Owing Halbert, charge c Church 1 A number from here attended the Royal Winter Fair, and all report it as being the best ever. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Legge and Mr. and Mrs. RA. Egan attended the ban- quet in Toronto, given in honor of the Wardens. Mrs. Silk and daughter, Dorothy spent the weekâ€"end with friends in To- ronto. Real estate is booming in King, Mr. H. Hambly has sold another eighteen acres of land for $200.00 an acre. This is the town where property increases in value. Come here and invest in property of real value. It pays. The Y.P.S. was held this week at the parsonage, there was a large atâ€" tendance and it being literary night the life of Tennyson was given by Miss Doris Patton, MESS Grace Stone sang with great expression. “Crossing the Bar.†Miss Mable Wamica, of Barrie, call- ed on friends here last week. Miss B. Fraser spent the week-end with friends in Cookstown. Remember the bazaar to be held in the United Church on‘ December 7th, commencing at 3.30 p. 111. There will be for sale a. full line of children’s wear, aprons, fancy work, notions, homeâ€"made baking and candy, potted meat, pickles, fruit and jellies. Re- serve this date for buying your Christ- mas presents. Afternoon tea will be served. Come and enjoy the after- noon and evening with friends. Mrs. Finn, of Huntsville, was the guest this week, of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Halbert. Miss D. Patton visited with friends in Dundas over the week-end. TEOI=0=O=OI=XO Dl=l0 3 THE TEMPEST will not be shown at the Saturday Matineeâ€"We will show for 9"†chum“ Thunder the Wonder Dog in ‘The Silent Avenger’ _9=0=0=0=0fl0=0=61=0=0 0:0 Comedy “Just Danny†CAPITOL NEWS VOL. LI. Flu: bank wuu thu Mk: murraw P HYLLIS BELLE BENNETT HAVEFL McLaughlin- Buick Capitol Theatre “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†to the absence of Rev. A. H. the Rev. Dr. Harper took f the services in the United ast Sunday. DWGRIHHH KING CITY 7/76/1031?!“ pmducep Presents H15 NEW SCREEN MAWERPIECE/ Monday, Dec. 3 Tuesday, Dec. 4 Wednesday, Dec. present “M: lade" by St Wednesday, p. m., under p. m., 1 Mary’s club in Hill. present “Mary made some Marmaâ€" lade†by St. Leonard’s Players, on Wednesday, December 12th, at 8.15 p. 111., under the auspices of the St. Mary’s Young People’s Recreation club in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill. Admission, Reserved seats 35c. Rush seats, adults 25; children 20 cents. Plan at Glenn’s Drug Store. 28 GALLONS OF WATER PER HEAD CONSUMED IN RICH- ‘ MOND HILL DAILY The annual statement of Municipal Statistics as published by the Ontario Bureau of Municipal affairs which is just to hand gives the following fig‘ ures for the Richmond Hill Muni- cipal Water System; installed in the year 1921, population served 1200, gallons of water consumed during year 12,542,000., average daily con~ sumption per head in gallons 28, ear- nings $5,172.50, operating expenses and capital charges 812,058.78, loss $6,886.28. assets $114,093.73. liabilities $102,668.16. There are 162 municipal water'sys- tems in the province of Ontario and according to the report 103 showed a profit and 59 showed a loss. IT MAY BE YOUR BATTLE YOUR NEIGHBORS OR YOUR NEIGHBORS NEIGHBORS, BUT IT IS A BATTLE WELL WORTH SEEING PLAY IN MASONIC HALL The amateur dramatic league will 'esent “Mary made some Manna- ie" by St. Leonard’s Players, on ednesday, December 12th, at 8.15 m., under the auspices of the St. VETERAN’S CONCERT A real treat in the form of an evening’s entertainment is in store for all who attend the Veteran‘s concert in" the Masonâ€" ic Hall, to-morrow (Friday), evening at 8.15 p. m. Talented artists will contribute to a pro- gram which promises much in mirth and merriment. The cause for which the proceeds will be devoted is a most; wor- thy one and we trust that the concert will be favored with the generous patronage of the peo- ple of this district. 0=0=0=Ol “In Essentials,’ Unity; In Non-esg‘t’nitja/J: Liberty: In All Things. Charity.†RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1928 H I!" LlMlTED ‘I\ H ROGERS BATTERYLESS RADIOS SHANGHAIED ADDED ATTRACTION Charlie Chaplin __;n__ The Young Women’s Auxiliary of the United Church will hold its De- cember meeting on Tuesday evening, December 4th, at eight o’clock at the home of Miss Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Wellman will take up a chapter from the Study Book, and Miss Phyllis Glass will sing. As this is the final meeting for the year, will all the girls who have mite boxes kindly bring them in. All are cordially invited. Notwithstanding the supposedlyI short crop of clover seed during the past season the local seed-cleaning plant is kept very busy and has had to install extra machinery and secure extra help to handle the large quantâ€" ities coming this way. Mrs. Jennie Gunn was called to To- ronto last week, on account of the ill- ness of her mother, Mrs. Lovis, who passed away on Monday. [ The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held last week at the home of Mrs. F. Routley. Mrs. E. R. Young, of Newtonbrook gave an inspiring address, and music- al selections were contributed by the members. Mrs. Robt. Mitchell left last week for her home in D'Arcy. Sask. It is hoped that there will be a good attendance at the Bazaar in St. Stepâ€" hen’s Parish Hall, next Saturday afâ€" ternoo’n. Preparations are being made, by the Sabbath Schools of the village for holding their annual Christmas enter- tainments. A song service under» the auspices of the W.M.S. will be held in St, Andrew’s church next Sunday even- mg. . A number from here attended the Bazaar and tea at Concord last Sat- urday. YOUNG WOMEN‘S A L'XILIARY Topics and Fables MAPLE Louo===louo Yonge at Castlefield HUDson 2172 I Corner Dr. Dales strongly emphaâ€" sized the danger for pedestrians who walk on the highways after dark. He urged that parents should 'Wam their [children of the danger and that if pe- ldestrians must walk on the highway )he said they should be educated to walk against the traffic not with the [traffic as under certain weather con- ditions it was almost impossible for a motorist to see them. He commend- ed the jury for the recommendations {brought in and expressed the hope that the authorities would take some heed of the awful toll of human life on our highways due to the lack of proper accommodation and regul- ations for pedestrians. “Surely†he said the cost of sidewalks on Yonge Street would be more then compenâ€" sated by the saving of human life." The finding of the jury was; “We the jury empanelled to enquiry how and by what means Keith Courtney icame to his death find that he {net death as a result of being struck by a motor car, the driver of which is unâ€" known. We also find that the driv- er of said car was driving negligently and recklessly. We would also recoâ€" mmend that in View of the increasing number of accidents of this nature that sidewalks properly lighted be provided on Yonge Street for the safety of pedestrians.†The personnel of the jury was; A‘ T. Minm's, (foreman), James Hiltz William Davies, E, Reesor, A. A. Ed- en, Frank Sims, W. Middleton, and J‘ E. Smith. The Maple Dramatic Club under the direction of Mrs. A. S. Kerr will preâ€" sent the comedy. Are You a Mason? in Edgeley Community Hall, Decem- ber 6th at 8.15. Admission, adults 35 compact I Crown Attorney Moore spoke in [very strong terms concerning- the scoundrel motorist who had not the decency and humanity to come to the ,rescue of the little lad and render [first aid. ,It was deduced in evidence ‘that the driver of the car had come to a stop but apparently on realizing the seriousness of the accident start- ed his car and drove away at a high rate of speed making- his indentifi- cation impossible by those near the accident, although chase was immedi- ately given. The witnesses heard at the inquest were, Highway Traffic Officer Mont- gomery, Constable Sid Barracloug'h, George Allison who was first at the scent of the accident, George Reyn-I olds, Mr. Courtney, father of the boyl who was killed, and an eight year oldl brother of the deceased who accomp-~ anied his brother to the Langstaffl store on the night of the fatal acci- dent and who was walking ten or twelve feet behind his brother when the accident occurred. The inquest opened on Thursday evening last November 22nd, when a number of witnesses were heard, but was adjourned on suggestion of the crown for one week so that further {efforts might be made to track to {earth the owner of the death car. The jury resumed deliberations on Wednesday night, but no new eviden- ,ce was submitted although it was clearly intimated that the authorities are still very active in the case and are doing all possible to apprehend the guilty party. Several clues are in the possession of the police and may lead to an arrest any day. hit-and-run motorist on Yonge Street just south of Langstaff on Saturday, November 17th. That sidewalks properly' lighted should be provided on Yonge Street for pedestrians was one of the chief recommendations of the coroners jury enquiring concerning the death of Keith Courtney who was killed by a APPEAL TO AUTHORITIES TO TAKE ACTION TO SAVE AW- FUL TOLL OF HUMAN LIFE nts ; children Since it uses the other kind of pow- r, perhaps a peace pact means a LIGHTS AND SIDEWALKS FOR YONGE STREET ARE JURY’SRECOMMENDATION Edgeley cent ‘- Several men are at work extending the Hydro line to Gormley. We notice [among them Mr. Allen Hoover, of ;Gormley, who last winter served his iapprentice as a butcher. We notice gal: his present task he usually wears his overcoat, while last Winter while iin the employ of a private party he found it invariably necessary to doff his clothes and create heat by hard work. Judging from the expression these men carry on their faces while at work, we presume to think that ‘they enjoy their labours for Hydro lElectric Company. Mr. Jerrold Freeland has secured a lposition as clerk in a butcher shop in .Toronto. ! Mrs. W. Haig spent a couple of days ‘last week with friends in Toronto. She had Harold to see his father, Rev. F. Stanley who set out for his mission field in Africa on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenï¬edy of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. John Mortson on Sunday. The Bible class in Sunday school en- joyed a new leader on Sunday in the person of Mr. Brown. Mr. Lechuyer is busy at present as he I The chief item of interest for the {week is the Royal Fair. The flower {display attracts the eyes of everyone. Messrs Thomas and John Frisby reâ€" ceived a fine sum of money in prizes. They received firsts, in fall wheat, red ‘clover, timothy, and beans. In all we ‘believe their prizes for grains and ‘seeds amounted to about $200, Rev. W. Haig gave a. very interest- ing address in Sunday School on Sun- day, taking for his subject. “Guide Posts of Peace.†Mr. Thos. Frisby had an excellent yield of red clover, it turning out five bushels of choice seed to the acre. Mr. James Dennie and other mem- bers of his family enjoyed a pleasant motor trip in their new car on Tues- day. James proves himself to be a very careful and efficient driver. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP FARMERS WON PRIZES AT ROYAL he Square to wire Mon, Tues., Wed‘y, December 3, 4, 5 The Triumphant Return of The White Sister Another from Meighan to add to your gallery of great pictures seenâ€"Action‘ Drama, Thrills. Defeat Victory and Romance. u THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT ‘â€" YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. THOMAS MEIGHAN in ‘1‘ The RACKET†BEQEQEP..AI!1§€§1§E The World’s Premier Jockey Riding for a King starring LILLIAN GISH with RONALD COLMAN The greatest romantic action picture of them all has been brought back for the pleasure of new millions. You will be Thrilled, Captivated, Exalted as Never Before. Comedy Victoria Square with LOUISE WOLHEIM â€" MARIE PREVOST OMEDY Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1 STEVE DONOGHE Brown. is busy at present as he use and barns north of VAUDEVII ontIac ALSOé The J.W.I. Will meet at the home of Miss Millicent Klinck on Saturday, December 1st at 2.30 pm. The ad- dress of the afternoon will be given by Rev. W. W. Haig' and the roll call will be answered by a Christmas re- cipe. Each member is asked to bring a pound box of home-made candy with recipe attached. Prizes will be given for the best box of candy. , W. C.’T. U. MEETING The monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. under the Citizenship depart- ment will be held at the home of Mrs. Wellwood on Tuesday, December 4th. at 3 p. m. Temperance gleanings from other countries will be given. Miss Blanche Britnell, a gold medal elocutionist will recite. Ladies of the community are cordially invited. NEWS EVENTS Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE News Events A U S TIN’S ‘Drug’ Store ylu‘ VDVIV RICHM ND HILL,O J. W. I. MEETING