r-___V_.i ' PAGE FOUR ______________________..___-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Newtonbrook Newsy Notes Mrs. Drewry, corner of Connaught Avenue and Yonge Street, met with a very painful accident a few evenings ago by being knocked down by an automobile. She was badly bruised and unconscious for some time. Acâ€" cording to last reports, however, she is doing nicely. The Bazaar conducted by the Wo-l man’s Association of the United Church, on Thursday, November 15, proved not only a successful financial enterprise but a delightful social event as well. There was a constant stream of visitors, who not only pur-. chased readin the beautiful things exhibited but enjoyed the afternoon tea, many staying for supper and the lecture. The bazaar was gracefully opened by Mrs. Phillip Jourdan, the widow of a former pastor, and during the afternoon music was provided by Miss Helen Bales. In the evening. Rev. R. Newton Powell, of Toronto, delivered his lec- ture, “A Trip Through Europe,†wh- ich was illustrated by slides. He took his hearers through France and Swit- zerland and Italy and ended by exhib- iting scenes of the battlefields, graves and monuments erected to the mem- ory of Canadian soldiers in Northern France. ' , The Woman’s Missionary Society met on Tuesday afternoon, at the Parsonage. 'IMrs. Cade gave a very interesting and informing talk on the origin on missionary work by the Canadian church in Angola, Portug- uese West Africa. Mrs. D. H. Bales contributed a special solo to the plea- sure of the members. Keen interest was taken in the Miss- ionary anniversary services last Sun- day. Mr. Arthur T. Ingram gave a good business-like address, full of in- formation and inspiration in the mor- ning. We hAve sent fellow men and women into the mission fields to be our representatives and' it is both our privilege and our obligation to sup- port them. Excellent reports were brought from all the farâ€"flung line of our missionary work. Over one thousand missionaries are giving a good account of themselves. It is the part of the church at home to be equally faithful, consecrated and self- sacrificing. In the evening the Rev. Denzil G. Ridout, one of the Secretaries of the fund, gave a stirring address illustra- ted with slides depicting missionary work as it is now done by our miss- ionaries. It was a graphic exhibition of the beneficent work financed and supported by our Church people and it was thrilling to realize that such good work was being done for needy people in so many different places. Truly. they, who do and support such enterprises, are the children of God and the friends of man. Monday evening proved to be very unpleasant. expected speaker the pastor, Rev. E. R. Young, gave an addreSs that dealt with one phase of citizenship work, “The Clash of Color." He'took his hearers on a little trip to “The land of the Darkies,†and while it had much that was provocative 0f thought and revealed hard social problems that were far from being solved, the address was full of humor and laught- er, such as is revealed in the life, stories and savings of these colored people. Those present thought they had a most enjoyable evening and felt well repaid for braving the unpleas- ant weather. Miss Irene Smith con- tributed a , special solo, which was much enjoyed, and Miss Eva Tate was the chairman. The people here are looking for- ward to the week bf preaching and s‘ong to be conducted by the distingu- ished preacher, Rev. Solomon Cleaver D.D., of Toronto, and which begins next Sunday morning. Dr. Cleaver has filled some of the most important pulpits, not only in Toronto, but in Ontario. He is now giving himself to evangelistic work and has conductâ€" ed many successful campaigns iii many parts of the country. quence, hopefulness and personal charm make a strong appeal to old and young alike, but especially to the young people. To hear Dr. Cleaver once, people desire to follow him to the close of the meetings. NEWTONBROOK UNITED CHURCH A : Week of» Preaching 5-2 and Song" Sunday, Nov. 25, 11am. to Sunday, Dec. 2, 7p.m. Every Week Night (e Rev. Solomon xcept Sat.) at 8 p.m. Cleaver, D.D. in the Song Services, the Church Choir will be assisted by Mr. Alex Park, of Toronto, on Sun- days; and on week evenings, by the Rev. A. H. Halbert, of King. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL. / A First Aider to the Rescue a snowy ho Oil and mode :2 tuuz'n lns'rtivlian < Aidel's whoan . assistance. linrx'.‘ Bell l’lnni work. re In the absence 0f the \ment which was reported last week His eloâ€"l THE LIBERAL. BLCHXON'D HILL. ONTARIO Dr. Cleaver will be assisted in song Inot only by the choir of the church, W WILLOWDALE ‘ but also by Mr. Alex. Park. of Toron- ,REEVE w. w. ANDERSON mm. to, on the Sundays and by Rev. A. H. ‘ Halbert, of King. at the week even- ing services. Services at the usual hours on Sundays and every evening during the week at eight o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all who can attend. CARRVILLE Miss Evelyn Murray, of Toronto, spent the week end at her home here. Miss Catherine Epp is spending a few weeks holidays with her parents at Gormley. The date of the Christmas entertain- for December 20 has been changed to December 18th. ‘ The Y. P. S. this week will be in charge of Miss Thora Allen and Mr. Lloyd Vanderburgh. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. A. ~ Patterson is quite ill and We all hope for her a speedy recovery. .A. The church and school have been wired for electric lights and we hope to have the power turned on in the near future. Richvale ' daughter in Toronto. Mrs. S. Koning of Spruce Avenue, spent the week-end with her son and Come to the Sunday school in the Community Church, Richvale, every Sunday at 2.30 p. in. Good teachers, good singing, and classes for all ages. Church service at 3.30 p. m. each Sun- day, bright helpful services. Rev. E. A. Lunau, pastor. ‘ .â€" Mrs. Peter Herd and Mrs. Farrants spent a very pleasant afternoon on Tuesday with Mrs. Koning, of Rich- vale. MARKHAM The engagement is announced of Miss Effie Irene Wagg, youngest daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Cephas VVagg to Mr. J. C. Davidson, of Oak- wood, the, wedding to take place this month. Rev. Major and Mrs. Burch, of St. Andrew’s church, Scarboro, were in town last Thursday calling on Mr. and Miss Cheyne. Sunday was anniversary in the Uni- ted church and large congregations were present. at both services. The choir renduring special music and also gave a concert Monday evening, but owing to inclement weather it was not largely attended. Mrs. Thos. Underwood has returned from a motor trip to Ottawa, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Arm- , strong. Miss Whitson, of Claremont, Miss Winnie Abrahams, of Uxbridge, Miss Brown, of Toronto and Miss Annie Hossack, of Orillia, called on Miss ‘ Margaret Lawrie on Thursday after- 110011. A. C. HENDERSON THORNHILL, ONTARIO PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs RETIRE FROM OFFICE Reeve \V. W. Anderson. of North‘ York township announced this week that he yould not contest the recvm‘, ship in the coming municipal elections Mr. Anderson is retiring after three years of service in the township. the‘ last two of which have been spent in the recve's chair. In conjunction with Mr. Anderson's retirement, James Muirhead. veteran councillor, has announced that he will be a Mr. Muirhead is the only member of the present council who has held con- tinuous office since the formation of the township in 1922. He was a mem- ber of the committee which divided the present municipality from the old original York township. While no formal announcement has as yet been made it is believed that R. F. Hicks, who was in the reeve’s chair prior to Mr. Anderson’s election, will oppose Mr. Muirhead. _r Another good test of will power is to sit beside the driver and not com- ment on his technique. Another good intelligence test is the choice between a $30 white-collar job and a $75 overall job. An executive is a man who looks solemn and tells you to go ahead and do the best. you can. Ten Years In Hospitals How would you like to spend ten {ears of your life in hospita a? Per- aps you would be glad to if you had no other home most of the time and the hospital offered of staying alive. Mrs. Patrick has been living this way tor years. Her trouble? Common enoughâ€"consump- tion, and she is poor and almost friendless. Her 1preach ay at the Toronto Hospita tor sumptives has done her so much g'qod. however, that she bdeves she will stay out for'good when she leaves. She is anxrous to get away to a. quiet life in some synal totvn, perhaps to open a. small millinery shop. The excellent treatment .she has been getting has put new life and new hope in Mrs. Patrick: but, of course, she and so many hundreds of others who have spent their last cent in the search for health must he helped by warmâ€" hearted friends. A contribution from you would be greatly appreciated. Such may be sent to Hon. W. A. Charlton or A. E. Ames. 223 College Street. ToRnto 2, Ontario. Application to Parliament NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Corporation Richmond Hill intend to apply to the Legislature of the Province of Ontar- io, at the next Session thereof, for an Act of Parliament, for the following purposes: To consolidate a floating indebted- ness of Thirteen thousand, three hun- dred dollars ($13,300.00) of the said Corporation and to authorize the Cor- poration to provide, by By-law, to be passed without submitting the same to the taxpayers authorized to vote on money Byâ€"laws, for borrowing up- on debentures of the said Corporation the said sum of Thirteen thousand, three hundred dollars ($13,300.00) to pay off the present floating debt of the Corporation. The existing debenture debt of the said Corporation is as follows:â€"-â€" the only chance The Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill, by Naughton and Jen- kins, Room 508, 85 Richmond Street, West, Toronto, its’ Solicitors. Dated at Toronto, this 20th day of November, 1928. TAXES The 3rd Instalment of the current candidate for the vacant post. a c l of the Village of. Debentures issued for general purposes $123,515.00 Debentures issued for school pur- poses $118,020.07 Debentures issued for Local Im- provements $5,187.94 ; THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22nd. 1928 ., v. ..._ Mm Classified Advertising “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKIl THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst itsertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. each insertion. FOR SALEâ€"Used warm air furnace, nearly new, reason for sellinng, not large enough and will arrange for installation if (lesired. Apply Box 35 Liberal. NOTICEâ€"~We have 15 storm sash, as- sorted sizes which we are offering at greatly reduced prices. Apply Jones Lumber Co., Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"6 ton sweet turnips, cheap. Apply Jno. Hallidayy 141/2 Yonge Street, Doncaster Gardens. FOR SALEâ€"The following furniture in good condition, square extension table $8.00; round dining room tab- le, $10.00; five dining room chairs, $7.00; also five gallon Triumph tin churn $3.00. E. H. Sharpless, stop 24 Yonge Street. NOTICEâ€"Radio Batteries charged with rental. 75 cents, also car batteries. Apply Mr. L. Midgley, Stop 19, Langstaff, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"Good work horse and light buggy. Apply Maple, Phone 1160. Wâ€" LOSTâ€"Black collie pup, fawn and white markings, three months old. Reward, Stephenson Bros, Phone Maple 1449‘. \FOR SALEâ€"Good cow, fresh beginn- ing of new year, also mangles and turnips. Apply Mrs. Turkwish, Clement division. Richmond Hill, Ontario. FOR SALEâ€"A quantity of canned to- matoes, beats, and fruit. Anyone desiring to get same call before end of the month. Apply Miss Ness, Centre St. West, Richmond Hill. / 'FOR SALE, to Close an estate cott- age with about third of an acre, 5 fruit trees, stable, and assembly Hall 24 x 45, garage and store room under, good well with own pump, at Teston, Maple R. R. 1, bus serv- ice twice daily to Toronto. King, Maple and Concord. C. H. Byam,| Maple, Ontario. 'FOR SALEâ€"Registered Hampshire ewe and ram lambs. R. Stone- house, lot 8, con. 5, Markham, R. R.i 1 Unionville, phone 1939. FOR SALE â€"1 Milking goat. Apply to Cecil Witney, R. R. 1, Maple, On- tario. _______4â€"â€"â€" FOR SALEâ€"â€"â€"Overland Touring car, complete $20 or best offer. Apply 15 Pleasant Boulevard, Toronto. can be seen corner Elmwood apd Lennox Avenue, Richmond Hill. ______#__#_â€"â€"â€"â€" C A N A R I E Sâ€"Guaranteed singing canaries for sale at moderate pric- es, make an ideal Christmas giftâ€"â€" call and see them at Mrs. W. B. Graham’s, Dufferin St., Richmond Hill. Sick birds restored to health and song. Telephone 78-W. ______________â€"â€"-â€"â€"- WANTEDâ€"To buy good milch cow, state age, price and breed.’ Apply by letter to Box 85 Liberal Office. ,HAIRDRESSING â€"â€" Marcelling and etc., Mrs. Russell, Centre St., West, Phone 178. l l | l l . Bargain in year's Taxes is due on November 15 Five per cent. discount will be allowed to parties paying their taxes to the Village Treasurer at his office on or before NOVEMBER 30th. A. J. HUME. Treasurer (‘LERKS NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF Voters’ List .1928 Municipality Richmond Hill ('OIVNTY OF YORK. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the \‘otci's‘ List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Richmond Hill. on ilic 5th day of Ntnscmbel‘ 19;“. all persims entitled 1.. ‘.'--:c- in 1h»,- lis'. of Municipalin fur mend. ‘11»: MIC-ill bill :15 Ill: t‘Llrk‘ 1.x. j.‘ 7» « «115.; CEDAR POSTS We have more cedar posts on hand than we wish to carry over and will lsell while they last. 1 3 to 4†posts in lots of 25 or more l20 cents each. ' 5" posts in lots of 50 or more 35c each 16†posts in lots of 50 or more 40c each l These are yard prices. Tax Free JONES LUMBER C0.. Richmond Hill Ontario _â€"_____â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that Flor- ence Jane Sheppard of the Town of Newmarket. in the County of York, in _the Province of Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next sittings thereof for a Bill of Di- vorce from her husband. Deston Syl- vester Sheppard. of the Town of Bowmanvillc. in the County Of Dur- ham. Garage Mechanic. nn the ground of adultery. DATED at Newman'le in the Pro. Six hundred dollars cash. Located Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra WANTEDâ€"Written applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of caretaker of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Address applications to J. E. Smith, __l____.â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" FOR SALE â€" 100 acre farm, good bank barn and brick house, driving shed, pig pen, hen house, and straw shed, 10 acres good hardwood bush. Apply to the owner George Prentice Milliken, Ontario. FOR SALE or RENTâ€"Six roomed house and two acres of land, at El- gin Mills, immediate possession. Apply W.H. Legge, Richmond Hill. _'_'__â€"_._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" FOR SALEâ€"3 roomed cottage, on Centre Street, east, must be moved from its present location, price right. Apply Jones Lumber 00., Richmond Hill, Ont., phone 27. ’_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-’â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"'â€"_ . FOR RENTâ€"-6 roomed house on Elm-" abeth Street, Richmond Hill, good orchard, ' electric light, moderate rent. Apply L. B, Finch, 496-A, Ossington Ave., Toronto, phone Lombard 8511. __,____’_i_â€"â€" 1 SALE REGISTER SALE BILLS The Liberal reaches the district you want to cover in advertising your auction sale. Our Job Printing de- partment turns out that better class of sale bills which attracts and brings results. If you are considering havâ€" ing a sale consult us and we will gladly assist in arranging your bills and advertising. Saturday, November 24â€"Auction' sale of valuable farm property, farm stock, implements, grain, household goods, etc. The property of the es- tate of the late Thos. Alpine, Lot 23, con. 3, North York Township, Duffer- in St. Sale at 1 o’clock sharp. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auct’s. Saturday, November 24â€"Auction sale of 5 acres of standing timbers, mixed hardwood, the property of OH. Jones, lot 30, rear concession 2, Vaug- han. Sale at 2.30 p.m. Terms, $10 and under cash, over that amount 3 months credit on approved joint notes. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Saturday, December lstâ€"â€"Auction sale of a valuable property, fine brick horse stable, good lot, furniture etc., at Lansing, Yonge Street, the proper- ty of the late Mrs. Johnston. Terms, for furniture cash, real estate made known on day of sale. Sale at 1.30 o'clock. Prentice & Prentice, Auct’s. Saturday, December ï¬lthâ€"Important credit sale of high class Jerseys, farm stock, implements, furniture, roots, hay, grain, etc., on lot 1, rear of 10th con., Markham townline the property of Reesor Bros. Sale at 10 o’clock. Lunch provided. 11 months credit. No reserve as the farm is sold. Prent- ice and Prentice, Auctioneers, 4151 Balliol Street, Toronto. Tuesday, December Nthâ€"Import- ant credit sale of farm stock, imple- ments, hay, grain, etc., the property of William Pellatt, lot 14. rear of con 6, Markham. Sale at 1 o’clock. 11 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, auctioneers. Wednesday, December Illâ€"Import- ant credit sale of high class dairy herd, farm stock, implements, furnit- ure, hay, grain, roots, etc., lot 15, con. 3. Scarboro, Malvern, the property of John Underwood. Sale at 11 o’clock. Lunch provided. No reserve farm sold. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers, 415 Balliol St., Toronto. Saturday, December l5thâ€"Valuable farm property will be offered for sale by public auction, the property of Mrs. E. J. Kane, lot 18, rear 2nd con, Mark- ham. Terms made known on day of sale. Sale at 2 o’clock. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. _______4___._-__â€"â€"â€" Notice to Creditors All persons having claims against the estate of William Minton, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Farmer, who died on or about. Thursday ZTth of Septemâ€" ber 1928 are hereby notified, to send to the undersigned Administrator on or before 30 days from November 8th, 1113.“. full particulars of their claims. Vince of Ontario. this nilill‘x ‘13}? "*5 NW immediately after that (late the as- ‘~'L'Itrlwl'. 1013b. wt' end Tl.“ inlc-‘tall- will be distribu- Nf‘l{.\l.\.\‘ l.. .‘l.\'l‘lili\\'5. « ‘ , aw; ‘1 r ' entitled tlwre- NW u. .t"-.w‘. "Y“""1FI "1:; royal .’ u! iv to Hill :15 (If s ‘ r “ 1 ‘ .‘n ’ ’ .- i H: _\\l.n::.l:il';1lni‘ shall then 1141‘: l’. lice. '1‘}. .. ,y. mfg D . 'i r. Nikon" ‘1 ll ll. “ » Till day 8,. '_ l‘l-Z’vi' ' 'i l‘ of .er‘W liilu'l‘ All†7‘12“ \! .‘ i4. l“: .\‘.l‘: :'\lll'll"‘,l ‘Nilliâ€" , ,1 . l -‘~ _ iii: mum Firiv'urd y I I “Ii-J I ‘ 313.11 :1. l‘.):(u‘tllui>’, I » i ' r v ii.’ i" 1‘ i" w ' ' t '1‘, Line. ‘ lui llill. l'!il.u_‘lv'.