Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1928, p. 8

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or CANALDA RICHMOND HiLL BRANCH - oooeogsmvflL0@@®aaa . By Special arrangement with the Nyal Company Limited, we are enabled to offer a certaln Nyal Products at two for the price of one. This is an advertising plan de- signed to make you better acquainted with these reliable preparations which fully O justify the sloganâ€"“Once a trialâ€"always Nyal.” Buy one and get another one of the same ABSOLUTELY FREE @ FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE UTMOST IN ELECTRIC RADIO . Here are a few only of the special bargains we offer. Many other Nyal Preparations A at special rate of two for the price of one. See our windows. W. G. Baldock Limited .....NYAL DRUG STORE.... . $600 VALUE Terms if desired Price complete $395 in scope. A‘moderéte sized Bankâ€"not too machine-like,â€"with a friendly interest in its clients. 1M PENAL BANK The Bank was established in 1875, and dur- ing a period of more than fifty years Branches have been established from time to time at care- fully chosen points. The service at all Branches is local and: personal, but it is_also vyorld Wide TO get the finest Batteryless Radio that can be . constructed: To have it housed in an exquisite walnut cabinet by Malcolm: To know that it is not an experimental set, but a genuine “Rogers”, the original Batteryless Radioâ€"with four years of proven performance behind it: with Tubes that are fully guaranteed: and yet get all this at a total cost of $395 :is almost unbelievable. Any other comparable radio would cost $500 to $600. We invite you to call and inspect this de luxe, Rogers- Batteryless Radioâ€"only a limited number of which will be sold in this community. Or, if you would pre- fer to see and test it at home, we will gladly arrange to install one without obligation. Terms, if desired. The new “Four-Ninety” has: Single dial tuning with brilliantly illuminated dial. Improved Electro- Dynamic Speaker to give the finest tonal reproduc- tion. Automatic Voltage Control, Rogers Output Filter, Phonograph Plug-in Jack and other distinctive, quality features. PAGE EIGHT BUY A 75c. PACKAGE OF Richmond Hill â€" Ontario Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only Austin’s Drug Store Our Service Branches at Newmarket and Aurora CI - MI FACE POWDER 50c. NYAL BATTERYL‘ESS “Four-Ninety” Console FBEEI‘ *I THREE ms nmv| 50c Nylotis Face Powder $1.00 Nyal Nutritive Hypophosâ€" 2 phites . . . . . . 75c Ci-Mi Hair 2 Tonic 250 Nyal White Pine & Tar . 25c Nyal Tooth Paste, Mint or 2 Wintergreen . . t 250 Nyal Corn 2 Remover . . . . . t 2 5c Nyal Violet Talcum . . . . . 25c Nyal Fig Sen . . . . . . A. T. MINNIS, Manager. ET. for .25 .2 for 1.00 ..2 m .25 .2 for .50 2 for .25 for tor for REG. 50c. NYAL F A C E CREAM SOOTHIKG andHEALING NYAL WEE-BENT 2 for- AND YOU GET ANOTHER ONE A GREAT TOOTH CLEANSER FREE Social and Personal ' Mr. Bryan Sharpless has returned! from his vacation having visited Deâ€" troit, Mich, Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Mo., New Orleans, La., Cincinnati, 0., Cleveland, 0., and Buffalo, N. We are glad to report that Mrs. John Grice. Sr., is improving after her illness of several .days. The autumn thank-offering meeting of the Mission Band of the United Church here was held in the Sunday school room last Tuesday evening. The programme which was under the icapable leadership of Mrs. Edgar ;Dean was rendered by the following members. Trio, Catherine Davies, Lorraine Davidson, Mildred Sumner; Piano Solo, Mary Johns; Readings, Mildred Sumner and Nelson Findlay; Piano duet, Lorraine Davidson and Catherine Davies; Chorus by Junior members of the band entitled “Jesus Bids Us Shine;” and an address by the pastor Rev. W. E. Baker. Prizes were offered to ‘those selling the most calendars, the presentation being made by Mrs. J. L. McDonald to Nelson lliFindlay and Charlie Ellacott. Re- freshments were served at the close of the meeting. Richmond Hill Ontario Mission Rand Thankâ€"Offering Meeting Birthday Party November 22nd The Trinity church Women’s Auxil- iary will hold a birthday party at the home of Mrs. F. Simpson on Thursday November 22nd. Watch for further announcement later. In this interesting letter Mr. Henry says, “The Lakes of Kilarney are as beautiful as they say they are, a four weeks motor trip through the British Isles was the real joy of our trip, a very varied and beautiful country, which has many sections that partic- ularly appeals to one from Ontario. One could spend months in London and enjoy every hour of it. Next will be our visit to the continent which will ‘no doubt be enlightening, as everyâ€" ‘thing will be so different. We expect to sail from Genoa for home, in the near future. I see by the Press'the Attorneyâ€"General has appbinted a ‘Magistrate to administer cold justice up in your country, you will have to mind your Ps and Q8 now.” .Hon. G. S. Henry Now in Italy Hon. Geo. S. Henry in a letter writ- ten in Paris to an old friend, Mr. J.E. Francis of Thornhill, states that they are thoroughly enjoying their holiday. Rev. JD. Fitzpatrick of Wesley United church will preach in the Uniâ€" ted church here, next Sunday evening. This service will be under the leader- ship of the Young People’s Society. We trust that a large number of the young people will be present Sunday evening. Y..P. S. Held Interesting Meeting The Young People’s Society of the United Church here held their most interesting and‘enjoyable meeting of of the current season last Monday evening. The membership of the so- Th ornhill District News THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 230 ciety is split up into two teams and last week’s meeting was in the form of two programmes of one half hour each, each side arranging one pro- ‘gram. One can appreciate that when points are given for different phrasâ€" es of the program that each side did their best to make an enjoyable pro- gram. The captains of the teams were Miss Emma Barker and Bryan Sliarpless. Miss Barker’s team put ‘on a very enjoyable entertainment consisting of comb band by group of members; violin solo by Bruce Mc- Donald; Reading by Mr. M. J. John- son; vocal duet by Misses Ila Brillingâ€" er and Madeline Ellacott, reading by 1Miss Jean McDonald; solo by Floyd Davies; and a very interesting Fashi- fion parade showing difference in Dame Fashion in 1900 as against 1928. All present Were of the opinion that Miss Barker’s team would win the prize, until team captained by Bryan Sharpless sprang the surprise of the evening. Their program was supposâ€" ed to be heard by the audience over the radio and each contributor was seen giving their part into an im- provised microphone. The program consisted of a humorous reading by Willard Simpson; Vocal duet by Miss- es Edna Wiltshire and Marion Smellie, two readings by Miss M.Ech1in; and a very popular bedtime story by Miss Nancy Davis. There were in additi- ‘on two selections by the whole team ‘vas a chorus and the broadcaster also gave weather reports, etc. If you are not attending the meet- ings of the Y.P.S. at Thomhill you are missing one evening’s entertain- ment each week which is well worth while. All young people in the neigh- borhood are invited to attend and will be made welcome. The judges who were Miss A. Cooper, Mrs. J. A. Thompson and Mr. J. Francis had considerable diffi- culty in making decision as to the winner but finally the radio program was given first place. 11 a, m.â€"5 Minutes talk with an old favorite. Sermon Subject -â€" Build- ing Yourselves up. 2.30â€"Sunday School I 7 p. m.â€"Special Young People’s Service. Rev. J. D. Fitzpatrick of Wesley United Church, Toronto, preacher. \ Monday eveningâ€"8.15 p.m.â€"Y0ung People's Meeting. ‘ The nineth regular meeting of the above council was held at Armstrong’s Hotel, on Saturday the 29th day of September, all the members present with Reeve Legge in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed, the Clerk presented the communications and was authoriz- ed to pay the following accounts. S. Hollingshead, work on road and side- walk, P. V. C. $50.40; Imperial OiI P. .V. S. $60.50; Frank Brown, freight on oil $14.50; Hydro Power Commission $25.81; W. E. Ferfuson, freight P.V.S. $3.00; McDonald & Son, re-goods for McGill children $3.20. Road Maintenance ‘ King: Township Councfl Road Division No. 1, $126.00; No. 3, $377.43; No. 4, $131.50; No. 5 $4.00; No, 6, $359.69; No. 8, $535.95; No. 10 $50.00; No. 13, $144.34; No. 14, $35.â€" 50; No. 15, $24.25; No. 16, $22.05; No. 17, $226.69; No. 18, $4.50; No. 19, $233.20; No. 20, $95.93; No. 21, 13.00. Resolutions: ' Eganâ€"Jefferson â€"â€" That the Treas- urer be authorized to pay to Harold Pringle the sum of $130.00 grant re- sidewalks in Nobleton; also to pay to V, AuHall the sum of $200.00 an adâ€" vance re King City special levy. Armstrongâ€"MacMurchy â€"-That this CounEil hereby confirm the action of Deputy Reeve F. A. Egan in author- izing the Treasurer to issue a cheque for the sum of $29.45, for culvert pipes supplied to the Township as ordered by the Road Superintendent. Eganâ€"Jefferson â€" That the Treas- urer be authorized to pay the sume of 331.65 to P. M. Thompson re burial of James Court. Indigent. MacMurchyâ€"Jefferson â€"- That the Treasurer be authorized to pay to Dr. H. K. Dillane the sum of $3.00 medical services re Mr. Dinoff. JeffersonnMacMul-chy â€"â€" That Dr. McLeod be paid the sum of $50.00 grant for Schomberg Agricultural Soâ€" ciety MacMurchyâ€"Armstrong â€" That the Treasure; be authorized to pay $16.00 this Municipalities share as per Engi- neers award re drainage scheme King vs Albion. Jeffersonâ€"Armstrong â€" That the Township Constable be authorized to inforce the Lords Day Act, as regards trucks hauling freight and selling vegetables and produce. Council adjourned to meet at Sutt- ons Hotel, Schomberg on Saturday the 27th day of October 1928. Thornhil] UNITED CHURCH REV. W. E. BAKER, Pastor USED CARS “Langstafi Bakery‘ E Thornhill, Langstaff, Richmond Hill “Be Ready Fm The (300] weather i1 Phone 18 â€"â€" â€" â€" â€"â€" We Deliver.“ oflo=0=0=0=0=0=0§0=3 3 Phone 18 BREAMUNS, CAKES, PASTRY I] BARGAINS ! Choice of two 1921 Ford Coupe in good running condition - - eaCh LITTLE BROS. See the Findlay Quebec Cook Stove with the oval firepot. Give Us a Trial. =10=°= $625 F. Y. W. Brathwaite DeFOREST CROSLEY RADIO We are clearing our stock and offer the following good used cars at this Sacrifice Price. All cars are in good mechanical condition and have starter and license. Stove Pipe, Elbows, Etc. For Your Requirements Ford Sales and Service. RICHMOND HILL Made From Best of Ingredients Guaranteed Wholesome and Pure 1â€"1920 FORD TOURING 1â€"1921 FORD SEDAN 1â€"1919 Ford Touring, winter top. 1â€"1923 STAR TOURING 10n0==20=0 and intermediate points. SPECIAL 1928 Model “A” Ford Tudor Our driver call at Richmond Hill THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25th, 1928 TER MS. Phone Thornhill 9 l1 =o=o==o=o 0:0.

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