Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Oct 1928, p. 4

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Marshmallow Surprise 1 package chocolate junket 1 pint milk 1/; pound marshmallows 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 1/; cup boiling water Prepare chocolate junket according to directions on package. Cut marsh- mallows in pieces and melt in double boiler. Dissolve sugar in boiling Water add to marshmallows, and stir until thoroughly blended. Turn into a bowl and cool before serving on top ice cold chocolate junket. a ‘heaping tablespoonful of Piquant stuffing on each veal square and ske- wer securely using at least four skew- ers for each bird. Brown in deep fat first and then place in roasting Veal Birds 2 pounds veal steak (sliced about 1/2 inch thick.) Cut steak into six to eight squares, depending on the size of bird desired. Marinate with salt and pepper. Place PAGE FOUR Owners of General Motors Products drive your car to our garage forservice. We will give you special attention. We'have special equipment for the care of General Motors Cars and we daily receive service bulletins from General Motors service depot at Oshawa for the instruction to our mechanics. General Motors Maintenance We specialize on these cars. We use genuine General Motor parts and we assure you your repairing will be done properly at General Motor flat rate prices “ THE LIBERAL ” P-R-l-N-T-l-N-G Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Chevrolet Whatever your job printing needs may be, ‘we can take care of them and turn out a job that will be a delight to the eye. The importance of good printing cannot be over- estimated. It increases the Kalue of your advertising matter tenfold. We can take care of both big and small jobs at exceptionally low prices. Work turned out promptlyâ€"no waiting. Come in and consult us on your printing prob- lems! Estimates cheerfully furnished! Telephone 9 Richmond Hill McLaughlin-Buick, Oakland, . BALDOCK LIMITED . ‘TAIN’T RIGAT Silly. ‘Teacherâ€"“I have went. That’s wrong, isn’t it?” The span of life is increasing and Johny~“Yes, ma’ami’ science claims the credit, but someâ€" Teacherâ€"“Why is it wrong?” \thing is due the fact that the good die Johnnyâ€"Because you ain’t went yet." 'young. pan in which frying fat has been poured. Add 1 cup water, cover roaster and let bake in slow oven for an hour. (Enough for six or eight veal birds.) celery 1 tablespoonful chili sauce 1 egg beaten lightly 1 cupful bread crumbs .1 tablespoonful butter 1 tablespoonful honey 1 tablespoonful grated onion Mix thoroughly and stuff veal birds This stuffing has a piquancy which lends itself unusually well to goose. Pi‘quant Stuffing l cupful mashed potato 2 tablespoonsful finely diced Ontario Habit is strong. Last night we heard ‘a political orator and thoughtlessly treached up to turn a dial when he got billy. Markham Fair held last Friday and Saturday despite unfavorable weather on the first day will go down in hist- ory as one of the most successful ever held. The crowd on Saturday was a record breaker and the exhibits in all epartments were numerous and of ex cellend quality. The program of rac- es was attractive and there were some excellent races on the card. Undoubt- edly Markham fair lived up to its rep- utation as one of the best country fairs in Ontario. For that matter, no man is a help to anybody who sees him in wrinkled pajamas. THE LIBERAL BICHXON'D HILL. ONTARIO Mrs. Martin and daughters Violet and Irene; also Mrs. Douglas Martin and little son Hugh, all of Toronto, were visiting friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Martin had an exciting experience when on their holidays this summer. They motor- ed to Georg-“Ian Bay and boarded a steamer to cross to Manitoulin Island. The steamer struck a rock and there’s being the last motor car to go aboard it was catapulated out the gangway into the water, almost all their bagg- age and good clothes were in the car so they were compelled to return home, but the Steamship Company made a settlement for their loss. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Albert Pugh, of Church Street, whose husband died suddenly in Toronto last week as he was about to board the Bus for home. Mr. Pugh was a farm- er on the ninth concession for a num- ber of years before going to Toronto. They just came to Markham early in the spring for a change as Mr. Pugh was suffering with heart trouble. A unique exhibit in the flower sec- tion at the Fair was a species of cac- tus known as the Z‘Night Blooming Cerius” shown by Mrs. Philips. On Friday evening at 5 o’clock one or two of the eighteen buds were open and by the same time on Saturday even- ing they were all out in full bloom. Instead of being red like the others the flowers were pure white. The flower was a centre of attraction dur- ing both days. The engagement is announced of Nellie Edna, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs David Russell, Station St., to Mr. Joseph Allison, of Dunbarton, the wedding to take place the end of Octo- ber. - Rev. W. H. Fuller, pastor of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, who has been on his holidays, to the Stat- es. has returned, bringing with him his bride. The congregation, assisted by Stouffville, tendered them a re- ception and presentation Tuesday evening. COUNTY NOTES Two important County positions are vacant at the present time. The pos- ition of Inspector for the Children’s Aid Society leftvacant by the death of the late Horace Ramsden and the office of Chief Magistrate for the County formerly held by the late Major Brunton. Both are very im- portant positions and need men ex- ceptional ability to fill them. ‘The name of William Keith, of Newmarket is prominently mentioned in connec- tion with both offices. He is a form- er member of the Provincial legisla- ture and has been active in the munic- ipal life of the County of York for many years. The J.W.I. will meet at the home of ‘Miss Dorothy Vallier on Saturday, October 20th at 2.30 p. m. The speak- »er for the afternoon will be Mrs. Ste- wart Woods of Markham, and the roll :call will be answered by different ways of serving tomatoes. There will also be a bandaging demonstrat- .lon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Byer, of Gormley, Mr. and Mrs. B. Boston, Misses Velma and Marion Boston, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Lyon, Mr. Gerald Lyon and Miss Beryl Lyon, of Victoria Square, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phillips, of Niagara, Ont. Saturday, October 20th â€" Auction sale of Road House contents, consist- ing of Furniture, Pool Table, Fixtures Dishes, etc., the property of W. J. Whitten, Elgin Mills Hotel, Yonge St. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Terms Cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Saturday, October 27â€"Credit sale of High Class Horses, Cattle, Farm Stock, Implements, Hay and Grain, lot 280, 6th line Markham, Cashel the property of T.H. Roberts. Sale at 12 o’clock sharp, 11 months credit, no re- serve. Prentice & Prentice, Auction- Saturday of farm : and grain, lot 4, Con. p. m. Terms Silverside’s, A eers lot 22. con. 2, North York, wes: 01 Yonge Street, the property of Allan Wiltshire. Sale at 1 o’clock. 11 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Wednesday, October 31â€"Credit sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Etc., on lot 22. con. 2, North York, west of Saturday SALE REGISTER Victoria Square MARKHAM ', October 20â€"Au: stock, implements the property of I 4, Whitchurch. 'ms 12 months CI“ ;, Auctioneer. dlng \‘ovember 3rdâ€"Au‘ction |g Timb‘er, mostly beech Auction Xuction sale Its etc., hay E Eli Mairs, Sale at 1 credit. F. nths may Ol‘( FOR SALEâ€"Cook stove in good con- dition, cheap. Apply Mrs. George Smith, Richmond St., Richmond Hi1_l FOR SALEâ€"Bay horse, good worker and quiet, owner has no furthér use, also quantity of hay. Apply 20 Ed- gar Avenue, Langstaff. WANTEDâ€"Woman would do general washing and ironing at home. Apâ€" ply box No. 12 Liberal Office. WANTEDâ€"Farm hand, single. Apâ€" ply John Jarvis, Richmond Hill, Phone 46-r23. FOR SALEâ€"Fresh milk cow. Apply N. Baker, 2nd Con. Markham, phone Richmond Hill 45-r-31. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Fried Raisin and Rice Patties 1/2 cup raw rice salt paprika 1 egg 1 tbsp melted butter boiling water pepper 1/2 grated onion 1 cup cracker crumbs % cup raisins (chopped) Heat food chopper in boiling water and put raisins through coarse cutter. Cook rice in boiling salted water until tender when crushed between the fin- gers,' drain. Add salt, pepper and paprika to taste. Combine with beaten egg, onion, butter, raisins and cracker crumbs. Shape with crack- er crumbs to form patties. Fry in butter or butter substitute. Serve hot with tomato or Spanish sauce. Fruit Punch for Fifty 1 cup water 2 cups sugar 1 cup tea infusion 2 cups strawberry syrup Juice 5 lemons Juice 5 oranges ‘ 1 can grated pineapple 1 cup maraschino cherries 1 quart charged water Make syrup by boiling water and sugar ten minutes; add infusion made from English breakfast tea, strawâ€" berry syrup, lemon juice, orange juice and pineapple; let stand thirty min- utes, strain, and add ice water to make one and one-half gallons of liqâ€" uid. Add cherries and charged wat- er. Serve in punch bowl with large block of ice. This"quantity Will fill fifty punch glasses. Economical Pudding 2 cups milk 14 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla 2 tbsp. rice 1/4 cup sugar 1 cup raisins Wash rice thoroughly and drain; place in a buttered pudding dish and pour in milk. Bake in a slow oven for about 1% hours, stirring occasion- ally; add remaining ingredients and bake from 1/2 to 1 hour without stirr- mg. iIncluding Bar and Cabinet. Bar Fixtures with large Bevelled Mirror, Dis- :play Cas'es, Double Coolers, Vortox, Soda Cups, Ice Cream Dishes, Tables, ‘Coffee Urn, Tea Percolator, Toaster, Rugs,.Picture_s, Beds, Toilet Sets, Coal ‘Oil Stove “1th Oven. Dishes, Kitchen Utensils, Stoves, Radio Set with Batteries, Floor Oilcloth, Congoleum Rugs, Electric Heaters, Kitchen Cabi- net, Victrola, Records, Electric Fixtures, Extension Tables and numerous other articles. BY THE WAY An absentâ€"minded grocer called on his old friend, the family doctor, one evening. They chatted for a couple of hours, and, as the grocer ’rose to go, the doctor asked: “Family all well, ‘I suppose?” “Good heavens!” exclaimed his visi- tor, “that reminds me. My wife’s in a fit.” AUCTION SALE _OF_ Furniture and Equipment. Saturday, October 20th, 1928 TRIED â€"â€" TESTED AND TASTY RECIPES RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first ir sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKI'. THE MOST OF IT" ELGIN HOTEL AND PAVILION Classifieci Advertising PRENTICE & PRENTICE, Auctioneefs. UNRESERVED TERMS : CASH. Stop 28 Yonge Street THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11th, 1928 OF THE. .â€" at 12.30 FOR SALEâ€"One single bed, iron, white enamelled, 6 ft. long by 3 ft. wide, with first class springs. Price $5.00. Apply Jerry Smith, Rich- FOR SALEâ€"Columbia Graphonola and records. 810. or exchange for poultry. Apply A. Harrison, Rumble Ave.,-Richmond Hill. WANTEDâ€"5 or 6 roomed house, rea- sonable rent, with hen house, for at least 100 birds. Apply E. J. Taylor Markham Road, Langstaff. FOR SALEâ€"Quebec heater, No. 2, only used a few months, also some strawberry plants. Apply Mrs. Phillips. Stop 19, Yonge Street. FOR RENTâ€"On Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, new brick house, all conveniences, electric, water, hard- wood floors, brick grate, heavy wir- ing, laundry tubs, etc., very reason- able rent. Apply George Forrester, Lansing, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"100 acre farm consisting of lot 32, in the 5th concession of Markham, the property. of Robt. Agar. This farm is in A-l condi- tion and all workable land, brick house with furnace; bank barn on ‘stone foundation; plenty' of good water and close to church and school 12 acres into fall wheat and 15 acr- es into alsike, 30 acres fall plough- ing done. Apply Robt. Agar, Uni- onville_ Ont. FOR SALE or RENTâ€"Six roomed house in Richmond Hill, sunroom, all conveniences, heated garage at... tached, blinds, fixtures and electric stove left in house. Apply Gordon H. Sloan, Richmond St., Richmond Hill, phone 98-W. FOR SALEâ€"3 roomed cottage, on Centre Street, east, must be moved from its present location, price right. Apply Jones Lumber 00., Richmond Hill, 0nt., phone 27. FOR SALEâ€"Sun Light range, water- front, good as new, apply to Box 5, Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"Fresh honey, delivered anywhere in the vicinity of Rich- mond Hill, 5 pound pails, 65 cents, 10 pound pails $1.25, 50 pound pails or more 12 cents per pound, dark honey 9c per lb. Apply John Mc- Gillivray, R.R Richmond Hill, phone King 1607. - FOR SALE or RENTâ€"Six roomed‘ house and two acres of land, at E1- FOR SALEâ€"Grey Percheron team, mare and gelding, weighing about 3100 pounds. a real pair for any kind of hard work. Jones Lumber Company. HAIRDRESSING â€" Marcelling and etc., Mrs. Russell, Centre St., West, Phone 178. FOR RENTâ€"Six roomed house on Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill, moderate rent. Apply Box 114 Liberal Office. mond Hill, gin Mills, immediate possession. Apply W.H. Legge, Richmond Hill. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR HENS, GEESE, DUCKS And all sorts of Farm Produce A. DYME, R. R. 2, Maple Ontario Phone Maple 2962

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