\ RICHMOND HILL CORPS Lieut. Whiteher Officer in Charge SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 25 Special visit of Brigadier Burrows Division Commander 'for Toronto West. Morning 11 a. m.â€"Holiness Meeting Evening 7 p. m.â€"â€"Mrs. Burrows will speak. All are heartily welcome. SALVATION ARMY When America was wilderness, Indians Were using herbs successfully. From the Redmen, 50 years ago, James Gallagher learned herbal secrets and compounded Gallagher’s Herbal House- hold Remedies. His famous Kidney Remedy has helped many a. sufferer from Rheumatism. This ï¬ne, time-proved remedy, drawn from the heart of Nature, heels and cleanses kidneys. Quickly stops back- ache, dizziness and other nagging lddney and bladder ailments. Try it! For OPTOMETRISTS EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Jhorough Eye Examinations 1nd Glasses That Fit Perfectly. Special Attentionjo Children’s Eyes. sale by Open Evenings. Pnuae Hudson 0461 for Appointment. We Buy all Kinds of Raw Furs Let us supply your Rubber Foot Wear LIGHT RUBBERS IN ALL SIZES, HEAVY WORK RUBBERS, LADIES GOLOSHES, Large Stork From $2.75 up. WINTER UNDERWEAR FOR MEN. ALL WEIGHTS, ALL PRICES MEN’S SPATS, A good Quality at $2.00 ARROW .SHIRTS at $2.00 to $2.50. SHOES FOR THE GROWING GIRLS from $3.50 up. FURS REPAIRED AND REMODELLED She offers her healing herbs to stop suffering Rheumatism no Part of Nature’s Plan THE BIND OPTICAL CO. 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) Orders Taken for Fur Coats NORMAN J. GLASS The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store Martin’s Barber Shop THURSDAY, NOVEMBEElï¬th. 1928 Phone-JVillowdale 96W POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. Have Your'Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. Agent for FIRE. LIFE, AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS‘ ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE GUARANTEE BONDS AUSTIN'S DRUG STORE Richmond Hill, Ontario Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 W. N. Mabbett ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Box 16, Elgin Mills. Ontario Right at The City Limits ’John Donald A. G. SAVAGE Nohh Toronto. Richmond Hill October. Sr. IVâ€"Irene Simon 84%, Eddy Jones 82%, Laura Morris 81%, Jack Duggan 78%, Jean Taylor 77%, Ed~ mund Naltho 77%, Annie Line 76%, Eva Thomas 76%, Eileen Moore 76%, Bruce Woods 74%, Ian Evans 71%, Philip Harper 69%, Jim Bell 66%, Norman Naltho 65%, Shirley Fore- man 48%, Viola Ogilvie 27%. Jr. IVâ€"Hazel Brett 83%, Elva Jack- son 81%, Winnie Caffin 79%, Ralph Raven 78%, Irene Kilford 77%, Geor- ge McRae 77%, Edna Lockyer 77%, Eileen Moore 74%, Ruth 001111 73%, Betty Round 73%, Nellie Robinson 173%, Charlie McRae 70%, Mathew ,Greer 70%, Fanny Jacks 76%, Walter ,Arkwell 68%, Eleanor Moore 67%, George Simon 62%, Donald Copeland 60%, Donald Cade 59%, Olive Fisher 58%, Edna Seager 48%. ‘No. on Roll 37. Average attendance 32. No.'of lates 33. 1 Junior IIIâ€"Ruth Elmer (H), Rolph Evans=(H), Madeleine Blomme, Viola IWimbs, Irene Jackson, Hazel Coombs, Eric Trewin, Russell McBain, Helen Dalziel, Archie Taylor, Harold Smith. lBillie Duggan, Ernest Claringbold, Mildred Phinnemore, Ernest Southern Audrey McNamara, Rosemary Ross, Isabel Coull, Jack McNamara, Nora ‘Shergold, George Lulham, Dorothy iTicknory Lloyd Street, Lillian Cole, Francis Hodgins, Roy Line, Evelyn Cooke. Sr IIIâ€"Marjorie Scruby (H), Hicks Smith (H), Kathleen Coull (h), Frank Nicholls (h), Irls‘ Jubb, Margaret Shaw, Edmund Lewis, Victor Westall, Dor’othy Marsh, Clifford Brett, Harold Duggan, Harry Wain. Donald McBain Edna. Jubb, Bryce Merrill, Fred Fish- er, Ivan Cade, Leah Tindall, Bernard Hodgins, Evelyn Westall. 1 Sr. Iâ€"Edith Hunter (H), Jean iJacks (H), Freda Copeland (H), Joyâ€" lce Bridger, Reggie Jubb, Harold Dean, Joseph Blomme, Gladys Skilton Margaret Seager, Billie Ferris, Don- ald Gier, Joan Coltman, Jean McCrae, Doris.Rampling equal, Billie Kelly, Doris Hunt, Johnnie Burtt, Wallace Ross, Ellwood McNamara, Charlie Banks. ‘ Sr. IIâ€"Phyllis Burtt. Dorothy Dug- gan, Marjorie Wimbs, Jessie Cade, Francis Blomme, Leonard Jubb, Irene Booth, Lorraine Giles, Malcalm Booth Raymond Round, Willard McNamara, Norma Anaerson, Alfred Prebble, Minnie Moon, Ruby Sayers, Lorne Mc- Namara, (Richard Sayers, Carmen Lockyer, Alfred Wain, Edna Moon. Eddy Arkwell, Audrey Ticknor, Har- old Copeland, Samuel Line. , Jr. lIâ€"Allan Gilmore, Romaine Giles, Charles Shepherd, Arthur Cafï¬n Kenneth Foreman, Beatrice J ohnstone Alma Wardle, Nettie Arkwell, Richâ€" ard Walker; Edna Boxall, Paul Street, Kathleen McCrae, Victor Phennemore, Walter Duggan, Russell Ollerenshaw. Howard Line, Billy Prebble, Robert Lulham. '. Room I â€" Primary I Primerâ€"Betty Hicks, Reta Hodgins .Billy Copeland, Margaret Gwillim, IDoreen Maynard, Bessie McBain, Gladys Hunt, Evelyne Sproule, Robert ‘Chalmes, Ruth Wardle, Edna Brown, |Evelyne Caffin, Connie Duggan, Alice Anchan. Ronnie Johnstone, Nancy lCoull, Dorothy Olleren Shaw. Busy Beesâ€"Billy Jackson, Sammie Kelly, Isabel Hicks, Delva Conner, iShirley Dalziel, A. Colten, June Holliâ€" ’well, Dorothy Burtt, Violet Seager, Georgie Duggan. Bobby Risebrough, Bernard Jubb, Audrey Booth, Neil McNamara, Herbie Phinnemore, Pab- sy Foreman, Betty Coull, Grace Plas- kett, Margery Line. Leonard Heading, Ellen Arkwell. . Number on Roll 40. Average 34. Number late 6. Jr. Iâ€"Mabel Brett (H), Alfred Col- ton (H), Lin Booth (H), Clarence Westall (H), Charlie Wimbs, (Ollie Line, Lawrence Westall, and Clifford Walker equal), Freddie Claringbold, Alvin Patterson, Arthur Southern, Violet Percy, Harold Street. Billie Giles, Rose Nichols, George Sayéwell, Alex. Drury, Peggy Merrill. Number on roll 38. M. JACKSON, teacher School Report Number on roll 47 Number of roll 42 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year's Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 1 ring 5. VV. J- Rtï¬ID Paperhanger and Decorator. Newtonbrook E. B. RUSSELL, teacher i J. MILBU RN, Teacher E .B. TATE, Principal D. SODEN, teacher for September and Editor of the Liberal, Dear Sir:â€" Please allow us space in your valu‘ able pape: to express our opinion in regard tothe action of the Markham Township council re the mOunting of war trophies donated to the Township. To enlighten the public we may state that two machine guns are now in a deplorable state for want 0f pro- per erection and attention, while no one made favourable comment on this worthy piece of work several members of the council voiced their opinions aâ€" gainst it. Mr. Stiver a prominent member spoke of them as popâ€"guns and Mr. Smith said they were of no use. Mr. Beatty wanted to know where they were at preSent. Mr. Padget and Mr. Gohn did not give their opinions. ! Now Mr. Editor, we know these trophies are of no practical'value but we feel that our request deserves more attention than that given by our wor- thy council. Let us keep faith with those who have sacrificed their lives for, us am MARKHAM VETERANS WANT may the memory of their brave deeds SOME ACTION REGARDING be “ever forgone“- WAR TROPHIES l m: “3955311131 LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 749 Crowning Achievement PRODUCT OF with an array of features unusual ï¬or cars in its maxim class NOTHER predestined champion enters the ï¬eld. Keen . . clean-cut . . cap- able !â€"â€"Ready to meet every challenge . . to set a new high record of performance. Oak- land presents the new Olympic Series refreshingly original . . brilliantly executed. Created by engineers famous for their con- tributions to automotive design. Built to amazingly rigid standards of precision ( . on a 117-inch wheelbase. Daring in style . . superb examples of Fisher originality and automobile body genius in creation. Brilliant in beauty . . revealing new harmonies of color and lines‘ Seven new body styles. Triumphantly new _. > different . . ï¬ner. A new chrome-plated radiator . . high . . narrow . . surmount- ed by a large flat bayonet cap . . graced by a new front of exclus- ive chevron design . . flanked by new seamless full-crown fend- ers, with a 71-inch spread, which completely shield the massive new wheels. A sweeping hood . . high and rakish . . distinguished by an Jnnouncing the N EW m The members of the J.W.I. met at of Ithe home of Miss Laura Gee on Sat~ ip, urday, November 3 at 2.30 p.m. The ay meeting opened with the singing of ,w the opening ode, followed by the Lords -0, Prayer. The roll call was splendidly no responded to by a helpful idea for 1i5;hlue Monday. Then followed the de- zrslbate “Resolved that the freedom al- a- lowed to modern young people is good i mt for them.†The affirmative side was ms upheld by Miss Mae Meek and Miss- no Mabel Boynton while the negative was 0W upheld by Miss Dorothy Valliere and at Miss Ethel Mortson. Both sides put ive up a strong argument, but the judges Rev. Haig, Miss Laura Gee and Miss 356 Vera Nidhols finally decided in favour wt of the affirmitive. Miss Pearl Ash, ore .of Toronto, sang a 5010 which was or_ much appreciated by all. Community singing a new idea on the prograin ,hoewas well enjoyed by all. A dainty and‘Iuneh served by the hostess brought ‘ the meeting to a close, THORNHILL, PHONE 41 ‘ Yours truly Markham Tp. War Veterans Associ. Allen Meyer, Secretary-Treasurer Victoria Square Olympic Series GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED By K D. Rgmcr‘ G San. ELIMINATE YOUR WINTER COAL WORRIES BY START- ING OUT THE SEASON RIGHT. ORDER YOUR FUEL SUPPLY NOW, AT THIS FRIENDLY COAL YARD. rig RICHMOND HILL, [YEMESON PHONE. YARD "to ;.W 9me me BLATCHFORD‘S QUAKER OATS CO. We have a good supply of all kinds of poultry feeds Standard Milling and Purina Feeds. woon, nus, CEMENT At the Elevator FEED PHONE 198 Bhï¬gpgesm‘ green PAGE SEVEN azsmeuca