Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Nov 1928, p. 4

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The regular meeting of Whitchurch] Township Council was held in Comâ€", munity Hall, Vandorf, on Saturday. October 27th. Members all present, Reeve M. Baker in the chair. Communications were received from Geo. Winn, Stouffville, requesting a grant on Church Street north for gravelling; from Mr. Chaminey, of the Hydro office, Richmond Hill, re service for Percy Ash. From Naughton & Jenkins enc105- ing account of W. S. Gibson for surâ€" veying sideroad south of Wilcox Lake, from Ontario Department of Agricul- ture, Newmarket requesting a grant towards the Junior plowing contest; Messrs John Empringham and W. Paisley interviewed the 'council re- questing a grant to gravelva portion of sideroad between lots 5 and 6‘in con. 5. Council granted $40. Geo. Stanley requested grant for di- vision 12 which had previously been U A. iM. Sheridan presented a claim for 1 sheep killed 'and 1 injured by dogs. On motion of Councillors Williams and Ratcliff, Mr. Sheridan was allow- ed $20 for sheep killed and $10 for sheep injured. Carried. On motion of Councillor R. E. Rat- cliff and Deputy-Reeve Kidd, a grant of $10 was made towards the prize list of the Junior Farmers plowing contest. Wm. Crawford tendered his resig- nation as councillor, which was ac- cepted. A was introduced for apâ€" pointment of clerk and treasurer of the Township to fill the vacancy caus- ed by the death of late Wm. H. Clark. There were two applicants for the position, the acting clerk and treasur- er, Hugh W. Clark and Wm. Craw- ford. On division the council appoint- cabin. Lightning rent the skles and lit up the forest so that every minute leaf could be seen. The rain driven on by the wind crashed against the windowâ€"panes and broke the glass so that it fell to the floor. The woman eager, to keep out the cold and wet, tacked on a piece of ed Mr. Crawford at a salary of $1100. ~canvas. On motion of Councillors Ratcliff Suddenly there was a thud on the ’and Deputy_ReeVe Kiddy Thos. B_ Rae door. The woman ran to see who it of Stouffville was appointedfio audit the accounts of the Township before they are handed over to the new clerk and treasurer. Road Superintendent J. H. Widdiâ€" field was granted leave of absence from November 3rd to Nov. 20th. On motion of\Councillors Ratcliff and Williams a number of bills and accounts were ordered paid: - was and there stood her husband. In he stumbled wet and cold, but after he was dry and had on different clothes he told her his story. He had not been very far away from the house when the storm started and so turn- ing around he made all the speed he could for the cabin. He had nearly been lost several times but kept going on doggedly. Council adjourned to meet at Van- dorf for genera 'business on Satur- day, December st, at 10 o’clock. Vaughan Township Council will meet in regular session next Tuesday, November 6th, commencing at 11 am. for the transaction of general busi- ness. The Family Herald and Weekly Star with its wonderful improvements is now regarded as the great Agri- cultural paper of Canada and the Family Circle’s best Magazine. Whitchurch Council It might be worse. You never meet anybody who really believes the lies put out by campaign headquarters. PAGE FOUR VAUGHAN COUNCIL at our garage and have your brakes tested. We have just installed a The same as used by Toronto and Pro- vincial Police. We Will test your brakes Free of Charge. Our shop is fully equip- ed with Raybestos Brakelining Machin- ery and our mechanics are properly trained for installation and care of brakes, YOU WILL sror p.14; But It Is Safer with Rayz’yesfos apley Brake Testing Meter RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL Composition graded highest during the month of October. (Written by Fred Taylor, Age 12) Senior IV Class A STORM In the wilds of Northern Ontario lived John Millar, with his wife and two children. His home was a log cabin hewn out of the forest surround- ing the little farm. One day when he was at the near- est village getting provisions an adâ€" venture befell his wife. The town was about twenty-five miles away and to accomplish the trip it took two or three days. During this time his wife had to milk the cow, feed the horses and chickens. The day was sultry. and cloudy, and the east wind whistled through the trees. John had risen early and ten- ded to the stock, while his wife preâ€" pared the breakfast. She also made him a lunch as he did not expect to reach the little town before noon. A- bout an hour or two had passed since the man had gone forth into the for- est when it started to rain. How it did pour! Peal after peal of thunder echoed and re-echoed through the vast ‘forest. The woman shuddered as she ‘thought of her husband out there in the darkness; for although it was morning the dark clouds that inter- cepted the sun and clad the earth in darkness. Giant trees, monarchs of the forest, gave up the struggle and crashed to the ground near the threshold of the cabin. Lightning rent the skies and ‘lit up the forest so that every minute ‘leaf could be seen. Now the storm wgs nearing its end and the pair looked out on the forest which had a little while ago been standing of ruins. ONE CENT SALE SAVE MONEY AT THE REXALL ONE CENT SALE, THIS THURS- DAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AT GLENN’S DRUG STORE, RICH- MOND HILL. - Inhabitants in Hedjaz are forbidden "to Wear gold ornaments or silk clothes. Women of the Samoa Islands wear beauty patches of a fungus that shin- es in the night. ‘ so majestically now a mass The re-organization meeting- 'of the Literary Society was held at the Richmond Hill High School last Fri- day. The meeting opened with a few remarks from the retiring presiâ€" dent, Mr. Egerton Young, who acted as chairman for the meeting. Mr. J. Koning acted as secretary protem. A number of candidates were nominated for the various offices and for form representatives and the results of the elections will be announced next week. It was I decided to hold meetings ‘P every two weeks and that the school in paper should be read every month. After the business of the meeting prizes were presented to the following by Magistrate G. H. Duncan, chair- man of the Board of Education; Mr. J. Armstrong, for highest standing in the Upper School; Mr. G. Plewman for highest standing in the Middle School; and to Miss B. Campbell for highest standing in Lower School. Principal Stewart presented prizes to ‘Mr. Robert Little and Miss Katy Ko- ‘zak and Miss D, Anderson on behalf ‘of the donors. YOUR HOME PAPER The Liberal aims to give all the Home news of the district. If you enâ€" joy the paper and find its columns interesting just pass a good word a, long to one of your friends who may not at present be a subscriber. Tell them to subscribe to York County’s lNewsiest Home Paper. Enquire about our attractive clubbing rates with To- ronto dailies. Subscriptions taken at The Liberal Office for all publications both Canadian and foreign. The choice of Senor Gil as the new president of Mexico will meet the full approval of the headline writers. It is said that there are 15,000 speakâ€"easies in New York. Perhaps there is where the campaign whisper- ers got their start. This week we offer finest quality Stove pipes anfl Eibows C. N. COOPER Richmond Hill High School Notes Everything In The Line Of Hardware, Stoves Second Hand Cook Stove In Good Condition HALF PRICE HARDWARE LIBERAL. PlCH‘a'GND HILL, ONTARIO Jntario Suppe!l and entertainment in con- nection with the St. Andrew’s church here held on Tuesday evening was a decided success. A splendid fowl supper was served in the Masonic Hall afterwhich a large crowd was enter- tained to a delightful programme in the Community Hall by Ye Olde Tyme Village Quartette assisted by Miss Pearl Carter, Elocutionist. The pro- ceeds for the evening amounted to $435 and the thankâ€"offering collection Living in the great cities may have its advantages but just now when the season of Hot Fowl Suppers is on,the argument is all in favor of the Coun- try. One doubts whether even the, most fashionable and most expensive hostleries of the continent have any- thing on their menus just as appetizâ€" ing as these roast chickens, geese and turkeys or quite so palatable as the pumpkin pies which have a peculiar way of melting in your mouth which the good ladies of Maple district treated hundreds to on Tuesday even- mg. pn Sunday amounted to $98 which made a total of $533.00. St. Andrew’s church was crowded on Sunday morning and evening when anniversary services were held and sermons preached by Rev. Dr. Cunnâ€" ingham, of Knox College. The choir of Knox Church, Vaughan, led the service of Praise, and rendered sever- al beautiful anthems and solos. Found Dead ‘ Seeing no stir for several days a- bout the home of George W. Murray, who lived alone on the Sixth Cohcesâ€" sion the neighbours decided to investi- gate on Saturday morning with the result that he was found lying in the yard with life extinct. It is thought ltliat he had been there since Tuesday at an inquiry it was decided that death was due to natural causes. The funeral took place on Tuesday to Ed- geley. The funeral of Mrs. E. Mahers, daughter of the late John Parkins was held on Wednesday from Laurie’s Undertaking Parlours to the Lutheran cemetery. Mr. James Woods, at former resi- dent of this village and brother of Miss Martha Woods passed away in Sarnia on Tuesday of this week. Miss Woods is the only surviving member of the family. Next Sunday evening, Rev. Mr. Christie of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit of the United church. Mr. Wm. Johnson who had an operâ€" ation on his arm is home again from the hospital and is improving nicely. MrshJohn G. Keffer arrived home after spending three weeks with her sister and brothers New Forest on the Blue Water Highway. No frost there. Sweet peas and mums in full bloom. On Monday Mr. Wilkinson, the Pub- lic School Inspector payed the semi- annual visit to the Public School here. Grand Concert in Community Hall Grand Concert under the manageâ€" ment of Mr. R. H. Switzer, Mount Dennis, given in the Community Hall, Maple, Thursday, November 8th at 8 p._m. Program of specially fine character songs, violin; and readings by some of the best amateur talent in Toronto. 'Admission 35 and 20 cents. Under the auspices of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church. Mr. Lorne Glen, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, visited with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Glen, George Street over the week-end. If circumstances per- mit he will settle in Toronto and bring his family there. Miss Jean Black arrived from Scot. land and was met in Toronto by her cousin, Mrs. R. A.:Fleming. She is now visiting Mrs. Dave Tran of Clare- }mont and if she likes our country will :make her home here. »Mr. and Mrs, Horace Hunter, of Toronto, visited the latters brother, Mr. R. A. Fleming Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Peake attended the funeral of a at Osh- awa on Monday. The ladies of the Eastern Star Lod- ge held a successful euchre last Wed- nesday. Mrs. Beck, of Locust Hill captured the ladies prize, and Mr. Warriner, the gents. Mrs. James ms MARKHAM MAPLE nd Mr. Ma Henr C31 ‘Voters’ List 1928 |FOR SALEâ€"2 Part Jersey heifers | Walter Lloyd, Maple, phone 10-36. FOR RENTâ€"6 roomed house on Eliz- abeth Street, Richmond Hill, good orchard, electric light, moderate rent. Apply L. B. Finch, 496-A, Ossington Ave., Toronto, phone Lombard 8511. FOR SALEâ€"Two ram lambs, Oxfords pure bred. Apply R. H._ Boake, Lot 11 and 12, Con. 2, North York, Eglinton R. R., Phone Willowdale 59-r-12. FOUNDâ€"A pig, owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing expenses. Apply Bert Woods, Stop 18, Yonge Street. . FOR SALEâ€"Holstein cow, fresh in February. A. Cooke, Markham Highwayt Stop 19. FOR SALEâ€"In Richmond Hill, 7 FOR SALEâ€"Kitchen range in first class condition. Apply Mrs, A. L. Phipps, Richmond St., Richmond Hill, Phone 13_W. WANTEDâ€"A pocket operator on mens coats. Apply at once to Richmond Tailors, Richmond Hill. WANTEDâ€"Young man for steady employment. Apply to Richmond Tailors, Richmond Hill. HAIRDRESSING â€" Marcelling and etc., Mrs. Russell, Centre St., West, Phone 178. FOR SALEâ€"100 acres, lot 20, con. 2, Markham, one and a quarter miles from Richmond Hill, one of the best farms in the County of York, land in excellent shape, fall plowing done‘, 5 acres of bush, rest all clear- ed, good clay loam, 9 acres fall wheat, 17 acres of alfalfa, 8 acres of alsike, frame dwelling and good out buildings, including bank barn, silo, implement house, hog pen, straw shed and new hen house. Ap- ply J. Horner, Richmond Hill, R. R. No. 1, Ontario. 100 ACRE FARM near Yo'nge Street, 20 miles from Toronto, will ex- change for a 150 or 200 acre stock ' farm, 25 miles from Toronto. Box 150 Richmond Hill. RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first ir sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. The Regular November Meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore, on Clerk’s not .Voters’ List “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKIi THE MOST OF IT” Vaughan Township J. B. McLEAN, Clerk Maple, Ont., Nov. 1, 1928. Tuesday, Nov. 6th roomed brick dwelling, with finish- ed attic, hardwood floors, all con- veniences, modern heating. Apply Box 17, Liberal Office. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- er‘s’ Lists Act and that I have posted up in my office at Maple, on the 17th, day of October, 1928, the List of all persons entitled ,to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parlia- ment and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for in- ‘spection. ‘ That Part I of said list contains the Lnames of those persons entitled to Ivote at both Municipal Elections and ‘Elections to the Legislative Assembâ€" I. 1y. ’ That Part II of said list contains the names of those entitlegl to vote at Municipal Elections only. And that Part III of said list con- tains the names of those entitled to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have 11 a.m. for the transaction of general business. )at Classifieci Advertising County of York notice of First Posting of 1t Maple, October 1 J. B. McLE THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25th. 1928 correcte 7th 1928 FOR RENTâ€"On Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, new brick house, all conveniences, electric, water, hardâ€" wood floors, brick grate, heavy wir- ing, laundry tubs, etc.. very reason- able rent. Apply George Forrester, Lansing, Ont. FOR RENT â€" House on Yonge Street Richmond Hill, 7 rooms, rent reas- onable. Apply F. W. HalL. FOR SALEâ€"Registered Clydesdales, all ages, also registered Yorkshire hogs fit for service and registered sows. Apply T. Leatherdale, Maple HERE’S YOUR OPPORTUNITYâ€"To buy Good second hand pine timbers, excellent for barns, etc. at low cost. Will exchange for cattle, poultry or Farm produce. A. Dyme,'R. R. 2 Maple, Ont., Phone Maple 2962. ' WANTEDâ€"Written applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of caretaker of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Address applications to J. E. Smith, Richmond Hill, Ontario. FOR SALE -â€" 100 acre farm, good bank barn and brick house, driving shed, pig pen, hen house, and straw shed, 10 acres good hardwood bush. Apply to the owner George Prentice- Milliken, Ontario. FOR SALE or RENTâ€"Six roomed house in Richmond Hill, sunroom, all conveniences, heated garage at- tached, blinds, fixtures and electric stove lefpin house. Apply Gordon H. Sloan, Richmond St., Bichmond’ FOR SALEâ€"3 roomed cottage, on Centre Street, east, must be moved‘ from its present location, price right. Apply Jones Lumber 00., Richmond Hill, Ont., phone 27. FOR SALE or RENTâ€"Six roomed house and two acres of land, atr E1- IN THE MATTER OF NEIL GILCHRIST McLEAN, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Neil Gilchrist McLean. late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Farmer, deceas- ed, who died on or about the 29th day Of March 1928, are hereby noti- fied to send in to the undersigned Administrator on or before the 22nd. day" of November 1928, full particu- ,lars of their claims. Immediately af- jter the said 22nd day of November 1928, the assets of the intestate will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administrator shall then have notice. JOHN P. McLEAN, of the Village of Woodbridge, in the County of York, Administrator. . ' By 9 WILLIAM COOK & COOK His Solicitors DATED at Toronto, of October A.D., 1928‘ SALE BILLS The Liberal reaches the district you want to cover in advertising your auction sale. Our Job Printing deâ€" partment turns out that better class of sale hills which attracts and brings results. If you are considering hav- ing a sale consult us and we will gladly assist in arranging your bills land advertising. Saturday, Novembex 3rdâ€"Auction sale of Standing Timber, mostly beech and maple, at Cedar Grove, Scarboro Townline, the property of Miss N. Lapp. Sale at 1 o’clock. 11 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auct’s. Friday, November 2ndâ€"Auction sale of horses, harness, wagons, etc., the property of J as. Birchell, 103 Ron- an Ave., North Toronto. Sale at 1.30 sharp. Termszâ€"(lash. Everything will be sold as proprietor is moving a- way. R. Neilson, Auctioneer. way Hill, phone 98-W NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FRANCES GWENDOLYN SNOW LOTT, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, married woinan, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof for a Bill of Di- vm-re from her husband, ROBERT Apply W.H Notice to Creditors gin Mills, immediate possession SALE REGISTER HOWARD SHA 311’ a LOYD gegge T’I Richmond Hill. this 17th day Septemâ€" 1nd

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