Lieut. Whiteher Officer in Charge Sunday Services Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . . ‘ Salvation Meeting . . . . . . . . SALVATION ARMYi We specialize in ties, all the newest at $1.00 Men’s shirts, Arrow, from $2.00 to $2.75 Penman’s Balbriggan Combination. .. First Quality $1.50, Athletic Combination $1.00 A Good Fur Felt Hat at . . . . . . $4.50 Men’s Caps a large variety at . .$2.00 Stouffville See our Shoes for Men, Women and Jhildren. Our Eye Examinatlons are NORMAN J. GLASS Martin’s Barber Shop The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store Accurate SPECTACLES 8: EYEGLASSES repaired promptly and correctly ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED my OPTOMETRISTS 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Licensed Auctioneer County of York Live Stock and General Sales Conducted with Effeciency Phone Stouffville 9003 Agent for FIRE, LIFE, AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE GUARANTEE BONDS Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. Office in the Post Office Block Phone--Willowdale 96W POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. RICHMOND HILL CORPS THURSDAY, OCTOBER W. N. Mabbett W. E. LUKE, R. 0. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Right at The City Limits North Toronto. A. G. SAVAGE GEORGE KEAYS TEL. 118 Richmond Hill â€"â€"ANDâ€" .. 11 am. 7 p.m. Ontario 2 18th, 1928 The fine Autumn weather on Sun- day lured motorists by the thousands to the suburban districts. Traffic on Yonge Street was exceptionally heavy for this time of year. Heavy frost in the tobacco growing counties in the Province of Ontario caused a loss of between 10 and 15 per cent. of this year’s crop. In Essex County more than 12 per cent. of the,tobacco crop was standing when it was caught by the earliest crop on record since 1871. An effort is being made to inau- gurate a “Chinchilla Rabbit Society†for Stouffville and district. Breaking all records the attendance at Markham Fair this year’s fair roll- 'ed up gate receipts $250 in excess of last year, or a total of $3,668.55. , On the Stouffville market turnips have slumped to 120. per bushel from 15c. paid earlier in the season. The Toronto Transportation Comâ€" mission are advertising for tenders for dismantling the Schomberg and Aurora ' Electric railway. Mr. M. C. McPhail, now stationed at Stratford, is to be transferred to York County as successor to Russell J. Rogers, district representative of the Ontario Department of Agriculture for the past six years, with headâ€" quarters at Newmarket. Deputy-Reeve, Isaac C. Woolner, re- presentative in York township council for Ward 3, urges that a conference be arranged with the Ontario legisla- tive authorities for the purpose of having a separate police magistrate appointed for the township of York. Jos. Cherry has rented his farm of 85 acres at Gormley on the 4th con- cession of Whitchurch. to W. H. Wil- son, of' Ma'rkham Township. The Hon. G. Howard Ferguson has at last announced the possibility of “The Old Age Pension Bill†being passed at the next session of Parlia- ment. The scheme has been in oper- ation in other provinces for sometime. C. Boadway of Sutton has been a- warded the contract for drilling an artesian well in the waterworks prop- erty at Stouffville at the rate of $3.00 per foot for sinking a five inch pipe. In the event of the contractor not striking water he will receive $1.50 per foot for the number of feet bored. Mr. Roy_Brillinger who has been re- ferred to as the potato king of Germ- ley had eighteen acres in “Tubers†this year, W. Ward Price formerly of Rich- mond Hill, has been elected president of the men’s club of St. Clement’s Anglican church, NorthAToronto. Hay is reported ‘to be in fair de- rnand with relatively small quantities of good quality hay in the market. Toronto and Montreal buyers are quoting $13 to $17 per ton for second and third grade timothy hay accord- ling to quality. Sutton board of trade and the vill- age council last week decided to for- ward a memorandum to the York county council protesting against pro- posed change from radial cars to bus service and recommending the repair- ing of the road bed of the radial lines and the purchasing of new equipment in order that a faster schedule may be maintained. Bill Reynolds, diminutive Galt pave- merit pounder, headed the eleven fin- ishers in the twenty-mile marathon race which provided the athletic fea- ture of the opening day at Wopdbrid- ge Fair last Friday. This Olympic athletic led by fully three-quarters of a mile at the finishing line in fljont of the graï¬stand, his closest competitor being Charlie Morton, of Hamilton. At a special private session of North York Township Council held on Satâ€" urday morning, the question of the new'Bayview bridge was thoroughly delved into. The firm of Babcock and Margeson are the consulting enâ€" gineers and were instructed to call} for tenders immediately. No Liberal opposition will be offer. ed J. Earl Lawson, Conservative nom- inee for the Dominion Legislature seat in West York, left vacant by the re- tirement of Sir Henry Drayton, it was decided at a meeting of the West York Liberal Executive Saturday evening. A penny isn’t much; hardly worth picking up on the street, yet there are fortunes in penny sales. Last year one company operating penny slot machines vending chewing candy took in three and a h pennies â€" $35,000,000 â€" < pennies 000,000 GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS \Vh re; 0V6 llllon $10.- H and This is the time when the days and nights are said to be of equal length. The fact is, however, that on Septem- ber 26th that equality was recognized, and immediately thereafter the nights began to be longer than the days. This condition will remain until the 26th or 27th of next December, when the balance will turn and the days will begin slowly to lengthen. Parking a car on the cement high- way when there is trouble of any sort is dangerous in the extreme, especiâ€" ally after nightfall. Park outside the pavement. Donkeys used to be used as beasts of burden, but nowadays donkeys oc- cupy the front seats of some automo- biIes. Despite the fact that a tractor pass- ed over his legs and abdomen, strong hope is being entertained for the re- covery of Deputy-Reeve Elton Arm- strong of King Township. Mr. Arm- strong was instructing a new farm hand when the accident Occurred. The fact that» the treads of the tractor were heavily clogged with wet mud probably saved his life, although seri- ous internal injuries are feared. He is the youngest member of York coun- ty council. Humane education is compulsory in Kentucky schools and many animal pets are used to demonstrate the ef- fects of kindness upon dumb brutes. Which shows that Mary and her little lamb were merely ahead of their day and generation. Blasted but of solid rock, a new "strong room†covering an area of Wm and a half acres has been conâ€" structed 150 feet below the Bank of France in Paris. Magnets seven feet long are USed on highway trucks in Dakota in an efâ€" fort to clear highways of metal that might puncture tires. With all its supposed sophistication New York City probably has more “Rubes†than are to be found in any. section of like population. It is estiâ€" mated that more than $100,000 in worthless stocks are sold every day “by telephone in the American metro- polis. Woodbridge Fair, the pioneer fair among the Agricultural shows of the 'province of Ontario was held on Fri._ day and Saturday of last week. It was the eighty first annual fair and new records were established both in lattendance and in exhibits. ' The suc- cess of the event clearly showed that the day of the small rural fair which ‘keeps abreast of the times and is in jeharge of an active and energetic di- lrectorate is not done as so many pre- dict but is rather enjoying the generâ€" \OUS patronage of the community and ‘owing much to promote agriculture and the breeding of better live stobk. 'The officers in charge of the suc- pessful fair were;â€"â€"Hon. President, A. J. H. Eckardt; Hon. Vice.â€"President, E. T. Stephens; President, Alex. Cameron; First Vice-President, Geor- ge Brownlee; Second Vice-President, Béiwick Weldrick; Secretary, C. L. ‘Wallace; Treasurer, Ed. W. Brown. Directorsâ€" C. A. McNeil, J. M. Gardhouse, A. W. Farr, Bert Wright, Jas. A. Cameron, A. J. Witherspoon, D. C. Longhouse, Thomas Cousins, W. H. Rowntree, Eb. Smith, John T. Saigeon, George Bagg, Chas. Plunkett EIGHTY-FIRST ANNUAL FAIR ESTABLISHES NEW RECORDS C. L. Wallace, George Kellam, Robert Wilson, George Brownlee, W. O. Dun- Guls' or Ladlee' Wrist Watch. Swis: move- ment. new tom-lean shape, white Jada ï¬n- lshed beautifully engmved case. 5 0011 re- Habletlmekeepumomplete with ribbon and clap. The Boys’ orMm's Watch I: of same aud- lty as Ibove. with fancy leather w: {st atnp. Either of theoemtches given absolutelylrea for the sale of a few bottles of our high-cu†perfume with our new c857 snle plan. PAINTER &DECORATOR H. FORSTER Telephone Stouffvflle 6116 Estimates Cheerfully Given Wall Paper Supplied if Desired Canadian Premiums Reg’d_ $009 Nam Damn stmt East. Montreal THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Woodbridge VICTORIA SQUARE FREE can, H. Gardhox MEMORIAL SERVICES An inspiring' memorial service for the late Hon. M. Clarke Wallace, for fourteen years grand master of the Orange Order of British North Amer- ‘ica and former cabinet minister, was held in Christ Anglican church, Wood- bridge, Sunday evening. The serv- ices, which were conducted by Canon Kidd, of Christ church, were attended in force by Woodbridge L.O.L. and fifty members of Cameron L.O.L. 613 of Toronto. The Toronto Orangemen travelled by motor car, led by Lieut. Col. Harry S. Cameron, W. M. , An informal pilgrimage to the grave of their late leader was made by the members during the afternoon. A- ‘mong those present at the service were Major William Wallace, assistant crown attorney, and Len Wallace, for- mer warden of York County, both imâ€" mediate relatives of the late grand- master. Honorary Directors â€"â€" Mrs. W. 0. Duncan, Mrs. R. K. Johnston, Mrs. H. N. Smith, Mrs. A. W. Farr, Miss L. McNeil, Mrs. Eb. Smith, Mrs. James A..Came1'on, Weston. This week we offer finest quality Stove pipes and Elbows C. N. COOPER Richmond Hill Everything In The Line Of Second Hand Cook Stove In Good Condition HALF PRICE HARDWARE Hardware, Stoves King and Vaughan Branch of the Ontarm Plowmen’s Association Friday, November Two and a half miles south-west of King City When upwards of $700 will be distributed in Prizes HORSESHOE PITCHING CONTEST WILL BE HELD commencing sharp at 1 o’clock, consisting of two classes, 3 prizes in each, One open to all competitors and one open to residents of King and Vaughan Townships only. Competitors to furnish regulation shoes 2d. W. Brown Directors â€"â€" mith Cameron VValkington Lot 1, Con. 4, King Township Cousins, W Also at the same time and place a vntario will hold its annual On The Farm Of WALTER BONE & SON Stone, Grave}, DOMINION TIRE DEPOT Supplied on Short Notice. Wire Fencing and Concrete Construction. Phone Maple 864 THER fellows use the same tires, run the same distance, cover the same roadsâ€"and have no trouble at all. Test your tir_e prgssure every week. Don’t gggss it â€"-7 gadge it: Run round' to a Dominioanire Depot and have the pressure checked and your tires inspected. Let an expert search for cuts and bruises. A slight repair in time may prevent a blowout, and add a few thousand miles to the life of your tires. Sam] and Pea Gravel You are never far away from a G. BAIDOCK LTD., Richmond Hill SUMMIT GARAGE, Oak Ridges PAGE SEVEN