Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Oct 1928, p. 5

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1928 Telephone 5j or Residence 49W u Richmond Hill ~ ~â€" Phone 195 o 0=Ol=0=°l=0=l0==0fl0=0=0 °=°=9fl0=0=0=0=0=0= Saturday, Oct. 6th, 8.15 p. m. Reserved Seats 35c. Rush Seats 25C. Children 20c THE WORLD HAS A NEWWAND FINER MOTOR CAR ‘tVERY W/bkb you hear about the ' new Nash "400"is a GOOD WORD J WALTER BONE & SON Stone, Gravel, Supplied on Short Notice. Wire Fencing and Concrete Construction. Phone Maple 864 TOMMY’S BRIDE’S St. Mary’s (C.of E.) Young Peeple’s Club IN THE A Comedy in 3 Actsâ€"Presented by Church of St. Michaele and All Angels Salon Bodies plugs ‘ - A High compression Houdaille and Loveioy shock absorbers ( "that? N151: ruminating} MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL LOT of talk about the new motor cars, a lot of things being said both “pro” and "con"â€" But every word you bear about the new Nash "400” is good! No one can look at the slender grace, the smart modern style of the new "400" Salon Body without a feeling of genuine admiration. And the new Twin Ignition motor! Here is the engineering mmel of the year. You'll be amazed at the difl'erence between this and older motor typesâ€" Sand and Pea Gravel RICHMOND HILL NASH MOTORS Under the Auspices of the owing Aluminum alloy pistons W'orld's easiest steering -be2.ring crankshaft «bellow crank pin) A Complete New Line of Finest Quality lmporledg Materials in all the Lat- fl es! and most modish colors. \ fl Furs Richmond Tailors O J. A. GREENE n mama] TRENCH COATS FOR LAD- IES AND MEN AT REDUC- ED PRICES. EXTRAORDINARY QUAL- ITY OF WORKMANSHIP ‘sAND MATERIAL IS EVI- DENT IN ALL OUR SUITS WHICH ARE OFFERED TO YOU AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. Rem odelled and Repaired Easy steering, too, in the Nash “400". People everywhere are saying it's the easiest steering car they ever laid hands on. And the motor car industry’s greatest value! Bijur chassis lubrication; Hou- daiLle hydraulic shock absorbers; bumpers front and rear, and a long list of other important features. The whole world is sayingâ€"end tbey mew: every word of itâ€"Nash has built :6: car of the year. Be sure to see it, and drive it. Exterior metalware chrome plated over :13 eke! Short turning radius bumpers P. C. HILL Phone 14 Richmond Hill CoiR Has THE-VI .1LL The Amateur Dramtic League will present “TOMMY’S BRIDES” in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill on Satâ€" urday, October 6th, at 8.15. Admis- sion, reserved seats 35 cents, plan of hall at Glenn’s Drug Store, rush seats 25 cents, children 20 cents. The council considered the advisa- bility of purchasing some lead pipe for the waterworks department in view of present favorable market con- ditions. Councillor Hill wanted to know if there were any applications for new water services. The clerk advised that there were no applicat- ions in at present. Councillor Sloan suggested that he thought the time opportune for having an inspection of wells by the Provincial Department. He pointedput that the last inspec- tion showed many of the town wells to be in a very unsatisfactory con- dition. No action was taken. Mr. Wes Middleton appeared before ‘the council with a proposition relative to leasing the municipal rink for the season. The matter was not discuss- ed as Reeve Lunau said that the comâ€" mittee would consider the question Izmd see Mr. Middleton at a later date. Mr. B. H. Lasher advised the coun- cil that the boiler at’the rink was get- ting ancient and was in need of in- spection. _ . Mr. V. H. Metcalfe applied to join the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade and his application was accepted. The resignation of councilor G. H. Sloan was read. In answer to a ques- tion of the Reeve the Clerk stated that when a vacancy was created on the council previous to November lst it was necessary to have it filled. Ap- parently not anxious to bring a new member on the council at this time of year it was decided to withhold action on the resignation until the Novemb- Ler meeting. \ Magistrate G. H. Duncan appeared ‘before the council and pointed out the necessity of a suitable office for the carrying out of his duties and the de- sirability of better quarters for hold- ing court sessions. Reeve Lunau gave assurance that the council was willing to cooperate in any way possâ€" ible and agreed that the council should meet in special session at a later date to consider the matter. The regular October meeting of the Richmond Hill council was held in the clerk’s office on Monday evening with Reeve Lunau, and Councillor Sloan Chapman and Hill present. COUNCILLOR SLOAN’S RESIG- NATION LAID OVER UNTIL NEXT MEETING â€" PROPOSAL TO LEASE RINK FOR SEASON {enacts Clear vision front pillar posts Nash Special Design front and rear Longer wheelbases c Oqe-pjece Salon WILL PRESENT PLAY ON SATURADY, OCTOBER 6th Council Meeting THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO CARD 0F THANKS ' Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hands and family (wish to thank their many fxiends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy and loving tributes ex- tended to them in their recent sad ber- eavement in the loss of a loving son and brother. Mr. Arthur T. Mathews and family of 230 Bowood Ave., Toronto, desire to thank their relatives and friends for their kind expressions of sympat- hy and the many beautiful floral triâ€" butes extended in their recent sad ber- eavement in the loss of a loving wife and mother. Mrs_ Wm. Minton and family wish to thank their many friends and neigh- bours for their many acts of kindness also the many floral tributes during their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving husband and father. erick Wyndham, son of Mrs. Wynd- ham and the late William B. Wynd- ham, of Oakville, Ontario. SMITHâ€"STEPHENSON â€" At the WYNDHAMâ€"DAVISON â€" Quietly St. Philip’s Church, Unionville on Sat- urday, Sept. 29th. 1928, Margaret Frances youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. M. Davison, to Carl Fred- erick Wyndham, son of Mrs. Wynd- ham and the late William B. Wynd- CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. John Sheardown wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness and expressions of sympathy, during their recent ber- eavement. Parsonage, _Neday, October Br Ryerson Young But they little know the heartache That the smile hides all the while. We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another year; In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are always near. Sadly missed by Husband and Family IN MEMORIAM SHAWâ€"In loving memory of Minnie Shaw, wife and mother who passed away one year ago October 5th, 1927. Some may think we have forgotten, When at times they see us smile. MINTONâ€"On Thursday, September 27th, 1928, at Maple, William Minton, beloved husband of Amelia Jones in his 7lst year. i Late William George Sheardown ' The death occurred at the Marine ‘Hospital, Goderich, on Thursday, Sep- ‘tember 27 of William George Shear- l‘down, youngest son of the late Mr. ‘land Mrs. Samuel Sheardown, of Rich- rmond Hill. The deceased was a resi- ldent here for many years and was Ewell and favorably known. The fun- bral service was conducted by Rev. A. ‘lA. Wall on Saturday, September 29th lat the residence of his brother John 'Bheardown. Interment followed in lthe family plot in the Richmond Hill bemetery. Mr. A. E. Wall local representative of the London Life Insurance'Co. has returned from London after complet- ing a six Weeks course in Ins'urance. Mr. B. Barnard, of Detroit accomp- anied by his cousin, Mr. M. Carmiche- al of Toronto, visited with Mr. G. Moodie and Miss Moodie on Saturday last. The many friends of Mr. I. D. Ram- er will be glad to learn that his conâ€" dition was reported to be much im- proved this morning. He is suffering from an attack of pleurisy. Mr. James McLean is attending Plowing Demonstrations at Sherbrook Quebec this week. Mr. Gid Moodie left to-day for St. Mary’s Where he will visit with relat- ives and friends for a few weeks. Mr. Freeman Barker, of Gormley, ,Ont., announce the engagement of his sister Nellie Maud, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Barker to R. W. Parker son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Parker, of Glanford, Ont. The marri- age to take place in October. The ordination of Rev. W. K. Batty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Batty of Richmond Hill, took place at the Scotâ€" land Baptist church last month. The {ordination services were graced by the presence of prominent members of the church and ministry from twenty six churches in the district. Miss Evelyn Warman, of Toronto, left on Thursday for Barrie, where she will reside. Reeve J. Lunau and Mrs. Lunau at- tended the funeral of the late George I Hal-wood at Sandford on Tuesday. “The late Mr. Harwood who was in his fifty'second year was an old friend and neighbour of Mr. Lunau who at one time lived in that district. It is I a notable fact that the mother of thet deceased is well up in her nineties and i is quite smart and enjoying good! health, E ith V :phen: 1 Mar Social and Personal 1 CARD 0F THANKS CARD OF THANKS OBITUARY MARRIED DIED Wed! I HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY , The Boys and Girls Athletic Assoâ€" ciations. of the Richmond Hill High School will hold their annual field day Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1928. The races ‘jumps. and other events will be well worth watching as the contestants are evenly matched. Those coming lst and 2nd in their respective events will compete in the North York Field Day held at Markham on Saturday, Oct. 13, 1928. Come and partake of the fine refreshments which will be sold at the booth. The events will be start- ed at 1.30 pm. sharp. THANK OFFERING SERVICE The annual Thank-Offering Service of the Women’s Missionary Society will be recognized in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday Morning, Oct. 7th. The minister Rev. C. A. Mullen will conduct the service. Everyone will be made welcome. Markham Fair This Weekâ€"Given favorable weather conditions, the diâ€" rectors and officials of Markham fair are looking forward to smashing all records both for attendance and ex- hibits at this year’s fair ~â€" on Friday and Saturday, October 5th and 6th. Secretary, R, H. Crosby says the en- tries in all classes of liiie stock, includ- ing poultry, is the largest in years, while the grain, roots, fruit and dairy classes are well filled. Nearly all makes of automobiles Will be shown as Well as the newest electrical in- ventions. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT MAPLE Anniversary services will be held at the Maple United Church, on Sunday, October 14. The speaker at the mornâ€" ing service will be Rev. E. Ryerson Young, B. A., of Newtonbrook, and in (the evening Rev. A. D. Robb, of Glebe lRoadJ‘ United Church, Toronto. There will be special music by the Maple United church choir. On Tuesâ€" day, October 16 there will be an enter- tainment and supper. Supper will be served from 5.30 until 8 p. m. in the Sunday School room. “The Dis 'ct School at Blueburry’s Corners" a f rce in three scenes will be presented by the church workers of Parliament Street church, Toronto. B p. m. A cordial invitation is ex- (tended to the ladies of the community to become members. DANCE IN MAPLE COMMUNITY HALL A dance will be held in the Maple Community Hall, Friday, October 5th A. W. Soules orchestra, E. Love, floor manager. Admission 750. extra lady 25c. Dance at 8 p. in. Community Hall executive. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. L. H. Clement on ThursdayI October 11th, at BOWLING MONDAY NIGHT The grand finale of the Richmond Hill Bowling club will be staged next Monday evening. Supper will be ser- ved at 6.30 after which mixed games will'be played if the weather is favor-â€" able. mission gents 75 cents, ladies provide. DANCE AT UNIONVILLE A dance will be held in the Town- ship Hall, Unionville on Wednesday, October 10, under the auspices of the War Veterans of Markham Town- ship. Styles Orchesta in attendance. Happy Walker, Floor manager. Ad- Reader notices in these columns re- garding coming events which are planned to raise money are charged for at the rate of ten cents per line with a minimum charge of twentyiive cents. This applies to all organizations. FINE-‘COAL'S ELI-£- m! By I. D. REmcr a» Son cows FINE-Gar IT ALL N! “a Hows THINGS ‘ WIN THE my? Hows ‘ms CORN flDST Get You! 7/1 Notice The first frost will be coming er order along most any day nowâ€"Bett. ‘our coal C. N. COOPER To the Capitol Theatre Next Mon‘ flay, Tuesday and Wednesday. at greatly reduced prices. lichmond Hill This week we offer finest quality PHONE YARD A Chain Tea, Next Monday The ladies of the Congregation, and their friends, are cordially invited to attend the chain tea, to be held at the home Mrs. Cardwell, Centre Street, (first house west of Yonge Street) on Monday evening- of next week, com- mencing at half past seven. ANGLICAN CHURCH NOTES SALE OF HOME COOKING The ,ladies of St. Mary’s Anglican church will hold a sale of home cook- ing on Saturday afternoon of this week. Through the kindness of Mr. Hall, the sale will take place in his new store (just south of the Dominion Store). Everyone is invited to share in the “goodies” which will be offered for sale. The sale will be opened at 2.30 p. m. 'Io ':f.W-â€"W BSLJ 9/19 lame/rib firefly/271w 011m” ELLAS â€"â€" HELMKAY The home of the brides parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Helmkay of Gormley, was the scene of a pretty wedding on “Tuesday evening, September 25th. lWhen Elsie Memie, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Helmkay became the bride of Russell Ellas, son of Mrs. a gown of white charmelene and a necklet of pearls. She wore a long tule veil and carried a lovely bouquet of asters, roses and baby’s breath caught with a large bow of white sat- in. She was a‘ztended by Miss Evelyn Gladys Warman, of Toronto, who wore a gown of pink silk with gold lace and carried a bouquet of pink asâ€" ters and baby’s breath, also .tied with a large bow of white satin. The groom was attended by Mr. Wilbert Ellas, brother of the gr00m. After the cei‘emony a dainty lunch- eon was served to about thirty guests after which Mr. and Mrs. Ellas were the recipients. of many lovely gifts. L. Murphy, of New Toronto, the Rev. White officiating. The bride who was given in marriage by her father wore Second Hand Cook Stove Hardware, Stoves Everything In The Line Of BLATCHFORD'S QUAKER OATS CO. Standard Milling and Purina Feeds. woon, m5, (3mm At the Elevator We have a good supply of all kinds of poultry feeds WWE‘HE ,, pA’E‘RIOT PRESERWNG KETTLES §fdris LEWIS FEED In Good Condition HALF PRICE HARDWARE WEDDING AL UMINUM COMING RESIDENCE FLORENCE Vlooiz PAGE FIVE untario

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