Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1928, p. 3

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Willowdale 69 ' HUdson sew-w Stop 5. Yonge Street. Lansing [In the Toronto Conaorvnory of Hulls. will “up: A number of pupill in Pinon. organ and Theory. Richmond Hill â€"â€" Tuesday & Friday HRS. MYLKs WILLIAM BUCK VIOLINIST Will open a studio in Richmond Hill, for further information apply to Adelmo Melecci, Phone 58-J WRIGHT & TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Oflices Atâ€" I’BORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licenqed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited MAPLE BONDS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE LOANS J. R. HERRINGTON FINANCIAL AGENT We Ire prepared to «30:1;th sales of every duoription. Farms and farm sxock sales a melulcy. Farms bought, and sold on commis- a. All slles attendad to on shortest notice. an] conducted by the most unmoved methods. 85 Years; Practical Experience 078 Beresford Avanue. West Toronto Igndhurst 2821 Telephone lenn’s Drug Store. Rich- mond Hill. for appointment DR. J. P. WILSON Office hours: 9 to 11 am. 6 to 8 p.m.. and by appointment. Office: Centre and Church Sts.. Richmond Hill. Phone 24. Rouge St. ' Edi trucks Insured for Public Liabil. ty and property damaged. DRS. LANGSTAFF‘ North Yonge St. - Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFI‘VAâ€" The Liberal is recognized as one of the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. Office hours ‘DR. IJLLIAN (Dist-uses 015cc hours Telephonq 15_35 DR. CHARLES S. DUNNING Express and Long Distance Movng Sand and Gravel Delivered Dumn Trucks for Hire By flour or Cnntract Stonffville CARTAGE AND EXPRESS Plowing and Garden Work Sand and Grave]. Concrete Work. DR. WTSALEM CALDWELL FREDERICK M. PQLLETI‘ Pupil 0! Ernest Seitz Conservatory Examinations locoâ€"$20 per term (20 lesson.) haloâ€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps. Richmond Streetâ€"Phone 13W. Office Hoursâ€"8 to 10 am. 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 l‘elephone 3 PRENTICE & PRENTICE Office hours: 1:24.15; 6-7.15. Capitol Bldg.. Yonge St. Hud. 1133: Ram]. 2121. Office hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7.30-9. BERT HUMPHREY FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMERS New Limousine Ambulances TELEPHONE AUCTIGNEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol 812., K. G. Prentice. Milliken. Toronto. Hud. 1347W. A. STONEHOUSE VOL. LI. Licensed Auctioneer County of York Live Stock and General Sales Conducted with Effeciency Phone Stouffville 9003 JOHN R. CAMPBELL JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner WILSON’S CARTAGE ADELMO MELECCI Veterinary Surgeon THORN HILL Poyntz A\'e., Lansing. Willow. 140. Professional And Business Directory BUSINESS GEORGE KEAYS OAK RIDGES MUSICAL $1.50 PER YEAR Phone 87, Richmond Hill. MEDICAL 0.. LANGSTAFFâ€"_ of women and children) I: 8 p.111. Phone 100 MAPLE n.m ONTARIO Ontario MCGUIRE. AD. 0177 Banish“. solicitor; me. (William Cook F, Gordon Cook Toronto Oflice: 816 Federal Building. 8:3 Richmond St. We" Richmond Hill Oflice (Liberal omce) over) Thursday (oreuoon. Maple, Thursdny utter noon. Woodbridge, Saturday afternoon. Monov to loan at Current Rate A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON BARRISTER 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Street: Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4,879 MAPLE Bun-late“, Solicitors. Natale! Telephone Adelaide 2108 offices: 85 Richmond St. Wen, Toronto Naughton Block. Aurora SolicHors for: Aurora. Richmond Bill. King. Whitchurch, Markham and North Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill. 5048 J. Harry Naughton, Res. E‘Rin Mills. Res. Phone 127,2 T. C. NEWMAN BA RRISTER. SOL-ICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC Toronto Office, 1 8 Toronto St., Phone, ELGIN 1887 Richmond Hill, Thursday afternoons Office, A. Mill's Showrooms, East side of Yonge Street, Immediately south of Hill’s Garage Phone Richmond Hill 125 Money to loan at current rates Dentist Office: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 Barristers. Solicuurs, Etc. Rooms 503 Northern Ontario Bldg, cor. Adelaide and Bay Sts., Toronto. William Douglas, K.C, Donald Douglas \ Wilson N. Robinson Money to loan. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s 01d Stand Yonge St. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. RICHMOND HILL Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every Saturday. FRIDAY, 1.30 P.M. T0 8 P.M. Office hours 9 am. to 5 pm. Evenings by Appointment. Telephone 80 Dr. M. J. QUIGLEY NAUGHTON & JENKINS Dentist Office, Davies Store Tuesday's:â€"â€"9 3.211. to 9 11.111. Thursday'szâ€"7 to 9 p.211. Gag Extraction at Aurora Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Hon. W.H. McGuire, Vincent C. MacDonald L.S.B. James A. Boles, B.A. Adelaide and Victoria Sts. 0177 Toronto AD. 1 DOUGLAS. DOUGLAS & ROBINSON DENTIST Standard Bank Building Thornhill 2135 Yonge Street Toronto. HYLAND 1898 and 1900 MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY WILLIAM COOK & COOK Paperhanger and Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year‘s Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 1 ring 5. \‘T. J. {{EII) DR. E. J. HENDERSON BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC. Boot and Shoe Repairer. Standard Bank Building. CAMPBELL LINE HAROLD J. KIRBY Dr. W. Finlay MAPLE HOTEL Telephoneâ€"Maple 3 DENTAL LEGAL MACDONALD & BOLES .. L. R. BELL Oflice Hours GEO. KIDD DENTIST ONTARIO AD. 0178 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1928 Mr. Wesley Middleton was engaged on motion of the council to act as ‘manager of the arena for the coming season. The manager will act in co- operation with the arena committee of the council in the administration this winter and 'it is hoped by this new ventnure to greatly increase the revenue from the rink at the same time make it of greater enjoyment to the patrons of skating and hockey. A real live program for the year will be carried out both in hockey and skat- ing. There is a possibility that there will be skating three nights a week in- stead of two as in the past and there will be a number of novel features in- cluding,‘ attractive carnivals, skating parties and a mocassin dance is sugâ€" gested for early in the season. The selling of season tickets will be con- sidered and announcement in this re- gard will probably be made in the near future. The rink committee and the new manager are determined to ‘utilize the arena this year to the best ladv’antage and are looking to the general public for co-operation. Richmond Hill Council met in Spec- ‘ial session on Monday evening with Reeve J. Lunau in the chair and coun- cillors James McLean, and Albert Chapman present. On motion it was decided that any action on the propos- ed equalization of the assessment of the village should be left over until the new year to be dealt with by the 1929 council. Reeve Lunau suggest- ed a motion making recommendation but the members of the conncil did not concur in the suggestion. Coun- cillor Cha'pman said the new council should be left to deal with the quest- ion as they saw fit. “They w0uld pay no attention to any recommendations from the old council" he said. WILL ALTER CONTENTIOUS The boiler at the arena was report. CLAUSE IN MUNICIPAL HALL ed to be in a bad state of repair and AGREEMENTâ€" “WES” MIDDLE. in such a condition that it would cost TON APPOINTED AS ARENA almost as much to fix it as to buya MANAGER new one. The members of the council will look at several boilers this Week Richmond Hill Council met in sp'ec- and will purchase one which will be ial SESSiOD 0“ Monday evening With better suited for the purpose. Prices Reeve J. Lunau in the chair and mum quoted ranged from $175 upwards_ ASSESSMENT EQUALIZATION LEFT FOR THE 1929 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL The Portland, Oregon, paper of 0c- tober 16th carries the following ac- count of the death of a former resi- dent of Vaughan Township. Former Vaughan Resident Called' By Death Dr. Thomas W. Kirby, prominent Portland physician, died Tuesday at the Good Samaritan hospital. Dr. Kirby was born at Maple, Canada, near Toronto, October 11, 1867. He attended Toronto university in the do- minion and later passed the council of physicians and surgeons of Ontario which gave him the privilege of prac- ticing any place in Canada. In 1895 _he went to Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., where he practiced for nine years. In 1904 he went abroad for two years, studying first in Guys hospital, Lon.â€" don, and then at the Royal infirmary, Edinburgh. At Edinburgh, because of his high scholastic standing, he was made fellow of the royal college of surgeons, one of the highest honors in the medical profession. tan hospital. Dr. Kirby is survived by his widow, Mrs. Violet Chisholm Kirby, and a daughter, Elizabeth. Funeral servâ€" ices were conducted by Downing’s residential funeral home, at the Port. land crematorium chapel. Pallbearâ€" ers were Drs. W. H. Holden. Harold Every branch of farm work, farm machinery, stock, etc" has an expert writer in the Family Herald and Weekly Star, the recognized first writers in Canada. Dr. Kirby came to Portland in 1908 and had resided here since then. He examined all British recruits going from Portland during the world war, 1914 to 1918. He was also surgeon in this city for the British Benevolent society, and examiner for two insur: ance companies. He was a member of the Oregon State Medical society and of the Academy of Medicine, and ‘was formerly president of the Doc- tors’ association of the Good Samari- sean Council Decides To Take No Action On This Important Matter In Dying Hours DR. THOMAS W. KIRBY » Drs. W. H. Holden, Harold , J. Chipman, William Dixon Wiley and Alvin W. Baird. xii/Magml. Councillor McLean suggested that ‘possibly the council should take some action regarding the proposal of the T.T.C. to abandon ' the radials on ‘North Yonge Street. Mr. McLean Reeve Lunau and councillor Chapman all expressed opinions against any proposition which would interfere with the radials but the Reeve inti- mated that probably a joint meeting of the municipalities interested would be held in the near future and that Richmond Hill could then join in any joint action which was taken. Reeve Lunau said he could not think that the T.T.C. would discontinue service south of Richmond Hill at least. The practice of citizens dumping ashes on the roadside was discussed and it was intimated that such a practice ‘should not be continued. It was characterized as a habit which gave the town an unsightly appear- ance and the citizens are asked to re- frain from such practice and to con- fine the dumping of ashes to their own property. It was decided that several ditches around the town should be cleaned out and a culvert will be constructed on Benson Avenue if the weather condit- ions permit. No action was taken on the propos- ed agreement to acquire the old high School as a municipal building. The council will have the solicitor make a minor change in the reading of one clause relating to the building of the new rooms on the Public School and when this is done the agreement will again be submitted to the School Board and will be considered by the council. Mrs. W. Brumwell is at pres‘ent spending a few weeks with Mrs. E. Forester, Toronto. Her many friends here hope that hér treatments in Tor- onto will bring the desired results. Mr. Frank Brumwell returned from the Northern Wilds on Saturday. He reports a very pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Boynton, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sanderson and Mrs. M. Perkins attended the funeral of their cousin. Mr. Lundy, of Brampton, on Tuesday. Rey. W. Haig preached anniversary services at Bond Head on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Burgess, of Bond Head 0c- cupied the pulpit here. I Mr, C. Moynihan and family moved to their farm east of Aurora last week. These people have been with us for a number of year; and they have made themselves a blessing of the community. Their fine public spirit, their industry; and their will- ingness to be neighborly and useful have won for them the esteem of a large circle of friends. We hope that success may crown their efforts in their new home. withdrawn on eral car loads semces Church Miss Dorothy Valliere gave an inte- resting address at Sunday School last Sunday on “Friendship.” Mr. J. McCague, of Alliston few hours with us on Sunday PAINTER&DECORAT0R VICTORIA SQUARE Telephone Stouffville 6116 Estimates Cheerfully Given Wall Paper Supplied if Desired Victoria Square H. FORSTER ser tier fr I‘ue ice of this place was sday evening. Sev- m here” attended the mend Hill United n, spent WILCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LIMITED W. H. LEGGE, Manager OFFICE: RESIDENCE NIGHTS & HOLIDAYS RICHMOND HILL, TEL. 92. TELEPHONE 2 1- 12 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY S. A. Barraclough, When Building Enquire Abafii RICHMOND HILL MOTORS C. Swanson 8: F. COX WE BUY YOUR STOCK FROM STOCK PURCHASED FROM US. The Jones Lumber Company Agnew Fox & Fur Co. OFFERS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR IN THEIR CHINCHILLA RABBITS. YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL Marbelite Brick Whatever on the cue We’ll diagnose the case in a jiffy, and apply first aid treat- ment. Our service is prompt, courteous, efficient, and our rates are reasonable. Just try us! Don‘t let your car go to pieces while you are napping. We cafi fix it for you, expertly and promptly. at a reasonable WE SELL ONLY FROM OUR PRIZE WINNING STRAIN price Convert Your Attic Into Ari Attractive Extra Room at Low Cost With GYPROC Send for handsome.- free book; “Walls That Reflect Good Judgment." It gives valuable information on Gyproc and interior decoration QAHADA GYPSUM AND WINE. LIMIT!!! Pud- (OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SATISFIED) ail ONE CUSTOMER MADE $500.00 FROM FIVE DOES IN ONE YEAR London, Ontario MANUFACTURED BY we are the Auto Doctors to consult with For Sale By TIP-TOP SHAPE NOW is the TIME To Get Your Auto Our Representative in this District The Liberal plant is equipped to do‘ all kinds of commercial and generAI printing and can attend to all orders promptly and at reasonable prices. Richmond Hill, On‘t. Richmond Hill, Ont. PRINTING TEL. 69. N0. 20

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