Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1928, p. 5

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1928 ,fl __ ___...__. Mg...â€" MLEY KING AND VAUGHAN GOR PLOWING MATCH King and Vaughan Branch of the on their return will reside in Oshawa. The bride travelled in navy-blue coat and hat, and Isabella fox fur over Al very pretty house wedding took a gown of grey and blue flat crepe, place on Saturday, October 20, when with shoes and hose to match. Davina Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Fraser, Creemore, became the bride of Donald Victor Wilson, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. William 3. . 'T IRRESTED , i . consllazgRggrac’lough accompanied 0f the oldest Plowmen s organizations by on L“.§l‘i..:i‘2l"i§§.§i$1313.223.18:3- . _ Th house was Sunday morning last took into custoâ€" ' . d to be :ffiifiivegdeZCIEI‘Eted :ith ferns and dy one of “natures noblemen" on a SES'IS‘Z‘e‘anirdZggstlsineii:c::ng his_ chrysanthemums. The ceremony was charge of vagrancy and the arrest has tory of the societv' conducted by Rev. J. E. Kirkwood, contributed conSiderably '30 the Peace this vear on the‘ farm of Cameron minister of Creemore presbyterian of mind of many citizens in and about Walki-ngton King Township and a Chum}? The bride Who was given in RiChmond Hm Who during recent record prize list totalling over $1000 marriage by her father looked charm- Weeks have been c°n°erfled for the is Offered for competition to the ing in her go“ of White georgette safety of their chickens, live stock or plowmen. and lace, with shoes and hat to match. in fad: anythmg movable 31”“ fife The great revival of the 01d game of Her vail of embroidered tune was ar- premises‘ The man arreSted m Horseshoes has been recognized by the ranged in cap effect, with pearls and a h°use in the SUb'dl‘nsmn south 0f directors this year and a Horseshoe orange Blossoms- She carried athe Village Where h.e had taken posse-35‘ tournament will be a feature of the shower of bouquet Butterfly Roses, SIG" Presumably Wlthout the formality day Valuable prizes are Offered in baby breath and Maidenhair fern. 0f consulting the owner' This faICt two. classes one open to all and one She was attended by hersister, Miss however appeared to be 0f “'3 Pam“ for residenés of King and Vaughan Jean Fraser, as bridesmaid, who wore ular concern to him and he conSidered only. a period gown of pink georgette and ‘t as merely an unnecessary detail' Ample accommodation will be Pro~ lace and carried a bouquet 0f BUtter‘ The accused appeared before Magm- vided for the thousands who are exâ€" fly roses. Mr. Allan Wilson, Toron- “ate Brown in the County court 0“ pected to Visit the match and hot 150, brother of the groom W35 bes'm‘an. Monday arid was remanded 8' week for meals and lunches will be served on ' During the signing of the register "examinatl‘m'" the grounds by the ladies of King Mrs. J.E. Kirkwood sang. Immedi- United Church. ately after the wedding breakfast the ‘ couple left on a short motor trip and HAIRDRESSING â€"- Marcelling and etc, Mrs. Russell, Centre St., West, N‘S Phone 178. CORRECTIONS IN PLOWME PRIZE LIST In the tenth class for tractors in sod or stubble the entire second prize of $15. was donated by Ernest Bros., of Mount Forest; the subscription of the Toronto Hunt Club, Aurora was $100; and the $5. donation of the Maple and O Schomberg Creamery, David Kaplan, u manager was inadvertently omitted o from the list published elsewhere in this issue. OHO=IOH0=IOEO$°=OI=O=° JUST ARRIVED A Complele New line of Finest Quality Imported Materials in all the Lal- esl and most modish colors. EXTRAORDINARY QUAL- ITY OF WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL IS EVI- DENT IN ALL OUR SUITS WHICH ARE OFFERED To YOU AT VERY MODERATE §PRICES. BIRTH AUSTIN â€"- On Thursday, October 9 18th, at the Private Patients’ Pavilion n IToronto General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Austin, (nee Maida Me- Bride), Richmond Hill a daughter. MARRIED , DAVIS--LEGGE--On Saturday, Oct. 20, 1928, at St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, by the Rev. P. R. Soanes, as- Sisted by the Rev. G. S. Despard, Claudia Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Legge, to Mr. Cecil Reginald Davis, son of Dr. and Mrs. S. N. Davis, of Welland. DIED , HENRICKS â€"â€" Suddenly, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Walker, Meota, Sask., on Friday, Oct. 5., Susan MacDonald, wife of the late John Henricks, of Headford, Ont., in her 95th year. Interment took place at Meota Cemetery. MISS M. VALLIERE Dressmaking Hemstitching Benson Ave. Richmond Hill Ladies and Children's Dresses, Childâ€" rens coats. Hemstitching and Picot edge Ten Cents per Yard. ALL WORK NEATLY DONE Remodelled and Repaired ' Furs TRENCH COATS FOR LAD- IES AND MEN AT REDUCâ€" ED PRICES. _ Richmondlailois J. A. GREENE I l I Telephone 5j or Residence 49W Richmond Hill Phone 195 fl=o=:===o=0===o=0n===o=o==aou 0 ll 0 ED 0 \ . at" .. . f M u 0 II R ' 0 II E i 0 II V H 0 II n 0 II o «wrmmgw :1 WC" M~"“?"mw “has; .5...“ ° “fiber " 'M . THC VVUI‘. AND FENER MOTOR CAR 5‘ ‘ .1, v {r 5‘11"” LII) BIAS A NET/Vi “465)” Special I i swag...- u-»a..-.:v_u~:2\ix-w..,-_ .v.-_<.x.. .. . n x; - u, i V. ‘ll «of M or Carry office Future m715e long Ilend'er, A one oat» was H "oooviiday NASH has achieved tomorrow’s mo- tor car vogue in the Nash “400,” today. .‘-..".‘. in l 4‘4“: var...- “Jet-3:23. -:~ g-. i. new cars of the year, to know definitely that you would rather have the Nash. You only need to drive the "400”â€"to steer it, park itâ€"to know that here is exactly the kind ofa car you’ve always wanted to own. Its new Twin Ignition performance and ease-ofâ€"handling are easily the year’s most important addi~ tions to the pleasure-ofâ€"motoring. Every line and contour of the new Salon Body style suggests the fleet, clean-cut profile of the thoroughbred. The "400" models are big, roomy cars, but without excess bulk, smart cars without exaggeration. They're low, slender, and graceful. We’ll give you the key to any model you care to drive. Then, we‘ll leave it to you! â€" nos H '4 Leads the "'orld‘in .Tlolor Car Value IMPORTANT FEATURESâ€"3'0 OTHER CJR HJS TIIEJI .1LL ’ Twin-Ignition motor You only need to compare the appear- ance of the “400" to that of the other 4. _ ..‘-_â€" ., .. ’MWW ‘~ v: w. ' vav' . ' v.7, '-l.- ' .rv " " W" Aluminum alloy pistons Biiur centralized Longer wheelbases 12 Aircraft-type spark d““""' 5m” CbaSSiS lumicadon One-piece Salon Plugs - New. ouble-drop frame Electric docks fenders High compression Torsmnal Vibration ' Clear \lSlOf‘. from Houdaille and Loveiov damper Enenor metalware PM“ P055 (hr-c :ne plated over nickel @ She shock absorbers v en'lusr‘t-e Ndle mounting) Salon Bodies \V'orld'seasiest steering 7-bearin2 crankshaft Ibollou cum} pm: Nash Specirl Design from and rear .iurning radius bumpers maxim 'm. ch). thgmraumm 3-: RlCllliilllIB fit “din-n 1.; h‘.’ u ‘ 'Tifixfimm‘iil‘lmgm mansion p...':".fs'3.1l;b H... ‘ t Ontario Plowmen’s Association is one , It will be held‘ THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ' Social and Personal Mr. .I. A. Wright, of Regina, visited this week with his brother, Mr. IVA. ,Wright, Church Street. ‘ Mr .and Mrs. Jerry Smith announce ‘tlie engagement of their daughter Laura Beatrice, to Mr. Williai‘d Mat- thie, son Of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mat- thie, of Carleton Place. Ont. marriage to take place November 14. A very delightful surprise birthday party was tendered to Mrs. Bain at ‘the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred ‘Cox on Wednesday evening last. A- lSteele’s Corners, Bradford and Scotch Settlement to do honor to the guest of tieth birthday. A three-storey cake with seventy candles was a feature of the table decorations and during the a purse of money. The happy evenâ€" ing was brought to a close by singing “Blest Be The Tie That Binds” and with many good wishes for many happy returns of the day for Mrs. Bain. RICHMOND LODGE A. F. & A. M. The members of Richmond Lodge A. F. & A. M. are invited to attend the meeting of Canada Lodge NO. 532 on Friday evening, November 2nd at Riverdale Temple, corner Gerrard St. and Logan Ave., Toronto. A full atâ€" tendance of the local members is re- quested. Y. P. S, MEETING The Y.P.S. held its third success- ful meeting of the fall term Monday night with a large attendance. A good programme was rendered by different members of the society afterwhich a delightful half hour was spent in games. The meeting next Monday evening at 8 o’clock will take a Hall- owe‘en form. Professor Bluestone, famous magician will perform several of his latest feats of magic, The Hallowe’en witch will also be present and will answer questions. After the regular programme a sociable half hour will be spent in Hallowe’en gam- es. The executive promises a real good meeting and hope for a large at. tendance. Everybody welcome.’ CURLERS WILL MEET A meeting of the Richmond Hill Curling Club will be held at “Dinty Moore’s” on'Monday evening, October 29 at eight o’clock. The busineSS of the meeting will be the annual reorg- anization and election of officers and consideration of matters of general in- terest to the club. 5 READ THE “AD” IN THIS ISSUE TELLING OF THE GREAT SALE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO TAKE ADâ€" VANTAGE OF THE BARGAINS OFFERED. UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of the United church will be held in the Sunday school room on Thursday. November lst at 3.30 p.m. Mrs. Mun:â€" ray Brooks a recent missionary in In- dia who attended the world: Mission- ary convention at Jerusalem will give an address on the Jerusalem Confer- ence, which was International and In- terdenominational. All ladies of the Town interested in Missionary work are invited to hear this able speaker. The members f0 this locality please remember our special thank offering taken at this meeting. Fowl Supper and Entertainment Reserve Wednesday, November ’7 for the FOWL SUPPER and ENTERâ€" TAINMENT at the Richmond Hill United Church. , MODERN EQUIPMENT “ W. G. Baldock announces in this is- :sue a modern brake testing service for motorists. The machine which is us- ed is the same as that in use in the Police Department and is the last word in garage equipment. Incident. ly it is the only machine of its kind between Toronto and Barrie. Motor- ists would be well advised to take ad- ed up by the authorities. HALLOWE‘EN DANCE A Hallowe’en Dance will be held in Maple Community Hall on Wednesâ€" day, October 315t. Henderson’s five piece orchestra in attendance. C. E. .Bal], floor manager. Lunch provided. Dancing commences at 8 p.m. Ad- mission 81.00 per couple. extra lady 25 l . . 7 ,cents. Committee Community Hall i executive. l _ WILLOWDALE [ BIDDING BRISK AT TAX SALE ‘ Brisk bidding and quick sales mark- ed the annual sale of lands for unpaid taxes in the township of North York theld in the township hall. Willowdale. ‘on “Vednesdnjr. The top price paid for any lot uns 91.54.30. this being given for a piece of property on St. Leonard‘s Ave. About 200 lots were price on the list which were being bid for bf. about 150 people. Lots in Lansing district realich fairly hiin prices. and in Sunrise Heights on the Dawes Road trough: $509. The conducted Bathe'ntc. the town F. URL) .,w ,. > " \'c'.> v J. Iii?) t2‘;..:â€";. ‘ A. sisted i. uI'IJT-‘ll. treasurt i'. Letters From The People. The ‘ the evening and to mark her sevenâ€"i evening, Mrs. Bain was presented with ‘ vantage Of this service before check-. PAGE FIVE ACTED PART OF “GOOD SAMARITAN" MARKHAM TOWNSHIP FARMERl Editor Liberal. Sir:â€" i An example of' how Government ‘ Control and Automobiles are combin- YOUR ling for the “betterment” of social con- ditions was demonstrated in Markham Township a few nights ago when one ‘Of our tillers of the soil who was enâ€" . ljoying his ,bout forty guests were present from I ;Hillsdale, Alliston, Barrie, Allandalefli peaceful sluinbers in his quiet home was aroused by someone seeking admission. Rising quickly and doning his wearing apparel he was indeed surprised to find four young women at his door. They had been brought out to enjoy “an evening of lpleasure" at as they supposed some important club function. After enjoy- ing a meal and after they had been Offered some strong drink (which ‘they claimed they refused) other au- tos arrived carrying loads of men. This appeared too “fast” a place for the girls and they took to the fields and found themselves in the hands of a Good Samaritan who kindly motor~ ed them to Toronto. The girls were very thankful that they had got out of such and “inferno” and were safely guided back to their home city. Now Mr. Editor We contend that such placâ€" es should not be tolerated in this township. READER IS THERE A “MATCH” FOR THE ‘ PANT SNATCHER Richmond Hill, Oct. 23 Editor Liberal, Sir:â€" Some time ago‘we read a lot in the press about a “pant snatcher” in Hamâ€" ilton. Did you ever hear of a “sweater snatcher" in . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘3 INQUISITIVE READER NOTE:â€"~The vagueness of this let- ter would prompt us to suggest that it should have been addressed to Dr. Langsner instead of to the Editor. We confess we have heard of cradle, snatchers, meal snatchers and a lot ofl other kinds of snatchers but never of a “sweater snatcher in . . . . . . . . . . . ” We don’t even know whether the blank ’ stands for the same place usually de-i noted in print by . . . . . . . . or whether it stands for Richmond Hillâ€"(Ed) WILL HAVE HOCKEY MEETING SOON Richmond Hill, Oct. 22nd Editor Liberal, Sir:â€" I was very pleased to note the let- ter from “Hockey Fan” in your last issue. It augurs well for the success of the season that such interest is manifested and is a healthy sign when “hockey hearts beat.” I wish to as- sure your correspondent and all other hockey fans that a meeting- will be called ‘in the very near future and I hope “Hockey Fan" and a goodly num- ber of his associates and others who want to see good clean sport in Rich- mond Hill will be on hand. The date will be announced in The Liberal in ample time so that everybody in Rich- mond Hill (and most of York County‘ I believe) will know in time to attend. Thanking you for the space. 2 ONE OF THE EXECUTIVE ANDREW’S CHURCH, MAPLE Anniversary Services will be held in ,the St. Andrew’s Church, Maple, Sun~ day, October 28th, at 11 a. m, and 7 ip.m. conducted by Rev. J. D. Cumin-i g I l ANNIVERSARY SERVICES IN ST. E l ingham, M. A., D.D., professor of Knox College, Toronto. Fowl supper will be served in the Masonic Hall, from 5 to 8 p. in. Tuesday, October ‘30, afterwhich an entertainment will ibe given in the Community Hall by Ye Olde Tyme Village Quartette of ,Toronto, commencing at 8.15 p.1n. iAdmission, adults 75c.; children 35c. so, I vcâ€"Eéoiuuzsn » , A HDMEGUARD ALL .....m. a -TVE PUT IN MY COAL Wk WINTER. “MAUI-a . I . ' 4M READY To 60 ON THE FIRING LINE AT A MOMENTS NOTICE’ BE ready to go on the firing line-â€"::t a moments notice, v.‘l‘.ci‘. the l‘.'.C-I‘C‘li‘}' star‘s to , ’1 di \‘.'l'i‘-"-’.)l"'l. ;.’-}.'.;: {BAR ’Stop 22 .“ no. R SHOP NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC THUS. RYAN BE Yonge St rect Special attention to Ladies and Children's Work PATRONAGE SOLICITED 6 \\\\I\‘\“\.\\\II [H '“l' "I’ "’l[/I/’c{lllt"//I 1 9 ’1 "i ,/(. 2.1 III/ltllll/ / 1" WE are proud of our service in supplyin the motorists of Rich- mond Hill with good lubrication and dependable motor fuel. Let us serve you with PEERLESS gas and CASTROL OIL. “Be Ready with Roddy Power" ‘HALL’S 2 $157? was STA w ON RICHMOND HILL,ONT. 'PHQNEISS w OPTOMETRISTS EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS {borough Eye Examinations and Glasses That Fit Perfectly. =inertial Attention to Children’s Eyes. Open Evenings. Phone Hudson 0461 for Appointment. THE BIND OPTICAL co. 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) PAINTER &DECIIRATOR H. FORSTER VICTORIA SQUARE Telephone Stouffville 6116 Estimates Cheerfully Given Wall Paper Supplied if Desired A CHILD’S AFTEC- TION Every child likes plen- ty of Richmond Hill Dairy Milk. They in- stinctively realize that it plays an important portant part in build- ing up their happiness and health. We have a good supply of all kinds of poultry feeds BLATCHFORD'S QUAKER OATS CO. Standard Milling and Purina Feeds. W099, TILE, ElliElll IPHONE YARIJ". -/ 1 IO ' is ILDI ’ . , ,, ill I l l

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