01 Trade a very live issue in the life and development of the community. Owing to the neamess of Municipal elections and the natural interest at this season taken in things “municip- al†the program for next Wed'y. will be known as “MUNICIPAL NIGHT.†The Board aims to stimulate interest in all municipal affairs and with this in view the topics for’the next meetâ€" ing have been chosen. There will be an open discussion led by different members on the following subjects: The/executive have arranged an at- tractive tenative program} for the 'com- ing months and all that is needed is the active co-operation of every mem- her to make the Richmond Hill Board of Trade a very live issue in the life and development of the community. According to reports the memberâ€" ship committee will have a very grati- fying- account to give of their cam- paign. Almost one hundred members have beeen enrolled so far and it is hoped that every one and as many more as possible will be in attendance at: the November meeting. There will be many important items of busiâ€" ness to discuss including- the recomâ€" mendation of the appointment of a permanent Industrial Commission for the Town. The Industrial develop- ment of the district should be of vital concern to every resident and it is hoped by proper organization to con- duct an efficient and extensive camâ€" paign to secure industries for the municipality. ' As the regular meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Board of Trade would come on the second Monday of the month, which this month happens to be Thanksgiving \Day, the November meeting will be held in the council chamber, on WEDNESDAY EVEN- ING, NOVEMBER 7th at 8 p. m. d “ Municipal Night †Will Be Featured By An Open Dis- cussion on Municipal Subjectsâ€"Local Assessment Will Be Considered. BOARD OF TRADE MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th 0:0] 7:01 VOL. LI. McLaughlin-Buick ON THE STAGE - « BOB VALENTINE and BROTHER . GRETA CAPITOL NEWS Shows at 7 & 9 THE MAILED FIST REACHING OUT IN THE BLACK NESS OF MILITARY INTRIGUEâ€"H E A R T S T H A T FOUND EACH OTHER ON THE NO MAN’S L AND OF SPIESâ€"AND HOW THEY HAT ED TO LOVE. COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT wit!) 50$? Troubles Gal ore Monday, Nov. '5th Tuesday, Nov. 6th Wednesday, Nov. 7th LOI=OI CONRAD NAGEL I0=0=°=OI=OEOI=IOI=O o=o=o=o===on HUDson 2172 CAPITOL ' i [ADV COMEDY ACT A MEETING OF ALL INTEREST- ED IN HOCKEY WILL BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER NEXT TUESDAY EVENING AT 8 P. M. WHEN OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR WILL BE ELECTED AND PLANS MADE FOR THE COMING SEASON. ALL PLAYERS AND FANS WHO WOULD LIKE TO SEE A GOOD HOCKEY TEAM HERE ARE URGED TO ATTEND. A hot fowl supper and entertainment willbe held in the United church, [Richmond Hill on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 under the auspices of the Ladies Aid. A fowl supper will {be served from 5.30 until all are servâ€" led after which there will be a high class entertainment. Among the art- ists who will take part are; Miss Queenie McGillis contralto soloist the Toronto ConservatoryQuartette, Miss Shiphrah Goldstick, nine year old pianist, Mr. William Buck, violinist, Miss Hazel Moore, elocutiom'st and Mr. Adelmo Melleci, organist. Ad- mission 75 cents. children under 12, 35 cents. ' 1 Richmond Hill Assessment; 2 How to create community interest in the annual nomination meeting and in the Municipal Elections. Other matters pertaining to the business and general improvement of local conditions will be considered. Resewe the date, Wednesday next, November 7th in the Council Chamber at 8 o’clock. FOWL SUPPER AND ENTERTAINMENT THEATRE HOCKEY The Executive “In Essentials, Unity; In Nonâ€"assent igls. Librrty: In All Things. Charitv.†GOOD PLACE TO BUY A USED CAR Tarzan the Mighty Friday Night and Saturday Matinee Only Mr. and Mrs. G. w. Baker 5nd ‘Messrs Lorne and Murray ‘Baker spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Louis Nichols. ‘ Mrs, John Thompson, of Crediton, is visiting with friends here. She visited her friends in the County of Simcoe last week. , ' Turnips are being harvested tï¬s week. The crop is an exceptionally good one, and as the ground is fairly dry they are going into the cellar in excellent shape. Boston Bros. had an enormous crop. After filling their root cellar and every available space in the stable they had to pit many Mrs. Peter Baker was remembered by many of her friends this week, she receiving a postal shower on her nine- tyâ€"fourth birthday. Mr. Edgar Wall, of Richmond Hill, gave an interesting address at the Young People’s Society last Sunday evening. / Mrs. James Caseley, of Stouffville. spent part of the week with MIï¬S‘ Homer Wilson. Mr. C. Moynihan has purchased a fifty acre farm east of Aurora which he expects to occupy about the middle of the month. Mr. Haig, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Boyn- ton attended a meeting of the execu~ tive of Markham Township Religious Educational Council at the home of Mr. James Ley, Ma‘rkham on Monday night. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Mortson, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mortson and their son Arnold motored from Sask~ atchewan, arriving here on Friday last. They report a good road with the exception of a strip on the Fer- guson Highway near North Bay, when they had to be towed through deep water. Mr. Chas. Hart had the misfortun'e to have his radiator on his tractor freeze up and burst while sitting on the bridge at the barn one day this week. This is an unusual thing so early in the season. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lst, 1928 Collegians Hr. Sydney Edgell, of Ottawa, is Ending the week With his friends Topics and Fables And the New Laugh Riot Yonge and Castiefield Victoria Square " snaps you [m 30:01 (ugh/and in g married Alfred Storms. them look out for squalls THE ANNUAL PLOWING MATCH OF THE KING AND VAUGHAN PLOWMEN’S ‘ASSOCIATION WILL BE HELD TO-MORROW. (FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd,) AT THE FARM OF CAMERON WALKINGTON, KING TOWNSHIP. ' C.T.U., in addition the county execu- tive voted $25. for lst, 2nd and 3rd prizes in junior and senior groups and books for ten next highest in each group. Any child wishing to enter the contest may communicate with Mrs. A. L. Phipps or Mrs. (Dr.) Wilâ€" son. Further announcement regard- ing the contest will appear in the pres from time to time. The executive of York and Peel Counties Women‘s Christian Temperâ€" ance Union met at the home of Mrs. A. E. Plewman to arrange for the “Ocean to Ocean wave of Temperance Education†contest. This contest is being held by the Dominion W.C.T. U. in co-operation with the Northern Messenger. Valuable prizes are be- ing offered by Dougall Bros., The Do- minion W.C.T.U.. The Provincial W. W. C. T. U. EDUCATION CONTEST The club extend a hearty invitation Ito all citizens of the village to visit :‘Dinty Moore’s’ and will extend a. glad welcome to new members. It is felt that there are many citizens who do not appreciate the advantages offered by the club or they would join and en- ter into congenial comradeship with the good fellows of the curling club and participate in the transcendant pleasures of the ‘King of Sports.’ The regular meetings of the club will be held on the second Monday of each month during the season at ‘Dinty Moore’s.’ Messrs Herrington, Savage, Stephâ€" ens, and McLean were appointed com- mittee to interview the young men of the village with the purpose of awak- ening in them an interest in curling. Instructions were given to the gam- ,es committee to confer with Curling Clubs of neighbouring places with re- gard to arranging for home-and-home games throughout the winter. President, Reeve Lunau; Vice-Presi- dent, F. Mansbridge; Secretary-Trea- surer, Claude Wright; Committee of management; H. Thomson, J, Mc- Lean, G. Moodie; Ice Committee. W. CapeII, A. E. G125; W. Benson; Gam- es committee, W. Trench, H. Thom- son, E. T. Stephens, N. J. "Glass. From the numerous nominees for the various offices the following were elected to the positions of honour and of control. Many of the elections proving to be close contests. The Curlers' meeting on Monday, October 29 at “Dinty Moore’s†was marked by increased enthusiasm which is prophetic of a‘most success- ful year. The apartments of the club were filled to repletion. Elected President of the Richmond Hill Curling Club at the annual meet- ing held Monday night Curlers Held . . Annual Meeting 51a PLOWING MATCH sachusetts Dorothy REEVE J. LUNAU Wind Mr. Henry Hooper Hooper spent Sunday Thornhill. We are sorry to he: er is moving to Toro: Many happy retu Charlie. The W.M.S. Thank-Offering supp- er and concert on Monday evening was a decided success. The dialogues portraying Missionary life given by Mr, and Mrs. Shauntz of Stouffville delighted the audience. The listen- ers were also favored by a duet from Misses Doris Walton and Mae Tenny- SOD. The hunters are preparing for their trip on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James McQuay re- turned from their honeymoon Satur- day evening. They were heartily welcomed by the boys. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer and son Gordon had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walton on Wednesday evening. Miss Katherine Craig spent Sunday under the parental roof. I Jr. IIIâ€"Harry McGimpsey 74%, Frank French 57%, Aleatha Thompâ€" son 56%, Mae Tennyson 52%, William Hood 52%, Ruby Firth 44%, Willie Allen 42%, Erwin Gohn 41%. J1'_ IIâ€"Rhea McQuay. ‘ Sr. Iâ€"Lloyd Allen. Sr. Pr.â€"James Hood, Hazel Cox. Jr. Pr.â€"Bennie Bullock, Ashton Calvert, Russell Cox, Mervin Firth. | Sr. IVâ€"Dorothy Clark 79%, Elizaâ€" ‘beth Clark 79%, Jessie Burr 69%, Fern Firth 65%, Della Burr 60%, Sadie McGimpsey 57%. _ Sr._ IIIâ€"Addie Allen 73%, Doris Walton 2%, Helen Fierheller (ab- sent), Aubrey Gohn (absent), Jim Clark (absent). BUTTONVILLE ,SCHOOL REPORT Attraction ‘ BUTTONVILLE In her latest Comedyâ€"Drama with more action, more thrills than ever before. HOT NEWS U THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT --â€" YONGE AND GLEN FbREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 PM. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. JOE WOODS BEQEQERIEEQINBE Comedy “ SougTo Nuts ,NEWS EVENTS I Nora CriFFH‘l’i Thursday, Friday. Saturday, November 1, 2, 3 COMEDY “SCARED SILLY†King of the Jungle No. VII NEWS EVENTS Mon., Tues., Wed'y, November to hear that Mr. Mey Toronto on Saturday return IUUUS 11:13 VILLAGE CUi SCREAMINGLY FUNNY FARCE BEBE DANIELS th friends in iM Nora Griffith DANCING GIRLS ontlac rUhe Adventures oï¬ a United Dress Correspondent \ m China Land/ , The regular monthly meeting of the Oak Ridges Branch of the W0- ‘men’s Institute will be held at the re- sidence of Mrs. George Thqmpson, Temperanceville, on Wednesday, Noâ€" vember 7th, at 2.30 p. m. A Thanks- giving collection is to be taken in ans- wer to the Roll Call. It is hoped that every member will briné a friend. VILLAGE CUT UPS Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE A U S T151787 (Drug? Store y l- uâ€" VVVI. \l RICHMSN/D HILL,ONT PHONE 33 WWW QWW (Bf/com! Oak Ridges u/ HG L.Oll ANITA PAGEV“ BERT Roma EILEEN pERCY Pom MORAN WlTfl NO. 18