o=o====o=o===o=o===o=o====o=o 0:0) ’ Love habjel w , w 0'“ 4 (Q7: able, Lduï¬ ' AVMm’m on “I L. k Rave “ ‘ ' ' eve WI _ \_ able! 7/2ats m \N 00 \$6 (I. MARIqN SEE“ .4 r: THEԠ7 w OP» CAQDE DEOSOEOI VOL. LI. Comedy Should Married Men Go Home NOTICE to OUR PATRONS hav The old High School situated at the corner of Yonge and Wright Streets is proposed as a Municipal Building for Richmond Hill, and ac- cording to persistent rumors will shortly be taken over by the munici- pality for that purpose. The need of a proper building which would provide ample accommodation for all public offices has long been the subject of local discussion and the establishment of a police court here has brought the matter to a head as the need of adequate quarters for the court room and offices was a problem which had to be met by the council. It is proposed that the new building will provide accommo- dation for the offices of the Clerk and Treasurer, an office for the Propused Municipal Building Fm Richmond Hill ‘ublic Monday, Oct. 29, Tuesday, Oct. 30 ONLY McLaughlin-Buick COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT ugh Shows at 7&9 North Gate Masonic Lodge PRiC‘E OF ADMISSION, ONE DOLLAR Interviewed by The l gh the pi‘oposal h: m had yet been. ta 2e Magistrate and a suitable court room, a council chamber .ic Library and after alterations and additions the Fire Hall. propbsal is carried out all Richmond Hill public offices wil ‘ed in a publicly owned building and under one roof. be agreeable to ON WEDNESDAY EVE, OCT. 31st This Theatre Will Be Conducted By ‘ On the Stage z% A Berger & McCarty Thursday, Oct. 25th. Friday, Oct. 26th, Saturday, Oct. 27m HUDson 2172 taken and that CAPITOL iberal this week R‘ .d been discussed by c 03:10] 1nd the terms 0 to the Board 0 THEATRE ‘ono=:=ouo>=ox mcil ‘unau Jch ovide accommo- office for the :i1 chamber, the Fire Hall. If effices will be Educat said that no def deal \ A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A USED CAR “171‘ Essential:, Unity; ilggAQn-essentials. Liberty: In All Things. Charity.†ion nite uld Tarzan the Mighty RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, > The facts brought out relative to some of the appeals prompted council- ‘lor Hill to strongly criticize present ‘conditions of assessment. “As near {as I can figure out our assessment is rotten†he said and he favored a re- vision as soon as possible. Reeve Lunau said that the council had con- idered the matter very carefully and {that they deemed the winter months ‘the best time to proceed with the vork. The 1929 council would there- fore take it up after the New Year. The ancient and honored festival known as Hallowe'en will be celebratâ€" ed next Wednesday evening. Let the young folks remember that the fact that it is HallOWe’en gives no license to disregard the law and that any pranks which cause damage to pro- perty or discomfort to citizens are not only in bad taste but will not be toler- ated by the community. Mr. William Davies appeared seek- ing information cencerning certain . I. . i . . claimed inequalities in the business assessments but as he not entered any appeal Reeve Lunau ruled the dis- cussion out of order. In all four appeals were filed; three were allowed and in one case the as- sessment was sustained. The inequalities of Richmond Hill assessment were the subject of conâ€" siderable discussion at the session of the council as a Court of Revision on Wednesday evening. Reeve J. Lunau presided and councillor David Hill and Albert Chapman were present. COMEDY -â€" UNEQUAL ASSESSMENT CRITICIZED AT SESSlON OF COURT OF REVISION The Chicken COMEDY, SINGING & TALKING Yonge and Castlefield Topics and Fables 6th EPISODE HALLOWEEN NEXT “'EDNESDAY 0:0] 0=0===IOI Saturday Matinee at 2330 IOEO THURSDAY OCTOBER 25th, 1928 At a meeting of the Richmond Hill Board of Health held on Tuesday it was decided to accept the offer of the Provincial Department of Health to conduct a Demonstration of Public Health nursing here. The district in- cluded in this demonstration will be Richmond Hill, Markham township and the village of Markham. The demon- stration is for proving the practicabil- ity of an allâ€"year-round Public Health Service in a combination of rural and urban municipalities. No expense will be incurred on the municipalities except the supplying of headquarters for the nursing staff. It is under- stood that suitable headquarters for this district Will be arranged for in Richmond Hill, and that the ofï¬ce will probably be in the Public School or in the old High School. At the meeting- of the Langstaff Athletic Association held on October 15 the officers for the coming year were elected. ,The success of the organization thus far was highly lauded by the members at the meet- ing and the confidence and support which the officers enjoy was demon- strated by the re-election of the enâ€" tire executive. The executive is as followszâ€"Mr. R. Ross, President; Mr. C. Ball_ lst VicePresident; Mr. T. Harvey, 2nd Vice-President; Mr. E. Richards, Secretary; Mr. M. Traviss, Treasurer. Social Convenors, Mrs. Miss Gertrude Salsbury, nurse in training, Kingston, and Miss Norma Hicks of Moscow, have returned home after spending 10 days with their aunt Mrs. Ed, Irish, Langstaff. Mr. R. Sparkes, Mrs. Newall, Mr. C 3311. Sport Convenorsâ€"Mr. J. Wray Mr. M. Traviss. Physical Directorâ€"â€" Mr. G. Howell. The meeting of the Board was at- tended by Dr. McClenegh'an of thxDe- partment of Health who explained how the course is conducted and the many advantages to be derived by the community served. The demonstrat- ion will be conducted .over a period of at least nine months and probably will be continued longer. It is under- stood that it will commence in the very near future. Mr. Mitra told many interesting'* features of his trip around the world 11* and said that of all the countries visi- -* ted Canada was the most beautiful. 1:: A magazine is being sent to the chil- w dren every month from the Phillipine Islands. The address was intensely >2 intere‘sting to the children and was very instructive. The speaker was introduced by Major W. J. Morrison. ’14 IMr. Ramon Mitra of the Phillipine Isl‘ands and Superintendent of the Penitentary there, has been visiting with Major and Mrs. Morrison. The pupils of Langstaff Public School were favored last week by a very interesting talk by Mr. Ramon P. Mitra of the Phillipine Islands. Mr. Mitra is governor of a jail on Palawa Island and in his care are twenty three hundred prisoners. Murderers there are not hung but after conviction are committed to a farm and are made to work and support themselves. Advantages of Public Health Nursing Will Be Demonstrated Here NINE MONTHS DEMONSTRATION WILL INCLUDE RICHMOND HILL. MARKHAM TOWN- SHIP AND MARKHAM VILLAGE This announcement should be wel- comed in Richmond Hill and through- out Markham Township as the bene- fits of ‘7. this splendid work which is carried on by the Department of Health are now generally recognized. Any movement which aims to further the advancement of health is worthy of support, and we have no doubt but that the Department representatives ‘will have the whole~hearted co-oper- ation and support of theyeople of this district. SCHOOL CHILDREN HEARD INTERESTING TALK LANGSTAFF M’ Jonvenors, Mrs. Mrs. R. Sparkes A sale of homemade baking and candy will be held Saturday afternoon October 27, at 3 o’clock in the store recently vacated by Mr. Stein, under the auspices of Presbyterian church choir. I think thatâ€"I shall never see A Poem lovely as a. tree _ A tree whose hunggy mouth is prest Against‘ the earth’s sweet flowing breast. A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in Summer wear A nest of robins in her hair. Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me But only God can make a tree. -Yr-X-** .x. HOW ABOUT YOUR BRAKES? Are your brakes efficient? If not it would be a good idea to have them tested as Constable Barraclough stated to The Lib- eral this week that it was his ‘l‘intention to check up on cars for defective brakes as well as for other infractions of the law. *** .xl SALE OF HOMEMADE COOKING The Port of Missing Girls U THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT J YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 PM. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. King of the Jungle No. VI. It is faster than a cycloneâ€"Full of thrills for young and oldâ€"The last word in glittering entertainment. ~WITHâ€" BARBARA BEDFORD and MALCOM McGREGOR Why do girlsleave home ? 75,000 reported missing last year. Why do they leave? Where do they go ? Who is to blame? Don’t fail to see this picture. BEQEQERIEEQIEE “Sky Scraper City of Toronto police are very active at present in the matter of checking up brakes and local motorists would be well advised to have their brakes tested at home and secure'an “O.K.†seal and thus ensure an uninterrup- ted trip to the Queen City. Good brakes are a necessity for safe driving and in the inte- rests of personal safety and the safety of the general public us- ing the highways it is absolute- 1y necessary that every vehicle be properly equipped with an efficient braking system. A word to the wise should be sufï¬- cient; have your brakes tested to-day. WONDERFULâ€" DRAMATICâ€"MIRTHFULâ€" APPEALINGâ€"One of the most delightful screen productions ofthe yearâ€"A film production that will hold you spell bound to the final fade out. Comedy “ Gallant Cob †NEWS EVENTS SPECIAL HALLOWEEN/“NIGHT ATTRACTlON Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 25, 26, 27 (BY JOYCE KILMER) 9th Canadian Scenes Nomads of the North ON THE STAGE BIG ACTS VAUDEVILLE COMEDY AT EASE TRE Mon, Tues., Wed’y, October 29, 30, 31 WILLIAM BOYD in N EWS EVENTS ontlac A fowl supper and entertainment will be held in the United church, Richmond Hill on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 under the auspices of the Ladies Aid. A fowl supper Wil‘: be served from 530 until all are serv- ed after which there Will be a high class entertainments Among the art- ists who will take part are; Misa Queenie McGillis contralto soloist the Toronto Conservatory Quartette, Misr Shiphrah Goldstick, nine year old pianist, Mrklg. William Buck, violinist, Miss Hazel Moore, elocutionist and Mr. Adelmo Melleci, organist. Ad- mission 75 cents. Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE A U S TIN’S: (Drug’ Store .l/l. Kg Vuv; N RICHM o HILL,ONT PHONE 33 FOWL SUPPER AND ENTERTAINMENT “\{9‘ N0. 17