬ The Million Dollar Form BUDDY BERYL & CO. l The regular session of the Rich- 1mond Hill Police Court was held on Tuesday morning. Six cases were disposed of and many other “speedâ€" :ers†settled before the opening of the court. A good list will be on the docket for next Tuesday. The regular meeting of the J.W.I will be postponed until October 13th on account of Markham Fair. . A Box Social and evening of pro- gressive crokinole, under the auspices of the Junior Women’s Institute, will be held in the Public Hall on Wednes- day, October 10th, at 8 o’clock. Young and old in the community or surround- ing districts are welcome and cordially invited to attend. MARCEL LAURENT CARTOONING Sr, Iâ€"Marion Espey. Herbert Gatâ€" er, Philip Jacques, Marie Linstead, Nora Innis, Iona Bailey, Lorna Gill- ings, Danny Wade, Thelma Hilts, Dorothy Jacques, Nancy McKenzie, Leland DurrantH Mac Cooper, Billy Wallis, Gladys Kendall, Dorothy Hawkes, Lloyd Paisley, Jack Shields, Jack Collins, Margaret Richards, Roy Russel, Nixola Fisher, Audrey Steph- ens, Wilson Beresford, Stewart Steph- ens, Eric Wilson, Joe Brillinger, Floyd Hilts, Etta Donald. The Oak Ridges Branch of the W0- men’s Institute have been very kindly invited by Mrs. Steeper to be the guests of the Mount Albert W. I. at their regular monthly meeting, to be held at the United Church, Mount Al- bert, on Thursday, October 11th, at 2.30 pm. Owing to this kind invitâ€" ation, the regular monthly meeting of the Oak Ridges W. I. is not being held this week. Burman, Beatrice Rumble Lewis $10179 EflorenceVIdor NO LOVER OF SUPERB ENTER- TAINMENT WILL MISS THE PAT- RIOT. 3=o===o=o=x Topics and Fables. Yonge and Castlefield Amost amazing 3 picture] I g POLICE COURT SESSION Victoria Square w WEWL Oak Ridges A. M. CORNER, teacher AND 0=0=0I Saturday Matinee at 2:30 The evenings entertainment consis- ted of community singing, vocal solos by Mr. Edwards, Toronto, humorus sketchs by the well known Mr. Taylor Toronto, and a reading by Miss Mari- on Forrester, Lansing. The boys, who were very enthusiastic in their words of appreciation, voiced their feelings by giving three rousing cheers land a tiger for the Host and Hostess singing “For He's a Jolly Good Fell- owâ€, Major Mo'rrison in his response Said, it was not only a pleasure but a privilege to have had the men as guests. That his home was always iopen to returned men as he felt he to belonged to Christie Street. He paid great tribute to the women of this community for the red cross work done during the past and for the work they are still carrying on. Rev. Baker, of the United church, Thornhil], in a few closing remarks, thanked the artists and all who had assisted Mrs. Morrison in this very happy event. Friday, September 29th about fifty of the Boys from Christie St. Hospital were entertained at the home of Majâ€" or and Mrs Morrison. Mrs. Morrison was assisted by the Thornhill and Richmond Hill branches of the W0- men’s Institute. The guests, who were conveyed by motor, by some of our generous citizens, arrived at 2 o’clock, Games were arranged on the grounds and in the house, so all of the men found something of interest, for those who choose to just visit, there was a glowing fire in the living room and comfy chairs. Supper was served at 6, during which the Thornhill orches- tra favored the company with splendid music. Arnan those present at the meetâ€" ing vGere; W. H. Murphy, T.H. Trench A. A. Eden, J. G. Routley, J. Shear- down, J. A. Greene, J. H. Naughton, J. R. Herrington, G. H. Duncan, R. S. Cooper, S. Barraclough, W. J. Taylor, William Davies, W. H. Pugsley, Robt Endean, Norman Batty, H. Austin. Christie St. Hospital Veterans Entertained Interest in the local Board of Trade was revived when about twenty inter- ested citizens met in the council chamber on Wednesday evening. Mr. W. H. Murphy president of the Board presided and plans for an active pro- gram for the coming winter months \were discussed. It was decided that the regular meetin s of the organizâ€" ation should be ï¬eld on the second Monday of each month. The first re- gular meeting will be next MONDAY EVENING, October 8th and it is hop- ed that there will be a large attendan- ce of business men and citizens. The executive will have a tenative program to present to the meeting on Monday night and it is therefore very important that there should be a large attendance of citizens. Everyone who is anxious to promote the industrial, business an civic Welfare of the town is Welcome. Interest Revived In Board of Trade Prospects of industrial opportunit- ies were discussed and it is planned to early on an active campaign during the coming months. A committee was appointed to investigate one pro- position and their\ report will be re- ceived at the next meeting on Monday night. The Board will co-opera’te with the Jones Lumber Co. for the purpose of puttingï¬Richmond Hill “on the air†some night in the near future. Throu- gh the courtesy of this firm in con- junction With the Satin Finish Hard- wood Flooring Go. there will be a broadcast about Richmond Hill on some evening in the near future. The date will be announced in ample time so that local radio fans will have the opportunity of tuning in on the pro- gram, RICHMOND HILL WILL BE q... “ON THE AIR" A very successful cattle sale was held by Colin Sheardown. lot 1; con. 1, King,‘ near Bolton, last week. One hundred head in three hours realized $6430. Fresh cows averaged $140 'and springers averaged around $130. Following the inspection of the mine and plant the seventy-five members of the party were taken to the dining room and treated to a sumptuous re- past by the Ontario Gypsum Company. On Thursday last Mr. F. N. Hopper representing the Jones Lumber Comp- any, Richmond Hill, enjoyed a very delightful trip through the Gyproc plant at Caledonia. The party left Toronto at nine o’clock in the morning and drove by chartered bus along the Lakeâ€"shore road Via Hamilton to Cal- adonia. On arrival the party was tak- The rock first goes through a crush- er and is ground to a fine powder and from this is taken such products as plaster paris plaster and gypsum. The gypsum is then taken to the difâ€" ferent machines and thoroughly mixed before it is put in the paper and press. The whole pr'ocgss is a very interest. ing one and it is marvellous to witness the many steps leading to the large piles when it is ready for shipment. en to the mine which is about eighty- five feet below the surface. There they found the very hard grey rock which is mined and manufactured into Gyproc and other products. The mine is cut about six feet deep and about twenty feet wide and is carried by rail sometimes as far as one mile. Interesting Trip To Gyproc Plant EHunchbackorNotreDameE SPECIAL. STAGE 'ATTRACTIONS Princess-Fawn-Eyes & Co. 4" THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT L4 YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. NOW ! Is Your Last Chance BEQEQERIEEAIBE L . C h inl hingreatiest O n an 6 Y :31 Keg: thé Greatest Screen Attraction of the Age. Novelty, Harmony, Redskins, Singing, Whistling, Soft and Hard Shoe Dancing, Musical Indian Dances. MOST DOMANTm W ï¬n RENEE ADOQEE EQNES‘TTORRENCE SUCCESSFUL SALE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 4, 5, 6 COMEDY Mon, Tues., Wedzy, October 8, 9, 10 MOST QOMANTIC Role/ 3rd Episode ~ King of the Juns’a’I To SEE that Supreme Achievementâ€" Universal's Super~Colossal Production 16 Principalsâ€"Thousands in the Cast STARRING THE lNlMITABLE Pontiac A Progressive euchre will be held in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill, (Robinson Block) by the local L. O. L. on Wednesday evening, October 10. Valuable prizes will be offered and re< freshments will be served. Admis- sion, gents seventy-five cents, ladies 25 cents. Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE NEWS EVENTS *A’USTiN’s ‘Druo’ Store RICHM8ND HILL,ONT PHONE 33 [A EUCHRE NO. 14 \\§‘.u h [/41 'ZL'LM \\“ .4 0V,